In this paper, we propose a transformation fro m Ecore
metamode ls to induc tive types. This transformation
allows to set u p a mode l-driven language engineering
chain, e.g., involving Xtext and, at the same time, to
specify the language using a proof assistant, such as
Coq, and then prove properties of this specifica tion.
In comparison to previous work (Djeddai et al., 201 2;
Klint and van der Storm, 2016), our transformation
has fewer co nstraints on the source Ecore metamodel
and ensures stronger typing in the generated inductive
types, but it is not bijective.
To validate our pr oposal, we implement the
transformation using QVT-Operation al, Acceleo, and
EMF-and- Java. Then we f etch 151 (meta )meta-
models, whic h contains both synthetic and r eal-world
(meta)metamodels com ing from public repositories.
147 of the genera ted Coq scripts compile success-
fully; 2 make Coq ru n out of memory; the last 2 ones
need further study in order to handle the correspon-
ding specific pattern. To our knowledge, no previous
work discusses nor deals with this pa ttern.
In future work, we will study how additional parts
of such infrastructure can be automatically derived
from the Ecore metamodel, such that model-driven
engineer ing better integrates with proof assistants.
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