Privacy-preserving Biometric Authentication Model for e-Finance
Christina-Angeliki Toli and Bart Preneel
imec-COSIC KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Biometrics, Cryptography, Security, Privacy-enhancing Technologies, Privacy Metrics, Access Control.
Widespread use of biometric architectures implies the need to secure highly sensitive data to respect the pri-
vacy rights of the users. In this paper, we discuss the following question: To what extent can biometric
designs be characterized as Privacy Enhancing Technologies? The terms of privacy and security for biomet-
ric schemes are defined, while current regulations for the protection of biometric information are presented.
Additionally, we analyze and compare cryptographic techniques for secure biometric designs. Finally, we in-
troduce a privacy-preserving approach for biometric authentication in mobile electronic financial applications.
Our model utilizes the mechanism of pseudonymous biometric identities for secure user registration and au-
thentication. We discuss how the privacy requirements for the processing of biometric data can be met in our
scenario. This work attempts to contribute to the development of privacy-by-design biometric technologies.
Systems that automatically recognize a user’s identity
based on his biometric characteristics are becoming
increasingly prevalent or even compulsive. From fin-
gerprint scanners, embedded in smart mobile phones,
to border control infrastructures, the extensive use
of biometric authentication applications has increased
the security and privacy concerns (Prabhakar et al.,
2003). Specifically, security and privacy are two dif-
ferent complementary fields (Campisi, 2013). Bio-
metrics were initially introduced as a technology that
overcomes the security limitations of the traditional
authentication approaches, such as passwords or to-
kens (Furnell, 2015). However, biometric recogni-
tion relies on who a person is, or what someone does
(Mordini and Tzovaras, 2012). Hence, biometric data
may reveal more information about the user than nec-
essary (Li and Jain, 2015).
State-of-the-art in cryptographic techniques
presents concrete mechanisms that enhance the
security of biometric designs (Campisi, 2013). The
research focus on testing the approaches towards
malicious adversaries, and evaluating the imple-
mentation in realistic scenarios (Nandakumar and
Jain, 2015). Furthermore, the users’ fundamental
right to privacy has been internationally established
and legally supported (Kindt, 2009). Security
frameworks standardize the developments, while
privacy principles confirm biometric data sources,
ensuring that they are accurate and consistent (Podio,
2011). However, adopting the procedures and im-
plementing these requirements are challenging tasks
(di Vimercati et al., 2015). Cryptography has offered
privacy-aware approaches, addressing the practical
difficulties on the design of biometric schemes
(Mordini and Tzovaras, 2012; Miltgen et al., 2013).
In 2016, the European General Data Protection
Regulation has set new recommendations for the
processing of biometric information (EU, 2016). The
criteria should be addressed from the early stage of
the design, characterizing the architecture, and thus
determining the user acceptance (ISO, 2017).
Achieving effective and privacy-aware means of
authentication has been a long-recognized issue of
biometric security (Cavoukian, 2013). While pass-
words are still dominant, current implementations
exhibit a much greater diversity of architectures,
particularly in relation to those used on mobile de-
vices (Msgna et al., 2016). Nowadays, secret-based
schemes that combine PIN codes and biometrics are
widely implemented in electronic financial applica-
tions, achieving great public acceptance (Bertino,
2016). This paper addresses the very recent privacy
regulations for biometric data and the advances
in the field of cryptography for secure biometric
designs. We define the terms of privacy and security
for biometric designs and discuss the current legal
Toli, C-A. and Preneel, B.
Privacy-preserving Biometr ic Authentication Model for e-Finance Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006611303530360
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 353-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
framework. Additionally, we analyze the security
measures and privacy-preserving cryptographic
techniques found in the literature. Finally, due to the
rapid deployment of biometric-based access control
systems for electronic financial and payment pur-
poses, we introduce a privacy-preserving biometric
authentication model for e-Finance applications.
Our contribution is as follows:
We analyze the advantages and limitations of
privacy-preserving cryptographic techniques ac-
cording to the current privacy principles for bio-
metric information protection (ISO, 2011) and the
new security recommendations of the European
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2016).
We present a biometric authentication model for
e-Finance applications, based on the privacy-
preserving cryptographic technique of pseudony-
mous biometric identities.
We evaluate our proposal following the security
framework for financial services (ISO, 2008). We
discuss how the privacy requirements, presented
in (ISO, 2016) can be satisfied during the techni-
cal implementation.
This work is the first to introduce a privacy-preserving
e-Finance model, based on the findings of biometric
development projects funded by the European Union,
such as Turbine (Turbine, 2011) and Fidelity (Fi-
delity, 2015).
2.1 Privacy
In the age of the Internet of Things, the growing util-
ity of biometric technologies in cloud applications has
enabled the aggregation of personal data from mul-
tiple sources (Bertino, 2016). This has resulted in
a constant criticism, influencing negatively the pub-
lic opinion (Mordini and Tzovaras, 2012). Users are
skeptical, especially when they cannot prevent the
biometric registration in an access control scheme.
For instance, government designs, such as border con-
trol systems that demand the collection of biometric
data without the permission of their users (Mordini
and Tzovaras, 2012). This information can be gath-
ered and shared for ambiguous and unintended pur-
poses, without any official approval (Kindt, 2009).
It is a common belief that even when a procedure is
performed by a legislative authority, the collection of
such a personal data unjustifiably violates the human
rights (Campisi, 2013). Privacy for biometrics is a ba-
sic user’s right in a society where anonymity is con-
sidered as an inalienable privilege (Mordini and Tzo-
varas, 2012). Thus, during the last decade, there is an
accelerated pace of regulations development for the
legal transmission of biometric data in government
and industrial schemes (Cavoukian, 2013). Through
legislation, European and International organizations
emphasize the importance of privacy for biometric
systems (Podio, 2011). These activities are analyti-
cally discussed in Section 3.
2.2 Security
The concept of security for biometric architectures
refers to the technical characteristics of the system
and it is related to its overall robustness (Camp-
isi, 2013). The protection mechanisms are classified
based on the vulnerable points, where direct and indi-
rect attacks in a biometric recognition scheme may
occur (Ratha et al., 2001). After 2001, complete
collections of targeted attacks and possible security
measures have been presented (Martinez-Diaz et al.,
2011; Ngo et al., 2015; Toli and Preneel, 2015). Al-
though the legislation to protect biometric data has
been strengthened, the current legal regime is be-
lieved to be insufficient to preserve privacy (Mordini
and Tzovaras, 2012). As a supplementary response to
that call, cryptographic techniques have managed to
decrease the security limitations of biometric schemes
through biometric template protection mechanisms
(Podio, 2011). Architectures that are more complex
based on the combinations of multibiometrics and
passwords or tokens have been introduced, while ex-
tra attention has been paid to anti-spoofing counter-
measures (Rebera et al., 2014). A privacy-by-design
approach that combines cryptography and respects
the privacy principles is considered to be the optimal
option for enhancing both security and user’s privacy
in biometric schemes (Kindt, 2009). Sections 4 and 5
present the most recent privacy-preserving crypto-
graphic tools.
For every given technology, international and national
standards establish the criteria for the configuration of
a process, tool or system (Kindt, 2009). In this way,
the applicability is resolved according to the require-
ments that define the security for user’s personal data.
To such a degree, a common toolkit specifies the pri-
vacy metrics to avoid any misunderstanding among
developers and users. For biometric designs, stan-
dards specify the formats for the interchange of pri-
vate data, the platform independence, program inter-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
faces, application profiles, calculations and tests for
the results (Mordini and Tzovaras, 2012; Cavoukian,
2013). Hence, the architecture is neutral, without be-
ing in favor of any particular vendor or modality (EU,
2016; ISO, 2017).
In terms of security, standards set the general
guidelines for systems, tokens, smart cards, authen-
tication employments, ID management designs and
cyber-security architectures (Bertino, 2016). In the
context of privacy for biometric data, they define the
principles of limitation, minimization, accuracy, com-
pleteness, transparency and rectification that regu-
late the process of personal data and provide suit-
able formats for the development of the procedures
(ISO, 2017). The security requirements of confiden-
tiality, integrity, authenticity, availability and non-
repudiation should be met for every system that
is linked to the network (Ngo et al., 2015; ISO,
2017). Supplementary security recommendations
for biometric applications report the properties of
anonymity, unobservability, revocability, cancelabil-
ity, non-invertibility, unlinkability and discriminabil-
ity (Campisi, 2013). They referred mainly to the data
transmission and distribution and the prohibitions to-
wards the parties (ISO, 2011).
Recently, the term of renewability (ISO, 2017)
has been added to the security recommendations for
privacy-preserving biometric designs (EU, 2016). It
is considered the most challenging regulation as it
indicates the necessity of a user’s re-enrollment in a
system for updating his data. Permanence is also in-
cluded in the new recommendations. It determines the
validity period of the stored data, while it guarantees
the uniqueness of an attribute. The new regulation is
focused on the importance of privacy-by-design, un-
derlining that as biometric technology matures, the
interaction increases among users, markets, and the
technology itself (EU, 2016).
In this section, we present the existing cryptographic
approaches that have been proposed for enhancing
the security of biometric designs and preserving pri-
vacy of user’s sensitive data. The literature ana-
lyzes the privacy weaknesses in biometric schemes
and suggests ways to secure the implementation pro-
cess (Miltgen et al., 2013; Nandakumar and Jain,
2015; Adamovic et al., 2017). The approaches
include: Template Protection Schemes, Biometric
Crypto-Systems and Pseudonymous Biometric Iden-
tities (Campisi, 2013). The first category includes
Features Transformation Mechanisms and Cance-
lable Biometrics.
4.1 Features Transformation
Biometric template protection as a term refers to the
techniques where data is transformed to prevent a
possible leakage (Ngo et al., 2015). The mecha-
nism transforms the template data extracted from the
freshly captured biometric before storing it. Thus, the
template stored in the database is strongly protected
with a goal that it would be almost impossible to re-
trieve the genuine biometric feature from the template
(Campisi, 2013). In case of attacks, it is computa-
tionally hard for an intruder to find the function that
was initially applied to the biometric data (Lim et al.,
2015). Although the technique offers reliable secu-
rity, a recent analysis concludes that complex trans-
formations may reduce the performance (Nandaku-
mar and Jain, 2015). The mechanism can be utilized
in unibiometric and multibiometric templates. How-
ever, multibiometric designs demand more complex
parameters and it is not possible to apply one-way
functions with a high cryptographic security level.
Consequently, it is very challenging to make this ap-
proach compliant with the privacy recommendations
of non-invertibility and discriminability.
4.2 Cancelable Biometrics
Inducing the privacy recommendations of cancelabil-
ity and revocability in biometric systems (ISO, 2017),
being presented in Section 3, the purpose is the user’s
data protection, under a threat scenario, by compos-
ing quotation to biometric templates (Martinez-Diaz
et al., 2011; Campisi, 2013). The method of cance-
lable or revocable biometrics is introduced as the first
privacy-preserving mechanism for biometric schemes
that respects these privacy properties for biometric in-
formation (Ratha et al., 2001). The mechanism al-
lows multiple transformed biometric templates, offer-
ing higher security levels. One of the basic objectives
is the diversity that provides a larger number of pro-
tected templates from the same features and it pre-
vents the use of the same references across the va-
riety of applications. The recommendations of non-
invertibility and revocability are covered, since this
approach demands the re-issuance of biometrics af-
ter an attack (Kaur and Khanna, 2016). However, the
privacy recommendation of renewability introduced
in (EU, 2016) is not preserved. Human characteris-
tics may change during time or due to other interfer-
ences, such as an injury. In this scenario, the biomet-
ric scheme presents high false rejection rates/FRR and
system’s performance is decreased, being vulnerable
to intruders (Msgna et al., 2016).
Privacy-preserving Biometric Authentication Model for e-Finance Applications
4.3 Biometric Crypto-systems
Biometric crypto-systems or shortly crypto-
biometrics belong to the second category of privacy
preserving techniques for the protection of biometric
data. They combine cryptographic encryption and
decryption functions to derive keys from biometric
data (Campisi, 2013). Mainly, there are two schemes
that named after their role as key-generation and
key-binding schemes (Adamovic et al., 2017). For
the first group of the classification, biometric feature
directly creates the generated keys and their products
are shared to the involved entities to secure all the
communication pipelines and tunnels. Key-binding
approaches allow only the storage of information
coming from the combination of biometric data with
randomly generated keys. In this case, the keys are
non-biometric elements such as a PIN, password or
credential with certified container of attributes. Both
schemes are fuzzy, since the demanded samples are
slightly different each time, unlike the encryption
keys in the traditional cryptography (Ngo et al.,
2015). Crypto-biometrics are currently a popular
technique, being one of the most suitable fields for
applications that demand large-scale databases for the
storage of biometric information and high robustness
against multiple attacks, such as government or
banking services (Li and Jain, 2015). It is a privacy-
aware cryptographic method that respects the privacy
recommendation of unlinkability. It can be used
in access control mechanisms with high complexity
(Riccio et al., 2016). However, this can affect the
flexibility of the technique. Recent works report that
its applicability is ineffective for anonymous database
models (Adamovic et al., 2017).
5.1 Pseudonymous Biometric Identities
Pseudonymous identities from biometric samples
are the newest interface in the domain of privacy-
preserving cryptographic approaches for biometrics
(Breebaart et al., 2008). Figure 1 presents the com-
plete architecture of renewable pseudo-identities in a
typical biometric application (Delvaux et al., 2008).
The mechanism utilizes non-invertible functions, to
create pseudo-identities based on the references of
biometric data. After the user’s registration, the cre-
ated pseudo-identity is securely stored. After the
authentication procedure, the pseudo-identity expires
while for a second recognition, the scheme can create
a new pseudo-identity. For higher levels of security,
the scheme requires the presence of a password or cre-
dential that are used as supplementary data.
During the enrollment phase, a biometric device
captures the biometric templates from user’s fresh
features, while the user provides a password. Sub-
sequently, an encoder generates the pseudo-identity
and creates additional helper non-biometric data, us-
ing as an input only the user’s supplementary data.
The initial biometric information and supplementary
data is destroyed. The design involves the parame-
ters for the separation and individualization of the el-
ements, preventing impersonation, bringing obstacles
for users that have very similar characteristics (Li and
Jain, 2015). Helper data and pseudo-identity refer-
ences are securely stored as different templates in an
encrypted domain, such as a database, card or token.
The authentication process is divided in two dif-
Figure 1: Architecture for renewable biometric pseudo-identities.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Privacy-preserving cryptographic approaches.
Technique Advantages Disadvantages
Features Transformation
Applicability to multibiometric designs
Meets privacy principles (ISO, 2011)
Complexity affects performance
Non-preserved non-invertibility
Non-satisfied discriminability
Cancelable Biometrics
High flexibility and interoperability
Meets privacy principles (ISO, 2011)
Offers non-invertibility
Offers cancelability and revocability
Renewability affects performance
Non-satisfied discriminability
Non-preserved anonymity
High security and flexibility
Meets privacy principles (ISO, 2011)
Offers non-invertibility and renewability
Offers confidentiality and unlinkability
Complexity affects flexibility
Non-satisfied interoperability
Non-preserved anonymity
High security and flexibility
Meets privacy principles (ISO, 2011)
Meets properties (EU, 2016)
Offers cancelability and revocability
Offers renewability and unlinkability
Satisfies confidentiality and anonymity
Minimization affects flexibility
Interoperability is under evaluation
ferent approaches (Breebaart et al., 2008). The
scheme can proceed to a direct and simple verifica-
tion of the pseudo-identity. The user presents his bio-
metrics at the system’s sensors and provides the pass-
word that was presented during the enrollment phase.
Given the stored templates of the helper data and the
pseudo-identity, a verifier provides and communicates
the decision result to the application’s parties. After a
successful authentication, user’s fresh biometrics and
the password are destroyed. According to the sec-
ond authentication method, the new captured biomet-
ric features, the supplementary data and the template
of the helper data are provided to a pseudo-identity
recoder, allowing the generation of a new (pseudo-
identity)*. It follows the destruction process for the
biometric and supplementary data, while the new
pseudo-identity is provided to the application’s com-
parator. The authentication decision is determined by
the comparison of the new created (pseudo-identity)*
with the template of the stored pseudo-identity.
The technique can combine passwords and bio-
metric data, presenting high levels of security (Del-
vaux et al., 2008). It preserves the privacy principles
of (ISO, 2011), while it also respects the properties
in (EU, 2016). The embedded one-way functions are
subject to the recommendation of non-invertibility.
The mechanism offers individualized comparison pa-
rameters to optimize the performance, offering re-
newability, cancelability and revocability. It allows
the creation and communication of multiple pseudo-
identities for the same user in several non-local ar-
chitectures, for instance cloud-based designs that de-
mand high flexibility. The security requirements of
confidentiality and anonymity are satisfied. Hence,
it overcomes the limitations of the other mechanisms
(Ngo et al., 2015). However, the recommendations
of interoperability and integrity are evaluated for dif-
ferent threat scenarios. The integration of minimal
data as a user’s input, such as minutiae fingerprints
is examined, testing the overall accuracy of the im-
plementation in realistic use cases. Table 1 compares
and summarizes the presented approaches.
In this section, we introduce an authentication model
based on the privacy-preserving cryptographic mech-
anism of pseudo-identities. Due to their advantages
and high security results, the pseudo-identities are the
ideal technique for our model that is specially de-
signed for e-Finance applications. Following the le-
gal framework for privacy and security in services of
the financial sector (ISO, 2008), we present the prac-
tical issues in technically addressing the privacy prin-
ciples and security regulations introduced in (ISO,
2011; ISO, 2016; EU, 2016).
6.1 Related Work
Literature offers a variety of proposals for secure bio-
metric authentication in mobile devices (Msgna et al.,
2016). Moreover, privacy-preserving approaches that
combine passwords and biometrics in electronic fi-
nancial architectures, present reliable security levels
(Breebaart et al., 2011; Mrdakovi
c and Adamovi
Privacy-preserving Biometric Authentication Model for e-Finance Applications
Figure 2: Biometric pseudo-identities model in an e-Finance application.
2015). The cryptographic technique of pseudony-
mous biometric identities is characterized as the op-
timum mechanism for commercial applications (Del-
vaux et al., 2008; Breebaart et al., 2008). In terms of
security and privacy, although its promising results,
state-of-the-art offers only theoretical works that lack
of applicability (Gafurov et al., 2013). We exploit and
analyze the mechanism in an e-Finance service sce-
6.2 Scenario, Parties and Roles
Figure 2 presents the registration and authentication
processes. For higher levels of security, our model
utilizes the second approach of authentication that in-
volves a pseudo-identity recoder as it is presented in
Section 5. The design involves a user, a bank and
the user’s mobile device with an embedded fingerprint
sensor. The bank, through the application running on
the device controlled by the user, offers to the clients
the service of the online financial checking. The user
creates an electronic bank account and gains the e-
Finance service access.
The architecture of pseudo-identities presents a
classification of systems according to the choices for
storage and comparison (Breebaart et al., 2008). The
models for cloud-based applications are more accu-
rate when they distribute the templates of compari-
son, according to the evaluation introduced in (Tur-
bine, 2011). We select this approach in order to re-
duce the parameter of tampering attacks and prevent
a malicious user from registering, using another per-
son’s name and getting access to his account. The
signal processing subsystems of the pseudo-identity
encoder and recoder are local. Our model stores the
information distributed on user’s mobile device and
on server. The results are transmitted through deci-
sion subsystems, while bank’s application handles the
comparison procedures that take place on server.
6.3 Registration and Authentication
For the user’s enrollment procedure, the client utilizes
the bank’s application, requesting the creation of his
account. The biometric sensors capture and extract
minimal minutiae data of his fingerprint, while the
application demands the presence of a PIN code that
is used as supplementary data. The device’s encoder
uses this information to generate the pseudo-identity
and create additional helper non-biometric data, us-
ing as an input only client’s PIN code. The pseudo-
identity is encrypted and locally stored at the device,
the helper data template is securely transmitted at the
bank. It is stored and associated with the client’s
account information. Biometrics and PIN code are
During the authentication, the client requests ac-
cess at his account, using the bank’s application and
presenting his fingerprints and the PIN code. For the
comparison procedure, the bank securely transmits to
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the bank’s application the encrypted helper data for
the given user’s PIN code. The decision is not deter-
mined only by the helper data, since the subsystem
of a pseudo-identity recoder creates a new (pseudo-
identity)* based on the new biometric features that
the client presents. At this phase, there is no storage
of private biometrics and their related references. The
pseudo-identity comparator of the bank’s application
communicates to the bank the result of the compari-
son between the new created (pseudo-identity)* and
the initial stored pseudo-identity, while PIN code and
biometric minimal data is destroyed. The authentica-
tion decision is provided to the client.
6.4 Security and Privacy Requirements
The security requirements of confidentiality, can-
celability and revocability (ISO, 2017) can be met
through the utilization of the pseudo-identities ap-
proach. The new recommendation of renewability in-
troduced in (EU, 2016) is also covered. According
to the security regulations for financial services (ISO,
2008; ISO, 2016) the property of permanence is crit-
ical for privacy-aware schemes. Our model preserves
the recommendation, since the pseudo-identities ex-
pire and can be re-created. Finally, our design is based
on two levels of security, combining passwords and
biometrics. Thus, it offers higher robustness, as this
is suggested in (ISO, 2016)
The privacy requirements of non-invertibility
and unlinkability (ISO, 2011) are preserved. It is
noted that the term of unlinkability is not referred
to the bank. This party is considered semi-honest,
and the privacy regulations are related to the mali-
cious third parties. In case of an attack, the pseudo-
identities are canceled and the compromised tem-
plates become incompatible with the user’s origi-
nal ones, respecting client’s privacy (Turbine, 2011).
Though the one-way functions, the model prevents
the use of biometric data for any other purpose than
the one originally intended (ISO, 2008). In that way,
further processing of additional data across applica-
tions and other databases is avoided. The original bio-
metric feature cannot be recovered and the system of-
fers confidentiality against access by an unauthorized
intruder. For the online environment of the bank’s ap-
plication, it is challenging to study the implementa-
tion of minimal data for preserving data minimization
and offer user’s control over his data (ISO, 2016).
Biometric authentication for e-Finance and e-Payment
purposes gains ground globally, increasing the pri-
vacy concerns in financial sector. In the light of the
foregoing critique, research on the field of cryptogra-
phy for biometrics offers mechanisms that their prac-
tical implementation brings new privacy-enhanced
designs. In this paper, we discussed the current se-
curity approaches and privacy practices that can offer
protection of user’s biometric information, respecting
his privacy rights. We presented a privacy-preserving
biometric authentication model for e-Finance appli-
cations, based on the recent cryptographic technique
of pseudonymous biometric identities. In compliance
with the data protection regulations, we discussed the
ways that privacy can be addressed and how the secu-
rity requirements could be satisfied during the design
process. Authors’ future direction is the design of
the protocols and the technical implementation of the
model. The proposed approach can lead to the toolk-
its for secure and privacy-aware identity management
in financial services.
This work was supported in part by the Research
Council KU Leuven: C16/15/058. Authors would
like to thank, for his ideas on this research, Professor
Arun Ross of the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, Michigan State University. The
comments of anonymous reviewers are gratefully ac-
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ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy