for a variety of serv ice-interruption interactions. The
analysis was based on the definition of the comple-
tion time. He derived the Laplace Stieltjes transfo rm
(LST) of the completion time that is the time interval
between the instant at which the customer’s service
begins and the instants at which the service of the next
customer (if any exists) may begin and used the met-
hod of imbedded Markov chain to obtain the genera-
ting function of the distribution of the number of cus-
tomers in the system. Nicola (1986) derives the LST
of completion time for the case with the simultaneous
presence of d ifferent type s of interruptions. The lite-
rature cited above deal with the infinite buffer queue
and focus on analyzing the stationary distribution of
the number of customers in the system, waiting time
distribution and related performance measures such
as the mean number of customers in the system and
blocking probability.
However, the articles reviewed above do not inves-
tigate the effects of intera c tions betwe en interruptions
and variability of service time to the system perfor-
mances. In this paper, we consider the queueing sy-
stems with finite buffer and serv ic e interr uptions and
investigate numerically the effects of service interrup-
tions and the variability of service time to measure of
departure process such as the asymptotic mean and
variance of the number o f departures. Numerical re-
sults give an insight for the effects of the system and
play an important role to pre pare the analysis of the
extended system of that considered in this present.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
types of interruptions and preliminary results for com-
pletion time given by Gaver (1962) are presented. Th e
effects of interruptions and variability of service time
to the departure rate and variance rate in the saturated
system and M/PH/1/K queue are investigated nume-
rically in In Sections 3 and 4 . Concluding remarks are
given in Section 5.
Consider the single server system with service inter-
ruption s. In this section, some assumptions and preli-
minary results to be used later are described.
Service time. Service times of successive cu-
stomers are indepen dently and identically distribu-
ted with arbitrary distribution. Denote the generic
random variable of service time by B and B(x) =
P(B ≤ x) a nd B
(s) = E[e
], s ≥ 0. Let E[B
] = b
k = 1,2 and denote the squared coefficient of variation
(SCV) of B by c
= Var[B]/b
Interruption. Interruptions appear ac cording to a
Poisson process with rate ν a nd e a ch interruption re-
quires ran dom time to clear the effects of this particu-
lar interru ption to th e server. Successive durations are
indepen dent r andom variables, identically distributed
with arbitrar y d istribution function and denote the ge-
neric random variable of the duration of interruptio n
by R. Let R(x) = P(R ≤ x) a nd R
(s) = E[e
], s ≥ 0
and E[R
] = r
, r = 1, 2. We assume that the in ter-
ruption process is independent of the arrival process
of customers and the number of customers waiting in
line, and the elapsed time since the initial instant.
The interruption occurs only when the server is
actually working and it does not occurs during the pe-
riod while the server is id le or it is in state of inter-
rupted (durations of interruption). This type of inter-
ruption is called active interruptio n (AI) or opera tion
dependent interruption (ODI). The AI can b e classi-
fied into two categories, say postponable interrupti-
ons ( PI) and preemptive interruption (PR). When a PI
appears during a service time, it does not take effect
until the end of the service time. All of the interrup-
tions ac cumulated during that service time must then
be cleared before service of next customer maybegin.
Under the PR policy, customer’s service is preempted
immediately upon the arrival of interruption. In this
presentation, we consider only the PR.
Completion Time. A completion time is the time
period between the instant at which the customer ’s
service begins a nd th e instants at which the service of
the next customer (if any exists) may begin. This pe-
riod is the sum of the customer’s service time and th e
durations of the interruptions occurring in that time.
Let C be the completio n time, and denote by C(x) and
(s) the distribution function of C and its LST, re-
The completion time may depend on the ways
of occurrence and clearance of interruptio ns. Gaver
(1962) proposed various types o f interruptions and
derive the LST’s, the first and second mom e nts of
completion time in each case. Here, some of the re-
sults are summarized in the following for later use.
E =
1/ν + E[R]
1 + νr
The quantity E is sometimes called an efficiency of
the server in a m anufacturing system, e.g. see Gers-
hawin (1994).
(i) Preemptive-resume (PRS) Interruptions. In a
PRS policy, when an interruption is cleared, service is
continued from the poin t at which it was interrupted.
The LST and the mean and variance of completion