ACC_NORM_VAR and GPS_SPD_MED), whereas the
other 2 models M1 and M3 are different: M1 differs
because it involves ACC_STD_V which brings the same
information as ACC_NORM_VAR. M3 differs because it
does not have access to ACC_NORM_VAR.
Given a classification (or regression) problem, due to
the number of different possible combinations of
sensors, features, classifiers and hyper-parameters,
finding an optimal classifier is a very time consuming
This is why, simplifying the problem, using quick
data mining tools is very interesting.
In this study, we present three simple data mining
tools: Principal Component Analysis, Mahalanobis
distance and Linear Discriminant Analysis.
We apply them on real data concerning the
transportation mode classification problem and show
that we are able to
clean the data: we remove outliers
representing 11% of the samples
simplify the problem: we reduce data
dimension from 14 to 8 and this
simplification even improves the classifier
study the importance of each of 8 features;
it turns out that feature ‘ACC_NORM_VAR’ is
very important whereas ‘MAG_NORM_STD’ can
be removed with a small effect on
performance (-0.01).
This work is part of the BONVOYAGE project which
has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 635867.
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