In this paper, for the variations of edit distance τ
A ∈ {ILST, ACC, LCA, LCART, TOP}, we have for-
mulated the earth mover’s distances EMD
based on
. Then, we have given experimental results to eva-
luate EMD
comparing with τ
. As a result, we have
investigated the properties of EMD
It is a future work to give experimental results for
more large data (with large degrees) to analyze the
theoretical ratio O(n logn/d) in Section 4.1 in expe-
rimental. Also it is a future work to formulate EMDs
to other tra c ta ble variations in Tai mapping hierar-
chy (Yoshino and Hirata, 2017).
Concerned w ith Ex ample 1 in Section 4.3 and Ste-
tement 1 in Section 4. 4, we have found no trees T
and T
such that τ
) < EMD
) except
the case that T
is obtained by deleting leaves to T
Then, it is a fu ture work to determine whether or
not there exist other cases satisfying that τ
) <
It is a future work to analyze the properties of
EMDs in Section 4.4 in more detail and investigate
how data are appropriate for EMDs. In particular,
since it is possible that the number of the signature is
too small to formulate EMDs for trees, it is an impor-
tant future work to investigate appropriate signatures
for EMDs for trees.
This work is partially supported by Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research 17H00762, 16H02870,
16H01743 and 15K12102 fro m the Ministry of Edu-
cation, Cu lture, Sports, Science and Te chnology, Ja-
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