Transmitter Design Proposal for the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution
Protocol using Polarization Modulated Vertical Cavity Surface-emitting
Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary
Department of Broadband Infocommunications and Electromagnetic Theory, Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Egry József utca 18., Budapest, Hungary
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL), Polarization Switching.
Vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have multiple beneficial properties for applications in quantum
key distribution (QKD). However, polarization switching (PS) characteristic of these lasers can be problematic if
it is unwanted. The origin and properties of PS is discussed. We propose a new transmitter design for the BB84
protocol using only two VCSELs – both corresponding to one of the two bases in which polarized photons are
sent –, which are modulated in polarization, purposely generating switches between two orthogonally polarized
modes. Advantages and design difficulties of this design are outlined. We also consider the possibility of a
spectral attack, originating from the frequency splitting between these modes, and offer a solution that can
protect the key from eavesdroppers utilizing this kind of attack.
Not every message is meant for everyone to access:
cryptography can be used to conceal messages from
unauthorized parties. Once general purpose quantum
computers will be available, the only provably secure
solution is to use one-time pad encryption schemes.
These are uncrackable unless a third person obtains
another copy of the key (Shannon, 1949). Keys, how-
ever, should not be used more than once, therefore it
is needed to agree on a new key before every trans-
mission. Sharing them on a classical channel provides
eavesdroppers an opportunity to access secret informa-
tion, thus the key distribution is a critical task.
Quantum key distribution is the most advanced
field of quantum communications. It utilizes the dis-
tinctive features of quantum mechanics, mainly the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the no-cloning
theorem (Wootters and Zurek, 1982), to provide prov-
ably secure methods for key distribution. The sender
and the receiver, generally referred to as Alice and Bob,
encode the messages in quantum states. The protocols
are designed so that the presence of an eavesdropper,
called Eve, can be revealed by the communication
Discrete-variable quantum key distribution (DV-
QKD) protocols, such as BB84 (Bennett and Brassard,
1984), B92 (Bennett, 1992) or E91 (Ekert, 1991) of-
ten use the linear polarization of a single photon as a
qubit. In practice, the implementation of true single
photon sources is still a challenge. Instead, weak co-
herent states (highly attenuated laser pulses) are used
as substitute for single-photon states (Bennett et al.,
1992). In a weak coherent state QKD scheme, semi-
conductor lasers can be used as photon sources. More
conventional edge-emitting lasers (EELs) and vertical-
cavity surface-emitting lasers are both suitable for the
Coherent states follow Poissonian photon statistics
characterized by its mean photon number (Glauber,
1963), analogous to the classical intensity of light. A
Poisson distribution with any parameter
has nonzero
values for any given integer
. However, sending out
more than one photon per pulse can help the eavesdrop-
per perform a photon number splitting attack (Brassard
et al., 2000). In order to minimize the probability of
finding more than one photon in a single light pulse,
mean photon numbers are calibrated to be much lower
than one. This greatly decreases performance com-
pared to a single photon source, as for mean photon
values lower than
λ = 0.1
there is a probability higher
than 90% to detect zero photons per pulse, effectively
reducing the key rate below one tenth of the pulse
repetition rate.
The problems described above are inherent to all
lasers. Apart from these, EELs and VCSELs exhibit
Schranz, Á. and Udvary, E.
Transmitter Design Proposal for the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol using Polarization Modulated Vertical Cavity Surface-emitting Lasers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006638002520258
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2018), pages 252-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-286-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
different favourable and unfavourable properties with
respect to quantum key distribution applications. Sec-
tion 2 focuses on the relative advantages and draw-
backs provided by VCSELs. In Section 3 we propose
a new, simplified transmitter design for the BB84 pro-
tocol, based on the otherwise problematic polarization
switching mechanism exhibited by some VCSELs,
while in Section 4 the protection against a spectral
attack is outlined.
Surface-emitting lasers, as their name suggests, emit
light perpendicularly to the active region. Therefore,
these devices can be tested on the wafer level, yielding
substantial cost reduction compared to EELs, while
mounting and packaging technologies used for LEDs
can also be utilized. This makes VCSELs a favourable
candidate for most applications. Furthermore, the de-
sign and production of large one or two-dimensional
laser arrays becomes an easy task. (Michalzik, 2013).
There are, however, several other aspects, for which
VCSELs are inherently suitable for quantum key dis-
tribution applications.
2.1 Advantages
VCSELs often have low threshold currents and low
output power compared to conventional edge-emitting
lasers (Michalzik, 2013). DV-QKD applications al-
ways operate in the low-power regime, meaning that
weak laser pulse QKD implementations need exter-
nal attenuation. Lower output power results in less
external attenuation and less wasted power, therefore
VCSELs are more energy-efficient in this regard than
their edge-emitting counterparts.
Moreover, VCSELs’ output beams are typically
characterized by a low divergence angle and symmet-
rical (circular) cross section. These properties support
more efficient coupling to optical fibers as well as
longer distance free space links, compared to higher
divergence elliptical cross-section beams typical of
EELs (Michalzik, 2013). Finally, due to their short
cavity length, surface-emitting lasers usually emit in a
single longitudinal mode. Due to all these favourable
properties, VCSELs are being used in QKD devices
(Vest et al., 2015).
2.2 Disadvantage: Polarization
The most well-known implementation of a qubit in
single photon based QKD protocols is the polarization
qubit, where information is carried by the polarization
state of a single photon. This makes the protocols
extremely sensitive to polarization errors.
As an example, the earliest QKD protocol, BB84
uses two different two-dimensional orthogonal bases:
the so called rectilinear and the diagonal (Bennett and
Brassard, 1984). In the case of single photon polariza-
tion qubits, the basis vectors of the two bases corre-
spond to linear photon polarizations at angles 0
and ±45°, respectively.
Some VCSELs exhibit a specific feature uncharac-
teristic of (properly constructed) edge-emitting lasers,
called polarization switching. The highly symmet-
rical design of surface emitting lasers results in no
preferred linear polarization direction. Small and in-
evitable anisotropies, however, almost always choose
two preferred orthogonal directions, corresponding to
the crystallographic axes, along which the light can
be polarized. These two modes have a frequency split
due to birefringence. Above threshold, one of these
modes starts to lase, however, increasing the injection
current may cause an abrupt switch to the orthogo-
nal mode, while staying in the fundamental transverse
mode regime. Switching can occur from the high to
the low frequency mode (Type I) or vice versa (Type
II). The mechanism is also strongly dependent on both
the strength and polarization angle of optical feedback
(Nazhan and Ghassemlooy, 2017).
Original reports by Choquette et al. attributed the
polarization switching to thermal effects: current heat-
ing redshifts the gain curve relative to the mean of the
two different wavelength modes, reversing the gain dif-
ference, thus allowing the originally suppressed mode
to lase (Choquette et al., 1995). Later, San Miguel,
Feng and Moloney developed a rate-equation model,
commonly known as the SFM- or four-level model
(San Miguel et al., 1995), which incorporates magnetic
sublevels and mechanisms that are much faster than
the thermal response (phase anisotropy
caused by
birefringence, amplitude anisotropy
– a product of
both gain anisotropies and dichroism –, the mixing of
carriers with opposite signs of angular momentum or
spin-flip relaxation rate
, saturable dispersion
, etc.).
Martín-Regalado et al. performed an in-depth numer-
ical mode stability analysis based on the model, and
deducted that polarization switches can be explained
with nonzero values of
. Small nonvanishing
values of
are also needed to be in agreement with
experimental findings (Martín-Regalado et al., 1997b).
Transmitter Design Proposal for the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol using Polarization Modulated Vertical Cavity
Surface-emitting Lasers
Table 1: Example of an error in BB84 caused by unwanted
polarization switching. States
carry a logical 1,
carry a logical 0. Polarization switches occur in bits
#2 and #4, but only the latter appears as an error in the raw
key due to the measurement basis choices.
Bit number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Intended state & & %
Sent state % & %
Meas. basis + + × + × ×
Alice’s raw key 1 0 0 1
Bob’s raw key 1 0 1 1
The critical values of parameters define different
regions of stability in the parameter space. Most of
these parameters (such as
) are built-in and
can only be altered on a fabrication level, or indirectly
changed with the external parameters (injection current
and temperature). Regions where only one polarization
mode (
), neither of the modes, or both of them
are stable, are reported. Bistable regions are often
accompanied by a hysteresis in switching, also found
experimentally, as the current is first increased then
decreased (Kaplan, 2007).
The reason why unwanted polarization switching
is a problem in QKD, can be easily understood in
the framework of the BB84 protocol. Switching can
lead to situations where a photon is sent and measured
in the same basis, but ultimately carries the opposite
bit value as intended. This will cause Alice and Bob
to believe that they share the same raw key bit and
either use it incorrectly as part of the final key, or
compare them as part of the sifting process, potentially
arriving at the false conclusion that the bit error rate
has increased and there is an eavesdropper present.
Both of these outcomes are problematic and reduce
the system’s reliability. An example is shown in Table
Apart from QKD, multiple applications, e.g. sens-
ing, optical mice, or communication links where
polarization-dependent elements are used, are sensi-
tive to polarization switching. This need called for
a solution to mass-produce VCSELs with EEL-like
stable linearly polarized emission, without sacrific-
ing any of the beneficial properties mentioned in Sec-
tion 2.1. There have been several different propos-
als and methods to obtain this behaviour. These in-
clude solutions based on polarization-dependent gain,
polarization-dependent mirrors, external optical feed-
back, and asymmetric resonators. The most reliable,
commercially widespread method utilizes surface grat-
ings (Michalzik and Ostermann, 2013).
Controlled on-demand polarization switching has
also found its applications, mostly in all-optical sig-
Figure 1: Trivial BB84 transmitter design using four linearly
polarized lasers.
nal processing, for example shift registers (Katayama
et al., 2016). In the next section, we are proposing a
BB84 transmitter scheme that deliberately takes advan-
tage of the polarization switches, rather than suffering
their consequences.
3.1 Proposed Design
We propose a new transmitter design for the BB84
protocol that utilizes the polarization switching to of-
fer a simplified and possibly cost-reducing alternative
to the trivial design shown in Figure 1. The trivial
transmitter contains four individual lasers (EELs or
polarization-stabilized VCSELs) with linear polariza-
tions, oriented along one of the four directions used in
the protocol. This is a very straightforward approach,
where a random stream of selection bits chooses the ba-
sis in which the transmission happens, and the key bits
choose between the two sources lasing in that basis.
Linearly polarized lasers are the most trivial choice
for photon sources in a BB84 transmitter. This way,
one would need four individual devices, all aligned
to one of the four possible output polarization angles
(Figure 1) (Ruiz-Alba et al., 2011). Thus, randomly
selecting a basis chooses between two groups of lasers,
and the key bit to be transmitted determines the needed
polarization and the specific laser within the group.
In addition to its relative simplicity, advantages to
this transmitter design include that every laser can be
driven by identical current pulses.
As opposed to this, the new design, as depicted
in Figure 2, uses only two VCSELs exhibiting polar-
ization switching. VCSEL 1 is oriented so that its
polarization eigenstates are aligned to the rectilinear
basis vectors, while the eigenstates of VCSEL 2 are
PHOTOPTICS 2018 - 6th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 2: Proposed new BB84 transmitter design using two
polarization-switchable VCSELs.
aligned to the diagonal basis. Choosing a transmission
basis with the help of selection bits simultaneously
selects one of the two lasers. Key bits are selecting the
desired polarization within the given basis, essentially
modulating the laser in polarization.
The main benefit of our proposed scheme could be
that it only needs two laser diodes (namely VCSELs)
as opposed to four in the trivial design, effectively
reducing the cost and the required space only by in-
troducing a small driving and processing complexity
(different amplitude current impulses, thus different
amount of attenuation for different key bit values). Ad-
ditionally, one would only need to combine two signals
instead of four before transmission.
3.2 Implementation of On-Demand
Polarization Switching
Induced polarization switching in VCSELs has been
extensively studied, and it was found that injection of
external polarized light can be used to switch between
-polarized modes on demand (Bandyopad-
hyay et al., 2003). This, however, usually requires a
master laser with fixed linear polarization. Switching
by optical injection would not reduce the number of
necessary lasers in the transmitter, therefore we are
not concerned with this option.
As mentioned in Section 2, most of the parameters
that play a role in the stability of the modes are built-in
properties of the device. Their values can be modeled
either as fixed or as slightly current-dependent (
, specifically) (Martín-Regalado et al., 1997b). The
only parameter, which can be controlled externally, is
the pump parameter
, that is, the injection current
normalized to threshold. We note that although the
original reports named current-induced self-heating
as a cause of PS, the thermal time constants are too
large to achieve a reasonable key rate, therefore we
intend to work at a constant active region temperature,
where switches are expected to occur as well (Martín-
Regalado et al., 1997a).
Current-modulated polarization switching has been
studied throughout the last 25 years. Most of the re-
search focused on VCSELs biased near the switching
current and modulated sinusoidally. Gain-guided circu-
Time [a.u.]
µ [a.u.]
(τ )
ˆx stable
ˆy stable
Figure 3: Different amplitude current pulses for producing
differently polarized light pulses. The bottom line signi-
fies the threshold current
µ = 1
. The
-polarized mode is
stable for currents below the dashed line, the
mode is stable above the dash-dotted line, therefore the low-
amplitude pulse will be mainly
-polarized, while the high-
amplitude pulse should be mainly
-polarized. A bistable
region, responsible for hysteresis, lies between the two lines.
is the pulse width, while
is the smallest current peak
value needed for polarization switching to occur given a
pulse of length τ.
lar VCSELs have been found to possess limited modu-
lation frequencies of about 80 (Choquette et al., 1994)
to 90 kHz (Verschaffelt et al., 2002), mainly attributed
to thermal processes. Contrary to this, switches in
index-guided VCSELs have been observed to be only
partially of thermal origin. These devices can be modu-
lated in polarization at much larger frequencies, mean-
ing that faster mechanisms also play a role in switching
(Verschaffelt et al., 2003). Modulation frequencies up
to 50 MHz have been reported as early as in 1998
(Panajotov et al., 1998).
Specifically designed VCSELs have also been in-
vestigated. In 1994, Choquette et al. reported that cru-
ciform VCSELs can be modulated with a frequency up
to 50 MHz in polarization using small signal currents
varying around a bias near the switching point. They
also observed that large-signal modulation between
currents just below threshold and above the switching
point causes the originally stable polarization to ex-
hibit a frequency-doubling pulsing at low frequencies.
Increasing the frequency decreases the intensity of the
second output pulse per cycle, which ultimately disap-
pears (Choquette et al., 1994). Asymmetrical current
injection techniques are also promising. A recent study
by Barve et al. showed that the two orthogonally polar-
ized modes of a single VCSEL can be simultaneously
and independently modulated using two asymmetrical
sets of electrodes with a data rate up to 4 Gbps (Barve
Transmitter Design Proposal for the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol using Polarization Modulated Vertical Cavity
Surface-emitting Lasers
et al., 2014). This would make an ideal candidate for
our proposed scheme, as long as the cost increase due
to the special design is sufficiently low.
To the best of our knowledge, no extensive studies
concerning the pulsed polarization modulation have
been conducted, neither theoretically, nor experimen-
tally. One mention (Panajotov et al., 1998) states that
the VCSEL under test, exhibiting polarization switch-
ing in CW mode, emitted stable linear polarization
when using short (22 ns) current pulses at a repetition
rate of 1 kHz. The explanation emphasizes the ther-
mal nature of switching, as no current heating can
take place in such a short time interval. In contrast to
this, another study briefly mentions that they observed
switches when they biased the laser at threshold or
well above the DC switching current and used 10 ns
long current pulses (Verschaffelt et al., 2003).
We would like to engage in more in-depth research
concerning pulsed mode polarization modulation in
VCSELs. Figure 3 shows a possible way to select
polarization in a single VCSEL. When the laser starts
emitting just above threshold, the
mode is selected.
The pulse on the left is thus
-polarized. If a
polarized pulse is needed (on the right), the peak value
of the current should be chosen as to at least exceed the
upper border of the bistable region.
denotes the
smallest peak current value where switching occurs
given a pulse of length τ.
3.3 Design Difficulties
Compared to the trivial transmitter, where each laser
is driven by identical current pulses, this design comes
with additional driving complexity. To obtain output
light pulses with different dominant polarization, dif-
ferent amplitude current impulses are needed to distin-
guish between logical zeros and ones in a certain basis.
This will cause the output power to be different, there-
fore a variable attenuator should be used to attenuate
every output pulse to the same transmitted power. The
speed with which the attenuation value can be altered
may as well be the bottleneck that ultimately limits the
key rate.
Using the polarization selection scheme depicted
in Figure 3, the pulse on the right will only be partially
-polarized. The lower this fraction is, the higher the
possibility that the remaining photon after attenuation
-polarized, causing the same error that was outlined
in 2. The time evolution of the intensities measured
in the two orthogonal polarizations should also be
examined: if the beginning and/or the end of the output
light pulse is mainly
-polarized, gating can be used to
block these portions in order to increase the fraction of
the wanted polarization. In this case, the time profile
Table 2: Solution against the spectral attack: Bit value as-
signment to the low and high frequency modes of identical
Mode frequency
Bit value
0 1
1 0
of the low-amplitude pulse needs to be adjusted as
well to maximize temporal overlap between the two,
and prevent potential attacks based on time-of-arrival
Another difficulty originates from the fact that the
switching parameters differ from VCSEL to VCSEL
even for devices coming from the same manufacturing
process, some of them maybe even lacking this prop-
erty. This means that every individual diode should
be hand-picked and examined, then the corresponding
attenuator needs to be calibrated to achieve the desired
transmission power.
The frequency split between the two orthogonally po-
larized modes can be in the order of tens of gigahertzes
(Martín-Regalado et al., 1997b), meaning that differ-
ent quantum states emitted by the same VCSEL might
be spectrally distinguishable. (This can be true for the
trivial design as well, but it can easily be countered us-
ing four lasers with largely overlapping spectra.) This
means, that if Eve finds out the correspondence be-
tween the four states and their respective frequencies,
she can perform a frequency measurement to deter-
mine the basis and the bit value sent by Alice, then
(theoretically) prepare and send a quantum state that
is identical to the original in both frequency and polar-
ization. Thus Eve obtains a perfect third copy of the
key. Without knowledge of the polarization-frequency
correspondence, a destructive frequency measurement
would annihilate the photon and Eve would have to
guess and choose one of the
4! = 24
possible permu-
tations. Choosing wrong would reveal the eavesdrop-
ping, re-sending imperfect quantum states which in
turn increase the error rate calculated by Bob and Alice.
However, the two parties would declare the abortion of
the current key sharing process in the classical channel
and restart it, alerting Eve and allowing her to switch
configurations. This way, she can find out the corre-
spondence in at most 24 turns.
PHOTOPTICS 2018 - 6th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
One solution would be to use VCSELs with a fre-
quency split so low that it cannot be resolved within
experimental accuracy. Another way to counter the
spectral attack is to use two identical VCSELs with
orthogonally polarized modes having the same fre-
. This means that there is
no one-to-one correspondence between frequency and
polarization in fact, they are independent. There-
fore Eve is unable to gain information by performing
a spectral measurement on the qubits. She can learn
which frequency is assigned to which bit value in a cer-
tain basis after Alice and Bob publicly disclose their
basis choices, but unless she finds a way to measure
a photon’s frequency without destroying it, the eaves-
dropping would be ineffective without a polarization
measurement, which can be revealed by the protocol.
To offer protection even against non-destructive
frequency measurement attacks, different bit values
can be assigned to the same (low or high) frequency
mode (Table 2) in case of the two lasers, so that the
bit value and the frequency are independent as well.
Note that non-destructive frequency measurements
still change the photon’s wavefunction according to
the time-energy uncertainty relation
E · t
. If
the measurement has high precision (small
∆ω =
becomes large. This means further problems for the
eavesdropper, because it increases the probability of
detecting the photon in a wrong time bin, thereby the
error rate.
Vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers have several ad-
vantages over traditional edge-emitting lasers in a low-
power quantum key distribution scheme. However,
their inherent polarization switching mechanism may
cause problems as several protocols use polarization
qubits. This requires the ability to output photons with
controlled polarization. Over the past decades, several
different methods were developed to fix VCSELs’ po-
larization, out of which surface gratings has proven
to provide the best solution without sacrificing the
aforementioned beneficial properties.
Polarization switching, which occurs between two
orthogonal linear polarizations, could also be poten-
tially exploited to simplify QKD transmitters. In this
paper, we proposed a new transmitter design for the
BB84 protocol including only two VCSELs (as op-
posed to four lasers in a trivial design) driven by dif-
ferent amplitude current pulses in order to select the
desired polarization for the output light. Compared to
the trivial BB84 design, this scheme comes with an
extra concern. As the differently polarized modes have
different frequencies, eavesdroppers may perform a
spectral attack. This attack can be negated by using
two identical VCSELs, removing the one-to-one cor-
respondence between frequency and polarization. The
validity of this proposal is still subject to experimental
investigation, the main concern being the maximal key
rate that can be achieved by this transmitter.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Zsolt Kis for the
helpful suggestions regarding the physics and back-
ground of photon frequency measurements.
This research was supported by the National Re-
search Development and Innovation Ofce of Hungary
within the Quantum Technology National Excellence
Program (Project No. 2017-1.2.1-NKP-2017-00001).
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PHOTOPTICS 2018 - 6th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology