Incremental TextRank - Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Streams
Rui Portocarrero Sarmento
, M
ario Cordeiro
, Pavel Brazdil
and Jo
ao Gama
PRODEI - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Automatic Keyword Extraction, Incremental PageRank, Data Streams, Text Mining, Incremental TextRank.
Text Mining and NLP techniques are a hot topic nowadays. Researchers thrive to develop new and faster
algorithms to cope with larger amounts of data. Particularly, text data analysis has been increasing in interest
due to the growth of social networks media. Given this, the development of new algorithms and/or the upgrade
of existing ones is now a crucial task to deal with text mining problems under this new scenario. In this paper,
we present an update to TextRank, a well-known implementation used to do automatic keyword extraction
from text, adapted to deal with streams of text. In addition, we present results for this implementation and
compare them with the batch version. Major improvements are lowest computation times for the processing of
the same text data, in a streaming environment, both in sliding window and incremental setups. The speedups
obtained in the experimental results are significant. Therefore the approach was considered valid and useful
to the research community.
Automatic keyword extraction from text is an essen-
tial area of research. It has been used to automatically
summarize documents. From enterprises’ document
production to the analysis of users’ social networks
posts, for example, in Twitter or Facebook, the ap-
propriate summarizing of text brings new possibilities
to better target advertising and recommendations to
users. It is also used to find similarities between aut-
hors and improve enterprise departments workflow.
The majority of current systems are prepared to be
used statically. Thus, with the explosion of large-scale
document sets, researchers felt a considerable incre-
ase in the need for systems to analyze this evolving
and even more extensive datasets. The improvement
of previous algorithms or the adaptation of these sys-
tems to cope with incoming text is, therefore, impera-
tive nowadays. Although not many researchers were
concerned with the issue of incremental keyword ex-
traction, some of them are starting to implement new
algorithms for this issue (Shin et al., 2014). Incre-
mental algorithms have been developed extensively in
several areas of Data Analysis. Notably, those algo-
rithms that are graph oriented have been proving to be
faster or more efficient when their incremental adap-
tations are compared to their static versions. Our con-
tribution, in this paper, is the transformation of a well-
known algorithm for keyword extraction, TextRank
(Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004). Taking into account that
this algorithm is a graph-based approach to keyword
extraction, we updated it to be used in a streaming set-
ting. We validate the results by comparing the beha-
vior and processing time with the original algorithm.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
the related work regarding TextRank and the compo-
nents of its implementation. Section 3 introduces the
algorithm for Incremental TextRank. In Section 4 we
explain how the proposed method was tested and eva-
luated. In Section 5 we present the results and show
the effectiveness of the proposed method. Then, in
Section 6 we discuss the solution and the results. Fi-
nally, the last Section highlights the major contributi-
ons, and discuss further work to enhance the method.
In this section, related work regarding automatic key-
word extraction systems, particularly those based on
graph approaches is presented. Automatic keyword
extraction is a concept that relies on the process of
selection of words or phrases that, without human in-
tervention, provide a clear idea about the core area of
a document or set of documents. Those implemen-
Sarmento, R., Cordeiro, M., Brazdil, P. and Gama, J.
Incremental TextRank - Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Streams.
DOI: 10.5220/0006639703630370
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 363-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
tations can be classified into four classes according
to Siddiqi and Sharan (2015), Rule-Based Linguis-
tic approaches, Statistical approaches, Machine Le-
arning approaches, and Domain-specific approaches.
These approaches have their advantages and disad-
vantages when compared to one another. Inside each
class, the approach can also be divided into supervi-
sed and unsupervised methods according to Siddiqi
and Sharan (2015). The use of human tasks or contri-
bution in unsupervised approaches is regarded to be
minimal. Otherwise, by using supervised approaches,
researchers take into account previous annotations by
humans, and their participation in finding quality ke-
yword annotations from texts is a significant concern
in these methods. According to Siddiqi and Sharan
(2015) survey, there are several unsupervised approa-
ches of interest:
Bracewell et al. (2005) extract noun phrases from
a document and then cluster the terms which have the
same noun term. Then, the author’s proposal consists
of the ranking of clusters, taking in account term and
noun phrase frequencies. Finally, only the Top-ranked
clusters are selected as keyphrases. Liu et al. (2009)
proposed to extract keyphrases by utilizing clustering
techniques. According to these authors, they ensure
that the document is semantically covered by these
keyphrases. Rose et al. (2010) described Rapid Auto-
matic Keyword Extraction (RAKE), a method for ex-
tracting keywords from individual documents. RAKE
is based on the observation that keywords frequently
contain multiple words, but they rarely include punc-
tuation or stop words; therefore, any words having
minimal content or information. This new method is
domain and language-independent. Gazendam et al.
(2010) describe the extraction and ranking of key-
words with a restricted vocabulary with the help of
a thesaurus. For ranking words, it uses a weighting
scheme called tf-rr which uses both the term fre-
quency and the number of thesaurus relations realized
between the thesaurus terms found in the specific do-
cument. This is an approach that does not need any
training from a reference corpus. Finally, we can also
account for two graph-based methods. Mihalcea and
Tarau (2004) proposed TextRank, a new graph-based
ranking model for graphs extracted from texts. Thus,
to rank keywords based on the co-occurrence links be-
tween words, Mihalcea et al. use the concept of Pa-
geRank between words to extract important keyphra-
ses with linked words that have higher weight in the
word graph. Litvak et al. (2011) proposed DegExt, a
graph-based, cross-lingual keyphrase extractor. The
authors proposed a graph representation, based on a
simple graph-based syntactic representation of a do-
cument, and enhanced the model by taking into ac-
count structural document features. In this work, we
choose to improve TextRank, due to its considerable
usefulness in this area, and relatively good results for
keyword extraction. Additionally, by being a graph-
based approach, it is reasonable to think that an in-
cremental approach can provide a significant impro-
vement in running time or efficiency, in a streaming
context. By considering small graph updates instead
of all the graph in each update, we will try a paralle-
lism with other works in the graphs area, where rese-
archers consider only affected nodes in each update.
The improvements in graph processing efficiency are
those authors main contribution.
2.1 TextRank
As previously stated, Mihalcea and Tarau (2004) de-
veloped TextRank as a solution to obtain keywords
automatically from text. Figure 1 shows the workflow
of the original TextRank algorithm. The text corpus
processing starts by the pre-processing of the text and
the removal of stop words, numbers and punctuation.
Then, the document goes through a process of anno-
tation where remaining single words are categorized,
for example, like nouns, verbs or adjectives among
others. This method is called Part-of-Speech tagging
(POS tagging). According to the authors, only a few
of these annotated words are essential. The authors
studied which group of words delivered best results,
and they concluded that the best automatic keyphrases
were obtained with nouns and adjectives. Then, with
these filtered words, a graph-based approach is used.
Each word is considered a graph node and the con-
nections of words in this directed graph is determined
by the order they appear in the text. The weight of
these links is obtained by counting the number of ti-
mes these pairs of words occur in the text corpus. The
next phase of the algorithm regards the selection of
the words of high importance. This is done with the
use of the PageRank algorithm by Page et al. (1998).
The words with high PageRank values are selected as
potential keywords. Finally, the keyphrases are obtai-
ned with a post-processing stage. This stage involves
the use of a sliding window evolving through the ini-
tial text to assess the order of words that are contained
in the keyphrases or keywords. This step takes into
account punctuation and other structural features of
the document to retrieve reasonable keyphrases. Tex-
tRank has been widely praised as a consistent method
to automatically retrieve keywords from the text. In-
clusively, it has been used in prototypes of decision
support systems as narrated by Brazdil et al. (2015).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Original TextRank workflow.
Figure 2: Incremental PageRank workflow - Addition of a
2.2 Incremental PageRank
The reader should note that the original TextRank al-
gorithm uses the original PageRank algorithm in one
of its phases. We will show, later in this document,
that a significant improvement of TextRank might be
possible by transforming some of its phases algo-
rithms to a streaming approach. Revisions of these
algorithms were already developed as we will see.
Particularly, there have been several attempts to im-
prove the original PageRank algorithm. The purpose
of several of these improvements was to adapt this al-
gorithm for streaming data. Desikan et al. (2005) pro-
vided a solution for the update of nodes’ PageRank
values in evolving graphs. The algorithm explores the
fact that the web evolves incrementally and with small
changes between updates. Thus, according to the aut-
hor’s proposal, we should focus only on the pages that
change their PageRank values due to the addition or
removal of new pages/nodes and the correspondent
change in the affected nodes by this change. Desikan
et al. (2005) continued with this work and stress the
need to find the nodes that are affected by the changes
in the graph and find three categories of nodes:
1. Nodes that are directly affected by changes in the
graph, e.g., the nodes that are outgoing nodes of
added or removed nodes;
2. Nodes that are indirectly affected. For example,
the neighbors of the nodes in 1, and consequently
their outgoing neighbors also;
3. The nodes not affected by the changes, but that
have their PageRank value updated anyway, due
to a simple graph scale update.
Figure 2 shows a small network with these types
of nodes. In this figure, changes in the graph are re-
presented by added node 7. In this figure, we can also
see nodes of type 1 colored dark gray, nodes of type
2 colored light gray, and nodes of type 3 with white
2.3 Space Saving Top-K
The problem of finding the most frequent items, in
our case, keywords, in a data stream S of size N is the
problem of discovering the elements e
whose relative
frequency f
is higher than a user-specified support
φN, with 0 φ 1 (Gama, 2010). Given the space re-
quirements that exact algorithms addressing this pro-
blem would need (Charikar et al., 2002), several algo-
rithms have been proposed to find the top-K frequent
elements, being roughly classified into counter-based
and sketch-based (Metwally et al., 2005). Counter-
based techniques keep counters for each element in
the monitored set, which is usually a much smaller
than the entire set of elements. When an element is
identified as not currently being monitored, various
algorithms take different actions to adapt the moni-
tored set accordingly. Sketch-based techniques pro-
vide less rigid guarantees, but they do not monitor
a subset of elements, providing frequency estimators
for the entire set. Simple counter-based algorithms,
such as Sticky Sampling and Lossy Counting, were
proposed in (Manku and Motwani, 2002), which pro-
cess the stream in compressed size. They have the
disadvantage of keeping a lot of irrelevant counters.
Frequent (Demaine et al., 2002) keeps only k coun-
ters for monitoring k elements, incrementing each ele-
ment counter when it is observed, and decrementing
all counters when an unmonitored element is obser-
ved. Zeroed-counted elements are replaced by new
unmonitored elements. This strategy is similar to the
one applied by Space-Saving (Metwally et al., 2005),
which gives guarantees for the top-m most frequent
elements. This was the algorithm we selected to ex-
tract the most frequent keywords in the stream of text.
In this section, we explain our proposal for two ver-
sions of an incremental TextRank. We propose a
Window-based version and a more complex incre-
mental version. In Figure 1 we showed the sequence
of operations the text goes through, in the original
TextRank. Although some parts of it are eminently
Incremental TextRank - Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Streams
evolving as, for example, the graph construction from
the text words, other parts are not prepared for strea-
ming or incremental approach.
3.1 Window-based Streaming TextRank
The first version we developed was based on the con-
cept of using a sliding window to iterate through the
stream of data. Thus, with this version, the cur-
rent snapshot processing is unrelated to the previous
snapshots processing. Therefore, each chunk of data
from the stream is treated independently from snaps-
hot to snapshot. In each iteration of the Window-
based TextRank, we only process the current piece of
data, we pre-process this data, and we do the standard
word selection by considering only nouns and adjecti-
ves. Additionally, when we do the graph construction
we just build it considering the selected words for the
current chunk of data. Thus, the next phase of the
algorithm, i.e., the use of PageRank algorithm to de-
tect strong words in the text also only processes the
words in the current snapshot graph. Again, regar-
ding post-processing, it is done considering the words
in the text available just for the current snapshot. As
previously stated, the top-K phase of this Window-
based streaming version, uses the top-K space saving
implementation that is based on the concept of land-
mark windows. Thus, the top-K list of keywords is the
only information that transits from snapshot to snaps-
hot processing for the streaming data.
3.2 Incremental TextRank
Figure 3 shows our proposal for the upgraded incre-
mental TextRank. We have changed the workflow of
the original algorithm to be able to cope with evol-
ving text streams. The input of a new stream of text
starts to be pre-processed in the same way that was
used for the original algorithm. At this stage, as
in the original algorithm, we filter only the desired
words as, for example, nouns and adjectives. Then,
the workflow proceeds with the word graph update,
considering the previous graph from previous upda-
tes, incrementally, with edge weight updates for the
repetition of words sequences, and also the addition
of new nodes/words if new words happen to exist in
the evolving text stream. Then, we use incremental
PageRank algorithm to retrieve the words that have
a higher importance in the text stream. These key-
words are applied yet to a final post-processing stage
of the stream to obtain a reasonable combination of
keywords as in the original algorithm. Finally, as
we do not need to accumulate unnecessary keywords
from previous stream updates, and as we want the
proposed system to be sensitive to the occurrence of
new keywords in the text stream, we process the ke-
ywords in a stage where we maintain and update a
top-K list of keywords with the space-saving algo-
rithm previously described. The top-K algorithm ap-
plication, based on landmark window, enables an effi-
cient approach for large-scale text datasets. It focuses
on the relevant keywords and discards less extracted
keywords through time or keywords extracted from
earlier snapshots. The alternative option for sliding
windows (Gama, 2010) would not be appropriate for
the top-K approach, since it may remove relevant key-
words from the extracted top-K keywords. Those key-
words might yet be included in the top-K keyword list
we wish to maintain. In our scenario, top-K represen-
tation of text data streams implies knowing the K key-
words of the simulated data stream from the database
of publications and received after the post-processing
stage of the streaming TextRank algorithms.
In this section, we present the method to analyze both
window-based and incremental TextRank, regarding
its comparison with the original TextRank. We intro-
duce the reader to the data used for the tests. Finally,
we describe the methodology to perform the compa-
rison tests. We also state and introduce the metrics
used to compare the algorithms regarding obtained
keywords or keyphrases.
4.1 Description of the Data
In this case study, for algorithms efficiency measure-
ments, we selected a dataset publicly available for re-
search purposes by Corney et al. (2016). This dataset
has a high amount of information including Reuters
news and also several articles extracted from Blogs.
The data contains articles titles, content, type of pu-
blication (which might include news or Blog posts),
the source institution and also date and time of publis-
hing. The high quality and high organization of this
structured data make it a good source for text mining
or NLP tasks. We selected all Reuters news, from
the 1
to the 30
of September 2015. This corre-
sponds to 400 news articles. Regarding the used text,
we could choose between the news Titles or the news
content to analyze. We choose the news content in
all our studies. For qualitative measurements, we se-
lected R&D publications from Czech Republic resear-
chers. The dataset was publicly available in RDICCR
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Incremental TextRank workflow.
(2015) when accessed online, in 2015. This is a com-
plete source of information, and there was informa-
tion for dozens of years starting from around 1985
until 2015. This dataset provides annotated keywords
for each publication. During 2015, while this dataset
was publicly available, we exported the data for se-
veral years, we selected conference papers and book
chapters only. Therefore, the number of publications
was reduced from around 25000 to 5110 publications.
4.2 Methodology
The Window-based TextRank and the incremental
TextRank algorithm were evaluated in an incremental
setup, for both the developed versions. Additionally,
both algorithms were tested and evaluated regarding
Processing Efficiency and also quality.
4.2.1 Processing Efficiency
Results for both streaming TextRank versions were
obtained from several increments of text news, com-
pared with the original batch algorithm, using the ori-
ginal TextRank (now on called Batch). The propo-
sed TextRank versions, the Window-based implemen-
tation (now on called Window-based) and the incre-
mental (now on called incremental) were tested re-
garding efficiency in an incremental setting configu-
ration. The original batch results served as a baseline.
In this setup, 6 snapshots of news were considered. In
total, the first 20 days of September 2015, correspon-
ding to 300 news articles, were passed as input. The
snapshots were built by aggregating publications on a
daily basis, by using the timestamps available in the
dataset. In the Batch algorithm, for every snapshot,
the keywords were extracted having all daily news
since the day 1 to the current day as input. For the
incremental algorithm, in the first snapshot it receives
only 15 days of news articles as input. In the follo-
wing snapshots, the algorithm only receives the set of
publications text added to the corpus in that particular
day snapshot (incremental). The empirical evaluation
performed consisted mainly of comparing run times
of each increment (duration of each increment and cu-
mulative execution time) for all versions of TextRank.
Additionally, the size of the corpus (number of unique
words), and the total number of extracted keywords
for each snapshot was also registered. Note that the
batch algorithm will always need to extract keywords
for all the text, while it is expected that the Window-
based version only works with the current snapshot
data, and not regarding previous snapshots informa-
tion except the top-K list of keywords that needs to
be updated between snapshots. Additionally, the in-
cremental algorithm only performs calculations and
keyword extraction for the current snapshot, and par-
ticularly for the words affected. Nonetheless, as pre-
viously explained, the incremental versions takes into
account graph and corpus information from previous
snapshots. In the end, an analysis of the total speed-
up ratio obtained in each of the steps is added.
4.2.2 Qualitative Comparison
Regarding qualitative results, we used the Czech Re-
public R&D Dataset with annotated keywords. For
this purpose, we selected only articles in proceedings,
for 2013. Then, we aggregated the publications by
month, in 12 snapshots. For this amount of publi-
cations, we selected the abstracts for our automatic
keyword extraction tasks. On average, the abstracts
have 240 words. Finally, we calculated the 12 me-
asures of similarity between annotated and extracted
keywords of all the versions of TextRank. We use a
similarity measure to compare the author’s keywords
and the model results for keywords extraction.
This similarity measurement is more appropriated
to test unsupervised keyword extraction algorithms.
For example, imagine if we had the annotated key-
word “car maintenance” for a text. Additionally, we
automatically extracted the keywords “car washing”
and “car cleaning” from the text. In this situation, if
we used Precision, Recall and F measure we would
have no idea that the extraction algorithm is, in fact,
extracting concept keywords that are not that much far
from the annotated keywords. Thus, by decomposing
n-gram keywords we can detect these normal situa-
tions when we are dealing with annotated keywords.
Particularly for this example, we would have a value
of similarity of:
) c(w
2 2
= 0.25
where common is the intersection of both groups, i.e.,
the number of words that appear in both the results
and the keywords. c(w
) and c(w
) are the total
Incremental TextRank - Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Streams
number of words the author’s keywords group has and
the method (for all TextRank algorithms) provides, re-
spectively. For all the experimentation and develop-
ment, we used an Intel
i7-7700HQ CPU
@ 2.80GHz x 8 processors computer with 16 GBytes
of RAM, SSD HDD, and Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 64-bit
OS. Three runs per algorithm were performed. The
values presented in the following charts in this paper
are the average values of those three runs.
We present the results for all versions of the algorithm
here in this section. All algorithms are compared with
the Batch version of TextRank. The comparisons re-
gard qualitative measurements and efficiency.
5.1 Processing Efficiency
Figure 4 shows the results for the Reuters News data.
From “#Graph Nodes” and “#Words in Text” we can,
as expected, conclude that the number of TextRank
graph nodes is similar for the batch and incremen-
tal version, and variable for the Window-based ver-
sion of the algorithm. Figure 4 (#Extracted Key-
words) shows that the batch version retrieves a gro-
wing number of keywords while our streaming imple-
mentations retrieve the top-1000 keywords. Figure 4
(Elapsed Time) shows that all algorithms have vari-
able elapsed time for each of the iterations. Nonet-
heless, both streaming algorithms have a clear decre-
asing elapsed time compared to the batch algorithm
which tends to increase elapsed time as the quantity
of the data increases. Otherwise, both streaming ver-
sions tend to achieve much lower values. For exam-
ple, on iteration 4, the Window-based algorithm de-
livers a very low elapsed time, almost instantly pro-
cessing of incoming data. The incremental version
takes around 100 seconds to perform the same in-
coming data processing, and the batch version takes
approximately 900 seconds. Figure 4 (Cumulative
Time) shows a clear advantage of using incremen-
tal or Window-based versions of the algorithm regar-
ding total elapsed time/cumulative time when the data
is growing, and there is a need to analyze all data
since day 1. In the last iteration, both Window-based
and the incremental versions take around 10000 se-
conds to process all the 20 days of data. Otherwise,
if we used the original TextRank algorithm to recur-
rently process all the data and also the incoming text,
it would take almost 50000 seconds to achieve re-
sults. Figure 4 (Speedup Ratio) shows that both stre-
aming algorithms, the incremental and the Window-
based, show growing and significant speedups when
we compare cumulative time. At the end of the
stream, i.e., the last iteration, the Window-based ap-
proach provides a speedup of more than 6 times, and
the incremental version achieves a speedup of almost
5 times the speed of processing provided by the origi-
nal TextRank algorithm.
5.2 Qualitative Comparison
Regarding qualitative comparison, the Table 1 shows
the similarity values between extracted keywords and
accumulated annotated keywords as the abstracts text
data evolves. We selected the top-1000 keywords of
the batch algorithm, regarding keyword weight. The-
refore, we compare the similarity values for these
1000 keywords obtained from the batch, Window-
based and incremental algorithms. To measure the
sensitivity to capture recent keywords we repeat the
test, but this time we measure the similarity of ex-
tracted keywords with each snapshot annotated key-
words. This way we can measure the sensibility of
all algorithms to the current keywords in the stream.
Table 2 shows these results. As we expected, in both
tables of results, the incremental version of the algo-
rithm presents higher similarity average. This is even
more pronounced in the second table as expected. We
should also note, as expected in the second table, that
the maximum similarity values for the streaming ver-
sions of the algorithms are obtained in the last snaps-
hots. This is explained by the higher sensibility of
both proposed algorithms to more recent keywords.
Regarding processing efficiency, it is clear that if the
TextRank user is dealing with streaming data, the use
of incremental or Window-based versions of the al-
gorithm is imperative. The Window-based version
presents a more pronounced speedup, and this is ex-
pected as the processed data is variable instead of in-
cremental. Still, regarding cumulative time, the incre-
mental version of the algorithm has a learning curve.
Thus, as the data arrives and the graph construction
and update happens, the algorithm will eventually
need fewer updates of graph structure in the future.
This typically results in a logarithmic type of cumula-
tive time curve. This is the result of less and less nee-
ded addition of nodes, resulting in the need to only
update the weight of edges between nodes, i.e., the
counting of words pairs. Regarding qualitative re-
sults of both streaming proposals, we would like to
note that, if the researcher using our proposed algo-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
# Keywords
# Graph Nodes
# Words in Text
Speedup Ratio
Elapsed Time (s)
Cumulative Time (s)
batch (incremental Text) Window-based (Streaming TextRank) incremental (incremental TextRank)
Figure 4: Efficiency results with the Reuters News Dataset (for all algorithms).
Table 1: Qualitative measures of similarity with accumulated annotated keywords.
Algorithm Avg. Sd iter1 iter2 iter3 iter4 iter5 iter6 iter7 iter8 iter9 iter10 iter11 iter12
Batch 0.168 0.108 0.023 0.025 0.032 0.067 0.130 0.254 0.308 0.300 0.260 0.218 0.204 0.193
Window-based 0.114 0.059 0.023 0.045 0.042 0.069 0.125 0.173 0.186 0.207 0.136 0.127 0.134 0.102
Incremental 0.198 0.125 0.011 0.046 0.046 0.124 0.189 0.308 0.350 0.398 0.304 0.217 0.206 0.181
Table 2: Qualitative measures of similarity with current snapshot annotated keywords.
Algorithm Avg. Sd iter1 iter2 iter3 iter4 iter5 iter6 iter7 iter8 iter9 iter10 iter11 iter12
Batch 0.160 0.118 0.023 0.008 0.003 0.026 0.086 0.221 0.280 0.254 0.267 0.250 0.270 0.235
Window-based 0.155 0.103 0.023 0.043 0.016 0.047 0.099 0.183 0.202 0.267 0.211 0.239 0.299 0.237
Incremental 0.254 0.181 0.011 0.032 0.023 0.105 0.133 0.311 0.331 0.480 0.336 0.371 0.425 0.487
rithms is not too preoccupied with the small decre-
ase of quality of extracted keywords from the stream,
then he/she can use the Window-based version of the
algorithm for fast extraction. Nonetheless, if the re-
searcher needs assured quality of extracted keywords,
the incremental version proved to be a better solution
when compared to the batch and the Window-based
approach for keyword extraction. Additionally, the
effect of increasing K in both these top-K approaches
would intuitively increase the quality results as it is
expected that, in Table 1, as the annotated keywords
amount increase we continue to test only 1000 key-
words extracted with the algorithms. Accordingly, in
Table 1, the quality values decrease due to this charac-
teristic, approximately after iteration 8, until the end
of the stream, and for all algorithms.
In this paper, we introduce a Window-based and an
incremental version of the TextRank system. The
Window-based version proved to be similar in qua-
lity and much faster than the original TextRank algo-
rithm, in a streaming context. Through the careful
transformation of the original algorithm to an incre-
mental version, we achieve a more efficient version
and with better quality. Additionally, we introduce
a top-K feature in our improvement, which allows
storing the keywords that are more relevant. As fu-
ture work, we would like to compare this incremental
TextRank system with other systems prepared for text
streams. Additionally, we would like to use this strea-
ming version of the algorithm in a prototype prepared
to extract visual information from affinity networks
of authors, with text mined from their document pro-
This work is financed by the ERDF European Re-
gional Development Fund through the Operational
Programme for Competitiveness and Internationali-
sation - COMPETE 2020 Programme within project
“POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961”, and by National
Funds through the FCT Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e
a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology) as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013.
Rui Portocarrero Sarmento also gratefully acknow-
Incremental TextRank - Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Streams
ledges funding from FCT (Portuguese Foundation
for Science and Technology) through a PhD grant
Bracewell, D. B., Ren, F., and Kuriowa, S. (2005). Multi-
lingual single document keyword extraction for infor-
mation retrieval. In 2005 International Conference on
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