such, precision reduction seems the be very promising
result, especially combined with FPGA implemen-
tation, which should lead to significant computation
speed-up and memory footprint reduction.
The precision reduction is also a good alternative
to dimensionality reduction by SVD. It can lead to
better accuracy. This feature is specially important for
scenarios with very large vocabularies and document
data sets. If SVD is still considered, the precision re-
duction should be applied before SVD, not in oppo-
site order. It should be also observed that focusing on
micro–averaged objective allows for stronger reduc-
tion than in macro-averaged measures. It should be
noticed that reduced precision in more complex algo-
rithms leads to higher probability of drop in accuracy
because the error of data representation is propagated
through longer computational path. Therefore KNN
gives the highest gain in accuracy after precision re-
The approach developed and described in this pa-
per enables porting NLP and VSM–based solutions
to FPGA or embeded devices with reduced mem-
ory capacity or reduced precision arithmetic. This is
done through reduction of the model memory foot-
print which results from low-bit vector representation.
It is worth noting that the reduced memory occupa-
tion also affect the performance of the system, es-
pecially the response latency which is critical in em-
bedded systems. Smaller vectors mean less computa-
tions which in turn leads to lower energy consump-
tion. Further analysis will concentrate on datasets
structures and theirs impact on reduction ability and
simulations with other quantized vector space models
(e.g. log tf, boolean).
Nowadays neural networks are one of the most
popular machine learning tools used to solve NLP
problems. Our further research will be focused on
testing precision reduction on distributional represen-
tations, which are typically used as inputs to neu-
ral networks. It is not uncommon that neural net-
works have millions of parameters (e.g. Alexnet,
Resnet 152, Inception Resnet) – the reduction of pre-
cision of the vector weights is an interesting direc-
tion of research, which will be pursued in our fu-
ture work. Comparative studies on compressed deep
learning models and reduced VSM representations
with machine learning model presented in this arti-
cle can show which method need less storage and be
run in less number of cycles without significant drop
in performance.
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