Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on
Terms Clustering
Marina A. Hoshiba Pimentel, Israel Barreto Sant’Anna and Marcos Didonet Del Fabro
C3SL Labs, Informatics Department, Federal University of Paran
a, Curitiba, Brazil
Educational Resources, Terms Clustering, Ranking.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are important digital assets used for teaching and learning. There exists
different repositories, but searching for such items is often a difficult task. On one hand, most part of the
solutions implement engines with syntactic search based on term frequency metrics, or using the only item’s
metadata. On the other hand, the utilization of terms clustering (TC) have been used in other search and
ranking contexts and they have shown to be effective. In this paper, we present an approach for searching and
ranking for Open Educational Resources within a repository of objects, defining a set of tasks and an hybrid
metric that integrates different ranking metrics obtained through terms clustering with the results of existing
search engines (SE). We present an extensive implementation and experiments to validate our approach. The
results empirically showed that our approach is effective to rank relevant OERs.
We are living in an era of information abundance,
available mostly through the internet. Digital reposi-
tories with their set of documents organized and avai-
lable electronically are also part of this source of in-
formation (Lagoze et al., 2006). However, the great
volume has implications in the process of organiza-
tion, representation and management of all this va-
riety of contents. The format and number of infor-
mation has a direct impact on their retrieval process.
It is not a trivial task to categorize them adequately
to enable relevant information retrieval for those who
are searching them in a digital environment (Aguiar
et al., 2014).
In the context of Education, the searching and se-
lecting relevant Open Educational Resources (OER)
in digital repositories has been an exhausting and ar-
duous task for teachers (Pontes et al., 2014). Large
repositories can contain tens of thousands of diffe-
rent learning objects, making it difficult to find rele-
vant objects. OER retrieval is usually a difficult task,
mainly due to implementations of search algorithms
based on metadata or keywords, which are common
in these repositories. These techniques limit further
the syntactic search process (de Souza et al., 2008).
(Costa et al., 2013) shows how challenging is for te-
achers the search and selection of OERs available in
digital repositories. The study shows that although
search engines are heavily used, irrelevant content is
returned to teachers.
In studies carried out by (Coelho et al., 2012), it
was possible to verify that the search engines and the
existing digital repositories present difficulties in the
OER recovery process. The identified difficulties are
long result lists, few relevant and often poorly ran-
ked results, that reinforces the need to create an ap-
propriate mechanism for OER recovery using other
resources to facilitate the search process, such as the
use of tags or keywords. It is worth mentioning that
tags clustering has been exploited to improve search,
navigation and recommendation services used on the
internet (Gemmell et al., 2008)(Shepitsen et al., 2008)
(Rafailidis and Daras, 2013)(Liu and Niu, 2014).
Existing solutions ((de Souza et al., 2008)(Patro-
cinio and Ishitani, 2009)(Costa et al., 2013)) show
that the search services implemented in these repo-
sitories have limitations that return few meaningful
results. Among the limitations we can highlight pro-
blems such as strictly syntactic search and those based
only on metadata analysis (de Souza et al., 2008). In
addition, if the search result is not well ranked, the
problem is aggravated because, according to the sur-
veys, users usually analyze only the first result page or
the first ten results obtained (Silverstein et al., 1999).
For these reasons, the main objective of this work
is to present a search model of OER in digital reposi-
tories that will handle the restriction of the syntactic
Hoshiba Pimentel, M., Barreto Sant’Anna, I. and Didonet Del Fabro, M.
Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on Terms Clustering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006647305070516
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 507-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
search, as well as to apply a good ranking to improve
the relevance of the returned resources.
The main contributions are a search model that
combines the use of a well-known search techni-
que/engine with a search process based on terms clus-
tering, and a set of metrics adapted to OER to be in-
tegrated with search engines. We present a set of new
metrics that are improvements from existing works,
adapted to OERs. They have shown to be effective in
a set of experiments realized in a real-world setting
searching in a repository with 19,159 items, resulting
in broader, diversified OER set with more relevant and
better ranked items. The implemented components
are integrated within the MECRED Portal
This paper is organized as follows. First, we pre-
sent the background for relevance calculation, data
clustering and educational resources. Second, in
Section 3 we present our approach for integrating a
syntactic search with terms clustering, adapted for
OERs. Section 4 contains the experiments. We fi-
nalize with the related work and conclusions.
Information retrieval (IR) is the process of finding
material (usually documents) of an unstructured na-
ture (usually text) that satisfies an information need
from within large collections (usually stored on com-
puters) (Manning et al., 2008).
There are several components in an IR workflow,
and the relevance calculation of the items is one cen-
tral aspect. In this section, we introduce the base
concepts of relevance calculation, data clustering and
educational resources, which are the objects of study
from our work.
2.1 Relevance Calculation
A search procedure for an IR system is developed
whereby the answer to a question is obtained by max-
imizing an evaluation function of the system’s out-
put in terms of the probability of relevance (Goffman,
1964). In repositories with large number of docu-
ments, the result of a search can return a number of
documents that can easily exceed the human capacity
to filter them, so it is essential that a search engine
ranks the documents properly.
A searching procedure that allows users to type
free text without using any type of operator (such as
booleans) are popular on the web, and they handle
Plataforma MEC de Recursos Educacionais Digitais:
the query as a set of words, calculating a weight of
the terms that match the search terms (Manning et al.,
Relevance can be calculated in a number of ways
as Neural Networks (Benediktsson et al., 1990), Na-
tural Language Processing (Blosseville et al., 1992),
Boolean models (Lee et al., 1994) and Support Vector
Machines (Thet et al., 2007).
One well-known and widely used weight assign-
ment scheme is the term frequency. Denoted as T F
it represents the number of occurrences of a term t in a
document d. The simplest approach is to assign to the
weight the number of occurrences of the term t in do-
cument d (Manning et al., 2008). The more frequent,
the more relevant.
T F as above defined, presents a critical problem:
all terms are considered equally important. In fact,
some terms have little or no discriminatory power
to determine relevance. To mitigate this problem,
the document frequency is adopted and is denoted as
. DF
denotes the number of documents in the
collection containing the term t and N is the number
of documents in the collection. To adjust the term
weight using the measure DF, the inverse of the fre-
quency in the documents is defined (IDF
) as shown
in Equation (1).
= log
. (1)
= T F
Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency
(TF-IDF) calculates the relative frequency of terms
in a specific document compared to the inverse pro-
portion of that term over the entire document corpus
(Ramos, 2003). This calculation determines how re-
levant a given term t is in a particular document d
given by Equation (2). The TF-IDF assigns to term
t a weight in document d that is (i) highest when t
occurs many times within a small number of docu-
ments; (ii)lower when the term occurs fewer times in
a document, or occurs in many documents and (iii) lo-
west when the term occurs in virtually all documents
(Manning et al., 2008).
The table 1 represents an example of a TF-IDF
calculation for four terms (car, auto, insurance, best)
in three documents (d1, d2 and d3) in a collection
composed of 806,791 documents. The DF column
denotes the number of documents in the collection
in which each term occurs. In this way we can cal-
culate the inverse of the frequency in the documents
(Equation (1)) represented in the IDF column. The
frequency of terms in each document is represented
in the columns TF. We can then calculate the weight
given by TF-IDF (Equation (2)) for each term in each
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of the documents as shown in the table. For example,
the term car has a weight equal to 44,5 for the docu-
ment d1; 6,6 for document d2 and 39,6 for document
Table 1: TF-IDF calculation example.
Term DF IDF d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3
car 18,16 1.6 27 4 24 44.5 6.6 39.6
autol 6,72 2.0 3 33 0 6.2 68.6 0
insur. 19,24 1.6 0 33 29 0 53.4 46.9
best 25,23 1.5 14 0 17 21 0 25.5
2.2 Data Clustering
Clustering algorithms group a set of objects into sub-
sets or clusters, creating clusters that are coherent in-
ternally, but clearly different from each other (Man-
ning et al., 2008). In other words, objects within a
cluster should be as similar as possible (Aggarwal and
Reddy, 2013).
Networks of nodes and links are powerful repre-
sentations of datasets of interactions from a great
number of different sources (Bohlin et al., 2014). One
of the most relevant features of graphs representing
real systems is community structure, or clustering, i.e.
the organization of vertices in clusters, with many ed-
ges joining vertices of the same cluster and compara-
tively few edges joining vertices of different clusters.
Such clusters, or communities, can be considered as
fairly independent compartments of a graph (Fortu-
nato, 2010).
We live in the era of Big Data and fortunately we
have several tools for classifying data from many dif-
ferent sources. The challenge is to extract useful in-
formation. Therefore, tools for simplifying and high-
lighting important structures in networks are essential
and such tools are called community detection met-
hods and they are designed to identify strongly intra-
connected modules (Bohlin et al., 2014).
2.3 Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources describes any educatio-
nal resources that are openly available for use by edu-
cators and students, without any need to pay royalties
or licence fees (Butcher, 2015). A repository is a da-
tabase or collection of OER.
Metadata, in the context of digital repositories, is
the information about a given object. As the number
of objects grows exponentially, the lack of informa-
tion or metadata about objects places a critical and
fundamental constraint on the ability to discover, ma-
nage, and use objects (Committee et al., 2002). A
metadata instance for a learning object describes rele-
vant characteristics of the learning object to which it
applies. Such characteristics may be grouped in gene-
ral, life cycle, meta-metadata, educational, technical,
educational, rights, relation, annotation, and classifi-
cation categories (Committee et al., 2002). Table 2
shows a simple example of an OER and its metada-
Table 2: Simplified example of an OER.
Metadata field Value Moondigger 2005-11-07
Provides a close-up view of
the constellation of Sagittarius
dc.title Milky way 2
dc.type Image
Creative Commons Attribution
ShareAlike 2.5 License
dc.subject.keyword Astronomy
dc.subject.keyword Constellation
dc.subject.keyword Sagittarius
dc.subject.keyword Space
dc.subject.keyword Star
dc.subject.keyword Universe
dc.subject.category College education
This section presents our approach for searching and
ranking OERs supported by terms clustering and TF-
IDF searching. Our goal is to improve the search re-
sults of an existing search engine by increasing the
number of relevant OERs related to the search terms.
It is worth noting that in this work we are referring
simply as terms all the keywords or tags that are asso-
ciated with a given OER.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the tasks and inter-
task flows required to perform an OER search and
ranking supported by terms clustering. There are two
large groups of processes, named Clustering Process
and Search and Ranking Process. The main goal of
the tasks from the first group Clustering Process is
to form the terms clustering. And the tasks from the
second group aim to perform the OER searching and
ranking based on the cluster of terms resulted from
the first group.
3.1 Clustering Process
The task Extracting OERs and its terms is respon-
sible for extracting the list of all OERs and its re-
spective terms. Suppose that an repository contains
the OERs and the respective terms given by S
= {r1 :
Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on Terms Clustering
Searching via
search engine
Ranked OER
Searching via
terms clustering
Ranked OER
OER mix and
Searching and Ranking Process
OER and its terms
Mapping term
and weights}
clusters, terms
and term
Clustering Process
Final ranked OER
{pair of co-occurrent
similarity coecient}
{OER, terms}
Figure 1: OER search and ranking process.
{t10, t12}, r2 : {t10, t11, t13}, r3 : {t10, t11}}. In this
simple example, OER r1 has two terms t10 and t12.
The fundamental task for our approach is the cal-
culation of terms similarity, task performed by Map-
ping term co-occurrence, and subsequent clustering.
The similarity between two terms can be calculated
with different measures and coefficients. Our term
clusters are based on term co-occurrences, and we
use the common similarity measure Cosine (Manning
et al., 2008) coefficient. The co-occurrent terms are
considered correlated terms as well in this work.
The input for this task is the set S
given by the
previous task Extracting OERs and its terms. The
goal here is to map all the pairs of co-occurrent terms.
Co-occurring terms are terms assigned to the same
OER. Based on S
, we illustrate a map where term
t10 co-occurs with t11, t12 and t13. Beyond that,
the number of times each pair of terms co-occurs is
also calculated. The intermediate resulting set is gi-
ven by the Map
in the following format Map
{t10 : {t11 : 2, t12 : 1, t13 : 1}, t11 : {t10 : 2}, t12 :
{t10 : 1}, t13 : {t10 : 1, t11 : 1}}. This means that term
t10 co-occurs with t11 two times, with t12 and t13
once and so on. Next, the similarity coefficient for
each co-occurrent pair of terms is calculated by Co-
sine similarity measure and stored in Map
, and the
result for our example can be represented as Map
{t10 : {t11 : 0.82, t12 : 0.58, t13 : 0.58}, t11 : {t10 :
0.82}, t12 : {t10 : 0.58}, t13 : {t10 : 0.58, t11 : 0.71}},
where the similarity coefficient calculated for the pair
t10 and t11 is equal 0.82. The representation of the
set Map
as a graph structure is required for the clus-
tering algorithm.
At this point the necessary information is available
to perform the task Graph generation. Then we can
compose a non-directed graph G(V, E, W ), formed by
a set of vertices V , a set of edges E and respective
weights W . Each vertex v
from V represents a term
of the set Map
and there will exist an edge e
i, j
ween v
e v
only if v
is co-occurrent with v
, and the
weight w
i, j
is the similarity coefficient for the pair of
terms v
and v
. Figure 2 represents the graph struc-
ture formed from the Map
Figure 2: Graph G formed from Map
The development of an clustering algorithm is not
part of this work, therefore to perform the task Terms
clustering we will use an available tool, the Map
equation/Infomap, to form our term clusters from the
graph G generated on the previous task.
Map equation/Infomap (Bohlin et al., 2014) is a
fast stochastic and recursive search algorithm, that
follows closely the method presented by (Blondel
et al., 2008), a heuristic method based on the optimi-
zation of modularity. Neighboring nodes are joined
into modules, which subsequently are joined into su-
permodules and so on. First, each node is assigned
to its own module. Then, in random sequential order,
each node is moved to the neighboring module that
results in the largest decrease of the map equation. If
no move results in a decrease of the map equation,
the node stays in its original module. This procedure
is repeated, each time in a new random sequential or-
der, until no move generates a decrease of the map
Our term clusters are based on term pair co-
occurrence and consist of undirected graph, from
which we obtain clusters of similar and ranked terms.
This way every cluster can offer additional seman-
tically similar terms which users might not have
thought at their search. With the formation of the
clusters the tasks from the Clustering Process are con-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2 Searching and Ranking Process
The Searching and Ranking Process begins when a
user enters a term or a set of terms to be searched.
First, the search engine is invoked in the task Sear-
ching via search engine to perform the search for the
terms the user has provided. At the end, a result set
of ranked OERs is returned. It is not the purpose
of this work to develop a search engine, so we must
use an available tool that accomplishes this functiona-
The task Searching via terms clustering per-
forms the search supported by the clusters of co-
occurrent terms provided at Subsection 3.1. The task
first identifies which cluster the term belongs to, then
the correlated terms are recovered. This way quantita-
tive and semantic expansion can be achieved. Quanti-
tative because it increases the number of search terms,
and semantic because it considers similar and correla-
ted terms. So it is possible to retrieve different OERs
from those retrieved by the search engine.
Once the clusters of terms are formed, they do not
change, but to calculate the found OER relevance and
ranking for a specific search, we consider the term
corresponding to the original search term the more re-
levant element in the cluster for this search. We de-
nominate it main term. The relevance of the other
correlated terms are normalized relatively to the main
term. Their weights will be inversely proportional to
the distance (difference) that they are in relation to the
main term in the cluster. The greater the distance, less
relevant the term.
The original terms weights in a cluster may suf-
fer wide range of magnitudes as shown in Table 3.
Simply calculating the difference between the origi-
nal weights would not allow new weights to be obtai-
ned on a practical scale (e.g. between 0 and 1). To
circumvent this problem we use the logarithmic scale.
First we obtain the measure of the distance bet-
ween the main term and the other terms of the cluster,
given by dist
= |(log
) log
|, where
and rank
are the values of the original weights
assigned to the terms t
and t
respectively. The lower
the resulting value dist, the closer and more similar
the terms are considered. Besides that, let max dist
be the value of the maximum distance between t
. The relevance (weight) of the term t
should be in-
versely proportional to the value of its distance from
the main term t
. To evenly distribute the distances
in a scale, their values are normalized with the Min-
Max Normalization, multiplying the max
dist value
by a scalar 1 + a, avoiding that the most distant term
to have relevance equals to 0, whereas it belongs to
the same cluster as the searched term. The resulting
Table 3: Co-ocurrent terms for “Sagittarius”.
Id Term
1 Sagittarius 2.31473e-05 1.00
2 Dwarfstar 2.42713e-05 0.99
3 Luminous star 2.42713e-05 0.98
4 Peony 3.11466e-05 0.93
5 Shine 3.11466e-05 0.93
6 W5 1.55874e-05 0.91
7 Stars movement 1.46697e-05 0.89
8 The Cartwheel Galaxy 1.18271e-05 0.84
9 Recycle 1.11963e-05 0.83
10 Protoplanetary disk 6.47752e-06 0.71
11 Hertzsprung Russell Diag. 6.13133e-06 0.70
12 Star 0.00021569 0.50
equation is given by Equation (3) (the minimum dis-
tance possible is 0, so it’s not represented in the equa-
= 1
max dist × (1 + a)
Table 3 shows an example of this calculation, set-
ting a up to 0.5. Consider the search term “Sagitta-
rius”. The first column shows all co-occurring terms.
The second column shows the original weight of the
terms and the third column shows the weight norma-
lized by Equation (3).
Once the weights of the terms have been normali-
zed, we can finally perform the search for the OERs.
Based on the TF idea, for each OER found, the score
is calculated as the sum of the weights of its co-
occurring terms: Rank
, where n is
the number of cluster terms that the OER owns and
is the normalized weight of the term i.
At the end of this task, the result set RS
is retur-
ned with all OERs ranked according to the total score
of their terms. Consider the cluster which the term
“Sagittarius” belongs to as shown in Table 3. Consi-
der yet that the OER “Stars and HR Diagram” own
the co-occurrent terms “Hertzsprung Russell Diag.”,
“Satr”, “Dwarfstar” and “Luminous star”, so your
score is given by Rank
= 0, 70 + 0, 50 + 0, 99 +
0, 98 = 3, 17.
We start now the last task OER mix and reclas-
sification. The input for the task are the two set RS
and RS
resulted from the tasks Searching via search
engine and Searching via terms clustering respecti-
vely. Since the weights from the two sets have diffe-
rent dispersions, a normalization of the OERs weig-
hts is made to adjust the scale of values, so enabling
to join the two sets. To do this, an equation based
on linear normalization is used. In the case of the re-
sult generated by the search engine, the normalization
of the OERs score is given by Equation (4), where
min sc and max sc are respectively the minimum and
Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on Terms Clustering
Table 4: Mixing and re-ranking example.
Rank RE id Score RE id Score RE id Score
1 14641 5,23 17961 222,61 17961 13,13
2 15850 4,73 15426 222,08 15426 12,98
3 16374 2,57 13975 213,66 14641 10,61
4 15470 1,29 14722 193,69 8958 6,66
5 8214 1,00 5047 191,87 10198 5,25
maximum scores found in the set RS
; d is a coeffi-
cient to avoid values equal 0 and boost is the impulse
factor necessary to controlling the resources relevance
in the ranking process. It’s a value given by the search
engine to OERs depending on the occurrence of the
exact searched terms (higher value) or syntactically
close terms (lower value).
n se
= boost ×
sc × (1 + d) min sc
max sc min sc
The normalization of the resulting set RS
rated by the support of the terms clustering is made by
Equation (5), where min sc and max sc are respecti-
vely the minimum and maximum scores found in the
set RS
; d is a coefficient to avoid values equal 0 and
m boost is the maximum boosting value boost from
the set RS
. The major differential of this proposal is
situated at this point, since the maximum boosting va-
lue (m boost) is applied in the second set too, to boost
the score of its relevant OERs, just like it is done in the
search engine. Based on the premise that the OERs of
the RS
set were returned only because they are con-
sidered similar by the use of correlated terms, so it is
reasonable to apply m boost to the OERs from RS
so that there is no harm in their relevance in relation
to the items from RS
n tc
= m boost ×
sc × (1 + d) min sc
max sc min sc
Next, another important measure adopted is based
on other research findings: resources returned by both
the search engine and the terms clustering should be
considered more relevant. So the final OER score for
OER that occurs in both RS
and RS
is given by the
sum of the scores assigned to the OER in these both
Finally, the final result set RS
, that merges re-
sults from RS
and RS
, with a new ranking can be
returned to the user. Table 4 shows a comparative ex-
ample, where we can see the original ranking from
the resulting sets RS
and RS
, as well the mixed and
re-ranked final set RS
To summarize, the presented model increases the
search results through the expansion of the original
search terms given by the correlated terms identified
by the clustered co-occurrent terms. In addition it
combines the results found via terms clustering with
the results from the traditional search engine. All the
results are reclassified, so that greater relevance is at-
tributed to the results that appear in both search appro-
aches, as well as boosting the results obtained through
the correlated terms.
The presented solution was implemented using the in-
frastructure of the MEC RED web portal of educati-
onal objects with mechanisms of social network, sen-
ding, searching and ranking objects, as well as me-
chanisms to follow collections and authors. At the
experimental phase of this work, the portal repository
contained 19,159 OERs and 23,808 terms. This por-
tal uses only free and open source software
, in order
to guarantee the dissemination of the knowledge pro-
duced and the possibility of cooperation in the con-
struction of the platform itself
. OERs are stored in
a DSpace
portal and the social network information
is stored in an instance of PostgreSQL
. The main se-
arch is performed by the Elasticsearch
engine. The
front end layer receives user connections and com-
municates with a Ruby/Rails API providing informa-
tion needed by the users, and communicating with the
Elasticsearch engine through the SearchKick API.
To obtain the cluster of terms in the task Terms
clustering, the Mapequation framework
et al., 2014) was adopted. It is a set of tools for data
clustering and visualization. From the graph genera-
ted in task Graph generation, represented in the spe-
cific format called PAJEK (.net), we used the Infomap
tool to calculate and generate the clusters. Infomap,
besides generating the clusters, provides the ranking
of the terms of each cluster. The result is stored in the
output file (.ftree), being the basis of information to
support the Searching via terms clustering task. Of
the total of 23,807 terms and 173,038 identified co-
occurrences, Infomap generated 8,568 clusters. Table
5 shows a sample of clustered terms with respective
It is important to highlight the use of the ex-
plain parameter in Elasticsearch execution, because
Component sources:
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Term clustering sample.
Cluster terms Weight
Protein translation
enzymes restriction endonucleases
Homologous protein
Nucleic acid
Double helix
Capsid protein
Gravitacional forcePtolomeu Model
Retrograde movement
Position of the planets
Greater circumference
Concentration cell
this way we can capture the boost value applied in
the ranking process performed by the search engine.
Remembering that this value is important to be app-
lied also in the task OER mix and reclassification to
boost relevant OERs found via terms clustering.
All experiments were performed with terms rand-
omly chosen and were performed considering the re-
trieval of a list of at most ten results, because accor-
ding to (Silverstein et al., 1999), users usually consi-
der only the first page or the first ten results.
Table 6 shows the resulting set for the sear-
ching term “Sagittarius” performed via Searching via
terms clustering. The column Term id represents the
terms from the Table 3 owned by each OER. These
terms are used to calculate the total weight of each
OER, that is used to rank the OER resulting set. It is
worth mentioning that in the Equation (3), according
to our experiments, the value of a set to 0.5 provided
satisfactory results.
Table 7 represents the resulting set of OERs found
and ranked via Elasticsearch search engine. The
columns Weight and Boost shows respectively the
weight and the boost value assigned to the OER from
the search engine. The maximum boost value retur-
ned was equal 10.
Considering results from Table 6 and 7, the final
resulting set after performing the task OER mix and
reclassification is showed in Table 8. In this expe-
riment, only the first OER found via Elasticsearch
can be considered relevant, therefore the final mixed
Table 6: Searching “Sagittarius” via terms clustering.
Search term = Sagittarius
OER id OER Weight Term id
2095 Stars and HR Diagram 3,1812 2,3,11,12
10667 Peony star 2,3670 4,5,12
16289 Milky way 2 1,5000 1,12
10837 W5 (Allen) 1,4114 6,12
557 W-5 Star-Forming Region 1,4114 6,12
2642 Daytime Motion of the Stars... 1,3978 12
11324 Cartwheel galaxy 1,3496 8,12
7105 Robot Astronomy... 1,3373 9,12
5482 Inner Gap in Circumstellar... 1,2147 12
11438 Space Trash 0,8373 9
Table 7: Searching “Sagittarius” via Elasticsearch.
Search term = Sagittarius
OER id OER Weight Boost
16289 Milky way 2 147,6802 10
2538 Sanitary landfill 11,1470 1
1917 Sound Almanac of Chemistry... 10,6484 1
3091 Periodical Talk - Trash 10,3336 1
17001 Sanitary landfill 9,9435 1
17393 Sanitary landfill 9,9435 1
3987 Mines without dumps 9,5448 1
6078 Slurry treatment pond 9,5448 1
15537 Mines without dumps 9,5448 1
9508 Slurry treatment 9,1596 1
resulting set, column Mixed Result, is composed by
only one item from Elasticsearch and all other from
the items found via terms clustering approach.
Table 8: Mixing and re-ranking OERs related to “Sagitta-
Search term = Sagittarius
Terms clustering Elasticsearch Mixed Result
Rank OER id Weight OER id Weight OER id Weight
1 2095 3,18 16289 147,68 16289 13,68
2 10667 2,36 2538 11,14 2095 10,67
3 16289 1,50 1917 10,64 10667 7,03
4 10837 1,41 3091 10,33 10837 2,75
5 557 1,41 17001 9,94 557 2,75
6 2642 1,39 17393 9,94 2642 2,68
7 11324 1,34 3987 9,54 11324 2,47
8 7105 1,33 6078 9,54 7105 2,41
9 5482 1,21 15537 9,54 5482 1,86
10 11438 0,83 9508 9,15 11438 0,17
Table 9 shows the consolidated results of 10 expe-
riments performed with terms randomly chosen. The
first column shows the search terms used to evaluate
the proposed model. The Original result column is
composed by TC (number of OERs found via terms
clustering) and SE (number of OERs found via se-
arch engine). The column Final result composition
shows the composition of the final mixed result for the
search. The column TC’ shows the number of OERs
from column TC that compose the final result, and
the column SE’ the number considered from SE. The
Searching and Ranking Educational Resources based on Terms Clustering
column TC+SE refers to the number of OERs that are
returned by both (TC and SE).
Analyzing the search term corrosion from Table
9, we can interpret that 4 OERs were found via terms
clustering, of which 1 compose the final mixed result;
10 OERs were found via search engine, of which 7
compose the final mixed result; and from the total 10
final result set, 2 were found by both, via terms cluste-
ring and search engine. In this case, we can consider
that 30% (3 = 1 + 2) of the OERs came from terms
clustering. In 60% of the cases, the final mixed re-
sult is composed of at least half of the items returned
via terms clustering (considering TC’ and TC+SE).
In 40% of the cases, where the search engine reco-
vers few relevant results (because it considers only
the main search term), the results via terms clustering
compose more than 80% of the final result.
Considering the correlated terms to carry out the
expansion of the original query made it possible, in
some cases, to more than double the percentage of re-
levant results, as the experiments with term “Sustai-
nable development”, “Phylogeny”, “Morphine” and
“Sagittarius”. For other cases, where the search en-
gine itself returns a good amount of relevant results,
the evaluation is even more empirical and subjective,
since only a specialist or a user with specific search
purposes could evaluate with greater accuracy the re-
levance of the OERs as ranked.
(Knautz et al., 2010) presents a model based on
the presentation of a tag cloud, where the user must
click on the terms or the edges to access the docu-
ments related to the specific tag. In this proposal, a
teacher would need to spend much more time and ef-
fort to get the results that in our approach are returned
with just one query. Taking the example of the expe-
riment with the term “DNA”, which has 11 correlated
terms, the user would need to perform 12 queries in
the model proposed by Knautz et al. to obtain similar
results to those obtained by our model.
The ranking process, simply summing the scores
of correlated terms, was also viable and presented
good results. Less relevant results returned by the se-
arch engine were treated with little relevance in the fi-
nal classification in relation to OERs considered more
relevant because of the correlated terms.
(de Souza et al., 2008)(Patrocinio and Ishitani,
2009)(Costa et al., 2013) report some difficulties in
the OER search process in digital repositories, such
as searching process with syntactic restrictions, ma-
king it difficult to find relevant results. (de Souza
Table 9: Searching results composition.
Final result composition
Search term TC SE TC’ SE’ TC+SE
corrosion 4 10 1 7 2
DNA 10 10 3 7 0
of Brazil
4 8 0 4 4
Galileu Galilei 10 10 2 6 2
Regionalism 10 10 3 5 2
10 10 2 5 3
10 10 8 2 0
Phylogeny 10 2 8 2 0
Morphine 10 1 9 1 0
Sagittarius 10 10 9 0 1
et al., 2008) proposes a general purpose thesauri-
based approach to semantic retrieval of learning ob-
jects. This model faces a practical limitation, which
is the scarcity of thesauri. Using more generic the-
sauri, not specific to a particular knowledge area, of-
ten require the implementation of semantic similarity
analysis techniques or the combination of the use of
thesauri with ontologies.
(Patrocinio and Ishitani, 2009) proposes a mecha-
nism for learning objects recovery, based on a direc-
tory service that integrates metadata used by the main
Brazilian repositories and social annotation resources.
The proposed model does not address the question of
the ranking of the OERs.
A clustering framework called RankClus is propo-
sed in (Sun et al., 2009) that generates clusters inte-
grated with ranking. This work shows that ranking
objects globally without considering which clusters
they belong to often leads to dumb results.
The design of an information retrieval system ba-
sed on tag co-occurrence and subsequent clustering is
presented in the work of (Knautz et al., 2010). This
system allows users to access digital data through a
graphical/visual retrieval interface, providing an ela-
borate alternative to the conventional tag clouds. In
addition, for these authors, tag clusters represent a
new form of visualization-driven query expansion and
thus to a new possibility of the application of human-
computer interaction research in web-based informa-
tion retrieval. This expansion happens as the user na-
vigates through the vertices (tags) or the edges (relati-
onship between tags) of the tag cluster. This need for
interaction to compose the query may require a lot of
time and effort from the user.
The ranking in (Knautz et al., 2010) is calculated
in two ways: (i) absolute frequency of all tags is accu-
mulated creating the ranking; (ii) with the Within Do-
cument Frequency, which takes the logarithms of the
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
relative occurrences is multiplied with the Inverse Tag
Frequency, a text statistical value which refers to the
total number of tags in the data set. The two approach
or ranking calculation provide very similar results.
The universe of OER and their assigned terms
or keywords can be mapped as a large network, and
strongly interconnected groups (clusters) can be map-
ped (Bohlin et al., 2014). The terms clusters give the
semantic potential necessary to combat the restricti-
ons imposed by the syntactic search process (Hassan-
Montero and Herrero-Solana, 2006)(Knautz et al.,
2010)(Saoud and Kechid, 2016).
According to (Li et al., 2016), access to the se-
mantics of visual content has been improved by ad-
ding relevant new tags, refining existing ones and
using them in resource retrieval. The article presents
a research on assignment, refinement and retrieval of
tags in images. A selected set of eleven representative
works for assignment, refinement and/or retrieval of
tags were implemented and evaluated, presenting the
best performances in each specific task. For exam-
ple, retrieving images using the learned tag relevance
produces more accurate results compared to retrieving
images using original tags. For assignment and retrie-
val of tags, methods that explore tags together with
image media through instance-based learning take the
leading position.
(Lancichinetti and Fortunato, 2009) carried out a
comparative analysis of the performances of some al-
gorithms for community detection on various graphs:
the Girvan and Newman benchmark (Girvan and
Newman, 2002), Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi
benchmark and random graphs. They conclude that
the Infomap method by Rosvall and Bergstrom (Boh-
lin et al., 2014) has the best performance.
We presented a novel solution for searching and ran-
king OERs, which integrates the ranking of search re-
sults from an existing search engine with the rankings
of OERs found via terms clustering. The mixed ran-
king is used to recalculate the terms return order.
We have implemented using the infrastructure of
an existing web portal, allowing us to carry out ex-
periments that show the feasibility of our approach.
Considering the correlated terms provided by the
clustered information to expand the original search
term made, it was possible to increase the number of
relevant correlated results. In addition, there was a
diversification of the results, thanks to the integration
with the results of the correlated terms.
The ranking process presented good results with
the application of simple equations. Irrelevant results
returned by the search engine were properly treated
with little emphasis in the final classification, consi-
dering that other more relevant OERs were returned
by the search. This way, we have concluded that it
is not necessary to use complex models and calcula-
tions to obtain improvements in ranking. The equa-
tion results were normalized in order to not prioritize
some specific search results. The relevance of the ran-
king was based on empirical analysis of the returned
objects. Further analysis should be done to evaluate
through some existing data set, if available.
The main contribution of our presented approach
is the increment of the number of OERs found by a
searching process, as well as ranking the result set
considering the relevance of all correlated terms.
As future work we can mention the application of
Natural Language Processing techniques such as radi-
calization, lemmatization, removal of stopwords and
disambiguation to improve the quality of the terms
clustering and, consequently, to improve the search
results. Another point that deserves additional rese-
arch is the techniques to perform OER ranking, since
depending on the applied equations and methods one
can classify the final results in many different ways.
This work was funded by project (Pesquisa de re-
des sociais em nuvem voltadas para objetos educaci-
onais), FNDE (Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento
da Educac¸
ao) and CNPq Universal.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems