On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking
Vincent Haupert and Tilo Müller
Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany
Mobile Banking, App-based Authentication, Malware, PSD2, Compliance.
Owing to their growing popularity, smartphones have made two-step authentication schemes not only accessible
to everybody but also inexpensive for both the provider and the end user. Although app-based two-factor
methods provide an additional element of authentication, they pose a risk if they are used as a replacement for
an authentication system that is already secured by two-factor authentication. This particularly affects digital
banking. Unlike methods backed by dedicated hardware to securely legitimize transactions, authentication apps
run on multi-purpose devices such as smartphones and tablets, and are thus exposed to the threat of malware.
This vulnerability becomes particularly damaging if the online banking app and the authentication app are both
running on the same device. In order to emphasize the risks that single-device mobile banking poses, we show
a transaction manipulation attack on the app-based authentication schemes of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank,
and Norisbank. Furthermore, we evaluate whether the matrix code authentication method that these banks
and Comdirect implement widely known as photoTAN is compliant with the upcoming Revised Payment
Service Directive (PSD2) of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
Online banking has become an essential service that
virtually every bank offers to its customers and that
enjoys wide popularity. In a 2016 representative sur-
vey, Bitkom Research (Bitkom e.V., 2016) revealed
of German internet users access their bank’s
online banking service to check their account balance
and to initiate transactions. Multiple surveys indicate,
however, that the digital banking activities currently
shift towards mobile banking. The annual internatio-
nal report conducted by Bain & Company (Company,
2016) concludes that mobile banking gains traction
and that the mobile interactions in some European
countries for example Sweden, the Netherlands,
Italy and Spain already exceeded the interactions
using classic online banking. Similar results a survey
on behalf of ING (ING, 2016) yields as “the share of
mobile device users in Europe who bank by mobile
has grown to 47%” and is expected to outrun the usage
of traditional online banking in 2017. Furthermore, all
studies emphasize that the popularity of local branch
banking has declined due to younger customers opting
for the increasing convenience of banking services
through their smartphone.
The change in people’s way of accessing their
bank accounts and financial services, that is through
their mobile device instead of visiting the bank’s local
branch, even has led to the emergence of new financial
institutions (commonly known as FinTechs) like the
pan-European banking startup N26 (Number26 GmbH,
2016). By now, every major bank offers a mobile ban-
king application for customers to check their accounts,
initiate transactions, and confirm them. The unabated
success of smartphones caused many financial institu-
tions to pursue a “mobile first” strategy: Unlike previ-
ous authentication procedures used in online banking,
recent methods aim at enabling mobile transactions
on a single device (mobile banking). As opposed to
the out-of-band authentication scheme of established
procedures, mobile banking no longer requires two
separate devices. Instead, the authentication elements
are either implemented in two segregated apps, or inte-
grated into a single app.
Although mobile devices are appreciated for provi-
ding cost-effective and accessible two-factor authenti-
cation as an additional layer of security, it is a matter
of concern that smartphones are replacing high-end
security solutions basked by dedicated hardware. This
development especially affects authentication proce-
dures in online banking. Prior to the introduction of
app-based authentication methods, the evolution of the
second element used for transaction verification and
confirmation was characterized by a steady increase
Haupert, V. and Müller, T.
On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking.
DOI: 10.5220/0006650501490160
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 149-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in security features. In particular, chipTAN is an esta-
blished procedure used in online banking. It uses the
customer’s personal bank card and a dedicated reader
device to securely authenticate a transaction.
While it is true that the use of apps as an additional
element of authentication can increase the security of
systems that were not using a second factor before, it
means a step backward for online banking that until
lately followed the rule that transaction initialization
and confirmation should never take place on the same
device. Unlike many other authentication schemes, the
security of online payments is subject to national and
supra-national regulations. In the following we not
only provide evidence that app-based authentication
schemes are less secure than their predecessors, but
also show that the upcoming EU regulations stipulating
strong customer authentication missed the target to
account for this decay in security.
1.1 Attacker Model: The Threat of
Privileged Malware
The main reason why app-based authentication sche-
mes provide less security than previous methods is
that they run on a smartphone. In contrast to methods
like chipTAN, a smartphone is not a dedicated but a
multi-purpose device. The reason for the success of
smartphones is their vast set of features and the possi-
bility to install apps on them. While the interface and
attack surface of dedicated hardware devices is tailored
to be as small as possible, smartphones have various
input channels. Additionally, smartphone operating
systems are designed to be modifiable and extensible,
making effective security a complex task. This leads
to a broad attack surface that is targeted by malware.
Apart from malicious apps that compromise the
security and privacy of apps within the security mo-
del of the system, malware that attempts to gain root
permissions (privileged malware) is particularly dan-
gerous. If malware succeeds in executing a privilege
escalation exploit (root exploit), it gets full control of
the system. While root exploits are also often used
by power users to gain maximum control over their
system, malware deploys them in order to bypass the
system’s isolation and sandboxing principles. After
rooting the victim’s device, malware can execute its
payload within the maximum privilege level.
That this threat is no fiction and that an app contai-
ning a root exploit can actually make its way into
the official Google Play Store has been proven in
2014 (Maier et al., 2014). The following year an app
called Brain Test (Polkovnichenko and Boxiner, 2015)
was detected in the Play Store that followed the pre-
dicted scenario. The Brain Test app would conceal
itself as a functional IQ testing app while trying to
root the user’s device in the background. Afterwards,
it would download a malicious code from an external
server to execute it with root privileges. Shortly after
the app was removed by Google, 13 similar apps
each with a different name and game logic were
detected in the Play Store (Dehghanpoor, 2016).
Then there are apps based on the malware family
Godless (Zhang, 2016) or HummingBad (Check Point
Mobile Research Team, 2016) that also root the device
they are run on. According to TrendMicro, “Godless
can target virtually any Android device running on
Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or earlier”, which meant
of all Android devices when the article was released
on June 21, 2016. By the end of 2015 the Humming-
Bad malware was detected in various apps, and it was
estimated that it had already infected and rooted more
than 10 million devices (Goodin, 2016a).
In August 2016 Check Point announced that it had
found a set of four vulnerabilities in Android devi-
ces sporting Qualcomm chipsets” (Donenfeld, 2016).
Each of them could be used to gain root permissions
on the device. The same line Dirty Cow takes, a Linux
kernel vulnerability capable of rooting any Android
version (Goodin, 2016b). It is merely a matter of
time until malware makes use of these vulnerabilities.
Owing to the great diversity of device manufacturers
that usually ship their own, often modified, versions
of Android, there is no centralized update mechanism.
Therefore, every manufacturer is responsible for rol-
ling out software and security updates. The cruel rea-
lity is that many of these companies take significantly
long to release security patches, if they deliver them
to the end user at all (Thomas et al., 2015).
Interestingly, the way of monetarization that mal-
ware based on Brain Test, Godless, or HummingBad
often uses today is displaying advertisements to the
user. The rapid spread of mobile banking, however,
is set to give rise to mobile banking trojan campaigns.
For example, Kaspersky recently reported that the ban-
king malware Tordow has significantly evolved (Kivva,
2016). The fact that Tordow roots a user’s device
will allow “cybercriminals to carry out new types of
1.2 Related Work
The most important past research in the field of mo-
bile banking security is our 2015 analysis of the Spar-
kasse pushTAN authentication procedure (Haupert and
Müller, 2016). Apart from a transaction manipulation
attack, we also mention that an attack which aims at
replicating the pushTAN app might be feasible but
refrained from executing it. Their first mentioned tran-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
saction manipulation attack, however, was realized
using the Xposed hooking framework on a SuperSU-
rooted, i. e., heavily prepared device. In their official
statement, Sparkasse picked these circumstances up to
discount the attack to be only doable under laboratory
conditions (Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband,
2015). We also had demanded to fill the regulatory
gap that mobile banking authentication schemes were
taking advantage of and that is now covered by the
Revised Payment Service Directive of the European
Union. The Regulatory Technical Standards, however,
were still in preperation.
Another contribution (Dmitrienko et al., 2014) also
deals with the security of the CrontoSign / photoTAN
procedure. They already showed in 2014 that an early
demo version of the app could not withstand a copy
attack. In contrast to recent versions used in the field,
however, the procedure did neither yet implement any
device binding to mitigate copy attacks nor was it pos-
sible to operate it on the same device used to initiate
the corresponding transaction. Furthermore, the pho-
toTAN procedure at this time could only be used with
two different devices. This, however, has changed in
the meantime and single-device transactions form the
core of our criticism.
Further research on the security impact of mobile
devices with respect to authentication procedures has
been conducted in the research paper How Anywhere
Computing Just Killed Your Phone-Based Two-Factor
Authentication (Konoth et al., 2016). They show that
the heavy synchronization between a user’s devices
can invalidate the additional protection of a two-factor
authentication scheme by, e.g., also synchronizing a
token received via SMS with a user’s computer, hence
eliminating the separation of channels. In general, the
SMS technology still widely used for authentica-
ting online banking transactions is well-researched
and several issues have been revealed (Mulliner et al.,
2013; Reaves et al., 2016; Rao et al., 2016).
1.3 Contributions
In our scenario the victim uses an app-based matrix
code authentication scheme for online banking on his
or her Android device. The system on the device does
not have to be modified; in particular, the device does
not have to be rooted. However, a device weakness
must be known to gain full access to the system, which
is exploited by criminals as described above. In case
the device runs both the online banking app and the
authentication app, there are no additional require-
ments. This is also true for authentication schemes that
carry out transaction initialization and confirmation
within a single app. If the app-based authentication
scheme forces another device to initiate a transaction,
the knowledge-based authentication factor must additi-
onally be compromised. Based on these assumptions,
we make the following contributions:
First, we show a real-time transaction manipula-
tion attack for the mobile banking use case of the
photoTAN procedure of Deutsche Bank, Commerz-
bank, and Norisbank. The transaction manipulation
remains invisible to the victim in all steps of the
attack and is entirely technical, meaning that it does
not involve social engineering.
Second, we analyze the compliance of the photo-
TAN procedure with respect to the forthcoming Re-
vised Payment Service Directive of the European
banking authority. Although a previous draft sugge-
sted that running two authentication factors on the
same device may lead to violation of the require-
ment of the independence of authentication factors,
the final draft presumably allows procedures imple-
mented in this way. Furthermore, the photoTAN app
alone may not be considered a possession element
within the definition of strong customer authoriza-
tion. In support of this argument, we show that the
photoTAN app of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank,
Norisbank, and Comdirect cannot withstand a repli-
cation attack.
Particularly in German speaking countries, the second
factor procedure used to confirm transactions is called
TAN method. TAN stands for transaction authentica-
tion number and is a one-time password (OTP) that
is received, processed or even generated by the TAN
method after a customer issued a credit transfer. The
user afterwards transmits the TAN manually or auto-
matically to the bank’s backend causing the transaction
to become into effect. Even though modern second-
factor authentication schemes do frequently no longer
involve a TAN, the expression TAN method remained
due to historic reasons and denotes a procedure to
confirm digital banking transactions.
Although the development of high-end TAN proce-
dures could successfully defeat most threats in online
banking, they were expensive either for the bank or
for the user. The chipTAN procedure, for example,
introduced a dedicated reader to generate TANs in
conjunction with the customer’s personal bank card.
In the past banks supplied their customers with the
device free of charge. Today, however, it is common
On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking
Out-of-Band Authentication
One-Device Authentication
Two-App Authentication
One-App Authentication
Two-Device Authentication
Figure 1: The different types of app-based authentication methods. The two-device authentication (2da) scheme, which makes
use of two independent devices, is suitable for out-of-band authentication of transactions. Two-app authentication (2aa) and
one-app authentication (1aa) were developed in order to enable mobile banking on one device. While 2da and 2aa use two
different apps for authentication, 1aa issues and confirms transactions only within a single app.
practice to pass the acquisition costs to the end user.
In contrast, smartphone-based authentication schemes
allow both the financial institution and the end user to
reduce costs. Banking apps are usually freely available
to the customers, guaranteeing high acceptance rates.
In contrast to previous authentication methods, app-
based authentication can be divided into three catego-
ries: two-device, two-app, and one-app authentication
schemes, as shown in Section 2. All three types of
apps display transaction details to the user in order to
get a second confirmation of the transaction. Only if
the user confirms the transaction via a second channel
does the transaction come into effect. In the following
each type of app-based authentication is described:
Two-Device Authentication (2da).
This mode of au-
thentication is largely similar to established methods
like mTAN and chipTAN, as it is a true two-factor
authentication scheme using two independent devices.
First, the user logs into the banking app or web inter-
face to issue a transaction order. Second, the user uses
an independent device to confirm the transaction. The
delivery of transaction details to the authentication app
differs across vendors, but it is dependent on whether
the method is an online or offline procedure. An off-
line procedure obtains the transaction details through
an input different from the network channel. The user
often has to scan a matrix barcode using the smartp-
hone camera. The authentication app then extracts
the transaction details from the obtained image and
displays them to the user. As the procedure takes place
offline, a TAN is displayed after the transaction has
been confirmed, and the user has to manually transfer
the TAN to the banking app or web interface.
Two-App Authentication (2aa).
In contrast to 2da,
the 2aa method does not rely on two different devices
but two different apps running on the same mobile
device. To initiate a transaction the user opens the
banking app and enters his or her login credentials.
After sending a transfer order, the banking app opens
the authentication app. Depending on whether the au-
thentication app works online or offline, the banking
app sends the transaction details to the authentication
app based on app-to-app communication, or the au-
thentication app receives the transfer data over the
network from the banking server. Likewise, when the
user confirms the transaction, the authentication app
either sends the TAN via app-to-app communication,
or directly confirms the transaction over the network.
One-App Authentication (1aa).
As the name sugge-
sts, this method does both transaction initialization
and confirmation not only on the same device but also
inside the same app. When a customer uses this app
to issue a transaction, he or she is no longer required
to use a different app. Instead, the app shows the con-
firmation dialog right after the transaction submission.
In contrast to 2da and 2aa, this method only displays
the transaction details but never shows a TAN to the
user as that would not add value to the procedure.
The photoTAN procedure is a TAN method which
is based on CrontoSign, a visual signing techno-
logy developed by Cronto (Cronto, 2011). In 2008,
Commerzbank was the first bank that experimented
with Cronto’s technology, using it as a secure, cost-
effective, and usable second-factor authorization met-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
hod (Cronto, 2008). To bring it in line with the already
existing naming scheme for previous methods, it was
labeled photoTAN.
The photoTAN method is a popular app-based au-
thentication procedure based on matrix code scanning.
Even though mostly German and Swiss banks have
adopted the photoTAN method, it is also used interna-
tionally, presumably under different names. We have
chosen Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, along with
their direct banking subsidiaries Norisbank and Com-
direct, because they all play a significant role in the
German banking landscape. With respect to their ba-
lance sheet total (Bundesverband deutscher Banken
e.V., 2015), Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank are
Germany’s largest banks, while Norisbank and Com-
direct are popular direct banks.
3.1 Order and Activation
In order to use the photoTAN procedure to legitimize
transactions, the photoTAN app of the respective bank
and an activation graphic is needed to initialize the app.
While one might download and install photoTAN im-
mediately, all analyzed banks send the graphic printed
on a postal letter. As such, the delivery takes at least
one or two days. After receiving the activation letter
and installing the app, one can begin the activation
First, the user has to scan the activation graphic
found on the bank’s postal letter. Afterward, the cu-
stomer is asked to log into the online banking app
to add a new photoTAN device through the TAN ad-
ministration web page. Depending on the bank, the
remainder of the procedure continues differently. If
using photoTAN by Deutsche Bank or Norisbank, the
last step generated a 12-digit numerical token, and the
photoTAN app prompts the user to enter and send it
through the online banking. Thereafter, the online ban-
king app shows another photoTAN graphic which the
user must scan to generate a 7-digit TAN to transfer
it to the online banking and complete the activation
process. In the case of Commerzbank and Comdirect,
the process is slightly different: Instead of showing a
token to the user after scanning the activation graphic,
the online banking asks the user to scan another photo-
TAN graphic right away. This generates a 7-digit TAN
just like in the last step of the activation procedure of
Deutsche Bank and Norisbank. In all cases, the photo-
TAN app is assigned a unique identifier that consists of
ve uppercase alphabetic letters. Even though multiple
devices might be registered with the same activation
letter, they do not generate the same TAN. Therefore,
each transaction can be confirmed by multiple TANs.
It is also noteworthy that registering an additional de-
vice does not require the confirmation of an already
activated device.
The photoTAN procedure is a strict offline met-
hod. By implication, the app cannot send any data
over the network back to the bank’s server. The only
possibility to transfer any device information is by
coding the information inside the activation code of
the TAN. Apparently, only Deutsche Bank and Noris-
bank receive data from the photoTAN app as neither
Commerzbank nor Comdirect use an activation code
at all. Although ultimately unknown, as a deep ana-
lysis of the protocol was out of scope, it is likely that
the photoTAN app of Commerzbank and Comdirect
is immediately activated after scanning the activation
graphic while Deutsche Bank and Norisbank transfer
additional information coded inside the 12-digit num-
ber. This code offers the possibility to carry only very
limited amounts of data. After this step, the process
continues equally, and the scanned PhotoTAN graphic
serves to confirm the activation. Due to its short length
of only 7 digits, it is highly unlikely that the TAN trans-
fers any device information back to the online banking
without substantially decreasing the entropy of the ac-
tual payload. In the end, it seems most probable that
Commerzbank and Comdirect do not obtain any addi-
tional information. Even though Deutsche Bank and
Norisbank ascertain further device information, their
activation process does not involve any seed. As a
consequence, the last step in the activation always ge-
nerates the same TAN if performed on the same device
again. This behavior differs from Commerzbank and
Comdirect, as their activation process always yields a
different TAN, even if repeated on the device.
3.2 Usage and Modes of Operation
The photoTAN image is a matrix code that contains
the transaction data and additional metadata to ens-
ure its integrity. Recent versions of the photoTAN
method of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and Noris-
bank offer two different ways of receiving the payload:
(1) Scanning a photoTAN image with the device ca-
mera and decoding its payload, and (2) receiving the
photoTAN payload directly via app-to-app communi-
cation (mobile banking). Both modes are illustrated
in Figure 2. In any case, the photoTAN app uses its
cryptographic key received during the app’s activation
process to decrypt the payload and to generate a TAN
that corresponds to the transaction details.
The first mode of operation is used for the out-
of-band approach involving two devices (2da). After
the customer has sent a transfer order using the tran-
saction initiation channel which is the banking app
or web interface , a matrix code is displayed. The
On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking
Online Banking
Two-Device Authentication
Banking App
photoTAN App
Two-App Authentication
Figure 2: The two different operation modes of the photoTAN method. Either the user scans a matrix code with the device
camera (2da), or the decoded photoTAN payload is directly transferred from the banking to the photoTAN app (2aa).
photoTAN app generates a TAN from the decoded
transaction details of the matrix code. Finally, the user
manually transfers the TAN to verify the transaction
details and to finally confirm the transaction.
The second option implements the 2aa scheme to
facilitate mobile banking transactions. The customer
uses the banking app to fill in the transaction details
and send them to the banking server. As a mobile
device with an integrated camera cannot scan its own
display, the banking app transfers the decoded pho-
toTAN payload to the photoTAN app via app-to-app
communication. Thereafter, the app displays the tran-
saction details and asks the user for confirmation. But
instead of transferring the TAN back manually, the
photoTAN app automatically sends it to the banking
app. Ironically, the term “photoTAN” entirely loses
its justification when used in this mode of operation
because no matrix code scanning is involved.
As of February 2017, mobile banking transactions
are currently supported by Deutsche Bank, Norisbank,
and recently also by Commerzbank. Comdirect only
supports out-of-band photoTAN transactions. Cur-
rently, there is no photoTAN implementation that inte-
grates both authentication steps in one app, as evident
from N26.
3.3 Security Features
In this section we provide an overview of the security
features of the photoTAN procedure and the different
apps offered by Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Noris-
bank, and Comdirect. As some attacks also involve the
respective banking apps, their security is also addres-
sed, if necessary. The following description of security
properties is summarized in Table 1.
No Access Barrier.
None of the analyzed photoTAN
derivates restricts the photoTAN app by explicitly au-
thenticating the customer. On the one hand, this allows
quick access to the photoTAN app, but on the other,
this means there is no additional security barrier to
physical access attacks for users without screen lock.
To mitigate replication attacks, all
variants employ device fingerprinting to bind certain
device properties to the installed and activated app.
The fingerprinting step, however, only relies on the
and the
. In the case of the Comdi-
rect photoTAN app, fingerprinting is solely based on
the ANDROID_ID. Both values can be easily forged.
Repackaging Protection.
Repacking is the process
of decoding, modifying, and encoding an existing app.
Ultimately, the app is signed with a new key. More
often than not, repackaging is used to trojanize ex-
isting apps and spread them using third-party stores.
Furthermore, repackaging is an important assistant for
dynamic analysis and reverse engineering. To mitigate
repackaging, apps check their own signature at run-
time to spot modifications. Even though the photoTAN
apps carry sensitive information, only Commerzbank
and Comdirect have taken active measures to prevent
it. These banking apps do not account for repackaging,
which means none of them employs any mitigation
Rooting Policy.
In the Android universe, the process
of gaining system privileges and installing the
nary to permit apps to ask for root permissions is called
rooting. As this process could disable important se-
curity anchors and features, many apps dealing with
sensitive data employ a restrictive usage policy for
rooted devices. Nonetheless, only the photoTAN app
of Commerzbank enforces a restrictive rooting po-
licy, whereas Comdirect only shows a message hinting
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Overview of the security features of different Android photoTAN derivates and their corresponding banking apps. The
first sub-column deals with the respective banking app while the second refers to the bank’s photoTAN app.
Deutsche Bank Commerzbank Norisbank Comdirect
Enforces Out-of-Band
Analyzed Version
2.1.5 6.0.6
Denies Backup
TLS Pinning
at the risks involved. Deutsche Bank and Norisbank
neither advise about nor restrict access to rooted de-
vices. None of the banking apps actually checks for
Prevent Backup.
Android offers the option of crea-
ting backups of apps and their data. As this feature re-
presents a legitimate, non-root opportunity to access an
app’s data, it poses the risk of the data getting compro-
mised. As this could happen due to a system feature,
it can also be disabled using the
flag in
the Android manifest. Despite the risks, only Commer-
zbank has disabled the option of creating backups.
TLS Pinning.
While the photoTAN method operates
completely offline, the respective banking apps them-
selves must retrieve data from the internet. It is im-
portant that all apps especially those that receive
or send sensitive information use TLS-encrypted
connections. An attacker might still use a man-in-the-
middle (MITM) attack to compromise the integrity and
confidentiality of a connection. To prevent this kind
of attack, an app can pin a specific certificate used for
network communication. Even though MITM attacks
against TLS-encrypted connections have been known
for years, only Deutsche Bank and Norisbank use certi-
ficate pinning to prevent MITM attacks targeting their
banking apps.
In order to reverse-engineer, under-
stand, and modify the logic of a program, its code
can be disassembled for static analysis. In the case
of Android, apps are not delivered as machine code
for the target architecture but as Java bytecode. The
latter contains significantly more metadata, thereby
easing the reverse engineer’s analysis and allowing au-
tomatic decompilers to produce results that are close
to the original source code. Obfuscation is the pro-
cess of making mainly static but also dynamic analysis
harder by removing or modifying metadata and intro-
ducing additional code to conceal the idea and logic
behind a particular piece of code. Even though the
default Android build configuration provides for Pro-
Guard (Lafortune, ), not all apps use it. ProGuard is
primarily a code minifier aimed at improving perfor-
mance. However, certain features, such as the function
renaming employed by ProGuard, also have a signi-
ficant obfuscating effect. The Deutsche Bank and
Norisbank photoTAN apps, as well as the Comdirect
banking and photoTAN app, make use of this. Both
the Commerzbank banking and photoTAN apps are
processed with tools that employ obfuscation techni-
ques that go beyond ProGuard. The banking apps of
Deutsche Bank and Norisbank are not protected at all.
Third-Party Protection.
For enhanced security,
third parties offer solutions to provide apps with additi-
onal safeguards. Promon Shield (Promon AS, 2016), a
product designed by the Norwegian company Promon,
offers protection against various threats including
most of those noted so far without much interaction
from the developers of the app. Even though research
has shown that app transformations can be powerful,
it is difficult for Promon Shield to provide effective
protection against real attacks without causing false
positives (Commerzbank A.G., 2016). The only app
that uses such a solution is Commerzbank which
introduced Promon Shield with a recent update of
their photoTAN app.
In summary, the photoTAN method has a very per-
missive security model. One security decision is to not
secure the app and its data using an additional login
screen, even though many other app-based TAN met-
hods like pushTAN employ such protection. As stated
before, this decision does not only influence who can
use the app but also prevents encryption of the user’s
credentials. The only safeguard that mitigates a naive
replication attack is the app’s device fingerprinting.
The device fingerprinting involves the
property) and the
(software property), but
both values are common device and system properties
On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking
that can easily be replicated.
Commerzbank and Comdirect have taken more
measures to ensure the security of the system and the
integrity of their apps. The Comdirect photoTAN app
does not only warn the customer about the risks of root-
ing, but also checks the integrity of the app at runtime,
and more precisely during registration. When the user
scans the matrix code, it also checks the signature of
the app. Comdirect sends the expected signature of the
app along with the payload of the matrix code. Com-
merzbank provides protection against repackaging and
uses a restrictive rooting policy, as enforced by the
third-party security module developed by Promon.
Last but not least, please note that the photoTAN
procedure is not only available as a smartphone app
but also as dedicated hardware (Cronto, 2011). Na-
turally, our statements about the security features of
app-based authentication cannot be transferred to the
photoTAN hardware device. Quite the contrary, a
dedicated photoTAN device available for all three
analyzed banks offers excellent security properties
largely similar to those of chipTAN.
This section describes a real-time transaction manipu-
lation attack that we implemented against the photo-
TAN procedure of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, and
Norisbank. The attack cannot be used against Comdi-
rect, as Comdirect does not support mobile banking
on a single device. For the other three banks, however,
the attack manipulates the transaction data the victim
(1) sends during initialization (banking app), (2) sees
during verification (banking app), and (3) sees during
confirmation (photoTAN app).
4.1 Banking App: MITM
In order to manipulate the data the user sends and
sees inside the banking app, we use a TLS man-in-the-
middle (MITM) attack. The Android system just
like any other operating system ships a bundle of
certificates it regards as trusted. To get the system to
trust the certificate presented by the MITM proxy, the
attacker needs to install it. This process is straightfor-
ward as the system regards certificates that reside in
a specific system directory as trusted. Owing to the
attacker’s privilege level we assume in our attacker
model, files can be placed in any location.
Especially applications dealing with sensitive data
are developed with MITM attacks in mind. Conse-
quently, manufacturers employ certificate pinning to
protect their apps against such attacks. This technique
causes the app to only trust a specific set of certificates
instead of solely relying on the system’s trust settings.
Although certificate pinning effectively protects an
app against MITM attacks, only the banking apps of
Deutsche Bank and Norisbank employ this method.
The banking app of Commerzbank does not pin its
certificate. But also disabling the certificate pinning
the Deutsche Bank and Norisbank is possible, because
both use a flag that controls if the application should
quit due to the detection of a certificate error or not.
Therefore, our patch does not stop the apps from de-
tecting the error but simply prevents any consequences
of it. Furthermore, neither of the two apps performs
any repackaging checks. Therefore, an attacker only
needs to introduce a patch that toggles the flag to make
the apps accept connections with the attacker server.
Besides the possibility to manipulate the data a
user sends and receives, we were able to eavesdrop on
the user’s login credentials. The latter was true for all
the analyzed banks including Comdirect.
4.2 PhotoTAN App: Repackaging
To forge the data the photoTAN app presents to the
user during transaction confirmation, an attacker needs
to either modify the environment the app is running in,
hook particular app methods, or patch the app’s code
statically. We decided to modify the app statically, as
this has the least impact on the system and represents
the method a real attacker would most likely choose in
practice. This process was straightforward for the pho-
toTAN apps of Deutsche Bank and Norisbank because
none of them protects itself against repackaging. The
photoTAN app of Commerzbank and Comdirect, ho-
wever, required extra work to disable their repackaging
The repackaging protection of Com-
merzbank’s photoTAN app is provided by Promon
Shield. The protection solution by Promon is integra-
ted into the app and delivered in the form of a native
library that loads when the app starts. As the repacka-
ging protection is part of the native library, which itself
is obfuscated and uses tamper resistance to spot modi-
fications, it would be rather hard to patch the library.
Another idea is to remove Promon Shield entirely from
the app, but even though this would be theoretically
possible, it is also assumed to be rather difficult be-
cause Promon strips the app of all strings and outsour-
ces them to the native library. The Java code then
queries these strings at runtime using a defined index.
The easiest way to disable Promon’s repackaging pro-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Generate TAN
Verification and Confirmation
Send TAN
Figure 3: Overview of the steps involved in the implementation of real-time transaction manipulations.
tection is using
. The only hook required
to disable the repackaging protection was to return a
file descriptor to the original app whenever Promon
tried to open the repackaged app. When the system
ran our modified app, Promon Shield reads the app
that had not been tampered with; hence, all security
checks were passed, and the app continued to execute
both its own and the attacker’s code. This approach
disabled the core security features of Promon in less
than 100 lines of C.
Unlike Commerzbank, the Comdirect
photoTAN app implemented its own routines to check
the integrity of an app. Unlike Promon, which checks
the app’s signature during app startup, the Comdirect
photoTAN app is not shipped with a hardcoded certifi-
cate. Instead, parts of the app’s signing certificate are
checked with values encoded in the matrix code. If the
repackaging check cannot validate the app’s signature,
the app crashes without a warning. After we learned
how the repackaging protection works, patching it was
straightforward too: A function of the app responsible
for returning the signing certificates is compared with
the values found inside the matrix code. Instead of
retrieving the certificates at runtime, we patched the
app to statically return the certificate the original app
was signed with.
After the repackaging protection was defeated, we
could patch the photoTAN app to display arbitrary
data. All of the analyzed banks limit the transferred
data to the minimum required to verify a credit transfer,
namely its IBAN and amount. As a result, we only
needed to forge those two values to conceal transaction
manipulations. This could be achieved by statically
injecting additional code right before the IBAN and
the amount are displayed to the client. The injected
code searches our attacker server for details of the
manipulated transaction, and so the photoTAN app
eventually processes different transaction details as
those the user sees during confirmation.
4.3 The Attack
With the ability to modify the transaction initialization,
verification, and confirmation process, we are able
to execute real-time transaction manipulations. The
attack visualized in Figure 3 works as follows:
The victim, Bob, wants to execute a mobile ban-
king transaction to Alice using a malware-infected
Android device. To complete the transaction, Bob
opens the banking app and provides the required
details (beneficiary, IBAN, amount, and reference).
When he submits the transaction details, however,
they are not delivered to the bank’s server. Instead,
all requests are routed to our attacking server where
we cannot only eavesdrop on the victim’s creden-
tials but also modify the transaction. First, the
original transaction Bob issued is saved for later
use, and then Bob’s transaction is replaced with our
own transaction that benefits our own bank account.
After submitting the transaction, the banking app
prompts Bob to verify and confirm his transaction
using the photoTAN app. As Bob is using the ban-
king app and the photoTAN app on the same de-
vice, the photoTAN app opens automatically. When
he starts the verification process, the banking app
sends the decoded matrix challenge with our for-
On App-based Matrix Code Authentication in Online Banking
ged transaction details to the photoTAN app via
app-to-app communication.
Next, the photoTAN app displays the transaction
details and generates a corresponding TAN. Bob
would normally spot the fraud when the photoTAN
app displays transaction details as different from his
input. As the photoTAN app is attacker-controlled,
however, it retrieves the transaction details that Bob
originally entered from our attacking server.
Bob verifies the transaction, and since everything
visually appears as expected, he confirms the tran-
The TAN is automatically transferred back into the
banking app.
Bob must confirm once again in order to send the
TAN to the bank server.
The bank server checks if the TAN matches the
expected TAN.
Finally, it passes verification, and the transaction is
eventually completed.
Note that Bob confirmed a different transaction
than he had actually intended without realizing it du-
ring or after the attack. As the victim’s phone was
compromised, we could even change the transaction
overview to hide the tampering. The only way for
the victim to spot the fraud was consulting the bank’s
online banking from an independent device.
The security of online transactions is subject to na-
tional and supranational regulations. EU Directive
2015/2366 (European Union, 2015) was issued on Ja-
nuary 12, 2016, and it will come into effect on January
13, 2018. Being the successor to the Payment Service
Directive (PSD), it is better known as the Revised Pay-
ment Service Directive, or just PSD2. The directive
will make strong customer authentication mandatory
for all payment services and platforms, especially mo-
bile devices. On February 23, 2017, the EBA has rele-
ased the final draft of its regulatory technical standards
(RTS) (European Banking Authority, 2017) that pro-
vide a more detailed description of the requirements
of strong customer authentication (SCA). Much to our
surprise, the EBA significantly relaxed the rules defi-
ned in the previous draft (European Banking Authority,
2016), thus having introduced a longer lasting weake-
ning effect on the security requirements of European
online and particularly mobile banking.
Article 4(30) PSD2 demands strong customer au-
thentication based on two or more elements, catego-
rized as knowledge (something only the user knows),
possession (something only the user possesses), and
inherence (something only the user is).
5.1 The photoTAN App as a Possession
Section 4 showed that it is particularly dangerous to
use one-device mobile banking. Although this is a
valid scenario, currently only
of German online
banking users initiate and confirm transactions on the
same device (Bitkom e.V., 2016). By implication, the
vast majority of photoTAN customers of Deutsche
Bank, Commerzbank, and Norisbank still use out-of-
band authentication in order to legitimize their tran-
sactions with two independent devices. Even though
using the photoTAN app in conjunction with another
device is substantially more secure, it cannot be com-
pared to the level of security that dedicated hardware
The photoTAN procedure makes use of a know-
ledge element during transaction initialization the
login credentials and a possession element during
transaction confirmation the activated photoTAN
app. In the past it allowed for substantial divergen-
ces in the interpretation of the essential features of
the individual factors. With respect to the possession
element, the EBA RTS require it to be “designed to
prevent replication of the elements”.
Owing to the weak device binding of the photo-
TAN app, we were able to copy all the analyzed pho-
toTAN apps from a victim’s device to our attacker
device. After cloning, the photoTAN app on both
devices generated the same TAN for a specific tran-
saction. The photoTAN method fails to guard against
our replication attack because of two reasons. First,
the photoTAN app only relies on the device’s
and the system’s
. Both of these are com-
mon values for implementing device binding and any
attacker would look into them first. Second, cloning
of the photoTAN app is successful because it has no
access protection. If the photoTAN app were secured
by knowledge or an inherence element, the app could
store its data in an encrypted format.
5.2 Independence of the Elements in
Mobile Banking
Apart from the description of the elements used for
strong customer authentication, the EBA also specifies
the requirements with respect to their independence.
This is particularly relevant for single-device mobile
banking transactions.
While the RTS draft found in the EBA discussion
paper still suggested strong security standards that re-
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
quire the channel used for transaction initialization and
confirmation to “be independent or segregated”, the fi-
nal report withdrew this demand. The same line the re-
statement requiring the elements to be implemented in
“discrete trusted execution environments” takes: This
formulation suggested that one-device mobile banking
transactions should only be compliant on devices and
apps leveraging explicit hardware support like ARM
TrustZone. The final version, however, only requires
that the initialization and confirmation logic make “use
of separated secure execution environments”.
Although the final RTS demands “that the breach
of one does not compromise the reliability of the ot-
hers, in particular when any of these elements are used
through a multi-purpose device”, the EBA also clari-
fies that a “mobile phone which can be used for both
giving the instruction to make the payment and for
being used in the authentication process” does comply
with the requirements of SCA. Furthermore, the au-
thentication procedure needs to ensure that neither the
user nor a third party has modified the software or de-
vice. Alternatively, the scheme needs to take measures
to “mitigate the consequences of such alteration”.
Within the purview of the EBA regulations, the
banking and the photoTAN app can be likely descri-
bed as independent even though we oppose the EBAs
decision. However, if the regulation requiring the au-
thentication procedure to detect and mitigate device
modifications is currently met, remains debatable:
The breach of the banking app can compromise
the photoTAN app and vice versa. It is true that
the sandboxing mechanism of the prevailing mobile
operating systems mitigates the risk of a successful
attack against one app due to an app-specific vul-
nerability also compromising the other app. If the
system layer of the device is compromised, however,
both elements are affected equally, and an attacker
can gain access to the knowledge and possession fac-
tor at the same time. This is not only true for all ana-
lyzed banks but also for any multi-factor authentica-
tion scheme implemented on a single multi-purpose
device. It remains unclear if implementing the au-
thentication procedure using two separate apps is a
strict guideline or if one-app authentication schemes
could also be regarded as compliant if they take
yet to be definded software-based measures.
None of the analyzed apps provides protection
against a device that has been compromised by a
third party with privileged malware. Some of the
apps Commerzbank and Comdirect reduce the
tampering of their photoTAN app. All of the ana-
lyzed banking apps, however, are totally exposed
to attacks as they do not apply effective safeguards
against system-level malware. In general, however,
this is an impossible task to perform on today’s com-
modity smartphones without hardware support for
strong isolation like the ARM TrustZone.
Only Commerzbank and Comdirect deal with the
alteration of the system by detecting rooted devices.
In such a case, the photoTAN app by Commerzbank
refuses to run, and the photoTAN app by Comdirect
advises the user. However, the photoTAN apps of
Deutsche Bank and Norisbank do not take any mea-
sures in this respect. Moreover, none of the banking
apps addresses system alterations at all. Again, it is
generally impossible to effectively scan the system
layer from an unprivileged app.
The transaction manipulation attack demonstrated that
running the banking and the photoTAN app on the
same device cannot technically be regarded as secure.
Compromising one authentication channel immedia-
tely leads to compromising the other authentication
channel. Even though the photoTAN procedure has
flaws that are specific to it, the core issues lie in the
conception of app-based authentication and are thus
common to all authentication schemes of this kind.
We appreciate the recent efforts of the European
Union and the EBA that defined common standards
for the security of online payments. Unfortunately, the
EBA has refrained from defining clear limits, particu-
larly for single-device mobile payments that can at best
keep an illusion of two-factor authentication. The final
draft poorly accounts for the threats that mobile devi-
ces already face but also the ones they will face in the
future, namely banking trojans that explicitly attack
single-device mobile banking. As a result, banks will
continue to affirm the same statement they gave when
we confronted them with our findings through the pu-
blic media (Tanriverdi, 2016): There are no claims
known to date.
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ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy