more resources on the host, they invoke live migra-
tion. Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are orchestra-
tion tools that permit container horizontal elasticity.
They allow also to set limit on containers during their
initial creation. The related works either trigger hor-
izontal elasticity or migration to another high capac-
ity machines. Our proposed approach supports auto-
matic vertical elasticity of both containers and VMs,
at the same time, container controller invokes VM
controller to trigger scaling actions if there is no more
resources on the hosting machine. Our work is the
first one that explores the coordination between verti-
cal elasticity of containers and VMs.
This paper proposes a novel coordinated vertical elas-
ticity controller for both VMs and containers. It al-
lows fine-grained adaptation and coordination of re-
sources for both containers and their hosting VMs.
Experiments demonstrate that: (i) our coordinated
vertical elasticity is better than the vertical elasticity
of VMs by 70% or the vertical elasticity of contain-
ers by 18.34%, (ii) our combined vertical elasticity of
VMs and containers is better than the horizontal elas-
ticity of containers by 39.6%. In addition, the con-
troller performs elastic actions efficiently. We plan
to experiment this approach with different classes of
applications such as RTMP to verify if same results
will be obtained with the predefined thresholds. Our
future work also comprises the integration of a proac-
tive approach to anticipate future workloads and re-
acts in advance. Furthermore, we plan to address hy-
brid elasticity or what we called diagonal elasticity:
integrating both horizontal and vertical elasticity.
This work is supported by Scalair company (scalair.fr)
and OCCIware (www.occiware.org) research project.
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Coordinating Vertical Elasticity of both Containers and Virtual Machines