Multi-server Marginal Allocation
With CVaR and Abandonment based QoS Measures
Per Enqvist
and G
oran Svensson
Division of Optimization and Systems Theory, Kungliga Tekniska H
ogskolan, Lindstedtsv 25, Stockholm, Sweden
Teleopti WFM, Teleopti AB, Sweden
Queueing, Queueing Networks, Marginal Allocation, Conditional Value-at-Risk, Abandonments.
Two multi-objective minimization problems are posed, one for Erlang-C queues and one for Erlang-A queues.
The objectives are to minimize the cost of added agents while also trying to optimize a quality of service
measure. For the Erlang-C system we propose using the Conditional Value-at-Risk measure with waiting time
as the loss function. We prove that this quality of service measure is integer convex in the number of servers.
For the Erlang-A system we use the fraction of abandoning customers and some rate based weighting function
as the service measure. Finally, a numerical comparison of the two system types is performed. The numerical
results show the similarities between the two systems in terms of optimal points.
In this paper we investigate multi-class queueing net-
works and the optimal allocation of servers with re-
spect to a Quality of Service (QoS) measure. We con-
sider two types of queueing systems, one based on
the Erlang-C model with Conditional Value-at-Risk
(CVaR) (Rockafellar and Uryasev, 2000; Rockafellar
and Uryasev, 2002) on the waiting time as the QoS
measure. In the second system type we look at the
Erlang-A model and use the fraction of abandoning
customers as the basis of our QoS measure.
The basic model consists of a system of par-
allel server pools with a corresponding set of
agents(servers) that cater to customers(jobs), see Fig-
ure 1. Each server pool has a separate and infinite
first-come-first-serve (FCFS) buffer. The separate and
parallel queueing systems are bound together by a
common budget constraint.
The optimization problem is formulated and
solved in terms of the marginal allocation (MA) al-
gorithm (Fox, 1966). When varying the budget con-
straint the whole efficent front, consisting of efficient
solutions, can be found. The MA algorithm depends
on the costs per agent and the improvements of the
QoS measure, for the different queues, to be sepa-
rable and (integer) convex functions. In the tradi-
tion of (Rolfe, 1971; Dyer and Proll, 1977; Weber,
1980) we proceed to prove that the QoS measure, de-
termined by CVaR, is decreasing and convex in the
number of agents. In (Parlar and Sharafali, 2014) the
authors summarize other proofs of convexity for dif-
ferent QoS measures. In a similar fashion the system
of queues where abandonments are allowed is posed
and solved, using a QoS measure based on the frac-
tion of abandoning customers. The convexity of the
measure is posed as a conjecture.
We consider a system of N ∈ N queues of either
M/M/c or M/M/c + M type (using the notation of
(Baccelli and Hebuterne, 1981)), i.e., Erlang-C or
Erlang-A models, each with its own infinite queueing
Introduce the index set I = {1,...,N}. Let c
, de-
note the number of servers in queue i, c = [c
... c
and let a
be the corresponding cost for each agent of
type i. The total cost of the agents is a separable and
integer convex function in c. Furthermore, assume
that the numbers of agents available for assignment to
the different demands are also limited. Let d
∈ N, be
the maximum number of available agents of type i.
The arrival process to queue i is a homogeneous
Poisson process with arrival rate parameter λ
. The
service rate of each server in pool i is denoted by µ
and service times are exponentially distributed. In the
case of the Erlang-A type systems the abandonment
Enqvist, P. and Svensson, G.
Multi-server Marginal Allocation - With CVaR and Abandonment based QoS Measures.
DOI: 10.5220/0006652602970303
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2018), pages 297-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-285-1
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