Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling
Dániel Urbán
, Zoltán Theisz
and Gergely Mezei
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
evopro systems engineering Ltd., Hauszmann Alajos str. 2, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: Meta-modeling, Multi-level Modeling, Operation Language, Self-validation.
Abstract: Any meta-modeling discipline, similar to programming languages, will, sooner or later, feel the need for some
operational language in order to express constraints for model validation and/or action semantics for
executable modeling. Multi-level meta-modeling is no exception in this regard. However, it does provide the
facility to formalize the operation language within the meta-modeling framework, thus the language syntax
and semantics fits perfectly well the intended need of the modeling environment. Moreover, if the modeling
framework is flexible enough in the principles, the model validation can be specified and also applied to the
operation language as well. In this paper, we shortly introduce such a modeling formalism, DMLA, and then
describe in relative detail the design and the current realization of its operation language, DMLAScript, which
enables the multi-level meta-modeling framework to effectively tackle realistic domain models.
Multi-level meta-modeling is enjoying a renaissance
after more than ten years of simmering. The paradigm
has been rediscovered in recent years due to various
factors: i) multi-level meta-modeling techniques for
describing data models have been evolving a lot since
the first introduction of potency notion, ii) research
quality tool support is widely available from
universities and research institutes, iii) mainstream
meta-modeling is facing increasingly challenging
problems as industry has started adopting research
solutions and tried to use them in real problem
settings. Indeed, contemporary meta-modeling is a
mature technology, that is, there exist no known
theoretical limits of its applicability to whatever
shape the particular application domains might come
up with and whatever complexity they present. The
only real practical headache nowadays is connected
to the forecasting of the adaptation and later
maintenance costs the candidate solutions will
require. In effect, it is only due to the additional cost
of accidental complexity, which derives from the
selection of a particular modeling technology,
provided the details and the scope of the problem
have been thoroughly investigated. Obviously, multi-
level meta-modeling is not a silver bullet either;
nevertheless, this paradigm aims to minimize that
accidental complexity by taking advantage of an
unlimited number of meta-levels in order to properly
allocate the right abstraction detail to each of them.
The rest is modeling as usual: instantiation plays
exactly the same role as in the case of state-of-the-art
modeling methods such as UML or EMF Ecore.
However, there is though a significant difference: the
leveling is not prescribed by a methodology, but it is
only encouraged and directly influenced by the aimed
solution(s) of the domain.
Although multi-level meta-modeling is a very
promising technique, it does have its own problems
and limitations. Currently, the most serious of those
issues are: 1) the general lack of customizable syntax
and precise semantics of operations acting on multi-
level models, 2) a self-contained and self-describing
multi-level meta-modeling framework that can
bootstrap without explicitly referring to any other
legacy modeling techniques, and 3) a semantically
correct validation framework for multi-level models
that is formally anchored in precise definition of the
underlying instantiation process. Our approach,
Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra (DMLA), aims to
address these problem areas by a formal algebraic
foundation based on a novel precise conceptualiza-
tion of the instantiation process and a related flexible
tuple representation of multi-level model entities, all
within a totally self-contained bootstrapping
mechanism. A particularly important bootstrap of the
methodology is the self-describing validation
Urbán, D., Theisz, Z. and Mezei, G.
Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0006656105190527
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2018), pages 519-527
ISBN: 978-989-758-283-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
framework that also incorporates a full-fledged
operation language, which is entirely specified by
AST entities in DMLA. The language grammar is
used for formalizing the validation rules of the
bootstrap, including also those of such rules that are
to be applied to the AST entities per se. Without self-
circularity, this revolutionary validation approach
works flawlessly and facilitates a programming like
creation of multi-level models. Having the details of
the validation framework already published in
(Urbán, et al., 2017b), this paper concentrates only on
the details of the operation part of the bootstrap, by
describing the main design ideas of syntax and
semantics for the operation language and its direct
application within DMLA’s flexible auto-validation
Meta-modeling usually focuses on the systematic
modeling of data of a particular application domain.
Although the modeling approaches are fully aware of
the need of operations within the data structure, MOF
and EMF Ecore standard modeling solutions only
allow signature modeling in EClass. Various research
techniques intended to rectify this situation, the most
notable of them being Kermeta (Muller, et al., 2005)
(KerMeta, 2017) and recently the GEMOC
(Combemale, et al., 2013a) (Combemale, et al.,
2013b) framework. Although their solution looks
promising, there are still some limitations remaining:
for example in the case of Kermeta, there is a need for
a complex model promotion due to restricted numbers
of ECore’s meta-modeling levels. In the case of the
GEMOC approach the beauty is fading by the
Xtend/Java semantics woven into the Ecore meta-
models in order to turn them executable.
Multi-level meta-modeling promises to simplify
many of the issues that originate from accidental
complexity. For example, its usage becomes very
instructive when solving the discordance between the
4-level nature of eMOF and Kermeta’s quest for a
language meta-model in Ecore. The effective
handling of accidental complexity relies on the
explicit differentiation between linguistic and
ontological meta-models (Lara, et al., 2014) (Gutheil,
et al., 2008) and the facility of deep or strict
instantiation (Atkinson & Kühne, 2001). For
example, potency notion (Atkinson & Kühne, 2001)
assigns a potency value to every class and attribute,
which clearly indicates the remaining levels they can
get through before getting fully instantiated. Melanee
(Atkinson & Gerbig, 2012) has further refined
potency notion by distinguishing the concepts of
durability and mutability. However, in essence, the
basic ideas of Orthogonal Classification Architecture
(OCA) (Atkinson, et al., 2009) remains in place, thus,
it is taken for granted that all meta-model
management facilities are fully and non-restrictively
operational on each meta-level. Hence, the
instantiation step is heavily simplified; it is controlled
by simple integer values and no sophisticated
constraint handling can be carried out.
More versatile multi-level meta-modeling approaches
are metaDepth (Lara & Guerra, 2010) and XModeler
(Clark, et al., 2015). Both include an operational
language to extend multi-level modeling with
operations. metaDepth uses EOL, a language of the
Epsilon family, for constraint and action
specification. Although it nicely complements
metaDepth, it also showcases the same problem
already mentioned in the case of GEMOC regarding
its reliance to an external language. XModeler has a
much more advanced solution for operation
integration: XMF’s meta-model facilitates higher-
order functions in order to process syntax and to
provide a basic executable language (XOCL), which
relies on OCL syntax and extends it semantics.
However, XOCL is fixed in its syntax and semantics;
thus, it is not easy to be extended by new features.
Also, being part of the XMF (Clark, et al., 2015)
modeling framework, every domain model must
express its semantics in XOCL. On the contrary, in
the approach presented in this paper, the operation
language mainly serves as a facilitator to efficiently
generate meta-model elements. As a result of this
design, the operations are defined and constrained
only by the entities found in the bootstrap of the
particular application domains.
Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra (DMLA) is a multi-
level modeling framework that consists of two major
parts: (i) the Core, a formal definition of the modeling
structure and its management functions; (ii) the
Boostrap, an initial set of pre-defined modeling
entities. In DMLA, the model is represented as a
Labeled Directed Graph, where all model elements
have four labels: a unique ID of the element, a
reference to its meta, a list of concrete values, and a
list of contained attributes. Besides the 4-tuples
representing the model entities, there exist also
functions to manipulate the model graph, for example
to create new model entities. These definitions
(Urbán, et al., 2017a) form the Core of DMLA, which
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
is specified over an Abstract State Machine (ASM)
(Boerger & Stark, 2003). Thus, in DMLA, the states
of the state machine are snapshots of the dynamically
evolving models, while transitions (e.g. deleting a
node) represent modification actions between those
The Bootstrap is an initial set of modeling
constructs and built-in model elements (e.g. built-in
primitive types) which are needed to adapt DMLA’s
abstract modeling structure to practical applications.
The main idea behind separating the Core and the
Bootstrap is to improve flexibility, but also to keep
the approach formal. This way, the Bootstrap is
becomes swappable, thus even the semantics of valid
instantiation can be re-defined. Namely, each
particular bootstrap seeds the meta-modeling
facilities of the generic DMLA formalism.
Validation in DMLA is simple in theory:
whenever a model entity claims another entity to be
its meta, the framework automatically validates if
there is indeed a valid instantiation between the two.
The validation formulae can be modularized by
introducing them directly into the Bootstrap. Since
these formulae directly influence the actual semantics
of instantiation, every model validation gets
modularized and DMLA’s instantiation becomes
effectively self-defined by the model per se.
However, in practice, the key success factor to
achieve this self-validated, self-describing behavior
relied on the consistent introduction of operations. In
DMLA, operations are modeled internally within the
bootstrap by a self-contained operation language.
3.1 The Bootstrap
The ASM functions define the basic structure of the
algebra and they also allow to query and change the
model. However, relying only on these pure
mathematical constructs, it would be rather hard to
use the algebra in any practical modeling scenarios.
Hence, the concept of the Bootstrap was introduced,
which is a flexible and swappable layer for defining
any needed modeling entities. For example, the
modeling entities of the current bootstrap (Figure 1)
can be categorized into four groups: (i) basic types
(blue boxes) providing a basic structure for multi-
level meta-modeling, (ii) built-in types (purple boxes)
representing the primitive types available in DMLA,
(iii) entities facilitating the introduction of operations
into DMLA (green boxes), and (iv) validation related
entities (red boxes).
Basic entities are the enablers of multi-level meta-
modeling in DMLA. They create the root of the meta
hierarchy all other modelled entities rely on. The
exact definitions are available at (DMLA Website,
2017). The Base entity is at the very top of the
hierarchy, thus all other entities are instantiated from
it (directly or indirectly). Base defines that entities
can have slots (defined by SlotDefs) and
ConstraintContainers. Slots represent substitutable
properties, which are syntactically similar to class
members in OO languages. ConstraintContainers
(and the contained Constraints) are used to customize
the instantiation validation formulae. Moreover, Base
has two other slots, reserved for validation of those
formulae, which enforce the basic mechanisms of
instantiation validation for multi-level modeling as
explained later. The SlotDef entity is a direct
instantiation of Base. It is used to define slots. Slots
can contain ConstraintContainers, which grants them
the capability to attach constraints to the containment
relations defined by the slot. Moreover, SlotDef
overrides the validation slots inherited from Base.
The Entity entity is another direct instance of Base.
Entity is used as the common meta of all primitive and
user-defined types. Entity has two instances:
Figure 1: The elements of the Bootstrap.
Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling
Primitive (for primitive types) and ComplexEntity
(for custom types). All domain relevant entities
further instantiate ComplexEntity.
The built-in types represent the universes of ASM
in the Bootstrap: Bool, Number and String. All these
types refer to sets of values in the corresponding
universes. For example, the entity Bool has been
created so that it could be used to represent Boolean
type values within the model. Built-in types are relied
on when a slot is filled with a concrete value and that
value is not a reference to another model entity, but it
is a primitive, atomic value. All built-in types are
instances of Primitive.
Operations are the primary focus of this paper. All
these entities, representing the grammar of the
operation language, are defined in the AST subpart of
the bootstrap below ComplexEntity. Moreover, there
are also some extra-grammar entities here, which deal
with ASM execution semantics of the operations by
specifying for example the invocation mechanism
and the handling of return values and variables. More
details are described in Section 4.
In DMLA, the validation logic relies on the
selection of two type specific formulae (referred to as
alpha and beta) based on the meta-hierarchy of the
element to be validated. The alpha type formulae is
constructed to validate an entity against one of its
instances, by checking whether the instantiation
relation between the two elements can be verified. In
contrast, the beta type formulae are in-context checks:
they are mainly needed in case an entity has to be
validated against multiple related entities, e.g. in case
of cardinality. The Base entity contains the default
alpha and beta formulae, which can be customized by
the instances, provided that they do not contradict the
standard validation rules imposed by the Base. The
validation aspect of the Bootstrap has been discussed
in detail in (Urbán, et al., 2017b).
For any practical modeling technique, having a
consistent and powerful operation language is more
than a desired feature. Such a feature enables models
to be truly self-contained by incorporating the
semantics and the dynamic nature of the models as
their integral part, instead of relying on an externally
provided substitute. However, in most current
modeling approaches, this is achieved by importing
an external language into the modeling universe, thus
they deal with black box semantics. While it is an
improvement compared to inflexible static solutions,
it still may not be enough: (i) since the language is an
external asset, so the self-describing nature of the
technique is violated; (ii) the main concepts of the
technique - such as instantiation or validation are
not available in the imported language in a genuine
way, or they may even have a different interpretation
unbeknownst to the modeler.
While the desire to include an operation language
within a modeling technique is well understood,
another important aspect is if and how such languages
can be integrated. In this section, we present our
process of how intrinsically modeling a full-fledged
operation language and augmenting the original
DMLA framework with it, all within the frame of the
original DMLA concept domain.
As a result, our approach has clearly separated the
various concerns and issues of such a language, and
tackled them head-on one by one: (1) Evaluated the
different possibilities of modeling the AST (NB:
DMLA’s bootstrap enables such design by itself), (2)
Chose the abstraction level of the language, (3)
Created the specification and the model entities of the
AST, (4) Evaluated the need of a DSL, (5) Integrated
the language into the framework, (6) Analysed the
execution methods of the modeled code.
4.1 Modeling an AST
Since most modeling frameworks claim to have a
universal foundation to describe models and this is
even more prevalent in multi-level modeling
technically the issue is not be a problem at all.
Essentially, code is only data at another meta-level,
that is, instances of an AST meta-model. Since the
static aspects of DMLA and the selected bootstrap are
well formed (Urbán, et al., 2017a), it is relatively
simple to create model elements for a programming
language as nodes of an AST.
4.2 Abstraction Level
It is an important challenge to choose the abstraction
level of the language adequately. In DMLA,
accessing and manipulating entities of the model can
be achieved at two levels: (i) at the level of the tuples,
or (ii) at the level of the bootstrap.
Since everything in DMLA is a tuple, a language
can be easily created that operates on the tuples of the
model. It also means that the type system and other
semantic concepts introduced in the bootstrap cannot
become part of the language. Hence, this solution
results in a low-level, though universal solution,
which is independent of the bootstrap and not
automatically reflected in the semantics of the
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Another solution is to operate on the bootstrap
level. This means that the type system and all
concepts of the bootstrap are tightly integrated into
the language itself, for example, one could use the
constraints of the bootstrap for declaring variables..
This solution results in a high-level, yet rather
complex language.
We have selected the first option. It may look less
elegant, but it results in an efficient low-level
language, operating directly over the tuples of the
underlying DMLA mechanism. Also, for reasons of
practicality, we chose an imperative approach.
4.3 Modeling the AST
We collected some requirements to be imposed: (i)
the language shall be bootstrap-agnostic, thus the type
system shall mirror the ASM prescribed one, i.e.
primitives, IDs and Any. Multi-dimensional arrays of
types shall be allowed as well. (ii) The built-in
functions of the ASM are to be made available to
enable operations with tuples. (iii) Usual
programming language constructs, i.e. conditionals,
loops and functions must to be supported.
In order to satisfy the above requirements, we
implemented the following language constructs: (i)
types: Any, ID, string, number and bool (and their
multi-dimensional arrays); (ii) variables; (iii)
sequences (block); (iv) conditionals (if); (v) loops
(while, for, foreach); (vi) type check and cast (is, as);
(vii) arithmetical and logical operators (+ - * / || &&);
(viii) index operator; (ix) functions and function calls
preferably with the concept of “this”, a dedicated
parameter; (x) return.
With this list of constructs established, modeling
of the AST could be properly carried out. The
constructs are defined as bootstrap entities. For
example, the If construct is defined as follows: (i) the
construct is the instance of Statement, (ii) it has a
Condition slot with Expression type and [1..1]
cardinality, (iii) it has a Then slot with Statement type
and [1..1] cardinality, (iv) it has an Else slot with a
Statement type and [0..1] cardinality.
All constructs could be modeled in similar ways
in the bootstrap. In the end, we implemented an
operation language that now exists as a static
specification within the model. Using this language,
programs can be created to indirectly manipulate
tuple representations, and any code written in this
language will be stored in the bootstrap.
4.4 DSL for Operations
4.4.1 Evaluating the Need for a DSL
At this point, model representation of “code” is
provided in the Bootstrap. Integration of the language
into the framework (e.g. migrating the validation
logic of the Bootstrap) has no obstacles in its way. But
the task looks difficult, to say the least.
It is important to emphasize that the AST
representation of code is effusive. Comparing the
textual representation of code snippets of any
programming language to its equivalent AST
representation shows clear gap in terseness.
Let us take the below code example that results in
9 tightly connected tuples when written in the
operation language of DMLA as follows:
if(true) return 1;
This factor of flatulence indicates that writing real
“code” would be nearly impossible for any modeller.
Constructing nodes of an AST is a very cumbersome
low-level method of “coding”: in a sense, when 4-
tuples are being produced in DMLA, it would look
like programming in an assembly language or even
directly producing byte-code. This is why the
question of creating a DSL is relevant in this context:
it helps turn any theoretical solutions to practical
implementation. Since our goal was not only to define
the language, but we also wanted to tightly integrate
it into the already existing modelling framework. To
achieve this goal, we had to produce real code, thus
we decided to create a DSL for the abstract language
syntax: DMLAScript was born.
DMLAScript had to be a practically applicable
operation language over DMLA. Therefore, it must
be able to effective produce 4-tuple entities. Thus, the
most important aspect of DMLAScript’s language
design is maximal efficiency of tuple production.
However, there are other design constraints imposed
on it so that DMLAScript could become genuinely
part of the DMLA framework: 1) the structure of
entities shall be expressed as “data definitions”, 2)
operational logic shall be programmed as “code”, and
finally 3) validation logic of the bootstrap must be
given by the DSL.
In order to better appreciate the task of an optimal
operation language design, it is important to re-
emphasize that DMLAScript is not a necessity out of
DMLA per se, nonetheless without it we cannot
imagine that any practical modelling scenarios can be
tackled adeptly. Hence, DMLAScript is effectively a
Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling
facilitator of efficient entity modelling, which creates
the illusion of a programming language over DMLA.
With DMLAScript, we simply provided a textual
DSL over the constructs of the operation language
already defined in the Bootstrap. We borrowed most
of the syntax ideas from Java. We implemented the
DSL and its mapping onto Bootstrap entities (tuples)
within Xtext. With DMLAScript, the previous “code”
example is as simple as it was written there.
This style of coding looks much more natural and
it is easier to use for the modeler than to create the
corresponding tuples manually and hook them
together along their IDs. Since the syntax of
DMLAScript follows modern imperative languages,
it is both easy to use for programming and to get
parsed for execution. Our current DSL tool relies on
transforming the above code snippet into instances of
AST nodes, in the end producing the 9 tuples.
4.4.2 Syntax of DMLAScript
Before proceeding to any further in the process of
language design, we will show a few simple code
examples to introduce the syntax of DMLAScript.
Entity1 : Entity2 {
slot E1Slot : Entity2.E2Slot = 1;
In the first example, we declare an entity with the
ID Entity1. The meta of Entity1 is Entity2. Between
the braces, we have the attributes of Entity1, namely,
there is a slot with the ID E1Slot. E1Slot is defined
inline, nested in Entity1. The meta of E1Slot is
Entity2.E2Slot. The constant value 1 is assigned to the
value of E1Slot. Entity1 also has a second slot with
the ID AnotherSlot. AnotherSlot is not defined inline:
it must already be defined somewhere else in the
code, and it is only referenced here to be included as
attribute of Entity1.
It is important to keep in mind that in
DMLAScript, the indexing feature of Xtext is heavily
used. Entities in the code have fully qualified names
using their parent packages and entities. It means that
the produced ID of the tuple generated from the
definition of E1Slot will look like Entity1.E1Slot”.
This is important to keep in mind because there are a
lot of apparently colliding IDs in the code of the
Bootstrap (DMLA Website, 2017), while in reality
IDs are affected by the index and the imports, and will
be fully unfolded in the tuple generation step.
Entity1 : Entity2 {
@ConstrContainer2: MContainer1 =
@ConstrContainer3: MContainer2 =
SomeConstraint2: MConstraint {
slot ConstraintSlot:
MConstraint.Slot = true;
slot SomeSlot: Entity2.E2Slot =
In the second example, not only an entity is
declared with slots, but there are also constraint
containers defined on the slot. Entity1 is the instance
of Entity2, and has a single slot, SomeSlot. SomeSlot
is the instance of Entity2.E2Slot, and its value is a
reference to the entity SomeEntity. SomeSlot has three
attributes, all of them indicated above the slot:
ConstrContainer1, ConstrContainer2 and
ConstrContainer3. ConstrContainer1 is an already
defined entity. ConstrContainer2 is an entity, which
is defined inline, its meta is MContainer1, and its
value is set to the entity SomeConstraint1.
ConstrContainer3 is also defined inline, its meta is
MContainer2, and its value is set to a constraint entity
defined inline. This constraint entity is called
SomeConstraint2, its meta is MConstraint. It has one
attribute, namely the slot ConstraintSlot, which is the
instance of MConstraint.Slot, and its value is set to
This example shows how the basic entities of the
bootstrap are used in the language. Most entities
defined in the DSL are instances of ComplexEntity;
they contain SlotDef instances as attributes; SlotDef
instances have values; and SlotDef instances contain
ConstraintContainer instances as attributes; finally,
ConstraintContainer instances contain Constraint
instances as values.
operation void Method1();
operation Bool Method2(Number p1);
operation String ID::Method3(Bool[] p1);
In the third example, we have three operation
signatures. The operation Method1 has a void return
type, and no parameters. Method2 has a Bool return
type (this refers to the primitive entity Bool) and one
parameter called p1 with the type Number (primitive).
Method3 has a String return type (primitive), has a
context with the type ID which will be the type of
this inside the operation - and also has a single
parameter called p1 with the type of one dimensional
Bool array.
operation String Example(Number p1){
if(p1 < 0) return "negative";
while(p1 > 0) --p1;
call $SomeMethod();
return "something";
MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
In the fourth example, we define an operation
with its body. The operation has the ID Example, has
a String return type, and has a single Number
parameter called p1. If p1 is less than 0, the operation
returns the string “negative”, otherwise, it decrements
p1 to 0 in a while loop. After that, it invokes another
method with the ID SomeMethod, and then returns the
string “something”. Note that modifying operation
parameters (such as decrementing p1) has no effect
on the caller site, since parameters are all passed by
value in DMLA.
operation void OpToContain() { }
EntityWithOperation : MetaEntity {
slot MethodSlot : MetaEntity.Slot =
In the final, fifth example, we define an operation
with the ID OpToContain. Then, we define an entity
called EntityWithOperation. This entity has a single
slot called MethodSlot, which has its value set to
OpToContain. As it can be seen, it is very
straightforward to reference operations.
4.4.3 Design of DMLAScript
Let us describe now the generic design ideas behind
DMLAScript in order to show how the language has
coped with the original requirements.
Firstly, DMLAScript rebalances the very pointer
like nature of the 4-tuple representation of related
DMLA entities. Namely, instead of manually dealing
with all the IDs, which weave the model entities
together along the meta, the attribute, and even the
value references, the model designer can simply rely
on a local context around the entities when he carries
out his modeling task. Also, when describing the
structure of the entities, DMLAScript applies
annotation-like constructs to attribute slots in order to
simplify the specification of the constraints defined
on the slots. These two features create the feeling of
a high level entity definition language that enables
efficient production of the corresponding 4-tuples.
Secondly, DMLAScript follows the imperative
semantics of Java-like notations. We introduced a
special syntax for direct referencing of entities, which
enables us to connect seamlessly the entity definition
part to the operational part of DMLAScript. Taken
into account that operations are also represented as
entities in DMLA, entity referencing works both
ways: from entity definition to operation logic and
back. Hence, the modeller should not be aware of
those two aspects, DMLAScript looks like an integral
language for multi-level meta-modeling, which also
happens to be used to define itself in the bootstrap.
Thirdly, DMLAScript also provides a language to
express DMLA’s validation logic for multi-level
meta-modelling. It is established by a pre-set naviga-
tion scheme of validation logic invocations that is
seamlessly embedded into the basic entities of the
bootstrap, via their alpha and beta slots. In effect, the
bootstrap has been set up by DMLAScript in such a
way that it can carry out its own validity check. The
default validation behaviours can be constrained via
instantiation, for example, cardinality logic and/or
type validation logic can be added to entities via alpha
and beta operations written in DMLAScript.
4.5 Integration of the Language
With the syntax and general design and its embedding
being detailed, it is obvious that any operation logic
can be produced and efficiently stored as tuples in
DMLA models. All that thanks to DMLAScript and
its parsing module. The next goal was to express the
already existing (validation) semantics and dynamic
logic with DMLAScript.
Our aim was to migrate the validation logic,
which had been previously residing at the level of the
Core and the ASM formalism. Moreover, we
recognized that the new operation language would
enable not only the migration of the validation
formulae, but also the full modularization of the
underlying evaluation logic. Since operations are
handled as data in DMLA, data structures can also
contain references to operations as the design
required it. This feature allowed us to create truly
self-contained entities in the bootstrap, which are not
only containing their structure and data, but they can
also prescribe their own custom validation logic at
ease (Urbán, et al., 2017b).
4.6 Execution of DMLAScript
With DMLAScript genuinely integrated into
DMLA’s modeling fabric, the only open issue to be
solved was how to tackle the dynamics of the
language, that is, how to execute, for example, the
validation logic represented in 4-tuples. Essentially,
there are three ways to answer this challenge: (i) rely
on an interpreter, (ii) generate executable code in
another language, or (iii) generate a directly
executable binary. The third option results in a rigid,
platform dependent solution that is more complex
than the first two, thus we dropped this idea. While
running the language within an interpreter is a rather
flexible solution, it though requires a well-established
infrastructure, such as some kind of a virtual machine.
On the contrary, generated executable code is again
Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling
quite a rigid solution, but, at least, it does not require
complex a runtime framework.
Since the current technical solution is our first
implementation drop, mostly we aimed to validate
our assumptions in practice; hence we decided to
provide a quick prototypical execution framework, by
generating Java code from the AST instances stored
in the DMLA models.
The framework itself has been programmed in
Java and it consists of a model repository, which
contains the tuples of the model and a symbol table
for built-in and custom operations. The runtime can
generate code from the tuples, compile it, and load the
compiled code dynamically. It is important to note
that the generated code currently takes into account
only the Core and the Bootstrap, so it is independent
of DMLAScript syntax and its Xtext module. Hence,
the syntax of DMLAScript is currently handled by an
external tool, and thus should be thought of only as
syntactic sugar over DMLA’s operation language.
Model-driven development has become a feasible
option to create and maintain complex systems.
However, static modeling solutions are not always
sufficient any longer in the modern era of industrial
applications. Thus, the demand for dynamic modeling
techniques became a natural tendency in many fields.
Although extending static models with external
operation languages and execution frameworks can
sometimes meet the requirements, it would be more
elegant, and also due to its design more verifiable and
customizable, to build the mechanism of operations
directly into the modeling framework. From the
theoretical perspective, representing operations as
modeled entities has been already researched and well
understood in detail, but a seamless, self-describing
and non-circular integration of these ideas into a fully
functional modeling framework has not been
implemented up till now.
Our approach, the Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra
(DMLA) provides such a practical solution for the
challenge. DMLA features a highly customizable,
multi-layer modeling and validation structure that
allowed us to build a fully modeled operation
language into it. In general, this language enables
programming with operations over modeling entities,
but its real strength only gets to the surface when it
comes to specifying the validation formulae of multi-
level instantiation in particular. That ability results in
a fully self-describing, self-validation modeling
framework, which can validate even its own language
definition. Moreover, since the operation language
can be part of any modeled domain, it may be further
extended or customized.
Currently, the DMLA environment provides as
default a high level, Java-like operation language,
DMLAScript, which is suitable to keep the
specification of the operation logic within
manageable size. In the future, we are investigating
ways to speed up the current validation process by
parallel execution. We are evaluating the possibilities
for optimizing the core operations of the validation by
parallelizing them with GPU support, which could
strike a balance between the flexibility of the
bootstrap and the performance of its execution.
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Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling