stages of the decision-making process. Defining and
simultaneously optimizing different combinations of
objectives can enrich the final set of the obtained al-
ternatives, which are eventually presented to the deci-
sion maker.
This study addressed the optimization of a WWTP
whose model parameters were estimated using real
Portuguese data. Two different approaches that can
be extended to any WWTP unit operation modelling
were considered. In the first approach, the WWTP de-
sign is addressed through a biobjective optimization
problem that consists of minimizing the total cost and
the quality index functions. The second approach is
more suitable for a draft project, when the exact loca-
tion and time where the WWTP is to be built is still
unknown. This approach involves the simultaneous
minimization of the influential variables, resulting in
a ten-objective optimization problem.
The results obtained in this study clearly show that
the WWTP design can be effectively approached by
simultaneously optimizing multiple objectives natu-
rally associated with the problem. The achieved opti-
mal solutions are meaningful in physical terms and
are economically attractive. Investment and opera-
tion costs are highly influenced by the optimized vari-
ables, stressing the importance of optimization. Both
approaches to WWTP design provide a set of non-
dominated solutions that can be used to gain valuable
insights about the problem and possible decision mak-
ing alternatives. This information can help to elabo-
rate a first version of the project and refine important
design choices when the specific location and moment
in time are defined.
This work has been supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the
scope of the project UID/CEC/00319/2013 (ALGO-
RITMI R&D Center).
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ICORES 2018 - 7th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems