Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search
and Rescue Missions
Elie Saad
, Koen V. Hindriks
and Mark A. Neerincx
Department of Intelligent Systems - Interactive Intelligence Group, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Task Management, Human Robot Collaboration, Ontology, Urban Search and Rescue.
Task allocation and management is crucial for human-robot collaboration in Urban Search And Rescue
response efforts. The job of a mission team leader in managing tasks becomes complicated when adding
multiple and different types of robots to the team. Therefore, to effectively accomplish mission objectives,
shared situation awareness and task management support are essential. In this paper, we design and evaluate
an ontology which provides a common vocabulary between team members, both humans and robots. The
ontology is used for facilitating data sharing and mission execution, and providing the required automated
task management support. Relevant domain entities, tasks, and their relationships are modeled in an ontology
based on vocabulary commonly used by firemen, and a user interface is designed to provide task tracking
and monitoring. The ontology design and interface are deployed in a search and rescue system and its use is
evaluated by firemen in a task allocation and management scenario. Results provide support that the proposed
ontology (1) facilitates information sharing during missions; (2) assists the team leader in task allocation and
management; and (3) provides automated support for managing an Urban Search and Rescue mission.
After a disaster, such as a hurricane or an industrial
accident, firefighters arrive on site with different
types of robots to perform Urban Search And Rescue
(USAR) response efforts (Murphy, 2004). During
these efforts, human-robot team leaders have to act
fast and allocate tasks to firemen (robot operators,
infield rescuers, etc.) to assess the situation and save
potential victims. Firemen will then collaborate with
robots, such as unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs)
and aerial vehicles (UAVs), to execute these tasks.
Such human-robot collaboration sets new challenges
concerning task allocation and management (Murphy
et al., 2008; Lewis et al., 2010).
In this race against time, any wrong decision when
allocating or executing a task may cause additional
damages and risk the lives of both victims and
rescuers. For example, after an earthquake hit Mexico
City in 1985 when limited resources for inspecting a
disaster site were available, many rescuers died while
executing USAR tasks. Of these rescuers, 65 drowned
in the area where they were assigned to search for
victims (Casper and Murphy, 2003).
Nowadays, the amount of resources for
exploration and reconnaissance has increased, in
particular because of the availability of rescue robots
(Murphy, 2014) with various types of sensors and
detectors. The downside of adding robots to the mix,
however, is that this also increases the workload of
the team leader who needs to select which resource(s)
to use for performing a given task. Moreover, the
use of robots leads to a substantial increase of the
heterogeneous data gathered from the disaster site
(point clouds generated by cameras and lasers, etc.)
which needs to be analyzed and taken into account
when deciding on the appropriate actions to take. For
example, if a robot detects a gas leak close to a fire,
the raw data should be analyzed by verifying the gas
density and its proximity to fire, before deciding to
send firefighters to that area.
An USAR team leader needs to be aware of
the current situation (Riley and Endsley, 2004) and
take many elements into consideration in order to
allocate tasks effectively to a human-robot team. Key
elements, for example, include (1) the available actors
(operators, rescuers, UGVs, UAVs) and their current
state (location, battery level, workload, etc.); (2) the
capabilities (sensory, locomotion, communication)
and devices (thermo and waterproof cameras, fire and
Saad, E., Hindriks, K. and Neerincx, M.
Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search and Rescue Missions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006661106220629
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 622-629
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gas detectors, etc.) that actors have or are equipped
with; (3) a map of the disaster area to keep track of
what has been explored so far, including the detected
points of interest (POIs), such as hazardous materials
and victims; and (4) the communication options
available, including their range so as not to lose
contact with the team.
To address the aforementioned challenges, a
sophisticated human-robot task management model
is needed to support (1) building and maintaining
shared situation awareness (Endsley, 1995); (2)
preventing overload of operators and infield rescuers
(Neerincx, 2003); and (3) handling interoperability
(Missikoff and Taglino, 2004) and interdependencies
(Johnson et al., 2014) within a human-robot team.
We focus on creating a knowledge representation
for mapping data to a unified semantics (Sheth,
1999; Xu and Zlatanova, 2007) which is shared
between humans and robots. We propose the use
of an extensive ontology (Schlenoff and Messina,
2005; Mescherin et al., 2013) for conceptually
representing USAR domain entities and tasks, and
their relationships. This conceptualization is useful
for task allocation and management as it (1)
captures relevant domain aspects; (2) facilitates
communication and information sharing; (3) provides
reasoning support throughout a mission; and (4)
improves human-robot collaboration.
This paper describes the ontology we designed
for assisting firemen and the team leader in mission
control. It provides a common vocabulary to be used
by both, firemen and robots, and automated support
for task management in particular for the team leader.
Throughout the paper we use a scenario from the
TRADR project, short for ’Long-Term Human-Robot
Teaming for Robot Assisted Disaster Response’, see
a et al., 2015), to illustrate the main
concepts. The scenario involves a reconnaissance
sortie and barrel inspection which requires a team
composed of a firemen who is the team leader, robot
operators and infield rescuers, and robots including
UGVs and UAVs. Team members receive tasks from
the team leader to scout the disaster area and gather
more information about a barrel that has been spotted.
The main contributions of this paper are (1) the
design of an ontology; (2) the design of a user
interface which displays (parts of) the ontology and
is part of automated task support that assists the team
leader during a mission; and (3) the evaluation of the
ontology and automated task support by firemen in a
task allocation and management scenario.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we review related work. In Section 3 we present the
development and structure of the task management
ontology. In Section 4 we present the user interface
which displays parts of the ontology and is part of
a larger search and rescue system. In Section 5 we
discuss the evaluation of the designed ontology based
on its use during a reconnaissance sortie use case and
interviews with firefighters. In Section 6 we conclude
the paper and give directions for future research.
Ontologies are widely used to represent domain
knowledge and facilitate information sharing in
many applications (Rivero et al., 2013; Missikoff
and Taglino, 2004). According to (Liu et al.,
2013a), existing crisis oriented ontologies describe
concepts and characteristics related to a single subject
area (type of disasters, geography, meteorology,
etc.). Such ontologies are designed to address the
requirements of a specific application.
In USAR robotics ontologies, work has been
done on the cooperation between autonomous or
semi-autonomous multi-robot teams (Liu et al.,
2013b). For example, the robot ontology suggested
by Schlenoff and Messina, 2005, is centered on
representing the concepts about robots and their
capabilities when assisting in USAR missions. This
ontology is very relevant, but differs from our focus
on providing task management support for a team
Other robotics ontologies focus on the robot
and its interaction with a specific environment.
For example, (Jacobsson et al., 2016) proposes an
ontology for industrial use and (Li et al., 2017) for
underwater robots. The KnowRob ontology (Tenorth
et al., 2013) offers a set of ontologies to model robots
and their capabilities and actions. The OpenRobot
(Lemaignan et al., 2010) ontology (ORO), which
shares many concepts with the KnowRob ontology,
is focused on robot interaction with humans, but
assumes that robots are completely autonomous.
Given the current state of the art in USAR robotics,
we focus instead on remotely operated robots.
In this section, we first discuss the development
process we followed to build the ontology introduced
in this paper. Then we present the overall structure of
the ontology and discuss the main concepts that have
been included to support task management.
Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search and Rescue Missions
3.1 Ontology Development Process
The development process we followed to build our
ontology is adapted from (Simperl and Tempich,
2006). This iterative process consists of different
phases, as illustrated in Figure 1. First, we analyzed
the task management system requirements in search
and rescue domain by interviewing firefighters
and reviewing the literature and state-of-the-art
ontologies. Second, the required domain entities
and their relationships are conceptualized based on
common vocabulary used by firemen. Third, the
ontology is implemented as RDF triples in the OWL
2 Web Ontology Language syntax
and visualized
through the system’s user interfaces. Fourth, the
modeled ontology is evaluated by firemen using
search and rescue use case scenarios. Lastly, in
the maintenance phase, the ontology is refined and
extended with new concepts and entities needed for
addressing the requirements of additional use cases.
Figure 1: Ontology development process adapted from
(Simperl and Tempich, 2006).
3.2 Overall Ontology Structure
The ontology introduced in this paper has been
designed to be part of a larger ontology (Bagosi
et al., 2016) that is used in the TRADR system,
a European project for search and rescue response
. We aimed to make the design of the ontology
(1) flexible and extensible, to be able to easily append
new components, for e.g. covering more use cases;
(2) reusable, so it can be applied in different types of
missions; and, perhaps most importantly, (3) readily
understandable by firemen, the key rescuers in our
domain, in order to facilitate task allocation and
To this end, we summarized and grouped the
knowledge gathered into multiple modules in order
to append additional components as we extend the
core ontology. Four of these modules are relevant and
part of the task management ontology, as illustrated
in Figure 2. The ActorModule groups the agents,
both humans and robots, as actors along with their
properties such as roles and team affiliations. The
CommunicationModule groups all concepts needed to
facilitate data gathering and exchange between team
members, such as communication events (messages,
notifications, etc.), media types (video, photo,
audio, etc.) and data gathering devices (infra red
sensor, camera, etc.). The EnvironmentModule
groups the environmental events (hurricane, flood,
chemical leakage, etc.) and structures. Finally, the
MissionModule contains the concepts and entities
needed when setting up and planning a mission,
including a taxonomy of tasks and POIs.
3.3 Modeling and Requirements
The detailed design of our ontology has been
based on our discussions and interviews with
firefighters, experts in the field, and also has
been inspired by Robin R. Murphy’s research on
rescue robotics (Murphy, 2014). Our ontology is
aimed at providing a common vocabulary which
is useful for task management by facilitating data
sharing and communication between team members.
The concepts represented in our ontology therefore
include all the relevant entities and information
categories that are needed for task allocation and
management during USAR sorties. The latter are
executed using remotely operated robots. We briefly
discuss the key concepts that have been included
in the different modules and their relationships, as
illustrated in Figure 2.
3.3.1 Actor Module
The actor ontology represents the human and robot
actors along with their properties. The actors are
resources used for responding to the disaster. By
representing the roles, status, capabilities, and related
concepts in the ontology, the latter can provide a basis
for automated support for task management. The
system, for example, can reason which actors might
be suitable for performing a specific task.
Actor Roles and Teams - During an USAR
mission, human and robot actors collaborate for
executing the tasks assigned by the team leader.
To know who will do what, human actors have
different roles (UGV operator, infield rescuer,
etc.) as do robot actors (e.g., ground or aerial
explorers). We have based the model of the
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Class diagram illustrating the different ontology modules (Actor, Communication, Environment and Mission) and
some of their entities and interdependencies.
role concept on a TRADR human-robot team
which we believe is sufficiently general to apply
more generally. It has moreover been validated
by firemen from three different countries that
participate in the project (Italy, Germany, and The
Netherlands). Teams are composed of a team
leader, UGV and UAV tele-operated robots and
their corresponding operators, infield rescuers,
robot mechanics and safety officers.
Actor properties - In addition to roles, each actor
has a status (idle, on the move, etc.). Human
actors have a workload, which is an indicator of
an actor’s task load during a mission. And robot
actors have battery readings, which indicate the
battery percentage at each moment in time. Such
properties help the team leader when assigning
tasks by showing which actor is available for
performing a given task.
Actor Capabilities - Actors have capabilities
related to their skills (paramedic, etc.) and the
devices they are equipped with (infrared camera,
gas detector, etc.). Knowing the capabilities of
actors helps in providing automated support and
suggesting available actors to the team leader
when assigning a task.
3.3.2 Communication Module
In a USAR mission, gathering and sharing relevant
information is important for improving situation
awareness and facilitating task management. This
requires a communication network between actors.
Communication devices - In this category we
model the devices needed for gathering and
communicating data between members, such as
electronic and sensing devices (infra red sensors,
thermo cameras, network devices, etc.).
Communication events and media types -
Relevant information is shared using different
types of communication events (notifications,
messages, etc.) and media types (audio, photo,
text, etc.). This is helpful for keeping the team
leader and other members aware of the state
of a mission and alert them when something
unexpected occurs while executing a task.
3.3.3 Environment Module
Environmental objects and events in a disaster area
need to be inspected or handled by performing
different tasks, and therefore are important to
represent in a task management ontology.
Environmental events - these include the events
which have happened or can occur while scouting
a disaster site and which need to be monitored and
handled by rescuers such as explosions, fires, etc.
Environmental objects - these include concepts
for representing structures, barrels, etc., and that
can be present in the disaster area.
3.3.4 Mission Module
Allocating and managing tasks helps in planning and
monitoring the progress of a mission. This requires an
overall view of the situation which includes, among
others, the location of active actors and of what was
Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search and Rescue Missions
discovered so far along with the tasks assigned and
their progress.
Tasks and relevant properties - Throughout a
mission, the team leader assigns tasks to available
actors by specifying the task objective or POI, and
providing a clear description. To monitor tasks
and track their progress, additional properties
have been included such as status (in progress,
completed, etc.) and priority. Moreover, each task
has a list of required capabilities such as sensing,
locomotion and communication, which defines to
which actor(s) the task can be allocated.
Points of interest (POIs) - This category includes
the entities which can be detected while exploring
a disaster site and are meaningful for improving
situation awareness when assigning tasks. Each
POI has a type (victim, fire, gas, hazards, etc.)
and a location. These properties help in knowing
which actors to send, where they should go and
what might be the risks involved.
In order to be able to use and deploy the task
management ontology discussed in Section 3, two
different GUIs have been designed. These GUIs
integrate and provide support for task management in
the search and rescue tactical display system (TDS).
The TDS is used for tracking the disaster area and has
been developed to assist USAR teams in the TRADR
project. It contains a map of the disaster site showing
the location of actors and the detected POIs (victims,
Figure 3: Task Editor for creating and editing mission tasks.
fires, chemical objects, etc.). It also provides
support for assessing the disaster site situation and for
gathering relevant information about it.
To allocate new tasks or edit existing ones, the
team leader uses a task editor, as shown in Figure 3. In
this editor, the team leader defines the task properties
including (1) a task type (search, go to, take photo,
etc.); (2) a POI which defines the task’s objective;
(3) a priority; (4) a status (pending, in progress,
completed, etc.); (5) a description containing specific
details or guidelines for the operators; (6) a list of
required capabilities which are automatically selected
by the system depending on the task type and can be
modified by the user; (7) a required battery level; (8)
a required workload; and (9) an actor from the list of
available actors suggested by the system.
Figure 4: Task Manager for tracking and monitoring tasks.
A second GUI provides the team leader with a task
manager interface (Figure 4) which has been designed
to enable the team leader to track and monitor the
progress of assigned tasks. For each task, the GUI
displays its description, assigned actor, priority and
status, to provide the team leader with an overview
of the execution progress. Mission actors can track
the progress of their tasks in the main display system
which shows the task name, objective and status.
The latter property is continuously updated by actors
throughout the execution process.
For every new mission, the main ontology is
initialized and loaded in a central repository (we
use Stardog triple stores
which provide support
for querying, inferencing and manipulating the
knowledge base stored in the repository based
on the semantics defined by our ontology). To
ensure this repository maintains an up-to-date state
of a mission, we developed and use semantic
modelers to continuously update the database with
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
new knowledge acquired during a mission. These
modelers map raw sensor data (e.g., point cloud, GPS
coordinates, etc.) onto ontological concepts (POIs,
locations, etc.) and store it in the repository.
The mapped data is then used to display and
update meaningful information for monitoring the
progress of a mission on TDS. It is also used to reason
about the represented world and generate notifications
related to the task being executed. The aim is to
manipulate the gathered knowledge for (1) improving
shared situation awareness; and (2) assisting the team
leader in its job of assigning tasks by providing
automated support. For example, when creating a task
for sending an UGV on site to take a photo of a POI,
the system queries the knowledge base to display the
list of available human actors who operate a UGV
equipped with a high-resolution camera and having
enough battery life. Whereas when creating a task
for picking up a sample to be analyzed, querying the
knowledge base returns the human actors operating a
UGV equipped with a robotic arm.
Figure 5: Activity diagram for assigning and executing
mission tasks.
Throughout a mission, the team leader will
continuously add new tasks or update existing ones
(description, priority, etc.). The activity diagram
in Figure 5 shows the workflow for assigning and
executing a task. First, the team leader assigns a task
to an actor. Then, the actor can accept it and start
the execution or can abort it when facing technical
issues (e.g., robot errors). When the task is executed,
the actor sets its status to awaiting acknowledgement
using the task manager. If the result is accepted,
the team leader sets the task status to completed.
Otherwise, it will be reassigned or canceled.
To evaluate the use of our ontology in USAR
missions, we evaluated it as part of the bigger
TRADR system while executing a use case scenario
that involves a reconnaissance sortie and the
inspection of a barrel. The scenario was executed by
firemen teams at the fire department training facility
located in Rozenburg, The Netherlands. After each
sortie, we interviewed the firefighters team and their
leader to obtain their feedback about the ontology (its
concepts) and its use for displaying task management
related information and content in the task editor and
management user interfaces.
5.1 Use Case Scenario
The scenario is based on an industrial accident where
an explosion has occurred on site. A team is sent
to (1) search for human victims; (2) gather more
information about the site; and (3) inspect the area
for the presence of chemical hazards and leakages.
First, the team leader has to assign a task to a UAV
operator to scout the disaster area. While executing
the task, the operator will spot an unidentified barrel
and should notify the team leader of this. When
the team leader is informed about the barrel, a task
should be assigned to an actor operating a UGV with
a high-resolution camera to inspect the barrel and
take a photo of it. After receiving the photo of the
barrel and analyzing it, the team leader should assign
a task to the actor operating a UGV with a robotic
arm to close the barrel opening and prevent potential
chemical leaking. All tasks will be inserted in the
Task Manager GUI, as shown in Figure 4, and actors
are made aware of the tasks assigned to them.
5.2 Execution
During two days, three firemen teams alternated to
practice the use case scenario. They received a quick
introduction of the TRADR system and its interfaces
for about 20 minutes before starting the execution.
At the beginning of each mission, our ontology
was instantiated and loaded with the required entities.
In our use case, these entities include (1) four human
actors where one has a team leader role, two with
UGV operator role and one with UAV operator role;
(2) three robot actors where one is a UAV and
Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search and Rescue Missions
two are UGVs; (3) environmental objects such as a
barrel and debris; (4) points of interest (POIs) such
as fire and gas. Throughout a mission, the team
leader used the task management interfaces to allocate
tasks and monitor their progress. These interfaces
used ontological reasoning to provide the leader with
automated support by suggesting available actors for a
given task and generating notifications when needed.
After executing each sortie, an informal interview
took place with the firemen in order to (1) verify that
they were satisfied with the support and interaction
offered by the system; and (2) estimate their level of
understanding of the ontological concepts represented
and shown in the user interfaces (i.e., did the ontology
provide a common vocabulary that firemen could
understand?). Additional interviews took place with
the team leaders to check whether the designed
ontology fits their needs when managing tasks and
executing the missions.
5.3 Results
The three firemen that played the role of team leader
indicated that the Task Manager GUI is easy to use
and the ontology concepts are clear and easy to grasp.
They each said that the task assignment support was
intuitive to use and operated as expected. Even so
team leaders also indicated that they needed time to
get used to it (they had to switch from their usual
practice of taking notes on paper to using the user
Task actors did not bother to manually change
the task status when executing them. The reason is
that, in a real mission (as mentioned by firemen), the
team leader assigns tasks and the operators perform
it. They only report back to the team leader and
change the task status when they finish the task or
whenever they encounter a problem during execution.
Therefore, it is suggested that the task status should
also be automated somehow by the system.
Furthermore, team leaders indicated that the
task editor should be simplified. They suggested
to provide default values to some of the fields,
especially those related to robots, and hide them when
creating a new task. These include the task priority,
status, required capabilities, required battery level and
required workload. Setting default values to these
fields allows the system to provide automated support
(1) by suggesting to the team leader the appropriate
actors who can execute a given task; and (2) by
generating appropriate notifications when a task is
wrongly assigned or cannot be executed, which helps
the team leader when monitoring task progress.
When planning and executing an USAR mission,
the team leader needs to efficiently allocate tasks to
team members for assessing the situation and rescuing
potential victims. The leader’s job is time-critical
and complex which requires, among other things, an
awareness of the current situation and the knowledge
of the team members capabilities and their actual
status. Using an ontology for assisting the team
leader in task allocation and management provides
a common vocabulary between team members, both
humans and robots. The ontology is useful for
(1) facilitating data sharing; (2) improving shared
situation awareness; and (3) providing automated
support in the task management process.
This paper introduced part of the ontology
developed for TRADR search and rescue project.
The ontology is focused on facilitating human-robot
collaboration by means of providing automated
support for task allocation and management
during USAR missions. It is evaluated using a
reconnaissance sortie and barrel inspection use case.
The evaluation shows that the ontology constitutes
a good basis for providing automated support to
assist a team leader in mission planning and task
The main contributions have been the design of
the ontology and related user interfaces, as well as an
evaluation in a search and rescue project scenario.
6.1 Directions for Future Research
Our results helped us gain a better understanding of
the needs of firemen in general and in particular of
the team leader in USAR missions. The following
points need to be taken into consideration and require
further analysis. It has become clear that firefighters
need more training to use advanced tools based
on ontologies and automated support. It remains
to be seen how we can further simplify system
support and whether this can be achieved by further
automation. It will be interesting to design, develop,
and evaluate additional automated support related to
task status updates. The aim should be to further
decrease the workload of firefighters and prevent
system automation to feel as a burden.
More evaluation, moreover, is needed and
additional use cases should be designed and used
for testing and evaluation purposes. Additional use
cases may reveal potential gaps not yet covered by
our ontology and provide new insights in what is
needed to automate task management support. We are
particularly interested in verifying whether our task
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
taxonomy is sufficient for specific subtasks in such
use cases. In any case, we expect more refinements
will be needed for modeling robot capabilities (e.g.,
robot arm manipulation). Also, our ontology does not
yet provide support for robot-robot interaction, fully
autonomous robot operations, underwater operations,
and, for example, issues such as network resilience.
The aforementioned suggestions and extensions will
also require an exhaustive user evaluation to cover
more parts of the ontology in different scenarios.
This work was supported by European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under
the TRADR project No. FP7-ICT-609763.
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Ontology Design for Task Allocation and Management in Urban Search and Rescue Missions