establishment of business agreements more efficient.
Furthermore, it serves the purpose of providing a level
of trust by offering an enforceable normative envi-
ronment. Our research is focused on modeling nor-
mative reasoning in a completely distributed environ-
ment. In particular, we are interested in how norms af-
fect the STDMPs,, which monitoring activities enable
detection of (non-)compliance in networked societies
of agents, and what enforcement activities would en-
hance compliance.
In order to support this, we are working on the imple-
mentation of a prototype of the N-BDI* architecture.
Our aim is to empirically evaluate our proposed so-
lution through the design and implementation of sce-
narios belonging to the STDMPs case study. In fu-
ture work, we will describe some experiments con-
cerning the flexibility and performance of the N-BDI*
agent model compared to simple BDI agents, using
the STDMPs case study.
This work is funded by the Dutch Science
Foundation project SARNET (grant no: CYB-
SEC.14.003/618.001.016). Special thanks go to our
research partner KLM. The authors would also like to
thank anonymous reviewers for their comments.
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