queries, so a careful consideration of the mix of
queries is important.
Overall computational resource requirements are
increased due to the need for encryption, extra logic,
and processing, with an overall increase of a small
factor over the unencrypted computing resources.
This factor may vary depending on the particular
application and mix of queries.
Performance with multiple users showed good
scalability, with no observable encryption-related
Using CryptDB with an encrypted database is
feasible for moving a sensitive database to an
untrusted cloud hosting environment. The latency
performance is comparable to the use of an
unencrypted database, and comparable throughput
can be achieved with additional resources to support
the encryption-related computation.
Follow-on work to this study includes testing on an
operational Oracle ERP system under normal use
cases and workflows.
Additional extensions and improvements are
planned for CryptDB, and PL/SQL support is to be
expanded. Performance improvement for Paillier
encryption may be possible using GPUs, which
should improve performance and reduce the load on
the CPU. This will provide the benefits of improved
scalability for Paillier encryption and reduced CPU
contention for other queries.
It was noted earlier that there are possible
leakages of information about plaintext through
some of the encryption schemes. For example,
relative sizes and distributions of numbers can be
calculated for OPE encryption, which could lead to a
few known values revealing other encrypted values.
This leakage cannot be completely eliminated,
but it can be reduced by various methods. First,
additional entries can be added to the database to
smooth out the distribution of values. Additional
queries would be inserted periodically to access
these otherwise unused values. Second, existing
entries with the same values can be split into
different categories by CryptDB so that they appear
different in the database. Third, encryption keys can
be changed periodically. These all impose a resource
burden on the system through additional storage and
The authors wish to acknowledge Virgil Gligor for
his deep insights and broad knowledge in
homomorphic encryption and related areas.
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