Semantic Analysis and Complex Networks as Conjugated Techniques
Supporting Decision Making
Pedro Ivo Lancellotta, Victor Ströele, Regina Braga, José Maria N. David and Fernanda Campos
Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Complex Networks, Data Visualization, Decision Making, InfoVis, Ontology.
Abstract: The expansion scenario in information technology has led to the need for the analysis of huge amounts of data
to manage information for quick decision making. This paper presents an architecture for data visualization
that uses semantic and structural interpretation as conjugated techniques for data analysis in different domains,
through an interface which supports visualization strategies. A case study was carried out with a specialist in
real-world agricultural context using data from dairy cattle to answer our research question. The results
demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal.
Technology is increasingly present in the daily
routine of companies and industries as devices and
tools for data manipulation. The great amount of data
makes manual analysis a complex activity. The main
objective of Business Intelligence (BI) is to support
decision making, reduce costs, optimize work
efficiency to improve process management (Popovič
et al., 2013). Among the techniques to support BI
decision-making are Data Mining, Panels, Reports
and Data Visualization (Ranjan, 2008).
The use of data visualization techniques, or
information visualization, helps the cognitive process
in data interpretation and knowledge discovery (Card
et al., 2009). These aims to simplify the way these
data are presented to managers as well as decision
makers in order to be able to observe trends and
implicit information in huge volumes of data. Efforts
are made to create new mechanisms that optimize
information visualization techniques, such as the
identification of more appropriate visualization
techniques for specific datasets, and the reduction in
the amount of information displayed for a greater
abstraction of information, assisting user perception
(Jonker et al., 2013).
Among the efforts for the interpretation and
semantic data analysis, we can highlight the use of
ontologies, which have been applied in several
domains (Miah et al., 2007) (Zillner et al., 2008) (da
Silva & Cavalcanti, 2014) (Liu et al., 2016).
Ontologies add semantic value to the data, defining
explicit and implicit relationships among them. It can
define the knowledge related to a given domain of
data, allowing it to be processed computationally,
making possible the extraction of new information
and assignment of meaning to the data.
When defining an ontology for a domain, the
relationships between the domain interest individuals
and their characteristics, or in a simplified way, the
actors that interact in the domain of application are
identified. Thus, it is possible to delineate this
ontology in the form of a network, representing
individuals and their relationships (Heim et al., 2010).
Still according to (Heim et al., 2010) these networks
allow a more effective visualization of intrinsic
relationships of data, observing the connections
between the individuals that compose the network.
By characterizing the ontology in the form of a
network, it is possible to identify how data are related
and to apply complex network metrics, such as
centrality analysis, node degree, among other metrics
to identify individuals that stand out in the data set.
Several works use ontologies and complex
networks individually to provide interpretations of
the data, but few explore both together. This paper
explores the combination of ontology techniques and
complex networks using them together, to
complement the information on each one in an
automated or semi-automated form.
Ontologies are able to offer benefits to complex
networks, such as (i) Abstraction of network nodes
with the use of inferences (ii) Aggregation of
Lancellotta, P., Ströele, V., Braga, R., David, J. and Campos, F.
Semantic Analysis and Complex Networks as Conjugated Techniques Supporting Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0006662001950202
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 195-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
semantic values for the data network (iii)
Classification of individuals, identifying semantic
groups that can be analyzed separately. On the other
hand, the complex network can also benefit the
ontology, such as: (i) Identification of new groups of
individuals, based on the analysis of ontology entities,
enabling the creation of other groups with similar
characteristics identified in the network (ii)
Identification of new relationships between data,
automating the process of creating new logical rules
(iii) Structural analysis of the ontology and creation
of new properties of relationships between data, from
the use of complex network metrics.
The main objective of this paper is to present an
architecture that defines the necessary components
for the visualization of information and support for
decision making. The architecture uses ontologies
and complex networks in a conjugated form,
supporting visualization for decision-making.
To evaluate the technical feasibility of the
architecture, a visualization platform was developed
to support the components of the proposed
architecture. In addition, in order to evaluate whether
the proposal assists decision making in a real
environment, a case study was carried out for an
agricultural research company involving data
analysis of dairy cattle production.
The main contributions of this work are (i) the
proposal of a visualization architecture based on
semantic and structural data analysis (ii) Use of
ontologies and complex networks as conjugated
techniques in order to improve the interpretation of
strategic data (iii) Development of an ontology in the
agricultural context, related to dairy control, and (iv)
Development of a visualization platform to support
decision making.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
details some related works. In section 3, we present
the architecture. Section 4 presents a use case with
real data from dairy farms. Finally, section 5 presents
the conclusions and future work.
The main objective of this section is to identify works
that are related to the proposed approach in this paper,
as well as observing deficiencies found in the context
of data visualization. We reviewed works that use
information visualization, such as Business
Intelligence techniques, to support decision making.
We filtered the works that mainly use semantic and
complex network analysis as an approach,
contributing to the interpretation of information and
strategic analyzes for datasets in any domain.
Analyzing huge volumes of data is a challenge in
many research areas. Some research works, focus on
reducing the amount of data that will be available in
the visualization (Gu and Wang, 2011).
Ontologies have the ability to aggregate semantic
information to analyzed data, in addition to
incorporating several aids to the understanding of the
specification of a dataset (Sumalatha et al., 2008). A
recurrent use of the ontology is to consistently
characterize an application domain. It is possible to
represent actors that integrate it and its interrelations
creating a unified and consolidated concept of the
target domain (Jayaraman et al., 2013).
The use of complex networks allows a structural
investigation of the data, so that it is possible to
identify individuals who are more influential in the
network as well as their intrinsic relationships (Lopes
et al., 2010). Still according to (Lopes et al., 2010), in
order to identify important individuals within the
network, complex network metrics are used, such as
node degree, centrality, among others.
Many recent studies have made efforts to identify
algorithms and metrics for the identification of
relevant individuals and implicit relationships among
those individuals in complex networks, for example,
social networks (Silva et al., 2017) (Muniz et al.,
Some studies use ontologies and / or complex
network metrics to better visualize data and identify
important elements for analysis (Queiroz-Sousa et al.,
2013) (Ströele et al., 2017), and the creation of
visualization tools that behave in an automated or
semi-automated way (Sobral et al., 2016). However,
few studies use these techniques in conjunction with
data interpretation (Heim et al., 2010). Others only
use different views on data (Dörk et al., 2012) (Radics
et al., 2015) (Soklakova et al., 2016).
The main goal of this article is the integrated use
of ontology techniques and complex networks so that
one complements the information of the other. This
enables the development of a visualization platform
capable of inferring new information and rules about
a set of data analyzed in an automatic or semi-
automatic way.
Based on the literature review, we identified the need
to create a visualization mechanism to assist business
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
managers in making strategic decisions that lead to
higher quality and productivity. A conceptual
architecture that supports decision-making is
proposed which can self-feed and produce new
information. The general objective of the architecture
is to enable data visualization and interpretation from
a specific data source from the semantic and
structural point of view.
The conceptual model of the architecture is
presented in Figure 1. The architecture is divided into
layers, presented in detail in the following
The operationalization of the architecture usage
occurs according to the following steps. Initially, (i)
data is collected from one or more repositories of the
same domain (ii) these data are organized, translated
into the ETL layer and then imported into the
ontology, in which some domain rules are defined
(iii) from the defined domain ontology, it is translated
as a network, showing the main relationships between
the main actors that constitute the application domain
(iv) finally, a complex network is modeled with the
individuals of the domain. In this network, the
relations can be similar to the connections obtained
from the ontology, or new connections between the
individuals are defined considering their intrinsic
characteristics. In this way, semantic analysis is done
for data abstraction in order to summarize, reduce the
data volume, highlight the most relevant data and
identify new rules or groupings.
3.1 ETL Layer
The ETL layer is responsible for extracting,
transforming and loading data for later processing.
Data repositories can come from several different
sources, but all of them refer to the same application
domain, or at least have data related to the domain.
In this vein, the architecture will import data and
load the ontology with the individuals, according to
the domain rules. The main functionality of the ETL
layer is the ability to interpret data from different
repositories to a consolidated and well-defined data
set through the ontology.
3.2 Processing Layer
The main purpose of the processing layer is to
organize and model the data so that it can be sent to
the visualization layer. Upon receiving data imported
by the ETL layer, the domain ontology is
consolidated with all individuals in the data set.
3.2.1 Domain Ontology
Semantic data interpretation is done through the
ontology, providing the benefits of reliability,
portability, reuse and maintenance.
The ontology is defined in order to consider the
interactions between the entities which are present in
the data set. Property chains are properties defined
through a chain of object properties, defining
inferences related to these data. The ontology has the
power to make the architecture more robust and
independent because it is able to interpret data, and
infer new knowledge. From this semantic layer, the
architecture covers different data domains. In
addition, these inferences support analysis based on
complex networks in order to reduce the number of
nodes to be represented through visualization
techniques, as well as to add semantic information to
the nodes and edges.
3.2.2 Ontology Network
In this layer, a network was modeled that represents
the relationships of the ontology and a heterogeneous
complex network.
The connection between elements that compose
the ontology naturally creates a network among the
actors who are inherent to the observed data domain.
The modeling and visualization of this network
allows some approaches for data analysis, such as, (i)
it illustrates to the decision maker the main links
between the elements that compose the data domain,
supporting the awareness and creation of new
relations from direct observation, and (ii) the use of
metrics (explained in section 3.2.4) to identify
relevant elements in the ontology.
3.2.3 Individual Complex Network
Nodes in a complex network represent individuals
and the connection between them represents different
measures that are defined by the user at run time.
This layer uses inferred data from the ontology
and reduces the amount of data to be presented to the
user. As a result, it identifies most relevant
individuals with complex network metrics.
Considering the semantic analyzes, the data
chosen by the user are related to the individuals
connected through the ontology. From the ontology,
relationships between data as well as their logical
rules are analyzed. Logical rules are responsible for
synthesizing information, so that individuals can
relate in a direct or indirect way.
Semantic Analysis and Complex Networks as Conjugated Techniques Supporting Decision Making
Figure 1: General overview of the architecture.
3.2.4 Complex Network Metrics
Complex network metrics can be used to perform the
analysis of highlighted nodes in the network. The
identification of more influential nodes is important
for a more specific analysis of an element, in order to
observe the causes of its prominence with respect to
the other individuals. Two metrics are used in the case
study in this work: closeness centrality and
betweenness centrality (Wasserman & Faust, 1994).
The closeness centrality measure represents the
average distance from the minimum paths of one
node to all other nodes in the network. Thus, the more
centered the node is, the closer it will be to other
nodes in the network. It is also possible to observe the
nodes with greater betweenness centrality, a metric
that totalizes how many minimum paths they pass
through a specific individual, allowing the
identification of entities that manage a greater range
of other entities and properties. Using these measures,
it is possible to identify new groups of individuals for
the creation of new semantic groups in the ontology,
that is, elaborating the semi-automated creation of
new logical rules.
3.2.5 Adapating Visualization
The processing layer will identify visualization
techniques according to the data types obtained from
the ontology and complex networks. It aims to
represent the data as clearly as possible to the decision
maker. Thus, the user can adapt the views to obtain
better understanding about the data. After choosing
the best visualization, the processing layer send this
information to visualization layer, which shows to the
3.3 Visualization Layer
After the interpretation of the data by the ontology
and the structural analysis of the complex networks,
there is an interface layer in which the user makes the
choice of the data that is pertinent to his/her analysis.
He/she also defines the measurements of the data
he/she intends to observe, such as numerical values
that represent productivity, some attribute that
suggests accounting for something, or any other
attribute that is measurable.
This section presents an initial evaluation of the
proposed architecture, which was made from the first
version of the information system for decision-
making support. The objective of this evaluation is to
answer the research question considering the use of
the proposed solution in a real-world context.
The evaluation method adopted in this paper is
based on a case study carried out in the context of an
agricultural research company with real data
extracted from dairy cattle production. A case study
is an empirical investigation that relies on multiple
sources of evidence to investigate an instance (or a
small number of cases) of a contemporary
phenomenon within its actual context, especially
when the boundary between phenomenon and context
cannot be clearly identified (Runeson et al., 2012).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.1 Case Study Definition and Planning
A survey reported by MilkPoint (https:// highlights the managerial
aspect as the major limiting factor in milk production.
There is a lack of approaches that assist the managers
in the visualization of data on this field (Miah et al.,
The evaluation scope was defined based on the
GQM method (Basili et al., 1994) with the "purpose
of characterizing the effect of semantic and structural
analyzes, as aggregated techniques, on data
visualization approaches in decision making from
the point of view of business managers and milk
institutions in the context of milk quality".
The research question to be evaluated in this study
is: How can the semantic and structural data analysis
as aggregated techniques, combined with
visualization techniques support decision-making?
To collect evidence and respond to the proposed
research question, direct observations and interviews
were used as data sources.
4.2 Carrying out the Case Study
This section describes the semantic and complex
network analysis obtained from the analyzes
performed in the developed system. The interpretable
elements, observed from the use of ontologies and
networks, as well as their objectives and main
characteristics are described. The ontology developed
for the context of dairy cattle is presented, detailing
some of its logical rules and how its use can aid
4.2.1 Designing the Domain Ontology
As far as we are aware, no work in the literature was
found that used ontologies that represent the process
of milk control and quality from dairy cattle.
Therefore, an ontology was created using Protégé
( The creation of this ontology
was done with the help of specialists in the area of
agricultural research to better detail the process and
their needs. The ontology created has a total of 30
classes and 41 logical rules. The classes of Institution,
RegionalCenter, Coordinator, Consultant and
Producer represent managerial aspects and classes,
such as: DairyControl, Production, AnimalBreed,
Tank and Herd approach the productive aspect.
Through property chains (OWL 2.0), it is possible
to obtain the Farms that are served by Institutions or
other Entities, in addition to the productions or other
information related to their respective Farms. In this
context, it is possible to associate semantic analysis
with managerial processes.
4.2.2 Data Analysis
Initially, a comparative analysis was performed
through tables in relation to managerial data. The
domain specialists observed the hierarchical
relationship between some entities (Regional Center,
Coordinators and Consultants). Without the use of
ontologies, only the inter-relationships between
individuals was identified. Due to the data set
volume, it is costly to perform joins between these
data in order to identify the attributes and their
associations, allowing specialists to analyze only
direct relationships. The use of ontologies is able to
fill this gap, so that from the inferences made, it is
possible to aggregate values to this information. From
the platform expert's action to obtain managerial
information, a table with the data obtained with the
logical rules of the ontology is presented. In this case,
the production values of all properties served by
management entities were associated. As a result, it
was possible to make previously complex
observations, such as identifying the production of
properties served by a specific Regional Center.
For the definition of levels of abstraction and
structural analysis a complex network was modeled
considering the relationships between the individuals.
The management network aims to visualize the mean,
total or other aggregations on the values related to the
measurement of the dairy controls of animals from
one or more herds of a farm. In this case study, the
sum of the milk production values of the animals
during the last dairy control was used. The values of
these measurements are assigned as the weight of the
network edges.
With the help of this network, the specialist was
able to analyze which farms produce more milk for a
Regional Center chosen by him/her according to
his/her needs of analysis and decision making
In the context of milk quality and the ontology
used, there are two main networks that make up the
system: management and milk production. The
analyzes made by the specialist which focused on the
study of the managerial network (Figure 2) were
composed of the following entities: Institution,
Regional Center, Coordinator, Consultant and Farm.
In the management network presented in Figure 2,
the following elements are shown: regional centers
(in purple), coordinators (in pink), consultants (in
yellow) and, finally, farms (in gray). It is possible to
observe that, with the increase in the number of
institutions, the visualization of the network is
Semantic Analysis and Complex Networks as Conjugated Techniques Supporting Decision Making
compromised according to the volume of data
presented to the user. The objective is to highlight the
entities that serve farms with a higher milk yield.
For this, the complex network metrics defined
above are used. It was observed that nodes with
greater closeness centrality are related to more Farms
or with more Entities. Thus, comparing the entities of
the same type (Coordinator, Consultant, Regional
Center, and Institution) those that are most influential
in the network were identified and presented to the
specialist. This is due to the fact that they deal with a
higher volume of milk production. The betweenness
centrality metric was used to identify the nodes with
the greatest influence on entity and / or property
management. Thus, when measuring the minimum
paths between regional centers and farms, it was
possible to identify which entities are present in these
paths, showing that this entity manages a greater
range of other entities and properties.
In Figure 2, the ontology action can be observed
in the abstraction of the managerial network. With
this abstraction, the manager is able to briefly
visualize the measures identified with the total
analysis of the complex network. In this case, the
edge between two nodes (a consultant and a
coordinator) was selected, and the total production of
farms consulted by this one is 304829.3 liters of milk.
Thus, it is possible to observe, through the flow
that runs in the edges which coordinators or entities
influence more, considering the productivity of a
certain regional center or any other entity that one
wishes to take as the central element of the network.
The reduction in the number of nodes represented on
the screen (Figure 2) facilitates the visualization by
the business managers without compromising the
information contained in the complex network.
Finally, this case study demonstrated the use of
the first version of the system for visualization and
decision making that covers semantic and structural
aspects of the data. All the actions carried out in the
system, as well as the analyzes and metrics adopted
in this case study, were made by a specialist in the
agricultural field.
In addition to the direct observations, an interview
was conducted. Among the answers given by the
specialist, after the use of the developed system, three
can be highlighted.
(I) Is the information clearly presented by the system,
helping in the decision-making process?
These charts enabled me to do an immediate
analysis of the production of specific farms
comparing to a national scenario, presenting
information that supported me in the decision-making
process with the milk producers”.
(II) How do you evaluate the use of different visual
resources (graphs, tables and network) for decision-
The graphs are important, but the need to analyze
them together stands out”.
(III) Is it possible to analyze data from different
institutions and their contribution to national cattle
Figure 2: Complex Network generated from available data.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“Milk production presented in a network way allows
us to identify and to compare the different entities in
relation to its productivity. This is a good
contribution of the system for data analysis”.
Based on the first answer, there is evidence that
the information presented in the visualization artifacts
provides better awareness, so that dairy institutions
can help milk producers in the administration of their
herds and farms. According to the second answer,
there is evidence that the components used helped
decision making. However, it is still necessary to
integrate these components. The third answer showed
that the use of semantic analysis and complex
networks as conjugated techniques can help in
decision-making process.
In order to answer the research question, we
observed (i) the specialists' interactions with the
system to obtain information; (ii) the analyzes carried
out by them for decision-making in the context of
milk quality; (iii) and the answers given by them in
the interview at the end of the case study. The
specialist's answers go to what was observed during
the case study, pointing to the proposal feasibility.
Considering these points, it is possible to affirm
that there is evidence that the semantic and structural
analysis of the data, together with visualization
techniques are able to aid in the decision making,
adding more information to the data. However,
further case studies should be carried out for a wider
evaluation of the proposal.
As threats to the validity of this case study we
can cite the reduced number of participants. Through
the evaluation it was possible to state that these results
could not be generalized. However, it was possible to
identify situations in which similar results could be
This article presented an architecture for an
information system to support decision making,
based on components that use complex networks and
ontologies as conjugated techniques to support the
decision-making process for business managers. The
use of the ontology together with the complex
networks provides a semantic and structural analysis
of the data, so that the visualization strategy brings
forward additional information from the data used. A
classical problem in analyzing complex networks is
the amount of information presented to users. In this
sense, the ontology collaborates by providing
abstractions in the network, so that it is possible to
omit some nodes without the loss of important
information for decision-making. Complex networks
also collaborate in the creation of new logical rules
for the previously defined ontology.
A first version of the system was developed, and
a case study was carried out with the purpose of
evaluating the architecture. The use of ontologies and
complex networks of conjugated form adds value in
decision making. The results demonstrate the
feasibility of the proposal, but this is only an initial
evaluation. As future work, we intend to expand the
developed ontology, to carry out a case study
considering a greater number of specialists and, in
addition, adopt new metrics to support the analyzes
related to the complex networks and identification of
new logical rules.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems