Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the
Curriculum Lattes Platform
ergio Antonio de Andrade Freitas
, Edna Dias Canedo
, Edgard Costa Oliveira
and Dionlan Alves de Jesus
Faculty of Gama (FGA), University of Bras
ılia (UnB),
Area Especial de Ind
ao A – P.O. Box 8114, Bras
ılia-DF, CEP 72.444-240, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Edif
ıcio CIC/EST, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte - University of Bras
ılia (UnB),
P.O. Box 4466, Bras
ılia-DF, CEP 70910-900, Brazil
Department of Production Engineering, Technology College, University of Bras
ılia (UnB),
Semantic Web, Curriculum Lattes, Algorithm, Similarity.
Using inference machines is one resource used to assist the decision-making process in data processing and
interpretation, which allows attributing knowledge to a set of information items. In this sense this work
implements a similarity algorithm that calculates the percentage of adherence found amongst academic profiles
at the University of Bras
ılia (UnB). The domain base use to provide the data for the work is that of the
Lattes platform. This platform holds data on the scientific production of registered university scholars. The
calculation provides a rating of the individuals and the approximations between their academic production.
This is achieved by taking into account a base profile which is compared to one or more destination profiles.
To run this procedure, the data held in each Curriculum Lattes is extracted, and an ontology of concepts
is created that holds the data on the production to supply the information needed by the comparison task.
These comparisons are made in each term of the name, for all the bibliographical production for both profiles
compared. Each term can have a set of synonyms that are also taken into consideration in the comparison. And
at the end the results are compiled and presented in a spreadsheet that holds the summaries for all adherence
percentages that were compared. Applying the algorithm determines which people in a set have more or
less proximity and a semantic link with the academic output when compared to other individuals. And that
produces a similarity percentage.
The Web as an entity that is in constant develop-
ment can increasingly attribute sense to information,
through machines and software agents, to organize
knowledge in many areas, with the use of standardi-
zed terminologies, as a means to structure information
to produce knowledge. The data is available in many
formats, namely: Web pages, files, repositories, and
the Curriculum Lattes database, amongst others.
The Lattes platform, used a
the source of data in this work, provides the acade-
mic background data on the execution of scientific
work and the academic output of students, lecturers
and professionals involved in science and technology.
This source of data establishes, percentage-wise,
how much a member is connected and in adherence,
or similar, according to one’s bibliographical pro-
duction when compared to another member, or to a
group of members of the Brazilian academic commu-
nity. This work aims at developing a tool that takes
the information held in the Curriculum Lattes base
into account, on a researcher, to extract the data and
create an ontological model. And, beyond that, to
set up a mathematical model that calculates the si-
milarity percentage that exists between the individu-
als/researchers. To that end, an algorithm was develo-
ped that automatizes this ontological model and that
points, in a quantitative fashion, what the percentage
of adherence is, as found amongst the publications of
the members compared.
According to the bibliography surveyed (Shadbolt
et al., 2006), (Hendler et al., 2002), (Berners-Lee
et al., 2001), (Sudeepthi et al., 2012) and (de Oliveira,
2011), the semantic Web, with the use of its tools,
languages, and frameworks, allows the development
Freitas, S., Dias Canedo, E., Costa Oliveira, E. and Alves de Jesus, D.
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curr iculum Lattes Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0006664102030214
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 203-214
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of the ontology of concepts and provides input items
for this domain to be mapped and towards obtaining
the data that is found in each Curriculum Lattes of the
researchers studied.
In the development of the application, already-
existing functionalities were re-used, to extract the
curriculum from the Lattes platform and to create the
ontology. The ontological file is read and consulted in
order to obtain the bibliographical works considered
in the calculation of the similarity, amongst the indivi-
duals selected. The result is exported on a spreadsheet
that lists the profiles under comparison, and displays
a percentage of adherence as found amongst them.
Tests were carried out to verify and validate the fi-
gures obtained. The set of tests was controlled with
the knowledge of the set of profiles that would be
compared. The goal was to attest whether the figures
actually obtained matched that which were observed
in the real world.
In order to better explain the point of this work, it
is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the pro-
posed model, with the basis of the proposal, the pro-
posal in itself, the mathematical formulation, and the
implementation of the algorithm. Section 3 descri-
bes the implementation and the tests that were run. It
also presents the tables, as originated in the execution
of the application, along with the final result and the
percentages of similarity for the comparisons. Finally,
Section 4 concludes the work.
The model proposed is based on the use of the plat-
form found in the Lattes academic record database as
its data source to obtain information on the academic
careers of people, aimed at making comparisons via
an algorithm. In possession of such data, one can con-
solidate inferences as found amongst the individuals
found in the domain that the Lattes database is about.
In the academic community, both the teaching
staff as the students corpus can have their Curriculum
Lattes, as a way to build a portfolio on one’s academic
path, for different ends. The Curriculum Lattes base,
as found in the Web, holds varied information on the
academic career of any of the individuals registered.
Based on this data a strategy was devised to create an
ontology that would represent this model, as expres-
sed in the Lattes database (Galego and Renata, 2013).
This strategy also included a manner for extracting
data that would allow a relationship amongst the indi-
viduals found in the database. Such a drive stemmed
from a few questions we wanted to see answered:
1. Is it possible to establish a link between different
individuals that have not met, based on the life
they lead in the Academy?
2. Is it possible to establish a quantitative approach
through calculation of how much similarity there
is in a comparison made of individuals hitherto
unknown to each other?
3. Is it possible to make this line of thought automa-
tic with the use of an algorithm? That is, there
is a possibility for drawing aspects that are simi-
lar amongst individuals and to have the process
for that running on a machine, to obtain an index
that allows assessing whether a person is similar
or not to another one, considering the aspects of
one’s trajectory in the Academy.
In the analysis of the Lattes database it is possible
to see that several fields separate the individuals and
characterize them according to a predominance in a
given area of knowledge.
Some fields found in blocks of items can be con-
sidered for the purposes of individualization, of the
characteristic of each individual.
Amongst these items we can cite: academic
background and titles, supplementary qualifications,
professional history, research areas pursued, rese-
arch projects, extension projects, development pro-
jects, reviewing work for periodicals, areas of acti-
vity, awards and titles received, work that contains
the bibliographical production, articles published in
periodicals, books published/organized, or editions,
chapters of books published, text published in jour-
nals/magazines as news, full work published n con-
ference proceedings, expanded abstracts published in
conference proceedings, abstracts published in con-
ference proceedings, presentations of technical pro-
duction work with information on assistance and con-
sultancy, technical work, interviews, round tables,
programs and comments in the media and in the item
that covers other types of technical production, and
other work.
The blocks of information have other elements
that hold information that is semantically relevant and
that can be used. The following elements can be men-
tioned as examples: advice in work for degree course
final project, advice and supervision completed, ad-
vice for MSC theses, end-of-course work in refres-
her/specialization courses, end-of-course work in de-
gree courses, scientific introduction courses, advice
of other kinds, development of teaching or instruction
material, interviews, round tables, programs and com-
ments in the media, organization of events, conferen-
ces, exhibitions and fairs, examination boards in jud-
ges committees in public tests, and other participati-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Faced with this, one can see that the wealth of in-
formation is quite impressive. A constantly updated
Curriculum Lattes of an individual is considered as a
very valuable source of data, for the purpose of sur-
veying and assessing one’s results. And, to materia-
lize the proposal, the presentation of a percentage of
similarity is done through a number of comparisons
with other members registered in the Lattes database.
The goal is not to exhaust all the attributes found
in the Lattes database, but to demonstrate that it is
entirely possible to establish a manner of comparison
between individuals, based on the set of information
items that is laid out in each profile.
As a proposal, we set up a plan to consider the
macro item Production that entails the bibliographi-
cal production, technical output, and other artistic and
cultural productions. The data found in these cha-
racteristics is considered as having great semantic re-
levance when thinking of making comparisons bet-
ween people. Once the inference or comparison
is made of this macro item with an acceptable satis-
faction margin and taking into account the computati-
onal analysis versus human analysis, it is possible to
consider relating the others with the same purpose.
At first, and considering the block of elements
contained in the Production element, the compari-
son will be made through considering the name of
each title, for each bibliographical production, with
the goal of achieving key terms that have a high se-
mantic load, to allow more efficient comparisons with
other terms, as found in the publications, amongst the
individuals surveyed. The terms will be selected and
submitted to consultations through synonyms, to en-
compass a larger possibility and to render the result
amongst comparisons more concise.
Thus, starting from these considerations of the
analysis of the data, as found in the items of the Lattes
database, and knowing that, from there, it is possible
to make the comparisons, one can formalize the pro-
cess of comparison in a structured algorithmic form.
2.1 Calculation of the Index of
Consider a closed set of individuals identified by their
Curriculum Lattes (equation 1):
CP = {I
, I
, ...I
, ..., I
} (1)
Each individual I
is represented through a set LI
where each one of its elements B
k is the list of all
the activities of I
in one of the large blocks j that
form the Lattes database (e.g., concentration area, pu-
blications in periodicals, publications in proceedings,
advisory work, etc.):
= {B
, B
, ...B
, ..., B
} (2)
Consider now one of the individuals in named
Base Individual I
CP (3)
And another individual I
in CP different from
, I
6= I
The comparison between individuals I
is possible through correlating the activities re-
presented in their Curriculum Lattes and the compa-
rison of the elements of one same block B
as found
both in LI
as in LI
. Consider an activity E
as belonging to the group of elements that form LI
of the Lattes of LI
and semantically equivalent to
an activity E
as belonging to the set of activities of
, E
Considering a block of B
any kind, the set of all
the elements E
that verify equation 5 represents the
set of similarities found amongst individuals I
for a given block k:
= A|E
Where A in equation 6 represents:
A =
, E
In applying equation 6 for each one of the blocks
found in the Lattes database for two individuals and
by merging the results, it is possible to obtain a simi-
larity set between I
and I
CS = Sem
Using the cardinality of CS it is possible to esta-
blish an similarity index IS between I
and I
= |CS| (9)
In fixing individual I
and doing the calculation
for equation 9, for each one of the individuals of CP
a set is obtained for the similarity indexes CIS
tween the base individual and the remainder of the
individuals considered:
= {|IS
|, |IS
|, ..., |IS
|} (10)
The ordained set of CIS
establishes the simila-
rity degree between any base individual and the rest
of the set of individuals.
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curriculum Lattes Platform
2.2 Applying the Algorithm
This section presents the step-by-step process for the
similarity algorithm. The steps followed start with
the reading of the data on the individuals informed
through the identifier element found in the Lattes da-
tabase. Following the reading of all curriculum in the
Lattes database a procedure is carried out that proces-
ses the names in each publication found for both the
base and target individuals. This function removes
the insignificant terms and standardizes the quantity
of terms that will be compared. After that, for each
word selected a consultation is made to obtain the re-
spective synonyms, should they exist.
The comparison starts when the base individual is
set and all of his/her publications are compared with
all the publications of all the target individuals. That
is, the first term in the first publication of the base
profile is compared with the first term of the biblio-
graphical output of target individual number 1. This
process is iterated until the number of terms and syn-
onyms is exhausted, followed by the volume of one’s
bibliographical production and, lastly, the quantity of
the target individuals themselves.
Equal occurrences that are found are accounted
for and added into the percentage calculation. For the
purposes of calculation, the figure for the product in
the quantity of the quantities of bibliographical pro-
duction of the individual are needed, with each target
individual, which will be the division number for each
percentage amount.
This figure is multiplied by 5, as to work with
equal figures which, in the case of the term or word
itself, number 5 represents the quantity of terms rand-
omly chosen from the name of the bibliographical
output. As dividend, we have the number of equal
occurrences, which is incremented as every new equal
term is found between the base and the target indivi-
Lastly, in order to have the amount as a percen-
tage, it is multiplied by 100 and a classification is
done of the percentages of adherence for the com-
parisons that have been calculated. Similarity algo-
rithm between the bibliographical outputs for selected
Reads base individual data;
Reads target individuals’ data;
Processes the names of the publications;
Searches synonyms in English and in Portuguese
for each term found in the bibliographical output
items that have been loaded;
Fixes the base individual and, for each element of
every target: (1). Compares the first term of the
base element with that of the target individual; (2)
If they are equal, then: Counts one equal occur-
rence; (3) If not: Does not count anything and
moves to the next term and goes back to the pre-
vious step; (4) Moves to the next target individual
and repeats procedure until the last individual.
Calculates the similarity percentage;
Divides the quantity of equal occurrences by
the number of comparison possibilities found
amongst the individuals multiplied by 5;
Multiplies the total by 100. Classifies the percen-
tage of the comparisons.
The infrastructure environment that was configu-
red to support the development, execution and tes-
ting of the system took some software products
as well as non-functional requirements of por-
tability, implementation, and integration into ac-
count. As a requirement for integration, the software
should have a link to the Dynamic Lattes applica-
to obtain the ontology file and thus manage to pro-
cess with the algorithm that calculates the similarity
percentage (Luna et al., 2013) and (da Costa and Ya-
mate, 2009).
Functional requirements of the application:
Extracting data from the Lattes database;
Creating the ontology that models the Lattes data-
Calculating the similarity percentage;
Taking the title of each publication into account;
Obtaining synonyms for each English and Portu-
guese term;
Making comparisons between the terms of each
Classifying the adherence percentage.
The architecture of the software constructed is
built by the collaboration from other tools that assist
the calculation of the similarity. The Dynamic Lat-
tes open-source tool, apart from helping the extraction
process, is an element of the Script Lattes, Onto Lat-
tes, and Semantic Lattes tools (da Costa and Yamate,
Dynamic Lattes does the extraction, creates the
ontology, and builds an OWL format file (Siddiqui
and Alam, 2011). The goal is to have the software
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
developed read, interpret and calculate the similarity
percentage for the profiles registered with the Lattes
platform database, and allow the analysis for adhe-
rence of the sets of profiles under comparison.
3.1 System Modelling
Figure 1 shows the domain of the application on a
business level, which helps to understand the scope of
the architecture developed for the application.
The Lattes Database represents the knowledge
base of the Lattes platform, which currently holds a
little over three million registered curriculum. The
Dynamic Lattes application (Chalco et al., 2009)
is responsible for extracting the Curriculum Lattes
through an identifier element, unique to each indivi-
dual that is fed as a parameter to the tool. It inter-
operates with the Lattes knowledge through a call for
a curriculum in a XML format and does the mapping
of the Lattes domain in a representation of the onto-
logy, to consolidate it via an OWL file (da Costa and
Yamate, 2009).
The OWL file holds the meta data and the popu-
lated values for the curriculum that have been fed.
The application developed interprets this information
and makes the conversion of the ontology into objects,
using the Java programming language.
This stage is shown in Figure 1 in a package that
includes the calculation of the similarity percentage.
After that a graph of similarities is shown, pursuant
to the criterion set in the algorithm shown in Section
Figure 1: Domain Application.
Use case diagram shown in Figure 2 has the in-
teraction of an user that may be the individual that
wishes to find what one’s similarity percentage is in
relation to the other members, with the use of the soft-
ware. One interacts with the Calculate Similarity Per-
centage use case.
The use case at first interacts with the Dynamic
Lattes to be able to carry out the extraction procedu-
res, contained in the Extract Data use case, from the
Lattes Database, to Create the Ontology in the Lattes
Database. After this interaction, the ontological file is
created and used by the Consult Extracted Individual
use case, which is when it loads the results from bi-
bliographical output into lists for all people being fed
data. From then on, other use cases are necessarily
executed, as shown in Figure 2 by the <<include>>
notation. Firstly, the Process Title of Each Publica-
tion use case, followed by Obtain Synonym for Each
Term in English and in Portuguese and after that by
the Compare Terms of Publications from Each Indi-
vidual and, lastly, by the Export Output into Spreads-
heet item.
Figure 4 shows The process modeling with the
flow that is executed until a spreadsheet is obtained
that holds the values for the comparisons of similari-
ties as found amongst the individuals.
The process gets under way with the extraction of
the data from the Lattes database that looks up the
curriculum base in the Lattes platform to create the
ontology of concepts (da Costa and Yamate, 2009).
The ontology is a file that will be later loaded and
interpreted by the application, and also to check the
existence of a record produced by the consultation. If
no records are found the process is terminated and,
if not, the records are loaded into lists that will be
processed to extract terms regarded as non-significant
from the standpoint of the application, to then be sub-
jected to a synonym consultation. In the end, the
comparisons are done and a spreadsheet is produced
that holds the percentage results for each comparison,
along with the quantity of terms for each individual
compared, on a per-person basis.
Following the comparison procedure, the final cal-
culation is done, added with the percentage value
for similarity formulated by the mathematical relation
(Chalco et al., 2009) shown in the previous chapter
that determines that the similarity percentage is equal
to the number of synonyms (occurrences found), di-
vided by the number of possibilities (Cartesian pro-
duct) found amongst the publications of the two pro-
files compared.
3.2 View of the Workflow
The process for the workflow and for information ex-
change amongst the elements that make the proces-
sing of the inference algorithm starts when an user
accesses the Dynamic Lattes entry system, as shown
in Figure 3. The user enters the list of the identifiers
for all Curriculum Lattes one wishes to extract from,
including the base individual and all target individu-
The Dynamic Lattes communicates with the da-
tabase of the Lattes platform by itself, advising the
identifiers entered by the user to locate the respective
Curriculum Lattes. The extraction then happens,
when the files for each curriculum are found, and with
the reply for the consultation for processing sent by
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curriculum Lattes Platform
Figure 2: Use Case Diagram.
Figure 3: Process Workflow.
the Dynamic Lattes. Each file represents a curricu-
lum in the Lattes database.
The internal process of the Dynamic Lattes should
run through the following stages:
1. Obtaining the data from the Lattes Platform
2. Managing a list of researchers (called members);
3. Storing data and making it available for consulta-
tion, in an ontology-based database, to allow the
use of inference monitors;
4. The user may ask the system for reports, consoli-
dated as per group of researchers. These reports
should use the data that is found in the database.
The Presentation layer is shown in Figure 5 and is
responsible for the interaction with the user via Web
pages. These Web pages are loaded with the data
found in the Data layer. The Data layer persists and
consults data with the importing of OWL format file
that was generated on the extraction layer and the se-
arch for information is done through SPARQL (Zhao
et al., 2014) consultations; the inferences on the onto-
logies are also carried out on this layer.
The extraction layer aims at making the data ex-
tractions from the Lattes Platform, as provided for do-
wnload in XML format, and crush this data to gene-
rate the OWL file that will persist on the data layer.
This layer provides the essential extraction functiona-
lities as well as the creation of the ontology that will
be used in the next processing stages.
Following the creation of the OWL ontology file,
the application loads the file and starts the process of
consultation of individuals. A base individual is de-
fined whilst the remaining ones become target indi-
viduals. At this point the processing is done of the
names of the bibliographical output, the synonyms in
English and in Portuguese are obtained, along with
the comparisons and the calculation of the percentage
for similarity.
Finally, a compilation is run of the results from
the comparison into a list, with their classification in
percentage terms. With it, it is possible to identify the
target individuals that are most similar and those that
are more aligned with the base individual.
3.3 Implementation
The implementation of the application resorted to Dy-
namic Lattes, which incorporates the Script Lattes,
Onto Lattes, and Semantic Lattes tools (Berners-Lee
et al., 2001), pursuant to the following steps, as nee-
ded to obtain the values for the knowledge base in the
Lattes Platform:
3.3.1 Knowledge Extraction from the Lattes
The Onto Lattes rose with the need to build an on-
tology to represent the data domain for the members
found in the Curriculum Lattes database. It is used for
the extraction of information found in the Curriculum
Lattes, and provided in XML format by the Lattes da-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Process Modeling.
Figure 5: Architecture Dynamic Lattes.
The Script Lattes tools extracts data on the te-
aching staff, as registered with the Lattes database.
When it is executed, it runs a download process with
some specific features such as reports on academic su-
pervisions, maps of collaboration and research maps,
for members of a group.graphs (networks) of joint
authorship amongst members of a group, thesis ad-
visory work reports, reports on research projects and
awards, geo-location maps, and for degrees of colla-
Semantic Lattes (Sudeepthi et al., 2012) aims at
creating a system that can run consultations on the
Curriculum Lattes. These consultations are done with
natural language. The OWL ontologies were produ-
ced based on questions produced by business specia-
Based on the functionalities of these tools, the ap-
plication extracts the curriculum in a XML format
from the Lattes knowledge database, creates the re-
presentational ontology for the domain of each curri-
culum, and creates the OWL extension file. The re-
sult of interest at such initial moment is the OWL file,
which holds the ontology created and loaded to use
the values in the comparison, to be the entry that trig-
gers the file read, as well as to run the conversion and
the transformation into objects in the Java program-
ming language.
3.3.2 Importing and Reading the Ontology form
the Curriculum Lattes
The OWL file is loaded into an application folder and
a conversion or parsing is done of the ontological lan-
guage to Java. After that, the OWL file is loaded onto
the application and methods are then applied to mani-
pulate the ontology and carry out the conversion into
Java objects. The libraries will deal with the consul-
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curriculum Lattes Platform
tation written in the SPARQL consultation language
that is used to carry out the selection in the OWL file.
That is, the OWL file holds the entire ontology and
the values extracted from the Lattes database. In or-
der to run the similarity comparisons, only a few fields
are needed and, as a result, SPARQL is used to return
only the values of interest to process the algorithm.
3.3.3 Treatment of Terms Loaded into a List
Treating the Name on a Publication Title. At this
point the name on a publication title is processed. As
each title has terms that are semantically insignificant
for a comparison, such as prepositions, articles, and
conjunctions, they are removes, as the stopwords that
they are called. The project contains a file that holds
663 words in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. At
the start of the execution, this file is opened only once
for each publication name and words included in the
list of ”stopword” are removed from it.
Selecting Words in the Publication Title. After
treating the list of words, a need was detected to stan-
dardize the number of words, to run the comparison.
As it is not possible to determine how many words
will come from each title, an arbitrary figure of 5 was
then adopted for consideration. That is, should an ar-
ticle have 10 words after the treatment of the names,
a random calculation is done that will select only 5 of
the 10 words. Should it be under 5, the absolute value
smaller than, or equal to, 5 is considered. One advan-
tage of this approach is that it guarantees the balance
between the comparisons, to avoid the possibility of,
for example, comparing a 15-word article with a 3-
word one.
3.3.4 Searching for Synonyms for each Term in
the Publication Title
Once a list of treated and selected words is at hand,
a search is made for the synonyms of each one. The
manner in which it is represented entails two ways.
The search for synonyms in the Internet and the se-
arch for synonyms in files found in the desktop envi-
In the latter case, the desktop environment was im-
plemented due to issues produced by the Web domain
such as, for example, a limitation of the number of
requests made to Web services for synonyms, and an
increase in the processing time of such requests.
This time depends on the web traffic speed, on the
Internet connection and on the availability of the Web
service which many times was overloaded due to the
high number of requests made from a same IP ad-
dress. In the test section the result from the compa-
risons amongst these two environments is tackled in
more detail.
3.3.5 Calculating the Percentage of Adherence
The calculation is done through individual compa-
risons on a per-term basis. Should corresponding
occurrences be found, that is, words that are equal in
the domain of possibilities, a value 1 is attributed, to
account for the quantity of such terms at the end, that
is, the number of synonyms found.
The second element of the equation is the number
of possibilities to be compared between two base in-
dividuals (base and target), as represented by a num-
ber of possibilities. When the algorithm is run, for
both the base and target individuals, a list is loaded
with the quantity of bibliographical outputs, and this
number is multiplied amongst them, to produce the
number of possibilities term.
As the algorithm defines 5 as the set number for
words to be searched for with their synonyms, it is ne-
cessary to multiply this figure by the number of pos-
sibilities amongst the individuals. And at the end, in
order to have a percentage value, the figure is multip-
lied by 100.
The result of this calculation allows the compari-
son with the other individuals that are being compared
with the base list. It also allows the carrying out of a
classification amongst them, in order to check which
one has the largest similarity percentage.
3.3.6 Classification of Similarity
As the process is finalized, all comparisons amongst
all the individuals having been loaded for the purpo-
ses of result organization and presentation, there is
the visualization of the figure for similarity percen-
tage between each comparison, that shows which in-
dividuals had the highest scores, being the most com-
pliant ones with the base individual. Those that had
smaller values move farther from the base individual
and are less compliant.
This section shows the analysis and the results obtai-
ned from the implementation, execution, and testing
of the similarity algorithm as proposed for a control-
led set of individuals. With such prior knowledge,
one might pinpoint, in a more reliable way, the results
expected, given that the comparisons between human
perception and the computational perception could be
better analyzed. That is, the validation of the tests
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
was based on the knowledge of the tester on the pe-
ople about to be compared, with the result calculated
by the similarity algorithm.
The analysis consists of considering aspects rela-
ted to the concentration area each individual dwells
in the academic domain. It was possible to see that
the percentage of similarity in the comparisons had
higher concentrations and increase trends amongst the
individuals that belonged to the same semantic group
of bibliographical outputs.
The result from the application of the algorithm
to 15 target individuals and the distribution of the per-
centage according to one’s adherence to the individual
set as the base one is shown on Table 1. It is possible
to see the relation of one single base individual with
15 target individuals, named Target 1 to Target 15.
The Lattes ID is the identifier element of the in-
dividual as registered with the Curriculum Lattes da-
tabase, the concentration area represents the domain
one is predominant, as related to one bibliographical
production and academic life, based on one’s degree
qualification, research lines, master’s degree, docto-
rate, teaching experience, thesis advisory work, exa-
mination boards, etc. Based on such information on
the area do knowledge the individual is inserted in, the
algorithm allows comparing and attributing a score to
those that are the closest within a given concentration
The next column is the number of production
items found and extracted from the Curriculum Lat-
tes for each individual. With this number, a number
for how many comparisons will be made is arrived at,
as the total of comparisons is the Cartesian product
found between the number of bibliographical outputs
of the base individual against those of the target indi-
The number of equal terms column is filled after
the execution of the process, which captures the num-
ber of equal occurrences found between the terms and
their respective synonyms.
The percentage is shown for adherence or simi-
larity for the individuals under comparison. This re-
sult comes from applying the formulation found in the
section on the algorithm formula presentation.
The concentration area of the base individual is
within the scope of the Software are, that is, it en-
tails a domain related to Information Technology (IT)
in general, to include Computer Science, Informa-
tion Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engi-
neering, or any other areas that may relate semanti-
cally with information, with software, and systems,
amongst others.
Table 1 has nine of the fifteen individuals in this
area. In analyzing this, evidence is found that approx-
imate the other individuals characterized in their Soft-
ware knowledge area, as shown in the Table, with the
base individual also belonging to this domain.
This configuration produces a result that tends to
higher values for the respective individuals. This pre-
dominance is explained by the fact that they share in-
formation that covers one same sampling realm, whet-
her the exclusive term comes from the name of the bi-
bliographical output or from a synonym derived from
such original term.
Target individuals 7, 8 and 13 had the highest per-
centages for similarities. As it was to be expected,
these individuals are from the Software domain, as
much as the base individual, and share common ideas;
the algorithm pointed that there is a higher concentra-
tion in similarity than with the other individuals com-
The remaining target individuals from other con-
centration areas had their percentage within a range
below those individuals from the software area. The
explanation for this lies in the fact that they not have
information in the outputs that are similar or that deal
with the same academic domain set with some degree
of connection between them.
It should be noted here that there is a likelihood
where individuals apparently are part of a completely
opposite area, and have a high similarity percentage.
For example, one case of a research psychologist who
searches for software capable of assisting with the tre-
atment and monitoring of patients. Or still, of a libra-
rian who seeks to innovate on the automation of as-
sets and aims at obtaining or proposing applications
to such an end.
The evidence for these cases is seen should out-
puts be published and should they be added to the
Curriculum Lattes database of such members.
This analysis can be replicated to people or to
groups of people who are unknown to each other, ai-
med at finding out and measuring similarities based
on the bibliographical production.
It is possible to see that the evidence is satisfac-
tory to allow concluding that: given a set of people,
there is a degree of adherence amongst them, calcula-
ted from their bibliographical production. And such
an adherence may vary according to the area of kno-
wledge an individual is inserted in.
This test was validated, based on the personal kno-
wledge found amongst the individuals compared and,
by attesting that the values found match and are alig-
ned with the reality observed.
Given that the tests pointed to such conclusion, it
can be replicated to a larger number of elements of
the set of individuals, which will display the same re-
sult trend, for people that share the scope of a simi-
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curriculum Lattes Platform
Table 1: Result from the execution of the algorithm to calculate the similarity percentage amongst individuals ( 1st Scenario).
No. of No. of %
Individuals Lattes ID Concentration Area Production Equal Similarity
Items Terms
Base Individual
Base 0468265522433921 SOFTWARE 20
Target Individuals
Target 1 0395549254894676 SOFTWARE 19 85 4,47
Target 2 8424412648258970 CIVIL 22 4 0,18
Target 3 6753551743147880 ELECTRONICS 18 6 0,33
Target 4 1196380808351110 SOFTWARE 37 75 2,03
Target 5 2105379147123450 SOFTWARE 12 40 3,33
Target 6 7610669796869660 SOFTWARE 53 238 4,49
Target 7 0580891429319047 SOFTWARE 17 191 11,24
Target 8 9950213660160160 SOFTWARE 18 342 19,00
Target 9 1700216932505000 SOFTWARE 11 47 4,27
Target 10 0255998976169051 MEDICINE 99 4 0,04
Target 11 2443108673822680 ELECTRICAL 23 8 0,35
Target 12 7844006017790570 SOFTWARE 13 3 0,23
Target 13 2187680174312042 SOFTWARE 111 1649 14,86
Target 14 0571960641751286 POWER 38 17 0,45
Target 15 8075435338067780 PHYSICS 11 15 1,36
lar knowledge. With the goal of certifying and ma-
king the results reliable, other tests were carried out,
seeking to diversify the control scenario between the
domain of knowledge between the academic profiles
at the University of Bras
ılia (UnB).
Table 2 shows another situation, namely the base
individual randomly chosen amongst the lecturers of
the Software Engineering school of the UnB, at the
Gama campus. The other members were also rand-
omly chosen for the purposes of comparison, also at
the Gama campus and at other University of Bras
They included 5 profiles in the concentration area
of software, 2 from Portuguese language, 2 from the
School of Economics, 2 from Electrical/Electronics
Engineering, 2 from Civil Engineering, 1 from the
Scenic Arts, and 1 from the School of Sociology, as
shown on the said table, totaling 15 target individuals.
Algorithm processing showed that the base indi-
vidual has his best approximation in terms of simila-
rity with target Individual 8, also from the Course of
Software Engineering. Without even going into the
details of one’s bibliographical production, it is pos-
sible to see a link, even in the name of the course, but
the algorithm does not only take that into account but
the context of the academic career between compared
profiles, which can yield higher similarity indexes.
As regards the individual who drew the closest to
the base individual, it is possible to pinpoint the lar-
gest concentration of bibliographic production items
included in the same scope of production, of develop-
ment, of study, and of research for both profiles.
The second target profile in high similarity with
the base individual was number 10. It is also pos-
sible to see that the said profile is in the sane large
knowledge area of Software and has bibliographical
production items that share the same semantics ex-
changed between them in conversations.
It is possible to see that they deal with different
subjects in their concentration areas and production
items, but the algorithm points that there is a seman-
tics between them. Even if it is just for some terms,
when comparing in the generals sense of all publica-
tions, a higher similarity trend is attributed.
It is important to consider, for the purposes of cal-
culation, that there is a variation, or margin, above or
under the figure presented. It may vary, according to
the tests, at approximately 3%. This variation is ex-
plained by the random selection of the terms that will
be analyzed with the algorithm. Every execution can
use terms different from the previous one.
Thus, there was the adherence expected amongst
the people with similar concentration areas. It is
worth mentioning that the result allows concluding
that the individuals with a higher percentage have af-
finities in the bibliographical production, being in a
similar context, though not necessarily equal.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Result from the execution of the algorithm to calculate the similarity percentage amongst individuals ( 2nd Scenario).
No. of No. of %
Individuals Lattes ID Concentration Area Production Equal Similarity
Items Terms
Base Individual
Base 5685720614944773 SOFTWARE 11
Target Individuals
Target 1 5176634535321377 SOCIOLOGY 31 34 1,99
Target 2 3594383262391290 PORTUGUESE 54 6 0,20
Target 3 7201356664034110 PORTUGUESE 7 10 2,60
Target 4 4731226594888669 ECONOMICS 7 14 3,64
Target 5 1409988766720310 ECONOMICS 18 0 0,00
Target 6 2831991076751450 SOFTWARE 5 1 0,36
Target 7 9554285834432090 SOFTWARE 21 81 7,01
Target 8 5685720614944773 SOFTWARE 6 135 40,01
Target 9 4739013535126460 ELECTRICAL 35 9 0,47
Target 10 2193972715230641 SOFTWARE 37 478 23,49
Target 11 0716559775355685 SOFTWARE 26 32 2,24
Target 12 1386396456867680 ELECTRONICS 9 19 3,84
Target 13 3770883410480180 CIVIL 73 86 2,14
Target 14 0980291033230862 CIVIL 51 138 4,92
Target 15 2723749173803350 SCENIC ARTS 35 100 5,19
Based on the foregoing and on the starting hypothe-
sis that it was possible to obtain some percentage of
adherence amongst the profiles of the academic com-
munity at the University of Bras
ılia, a process was de-
vised that could prove and validate the initial questi-
ons on the existence of a connection between profiles
that were unknown and randomly selected, as well as
demonstrate the quantification, comparison and defi-
nition of how similar they are.
The result was obtained from consultations in the
ontology created, based on the structure found in the
Curriculum Lattes database. The ontology is a signifi-
cant step towards the implementation of the Semantic
Web, allowing the making of inferences, adding va-
lue to machine reasoning, to allow them to differenti-
ate people who talk about subjects that are not exactly
equal, but that are similar as they belong to one same
concept domain, as postulated by the Semantic Web.
We took the set of individuals registered with the
knowledge base of the Curriculum Lattes Platform
into consideration, as it contains the blocks of ele-
ments on the bibliographical production and also jus-
tify the origin of the data to be compared. The al-
gorithm developed allows inferring the existence of a
certain degree of relationship and similarity amongst
the bibliographical production items registered by
such members.
This degree can vary, according to the level of si-
milarity found in the individual comparison between
a profile set as base individual whilst the others are
targets. The results lead to the conclusion that the
highest values between two profiles are shown to be
the most adherent as regards the lowest values.
Intermediate values are aligned with a relationship
of production in the middle range, containing some si-
milarities, but no conclusion can be made as to whet-
her they are from the same area or not or if they have
big affinities. The lowest values in the scale show that
the academic connections are increasingly farther and
that is directly proportional to the number of similar
terms found, making them more distant from the per-
centage of similarity.
The higher the number of blocks of elements
found in the Curriculum Lattes database that are
considered in the comparisons, which produce equal
occurrences, the greater the potential is for the per-
centage of similarity to increase, allowing one to infer
that the profiles compared are aligned in the Univer-
Having analyzed the test blocks and compared
them with the Curriculum Lattes of the individuals
registered with the Lattes platform, it is possible to
prove that the values pointed by the algorithm pro-
vide a reliability margin between the result presented
and the database consulted, thus validating the initial
perspective of the proposal.
Similarities Building a Network between Researchers based on the Curriculum Lattes Platform
As a result, this work has been important for the
academic community as it presents the implementa-
tion of a solution that calculates the similarity percen-
tage amongst individuals, according to one’s career
in the Academy. It contributes to the identification
of lecturers who have the highest similarity with one
another and gives margin for the knowledge that ex-
ists between them, even allowing their cooperation in
the same knowledge area.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems