Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
A Systematic Mapping Study
Jacilane Rabelo and Tayana Conte
USES Research Group, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Influence Factors, Software Engineering, Systematic Mapping Study.
Abstract: Context: Knowledge Management (KM) is becoming critical in software organizations due to the increasing
demands of the market. Despite the importance of KM, there is no consensus on which factors can influence
KM initiatives in software organizations. Aim: The goal of this paper is to investigate what are the factors
that influence KM in software organizations. Method: we performed a systematic mapping study on
influencing factors for knowledge management in software organizations. Results: From a set of 1028
publications, 147 publications were analyzed and 10 were selected in this mapping, which helped us identify
the influence factors that were most cited by the authors. Among the selected publications, the following
factors were the most cited: Organizational Culture, Leadership, Information Technology and Social
Network of Knowledge. Conclusion: There is a shortage of papers that address this issue of influencing
factors for software organizations, and how to assess these factors in software organizations. Most studies
show statistical data on the relationship between KM and the factors, but do not show how these factors can
be evaluated in the organization. These aspects need to be addressed in the influence factors in order to
improve knowledge management initiatives in software organizations.
Knowledge is essential for knowledge-intensive
companies such as software-development companies
(Menolli et al., 2015). Silva-Filho et al. (2016) state
that knowledge is considered the main asset in
Software Companies. Knowledge in software
development projects is varied and grows in
proportions (Carreteiro et al., 2016).
A successful Knowledge Management (KM)
became a determining factor affecting the efficiency
and performance of an organization (Sharma et al.,
2012). KM in software organizations is seen as an
opportunity to create a common language among
software developers so that they can interact,
negotiate and share knowledge and experiences
(Aurum et al., 2013).
According to Moffett et al. (2002), many
organizations are attempting to begin working with
KM and they are unsure of which approach to
implement. Mehta et al. (2014) argue that the main
factors contributing to effective knowledge
management are human and technical. Human
behavior is the key to the success or failure of KM
activities, since KM involves an emphasis on
organizational culture, teamwork, promotion of
learning as well as sharing of skills and experiences
(Bollinger and Smith, 2001). Several papers in the
literature have reported which facilitators influence
KM implementations (Wang and Wang, 2016;
Mehta et al., 2014; AL-Hakim et al., 2012; Allameh
et al., 2011). In addition, related researches are
focusing on how these factors can contribute to the
successful implementation of KM, and which can
lead to increased innovation and organizational
performance improvement (AL-Hakim et al., 2012).
Although several papers investigate the
relationship between influence factors and
knowledge management, there is still a shortage of
papers that show how these factors influence and
can be exploited to support knowledge management
initiatives in software organizations. Therefore, we
have identified the need for a comprehensive
research on factors influencing KM in software
Systematic mapping studies are carried out to
give an overview of a research area through the
classification of published contributions given an
object of study (Oliveira et al., 2017). Our goal in
this study, is to perform a Systematic Mapping on
Rabelo, J. and Conte, T.
Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives.
DOI: 10.5220/0006664700170028
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
research related to the factors that influence the
initiatives of knowledge management. In addition,
our intention is to identify ways to assess these
factors in software organizations.
From an initial selection of 147 publications, we
identified 22 different influencing factors. From the
selected publications, the following factors were the
most cited: Organizational Culture, Leadership,
Information Technology and Knowledge Social
Network. With this work, we present conclusions
about the state of the art in this area of research and
contribute to the improvement of the process of
knowledge management in software organizations.
Besides this introductory section, the paper is
organized in four more sections. Section 2 presents
the background for this research. The research
method and its details are shown in Section 3.
Section 4 presents the results obtained in this
research. Section 5 presents the discussions for this
research. Finally, Section 6 presents our conclusions
and future work.
This section presents literature reviews that have
been conducted on knowledge management or
influence factors for knowledge management.
The main asset from a software organization is
the knowledge held by its employees and the
organization's development culture (Bari and
Ahamad, 2011). Knowledge in software
development projects is varied and grows in
proportions (Carreteiro et al., 2016).
According to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), there
are two types of knowledge that need to be
managed: tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is
based on the person's experience, which due to its
subjectivity is difficult to express with words,
numbers and sentences (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
1995). Tacit knowledge is usually shared directly, by
face-to-face contact, and is considered the most
valuable type of knowledge (Ruhe, 2001). Explicit
or codified knowledge is considered transmissible in
formal and systematic language. Nonaka and Teece
(2001) also state that, because this type of
knowledge is objective, it can be represented in
several ways (e.g. such as documents, reports and
databases) and can be processed, transmitted and
stored easily.
Due to the importance of KM, literature reviews
on knowledge management and on the influence
factors for knowledge management were carried out
(Menolli et al., 2013; AL-Hakim and Hassan, 2012;
Bjørnson and Dingsøyr, 2008).
Menolli et al. (2013) conducted a literature
review aimed at understanding in which areas of
software engineering the studies related to
knowledge management are focusing, and how the
concepts of knowledge management are being
applied in software engineering work. The authors
show that the publications focus on the software
processes. In addition, the concepts of lessons
learned and experience factory are widely used in
the work of knowledge management in the area of
software engineering.
Bjørnson and Dingsøyr (2008) present a
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that aimed to
identify the empirical studies of knowledge
management in software engineering. The authors
present the main concepts and research methods
being used, and point out possible gaps of research
in the field that need further investigation. The
authors concluded that: (a) software engineering has
predominantly addressed the storage and retrieval of
knowledge, ignoring other important aspects, such
as the creation, transfer and application of this
knowledge; (b) software development with agility
has focused mainly on tacit knowledge-driven
management activities, while traditional software
development has focused primarily on explicit
knowledge-driven management activities; and, (c)
there is a lack of understanding about the
identification and detailing of influence factors for
knowledge management in software engineering.
AL-Hakim and Hassan (2012) conducted a
literature review to examine the relationship
between the critical success factors of knowledge
management, innovation and organizational
performance, particularly in the Iraqi mobile
telecommunications industry. The goal of their study
was to address the influence factors for KM, to
increase innovation and to improve organizational
performance. According to AL-Hakim and Hassan
(2012), most of the influence factors explored by the
reported works mention: (i) human resource
management, (ii) information technology, (iii)
leadership, (iv) organizational learning, (iv)
organizational strategy, (iv) organizational structure,
and, (v) organizational culture.
We have analyzed the three previously
mentioned literature reviews and identified that:
The review by Menolli et al. (2013) and
Bjørnson and Dingsøyr (2008) - investigated
knowledge management for software
engineering, but did not verify the influence
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The review by AL-Hakim and Hassan (2012)
verified the influence factors of knowledge
management, but did not analyzed them in the
context of software engineering.
Therefore, we identified a need to associate a
research that investigates the influence factors of
KM in the context of software engineering.
In order to identify the factors that influence the
initiatives of Knowledge Management and ways of
evaluating these factors, we carried out a research in
the literature. The next section shows the details of
this literature mapping.
Systematic Literature Mappings (SLM) are based on
a well-defined research strategy that seeks to detect
as much relevant publications of a research topic as
possible (Kitchenham and Chartes, 2007). The
following subsections detail the activities concerning
the planning and conducting stages of this
systematic mapping defined in our review protocol.
3.1 Research Question
Our main research question was: "What are the
factors that influence knowledge management
initiatives in software development companies?".
The main goal of this systematic mapping was to
identify the factors that can influence knowledge
management initiatives in Software Engineering and
related areas.
3.2 Search Strategy
The search terms were defined based on the
procedures described by Kitchenham and Charters
(2007), who suggested defining the parameters for
PICOC (Population, Intervention, Comparison,
Outcome and Context). The defined population is
the organizations that develop software. The
Intervention was composed of the influence factors
of knowledge management. The Comparison was
not applicable, since our goal was to characterize
these influences factors. The Outcome were the
influence factors and ways of evaluating these
factors in software development organizations.
Finally, the Context was not applicable, since there
is no comparison to determine the context.
The search strategy should have the keyword
sequences (terms) for carrying out the search (search
strings). The choice of terms related to Software
Engineering and Knowledge Management were
based on the systematic review described in the
paper by Menolli et al. (2013). The keyword
sequences for the search were generated from the
combination of terms. The formation of the search
string respected the peculiarities of the search
The search string is presented in Figure 1 and
was used in the Scopus
, Engineering Village
IEEEXplore3 digital libraries. Scopus and
Engineering Village are meta-libraries that index
publications from several well-known publishers
such as ACM, IEEE, Springer and Elsevier, besides
allowing defining filters such as document type,
language and knowledge area. IEEEXplore indexes
various Software Engineering publication venues.
Also, they allow the establishment of filters for
selecting the document type and area of knowledge
which were defined in our search strategy
(("software engineering" OR "software
process" OR "software learning software
("learning organization" OR
"organizational learning" OR "knowledge
("influence factor" OR "critical factor" OR
"critical success factor" OR "key factor"
OR "knowledge management factor"))
Figure 1: Search string used in the systematic mapping.
3.3 Publications Selection Process
The selection of the papers was carried out in two
stages, in order to ensure the inclusion of
publications that are relevant to the research. Not all
publications returned with the use of the search
string are useful in the context of the search, since
search engines are restricted to the syntactic aspect:
1 St. Step Selection of relevant publications
(1st filter): in the 1st filter the title and abstract
of the returned publications are read, applying
the inclusion and exclusion criteria (see Table
1). This step was reviewed by another expert.
In case of disagreement on any publication,
this was included;
Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
2nd. Step selection of the relevant
publications (2nd Filter): all papers included
as results of the previous stage (1st filter) were
reviewed entirely by at least one of the
researchers. This review concluded the
selection of papers to be included in the data
extraction process.
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion set of criteria.
Inclusion Criteria
The publication proposes/describes the factor(s)
that influence KM initiatives
Exclusion Criteria
The publication does not meet the inclusion
The full version of the publication is not be
available for free in the selected sources
Paper in languages other than Portuguese or
English will be discarded
3.4 Data Extraction Strategy
The extraction process aims to extract relevant data
from the selected publications. Table 2 shows the
information that was extracted from each of the
selected publications.
The systematic mapping involved two researchers,
in order to avoid the bias of a single researcher
carrying out the selection, analysis and extraction of
the retrieved papers. One researcher specified the
review protocol, which was reviewed by the second
For the first step, the researchers independently
classified a sample of 86 randomly selected
publications based on the selection criteria. The
agreement between the researchers was evaluated by
the Kappa statistical test (Cohen, 1960). The result
of this evaluation showed almost perfect agreement
between the two researchers (Kappa = 0,805)
according to the range described by Landis and
Koch (1977).
Table 2: Data extraction form for publications.
Publication data
Full publication reference
Publication summary
Short publication description
Context of use
Description of the context in
which the influence factor was
Factor of influence /
Bibliographic references
Name of the influence factor
and data of the complete
bibliographic reference of the
cited factor
Does it show a
questionnaire? If yes,
please describe
Description of the questionnaire
used and references used as a
basis for the research
Type of carried out study
Description of the empirical
study, case study, proof of
concept and others
Type of data analysis
Description whether the data
analysis is qualitative or
Procedures for collecting
Description of how the data
was collected to analyze the
influence factors of knowledge
Data analysis procedures
Description of the data analysis
procedure used in the
Identified Results
Description of the results
presented in the publication
4.1 Identified Publications
We started by finding a total of 712 publications in
the Scopus digital library, 326 publications in the
IEEEXplore digital library and 100 publications in
the Engineering Village library. After removing the
duplicated publications, the number of selected
publications to employ the first step selection criteria
was 1.028. Out of these 1.028 publications, 881
were rejected in the first filter, since they did not
meet the inclusion criteria. The remaining 147
publications were fully read and classified in the
second filter, according to the selection criteria. At
the end of the process, 10 publications were
accepted and extracted. The selected publications
were published between 2008 and January 2017.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2 summarizes the complete selection and
data extraction process.
4.2 Results Overview
Table 3 shows the relationship of influence factors
cited by each of the selected publications. Next, we
present a summary of the main contributions related
to the influence factors of each publication presented
in Table 3.
The work of Wang and Wang (2016) presents the
results of a study that aimed to develop and test an
integrative model of implementation and knowledge
management systems (KMS) for companies. One
Survey was applied to 291 companies in Taiwan.
The authors show the applied questionnaire and used
confirmatory factor analysis and the logistic
regression technique to test the relationship of the
hypotheses. The results of paper by Wang and Wang
(2016) show that the technological innovation
factors (perceived benefits, complexity and
compatibility), the organizational factors (support to
top management and organization culture), and
environmental factors (competitive constraints) have
significant influence on the implementation of
knowledge management systems in organizations.
Chang and Lin (2015) carried out a study to
clarify the relationship between five types of
organizational culture (which include results-
oriented, tightly controlled, job-oriented, closed
system and professional-oriented cultures) and four
kinds of individual KM processes (creation, storage,
transfer and application). The authors sought to
answer: How does the organizational culture
influence the KM process of an individual?”. The
results of the study showed that some organizational
culture dimensions (results-oriented, tightly
controlled and job-oriented) indeed have a
significant effect on the KM process intention of the
individual, whereas a tghtly culture negative effects.
With regards to practitioners, the management can
modify their organizational culture to improve the
performance of KM process.
The work by Chen et al. (2015) sought to analyze
the main factors that influence the sharing of
knowledge in open source software projects. These
authors analyzed data from four real projects (no
evaluation questionnaire was applied) and created a
conceptual framework. The authors concluded,
based on the results of the 4 projects that
participative motivation, social network and the
organizational culture from the developers' side are
important factors influencing knowledge sharing.
From the point of view of users, user innovation was
the most important factor. Participative motivation
includes intrinsic motivation and extrinsic
motivation. Social networks include the cognitive
dimension, relational dimension and structural
dimension. The organizational culture includes
openness, collaborative sharing and the geek spirit.
Rabelo et al. (2015) present the results of a case
study that aimed to compare, in practice, the
relationship of the Knowledge Management cycle
(SECI) with Organizational Culture through the
Competing Values Framework (CVF). The authors
show that the organization's KM practices are more
focused on the internalization stage of the SECI
model, that is, on the transformation of explicit
knowledge into tacit knowledge. Regarding the
cultural type, it was identified that the predominant
type in the organization is Market. This type is
characterized by results oriented and aggressively
focused organizational leadership. The authors
sought to identify the relationship between
knowledge management (SECI) and organizational
culture (CVF) based on a theoretical model of the
literature. However, the authors conclude that they
did not identify this relationship between the models
(SECI and CVF) in the published research.
Yang et al. (2014) empirically investigated a
sample of research and development (R&D)
research projects. The goals were: (a) to evaluate the
associations between application of Information
Figure 2: Publications selection process/results.
Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
Table 3: Influence factors found in systematic mapping.
Cognitive Capital
Information Technology
Learning Practices
Motivational Participation
ional Culture
Organizational Learning
Organizational Performance
Perceived Benefits
Project Uncertainty
Relational Capital
R&D Project performance
Social Network
Team Process
Top Management Support
User Innovation
(Wang and
Wang (2016)
(Chang and
Lin, 2015)
(Chen et
(Rabelo et al.,
(Yang et al.,
(Akhavan et
al., 2014)
(McKay et
al., 2014)
(Mehta et al.,
(Aurum et al.,
Technology (IT), Knowledge Management (KM),
Team Process (TP), and R & D Project Performance;
(b) to determine whether TP may mediate the effect
of KM on R & D project performance; (c) to
examine the moderating role of project
characteristics in the relationship between TP and R
& D project performance. The authors analysis
suggests that KM may influence the performance of
R&D projects through TP. Project managers,
particularly for consumer electronics projects,
should employ KM practice and encourage team
members to share their knowledge to enhance team
competency. The results also show that industry and
team size have a moderating effect on the
relationship between TP and R & D project
Akhavan et al. (2014) investigated the
relationship between the following factors: ethics,
knowledge creation and organizational performance.
The authors assessed the factors by applying a
questionnaire in an organization. The research
results showed that there is a strong and positive
correlation between ethics and organizational
performance. The relationship between ethics and
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the knowledge creation processes is also positive
and significant, but no significant relationship was
observed between processes of knowledge creation
and organizational performance.
McKay et al. (2014) presented the results of a
research that explored the flow of knowledge
transfer within an organization: (1) identifying
factors at the organizational level that influence
knowledge transfer; (2) identifying the factors at the
unit or project team level that influence the transfer
of knowledge; and (3) establishing the impact of
these factors on a tangible measure of successful
knowledge transfer (in this case, project success).
The authors described a theoretical model that shows
the relationship between OLFs (Organizational
Learning Factors), PLPs (Project Learning Practices)
and PSVs (Project Success Variables). The authors
investigated three issues: (a) What constitutes OLFs,
PLPs, and PSVs?; (b) What relationships exist in IT
organizations among OLFs, PLPs, and PSVs; and,
(c) What portion of project success can be attributed
to OLFs and PLPs? The results of their research
demonstrated a positive and significant correlation
between organizational learning, project learning
and project success in IT organizations. Factors
related to organizational learning are important for
learning. For example, if an organization does not
have the confidence, leadership and incentives,
project teams are less likely to implement project
learning practices.
Mehta et al. (2014) report the results of the study
that verified the effects of information technology,
transfer and combination of knowledge and
uncertainty of software projects. The study
considered the three dimensions of social capital: (a)
structural dimension (links between people or units),
(b) relational dimension (trust through interpersonal
relations), and (c) cognitive dimension (sharing of
understanding and interpretations). The results of the
study indicated that both the transfer and
combination of knowledge are necessary to fully
explain the relationships and that the consideration
of the outcome of a project is also important.
Furthermore, while project uncertainty confounds
the knowledge-sharing processes regardless of
technology, the frequency of routinely technology
use increases knowledge transfer and combination in
a software team.
The work of Anantatmula (2008) shows the
challenges of KM from the point of view of
leadership. The author sought to answer the
following questions: (a) “How does an organization
manage knowledge resources to gain and sustain
competitive advantage? and (b) What is the role
of KM leadership in making effective use of KM?.
The author conducted a literature review to
understand the role of leadership and the relationship
between KM and organizational performance. In
addition, two research studies using interpretive
structural modeling (ISM) were used to answer the
two research questions. The author shows that
effective leadership is a prerequisite for
implementing a KM initiative, and the organization
can achieve better results by choosing a leader
before starting and developing the implementation
of a KM plan.
Aurum et al. (2008) show the results of a study
that investigated the current practices of Knowledge
Management in Software Engineering (ES) in two
Australian software development organizations. The
authors also examine the facilitators of the KM
process for Software Engineering (leadership,
technology, culture, measurement and social
networking). The results showed that among the five
KM facilitators, leadership was considered the most
significant factor. Technology was also considered
to be an obvious mechanism for KM, despite some
of its current KM systems being unsuitable or
inaccessible. In addition, the role that informal
personal networks played in accessing tacit
knowledge was seen as one of the main reasons for
fostering a culture that encourages participants to
share their knowledge with others. Informal
networks were also cited, such as knowledge
management systems (informal networks and
personal networks).
The results of the systematic mapping show that
there is no consensus on the most used influence
factors in knowledge management initiatives.
Different authors use several factors. The papers
show the relationship between influence factors and
knowledge management based on statistical data or
based on case studies / project analysis.
Based on our results (see Table 3), four factors
stand out: Organizational Culture, Leadership,
Information Technology and Knowledge Social
Network. In the following subsections, we will
describe the results found in literature with regards
to these factors of influence.
5.1 Organizational Culture
Culture is a basic element for knowledge
management (Choi and Lee, 2003). Organizational
Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
culture is composed of practices, symbols, habits,
behaviors, ethical and moral values, as well as
principles, beliefs, formalities, internal and external
policies, systems and organizational climate (Ajmal
and Koskinen, 2008). Organizational culture can act
as a barrier or facilitator to success in KM initiatives
(Kayworth and Leidner, 2004; Ajmal and Koskinen,
Organizational Culture (OC) affects how
members learn, acquire, and share knowledge
(Gupta and Govindarajan, 2000). According to Boh
et al. (2013), a positive organizational culture is
needed to promote learning and sharing of skills and
knowledge. OC supports KM in the software
development context which can be encouraged, for
example, by sharing knowledge and improving the
opinion of post-mortem analyzes (Aurum et al.,
Wang and Wang (2016) argue that an
organizational culture with a positive orientation
towards knowledge demonstrates that: (1) people are
willing and free to explore; (2) senior management
encourages employees to create, share and apply
knowledge; (3) people are not inhibited to share
knowledge; and, (4) people are rewarded for
innovation and learning.
Several instruments were developed to evaluate
the Organizational Culture, for example: a)
inventory organizational culture; b) organizational
culture profile; c) six-dimensional model and
concurrent values model; d) organizational profile
questionnaire; and, e) values framework (Giritli et.
al., 2013).
The Competing Values Framework (CVF),
created by Cameron and Quinn (2008), is one of the
most frequently used instruments in the literature
(Paro and Gerolamo, 2017). Based on the
identification of the four cultural types of CVF,
Cameron and Quinn (2008) developed and validated
the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
(OCAI). This instrument uses a questionnaire to
establish an Organizational Culture profile based on
the four types of culture, i.e. the instrument
evaluates the relative importance of the elements
from each type of culture in an organization.
We have identified in the literature that authors
propose some relationships between organizational
culture and knowledge management, but these
relationships have not yet been proven. For example,
in the paper by Rabelo et al. (2015), the authors
sought to relate the CVF model (Cameron and
Quinn, 2008) and SECI (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
1995) based on a theoretical model of the literature
(Rai, 2011; Gray and Densten, 2006). However,
when comparing our research results with the results
found by Rai (2011) and Gray and Densten (2006),
we did not find evidences that there is a relationship
between quadrants of the SECI model and CVF in
the way literature proposed. Therefore, future
research should be conducted in order to answer the
following research question: Is the relationship
between the SECI model and the CVF model similar
in other software organizations?”.
Chang and Lin (2015) made the relationship
between five types of organizational culture and four
kinds of KM process. Nevertheless, the relationships
need more studies to be proven.
The results of the papers related to organizational
culture show that more research should be carried
out seeking to understand: "(i) how can the
organizational culture influence knowledge
management initiatives in different software
organizations; (ii) What is the relationship between
organizational culture and knowledge management
in different software organizations. Is there a model
that can be used in different organizations? Using
such a model, will the result be the same in all
organizations? "
5.2 Leadership
In the context of this work, we identified that
leadership can be of three types: a) leader: person
who can influence other people; b) organizational
leadership: person who performs the role/function of
team leader or team manager; and, c) top
management: person who is responsible for the
highest level of the hierarchy of an organization, for
example: a director, president, manager or
5.2.1 Leader
Leadership is seen as the ability to influence the
behavior of others to align their goals with the ones
of the leader (Liu and Fang, 2006). Team leadership
should create an environment that encourages
knowledge sharing, so that people feel secure in
contributing and that these contributions are
recognized by all (Storey and Barnett, 2000).
Team leaders are responsible for how the
business must address and deal with the knowledge
management processes. Leaders are important
because they are examples and set standards to be
followed by people (Holsapple & Joshi, 2000).
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
5.2.2 Organizational Leadership
Leadership has a critical role in developing and
managing KM systems (Anantatmula, 2008). Merat
and Bo (2013) state that the organization should
choose the leader who will manage the aspects
related to knowledge management before starting
and developing the implementation of a QA plan.
The initiative of a KM program can be a major
change in the organization, so the leadership
involvement is considered fundamental (Davenport
et al., 1998).
The organization's leadership should encourage
people to take part in the decision-making, and share
knowledge. Collaborative decision-making often
leads to innovation (Aurum et al., 2008). In addition
to identifying success measures, the inclusion of
decision makers is a critical aspect of leadership that
should not be underestimated (Schwarber, 2005).
Aurum et al. (2008) show that in the studied
company, a variety of roles were responsible for
leadership. In one of their projects, the participant
cited quality role, business analyst, project manager,
or team leader acting as team leaders. In other
project, a participant stated that each participant in
the team was responsible for leading their own
knowledge. These results may be indications for
future research: "What is best for a software
organization? (1) to define a single person as
responsible for leadership or (2) that each team
member is responsible for managing his/her own
5.2.3 Top Management
Sharma and Yetton (2007) argue that top
management support can reduce resistance, resolve
conflicts, improve communications, persuade
employees, and overcome barriers to KM
implementation. Top management should provide
sufficient resources and create a positive
organizational climate for the implementation of
knowledge management systems.
5.3 Information Technology
Information technology helps remove
communication boundaries that often hinder the
interaction between different parts of the
organization (Allameh et al., 2011). It is important to
invest in IT to expand knowledge management
projects (Lee and Choi, 2003). Information
technology should be used to assist in the specific
business needs and projects of the organization.
The results of Metha et al. (2014) indicate that
the use of information technology increases the level
of knowledge exchange under conditions of high
uncertainty in the projects. Nouri et al. (2013) claim
that information technology is the most important
factor when coding (knowledge management
strategy) is the main focus of company strategy.
A variety of IT tools are required to develop
Knowledge Management Systems (KMS).
According to Wang and Wang (2016), when a
company recognizes that a knowledge management
system can contribute to the efficiency and
effectiveness of its knowledge management
practices, then they are more likely to implement
5.4 Social Network
Social networks are made up of connections between
individuals seeking knowledge from each other. A
social network can also be called knowledge
network, network of ties or informal networks.
Social network are effective because they show who
has the knowledge (Alavi and Tiwana, 2002).
A social network in which employees share
knowledge is an important factor for an organization
to gain the value of knowledge sharing from person
to person (independent of a knowledge management
system) (Jennex, 2008). These networks are used by
people to exchange resources and services (Aurum
et al., 2008).
Research found in literature has used Social
Network Analysis (SNA) to verify knowledge
management (Helms et al., 2010; Müller-Prothmann
et al., 2005; Anklam, 2003). SNA focuses on the
relationships between nodes, since these
relationships influence the nodes themselves.
Basically, a social network represents a set of
relationships of a group (Wasserman & Faust, 1994).
The actors within a social network can be
individuals, groups, entities or organizations. The
relationships between the actors can be any
connection they have, such as: people who consult in
order to ask a question related to their activities at
their job; people who modify the same source code
of an application; or relationships in the
dependencies between organizations.
According to Müller-Prothmann et al. (2005),
social network analysis can assist: the identification
of personal and knowledge skills; the research on the
transfer and sustainable conservation of tacit
knowledge; and the discovery of opportunities to
improve communication and efficiency processes.
According to Anklam (2003), SNA allows managers
Influence Factors for Knowledge Management Initiatives
to visualize and understand relationships that can
facilitate or make it difficult to create and share
In this systematic mapping, we investigated the
influence factors for knowledge management
initiatives in software organizations. From the initial
set of 1028 publications, we identified 22
influencing factors. There is no consensus on the
most commonly used influence factors in knowledge
management initiatives. Among the selected
publications, the following factors were the most
cited by different authors: Organizational Culture,
Leadership, Information Technology and Social
Every study has threats that could affect the
validity of its results (Wohlin et al., 2012). In this
work, some threats can be identified, such as: (a) the
researcher's bias regarding the analysis of the
primary studies - to minimize this bias, all activities
were reviewed by another researcher and we
performed the statistical Kappa de Kohen test (see
section 4.1); (b) limited university access to some
scientific databases, which may prevent some
publications from being accessed - we requested the
full publication of the authors whenever possible and
included those that have been made available; and
(c) the limitation of the scope of this research to the
two selected databases - although the research has
been conducted in only three databases, these
databases index publications from a large number of
well-known venues, journals and conferences; which
may reduce the number of publications that were not
addressed by this literature review.
Although several papers investigate the
relationship between influence factors and
knowledge management, there is still a shortage of
papers that show how these factors influence and
how they can be used to support knowledge
management initiatives in software organizations.
We also identified that there is no single way to
assess these factors. Many surveys state that they use
evaluation questionnaires, but do not show them, or
provide details on where they were taken from or
how they were created. In addition, there is also a
gap with regards to which actions an organization
can take regarding these factors.
As future work, one can investigate how
addressing one or more of these influencing factors
can improve knowledge management initiatives in
software organizations. Therefore, due to the
differences between software development
companies, one can include their type as influencing
factor. Other sources and knowledge artifacts can
also be considered in software development
companies themselves in the research. In addition to
the results presented in this paper, as part of this
research, a catalog containing actions related to the
most cited factors of influence is being developed.
The purpose of this catalog is to encourage software
organizations with regards to the state of practice
based on the findings of the state of the art. This
catalog of actions will map the knowledge
management practices that the software organization
can apply in their KM initiatives. The actions
catalog will be part of the IFactor-KM Process
proposed by Rabelo and Conte (2017). The IFactor-
KM Process supports software organizations to: a)
identify the knowledge management objectives; b)
check how tacit knowledge is shared; c) indicate the
knowledge experts; d) understand leadership
aspects; e) characterize the profile of the
organizational culture; and f) suggest knowledge
management practices and action.
Finally, we hope that our results can contribute
to the evolution and improvement of the research
field of influence factors for knowledge
management in software organizations.
We would like to thank the financial support granted
by CNPq through process number 423149/2016-4,
and CAPES through process number 175956/2013.
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