the municipal level, hence disaggregated at level 2
of the European LAU (Local administrative units)
classification. Here we find new empirical evidence
of the spatial dependence characterizing the
deployment of PV capacity and generation,
confirming our previous findings and the claims of
the few studies that have so far looked at this
promising research strand. We may conclude that
some energy-related behavior, signally those
concerning the adoption of renewable energy
sources, spread themselves across the space due to
phenomena of emulation between neighbors and
peers that can be caught and expressed according to
proximity measures.
However, further developments are required: by
enlarging the dataset in order to include additional
variables, by testing other proximity measures, and
by defining not only spatial but also spatio-temporal
regression models.
Statistical analysis is performed using the packages
R v. 3.3.2 and gretl v. 2017b. Spatial data
representation is made using the software QGis v.
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