Virtua l Platforms (VPs): This technology ad-
dresses the seco nd limitation of MBD too ls by ex-
tending the simulation to the ADAS HW/SW system.
VPs consist of simulation models of HW b locks and
their interconnection, created via electr onic system-
level standards, e.g., SystemC/TLM (Accelera, 2012).
These enable modeling and simulation of full sy-
stems including, e.g., CPUs, buses, memor ie s and
various peripheral devices. Moreover, V Ps enable
HW/SW co-design by simulating the whole ADAS
SW layer as executed by the platform. Conversely to
MBD tools, VPs enable exploring non-functional sy-
stem properties, e.g., HW/SW partitioning, task map-
ping, schedulability and dynamic worst-case execu-
tion time analysis. VPs also facilitate system pro-
totyping by providing full HW/SW visibility, debug-
gability and non-intrusive mo nitoring, while ensuring
execution determinism. However, VPs are generally
limited by either their simulation speeds or modeling
accuracy. Moreover, similarly to driving simulators,
VPs are limited beyond their simulation environment.
Multi-Domain Co-Simulation: This technique
extends the boundaries of specialized simulation tools
and models by providing mea ns for cross-do main in-
terconne ction and joined contr ol. The multi-domain
approa c h can be used to fulfill the ISO 26262 requi-
rement of full-sy stem valid ation by co-simulating va-
rious vehicular subsystems. This would allow to con-
nect the HW/SW simu lation with the virtual env iron-
ment of a driving simulator. Too l-agnostic standar ds
are defined for such purposes, overcoming the inflex-
ibility of point-to-point connections. However, tar-
get tools/models have to be ma de compliant to multi-
domain co-simulation stand ards for joined utilizatio n.
Objectives: To reap their combined benefits, this
paper prop oses joining the preceding tools and tec hni-
ques to facilitate and accelerate ADAS prototyping
via full virtualization and whole-system simulation.
Putting this in prac tice, a joined frameworking is pre-
sented, composed by carefully chosen tools and stan-
dards, addressing the previous limitations, as follows:
# 1. Overcoming the ar tificial I/O limitation of MBD
tools by using the environment of driving simulators.
# 2. Extending the functional simulation capability
of MBD tools and driving simulators by ensuring
beyond functional modeling and exploratio n via VPs.
# 3. Providing compliance for all target tools to a se-
lected m ulti-domain co- simulation standard.
# 4. Addressing the speed/accu racy tra de-off of VPs
via an advanced automotive-flavor platform that en-
sures detailed and fast simulation at the same time.
# 5. Pursuing near real-time whole-system co-
simulation execution, to be able to involve the
developer in the virtual ADAS test driving process.
The propo sed frameworking allows ADAS testing
in a closed-loop, i.e., (i) capturing the environment
of a driving simulator via virtual sensors (ii) input-
ting th e gathered data and executing the target ADAS
on a VP and (iii) applying regula tory actions on the
virtual vehicle within the driving simulator. Lastly, to
highlight its advantages, two ADAS applications were
prototy ped usin g the proposed full-sy stem simulator.
The previously p resented ideas pose strict require-
ments on simulation ecosystems. Thus, various tools
and standards were carefully compared to select the
most suitable combination fulfilling the prerequisites.
In this work, Simulink (MathWorks, 2017) was
chosen as M BD tool in the ADAS design automation
flow, as it provides advanced modeling semantics, a
vast block set and in-tool simulation features. Moreo-
ver, its certified code generato r ensures safe and con-
tinuous ADAS integration onto target HW devices.
The requirements for a driving simulator in the
proposed approach are availability, adaptability and a
realistic virtual driving environment. After care fully
examining numerous driving simulators, an open-
source r acing game, Sp eed Dreams 2 (SD2, 2017),
was selected as it supports various traffic and envi-
ronmental conditions (e.g., precipitation, visibility),
different ca r types and configurable vehicle dynamics
(e.g., component dimensions). In this work, the tool
was extended with urban traffic simulation support
and ADAS virtual test driving in such environments.
Lastly, compliance to a selected multi-domain co-
simulation stan dard was also added, ensuring con-
nectivity beyond its simulation environment.
The v irtual platform technology is concerned with
the strictest requirements in the proposed methodo-
logy and has been the main focus of this work. The
envisioned framewo rk needs to accurately model and
simulate the complete ADAS HW/SW stack. On the
HW side, this requires assemb ling a scalable distri-
buted system, consisting of a configurable number of
modular subsy stems connected over a vehicular com-
munication bus. Moreover, the envisioned platform
needs to execute the complete ADA S SW stack, inclu-
ding the target algorithms, and ideally a f ull-fledged
automotive Operating System (OS).
Due to its magnitude and complexity, the VP is
expected to be the p e rformance bottleneck of the
whole fram eworking. Thus, to avoid slowing down
the full-system simulation, the platform needs to
achieve execution speeds close to real-tim e. Conside-
ring these serious r equirements, numerous SystemC-