Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large
Knowledge Bases
Rafael Garcia Leonel Miani
and Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior
Department of Computing, Federal Institute of Sao Paulo, Votuporanka, Brazil
Department of Computing, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Association Rules, Irrelevant Rules, Large Knowledge Bases, Redundant Rules.
Large growing knowledge bases are being an explored issue in the past few years. Most approaches focus
on developing techniques to increase their knowledge base. Association rule mining algorithms can also
be used for this purpose. A main problem on extracting association rules is the effort spent on evaluating
them. In order to reduce the number of association rules discovered, this paper presents ER component,
which eliminates the extracted rules in two ways at the post-processing step. The first introduces the concept
of super antecedent rules and prunes the redundant ones. The second method brings the concept of super
consequent rules, eliminating those irrelevant. Experiments showed that both methods combined can decrease
the amount of rules in more than 30%. We also compared ER to FP-Growth, CHARM and FPMax algorithms.
ER generated more relevant and efficient association rules to populate the knowledge base than FP-Growth,
CHARM and FPMax.
Large growing knowledge bases construction are
being an explored issue in the past few years. Cyc
(Matuszek et al., 2006), DBpedia (Bizer et al., 2009),
NELL (Carlson et al., 2010a; Mitchell et al., 2015),
YAGO (Suchanek et al., 2007), Freebase (Bollacker
et al., 2008) and ReVerb (Etzioni et al., 2011) are
some examples of different approaches to build such
knowledge bases.
One important task in such approaches is to create
techniques to assist Knowledge Base (KB) population
and extension. Two common ways to achieve it are
by (i) filling in the KB with new instances and by
(ii) adding new relations among the KB categories.
In previous work, it was developed a system that
helps populating NELLs KB with instances. It used
an association rule mining (Agrawal et al., 1993)
algorithm between the facts already stored on NELLs
KB. For example, imagine the association rule AR1
AR1: athletePlaysLeague(X, nba) athlete-
PlaysSport(X, basketball).
It means that if an athlete plays the league nba,
then he plays the basketball sport. The algorithm will
populate NELLs KB with the value of basketball ever
time it finds nba, contributing to increasing the KB
and decrease the amount of missing values.
NELL (Never-Ending Language Learning) is a
computer system that runs 24 hours per day, 7 days
per week, extracting information from web text to
populate and extend its own KB. The main goal of
the system is to learn to read the web better each
day and to store the gathered knowledge in a never-
ending growing KB. The system takes advantage of
many different components like CPL (Carlson et al.,
2009), CSEAL (Carlson et al., 2010b), Prophet (Ap-
pel and Hruschka, 2011) and Conversing Learning
(CL) (Pedro and Hruschka Jr, 2012), in order to be
self-supervised and avoid semantic drifting.
NELLs knowledge base is represented by an
ontology-based structure characterized by categories,
relations and their instances. This paper uses the data
already discovered by NELLs components.
Such KBs gather data and increase their size con-
tinuously. Thus, they neither have all instances for
each category nor all relations between them, consis-
ting in a missing value dataset. To perform an asso-
ciation rule mining algorithm in KBs with such cha-
racteristic, the problem of missing values has to be
considered. In order to deal with this problem, a new
measure, called MSC, was created. Basically, MSC
discards an itemset if all items of each category are
Garcia Leonel Miani, R. and Rafael Hruschka Junior, E.
Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases.
DOI: 10.5220/0006668800170028
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Example of association rules.
Number Rule
1 athleteWinsAwardTrophyTournament(X, super bowl) athletePlaysSport(X, Football)
2 athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl) athletePlaysSport(X, Football)
3 athleteWinsAwardTrophyTournament(X, super bowl), athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl) athletePlaysSport(X,Football)
4 athletePlaysSport(X, Football) athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl)
5 athletePlaysSport(X, Football) athletePlaysLeague(X ,nfl), athletePlaysForTeam (X, giants)
6 athletePlaysSport(X, Football), athletePlaysForTeam (X, giants) athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl)
missing. This is a previous contribution and is better
explained in the Methodology section.
Nevertheless, association rule mining algorithms
usually bring a big quantity of rules to be evaluated,
and the effort spent on analyzing each one is an im-
portant problem. Thus, this paper presents ER (Elimi-
nating Rules) component, which has two methods at
post-processing step in order to reduce the amount of
association rules generated. The first one introduces
the concept of super antecedent rules and eliminates
those redundant ones, keeping only the minimal as-
sociation rules needed to populate NELLs KB. The
second method introduces the concept of super con-
sequent rules and prunes all the irrelevant ones, ba-
sed on those already discovered with higher minimum
support or in past iterations of the algorithm.
Consider the association rules in Table 1. By rules
1 and 2, the athlete who wins the super bowl tour-
nament (rule 1) or who plays in the nfl league (rule
2), also practices the football sport. However, in rule
3, both conditions (athlete wins super bowl and plays
nfl) need to be in the instance of the dataset so the
algorithm can be able to fill the value of sport with
football. Thus, rule 3 is a redundant super antecedent
rule, and will be pruned off the final set of generated
rules, preserving the minimal ones with the same con-
sequent, contributing to decrease the number of rules.
A super antecedent rule is only eliminated if the al-
gorithm finds all their minimal ones.
Imagine now that in an iteration with minimum
support degree of 0.2, the algorithm extracted the rule
4 of Table 1. This rule is evaluated and considered
irrelevant as not all football athletes play the nfl lea-
gue. In future iterations, all rules with the same ante-
cedent, having this consequent in their set are cut off
the amount of generated ones. By Table 1, rule 5 (an
irrelevant super consequent rule) is neither illustrated
nor evaluated in future iterations. To analyze and va-
lidate each rule extracted, Conversing Learning (CL),
a NELL component, is used.
Experiments were performed, comparing both ER
methods to the original algorithm (without ER), sho-
wing that ER can reduce the amount of rules in more
than 30%. It also filled the KB with the same amount
of values as the original algorithm, showing that all
eliminated association rules did not impact in the pro-
cess of populating the KB. This is the main contribu-
tion of this paper.
ER is also compared to FP-Growth (Han et al.,
2000), CHARM (Zaki and Hsiao, 2002) and FP-
Max (Grahne and Zhu, 2003) algorithms. FP-
Growth, CHARM and FPMax use the concepts of
Frequent Itemsets (FIs), Frequent Closed Itemsets
(FCIs) and Maximal Frequent Itemsets (MFIs), re-
spectively. FCIs e MFIs techniques have the goal
to decrease the set of frequent itemsets. However,
to generate the set of rules in this paper, it is ne-
cessary to use all FIs. We compared the number
of frequent itemsets generated by ER against those
algorithms, using the implementation provided by
(Fournier-Viger et al., 2014). The original implemen-
tation of CHARM and FPMax only generated FIs. In
(Fournier-Viger et al., 2014), they also generated as-
sociation rules from CHARM FCIs. In this way, ER
was compared to CHARM to check which one can ex-
tract more relevant rules in order to populate NELLs
KB. Some simulations of possible associations rules
by FPMax MFIs were performed to analyze how it
could populate large KBs. ER generates more rele-
vant rules, contributing to populate the KB with more
facts than FP-Growth, CHARM and FPMax.
This paper aims to decrease the effort spent
on analyzing the association rules used to populate
NELLs KB, presenting the following contributions:
A new method to eliminate redundant association
A new method to eliminate irrelevant association
The definition of super antecedent rules;
The definition of super consequent rules.
The remainder of this paper is organized as the
following: Section 2 brings some related work. The
complete description of our technique is depicted in
Section 3. Experiments are illustrated and discussed
in Section 4.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Large growing KBs are being a very explored is-
sue in the past few years. Cyc (Matuszek et al.,
2006), DBpedia (Bizer et al., 2009), NELL (Carlson
et al., 2010a), ReVerb (Etzioni et al., 2011), Free-
base (Bollacker et al., 2008), YAGO (Suchanek et al.,
2007) and YAGO2 (Hoffart et al., 2013), which ex-
tend YAGO to deal with spatio-temporal dimension,
are examples of such systems.
Most works focus on increasing the KB by popu-
lating it with new instances or by enlarging the re-
lations between their categories or domains (Miani
et al., 2014), (Tamang and Ji, 2012), (Gal
Arraga et al.,
Arraga et al., 2013) is a system that
extracts association rules like motherOf(m,c) mar-
riedTo(m,f) fatherOf(f,c), which is pretty similar to
our system. However, besides the generalized asso-
ciation rules (Srikant and Agrawal, 1995) form, we
intended to get which fact is related to another one
in order to populate the KB. Considering the example
of Table 1 in Section 1, we are interested to know in
which league an athlete plays, so the algorithm can be
able to fill with the corresponding sport (rule 2).
An important problem working with association
rule mining algorithms is the effort spent on evalua-
ting the amount of generated rules. To overcome that,
researches were performed in preprocessing or post-
processing step to reduce and facilitate the analysis of
each rule extracted. In order to cut off redundant item-
sets, many approaches have been developed, such as
Closed Itemsets and Maximal Itemsets, for example.
A Frequent Closed Itemset (FCI) is a Frequent
Itemset (FI) X such that there is no superset of X with
the same support count (Pasquier et al., 1999). (Zaki,
2000) used the concept of FCIs, reducing the number
of rules without any loss of information. CHARM
is an efficient algorithm for mining FCIs, which enu-
merates closed sets using a dual itemset-tidset search
tree. It also uses a fast hash-based approach to re-
move any ”non-closed” sets found during computa-
tion (Zaki and Hsiao, 2002). Another algorithm that
used FCIs, called A-Close, was proposed by (Pasquier
et al., 1999). The number of rules decreased without
any loss of information, reducing the algorithm com-
putation cost. A-Close is one of the most known algo-
rithm to mine frequent closed itemsets.
A Maximal Frequent Itemset (MFI) is a frequent
itemset X with no frequent superset of X (Burdick
et al., 2001). According to the authors, the following
relationship holds: MFI FCI FI. They also propo-
sed an algorithm to mine MFIs, called MAFIA, which
integrates a variety of algorithms ideas into a practi-
cal algorithm. FPMax (Grahne and Zhu, 2003) uses a
FP-tree structure to store the frequency information
of the whole dataset. To test if a frequent itemset
is maximal, another tree structure, called a Maximal
Frequent Itemset tree (MFI-tree), is utilized to keep
track of all MFIs. GenMax (Gouda and Zaki, 2005)
and MaxMiner (Bayardo Jr, 1998) are also well-know
algorithms on this field.
Both MFI and FCI techniques work during the
candidate generation step. Nevertheless, many appro-
aches developed post-processing mechanisms to re-
duce the number of redundant or irrelevant rules. In
(Marinica and Guillet, 2010), they proposed an inte-
ractive approach where human domain experts filter
the rules extracted in order to decrease the amount of
association rules. CoGAR (Baralis et al., 2012) is a
generalized association rule algorithm that introduced
two new measures: (i) a schema constraint is created
by an analyst and drives the itemset mining phase and
(ii) opportunistic confidence constraint that identi-
fies significant and redundant rules at post-processing
PNAR IMLMS (Swesi et al., 2012) and MIP-
NAR GA (Rai et al., 2014) are algorithms that dis-
cover both positive itemsets (frequent itemsets) and
negative itemsets (infrequent itemsets). They created
some measures to prune rules and generate positive
and negative association rules.
(Djenouri et al., 2014) explored meta-rules ex-
traction in order to prune irrelevant rules. First, they
cluster association rules for large datasets. Then, dif-
ferent dependencies between rules of the same clus-
ter are extracted using meta-rules algorithms, and the
prune algorithm uses these dependencies to delete the
deductive rules and keep just the representative rules
for each cluster. The PVARM algorithm was propo-
sed by (Rameshkumar et al., 2013). It used the n-
cross validation technique to reduce the amount of ir-
relevant association rules.
This paper has the goal to reduce the amount of
association rules, decreasing the effort on evaluating
them. Thus, ER component has two methods to deal
with it at post-processing phase. One is by elimina-
ting the redundant association rules, pruning the re-
dundant super antecedent rules. The second one con-
sists on cutting out irrelevant super consequent rules.
The main purpose of this paper is to reduce the ef-
fort on evaluating the generated association rules that
will be used to populate large KBs. In this way, ER
was developed, contributing to decreasing the amount
Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases
Table 2: Dataset Example.
athlete sport league
ben roethlisberger football nfl super bowl pittsburgh steelers
brian urlacher football nfl mv bears
favre football nfl mv jets
joe flacco mv nfl mv mv
larry foote football nfl super bowl pittsburgh steelers
steve mcnair football nfl mv mv
tom brady football nfl super bowl new england patriots
drew bledsoe mv mv super bowl new england patriots
Figure 1: System Architecture.
of association rules in two ways at post-processing
Pruning redundant association rules;
Pruning irrelevant association rules.
Besides, in order to develop each method, this pa-
per introduces the concept of super antecedent rules
and super consequent rules, which are used by both
eliminating redundant and irrelevant rules methods,
This section also discusses some basic ideas of
the association rule mining algorithm used. Figure
1 illustrates the system architecture. The highlighted
parts are the ones with contributions in this paper.
3.1 Association Rule Algorithm
The association rule mining algorithm used in this pa-
per is NARFO (Miani et al., 2009). It was chosen as it
is an available algorithm and has some important cha-
racteristics to this work. Its implementation is based
on Apriori. However, NARFO can navigates through
an ontology structure, being able to identify each fact
belongs to each category of the ontology. It also de-
als with generalized association rules, which are used
in another component of our system. We also modi-
fied NARFO in the generating candidates step to deal
with the missing values problem (previous work), and
in the generating rules step (ER component) of the al-
3.2 Data Preparation
As it can be noticed in Figure 1, a subset of NELLs
KB is selected and prepared to be used by the algo-
rithm. Each fact is associated to the corresponding
category. Figure 2 represents an ontology structure,
where the categories of the subset can be seen. For
each athlete selected, in this example, all his known
values for each category are filled. If NELLs compo-
nents did not discover a specific fact to an athlete, the
correspondent cell is filled with a missing value. In
this work, missing values are represented by mv.
3.3 Generating Candidates
A large KB like NELL, as aforementioned, contains
many empty cells. To perform an association rule mi-
ning algorithm in such environment, a new parame-
ter, called MSC (Modified Support Calculation), was
created. To sum up, this technique disregards all tran-
sactions in which all items of the itemset, of which
the support is to be counted, are missing values. Con-
sidering Table 2 as an example and Table 3, which
brings the itemsets supports of Table 2. As you can
see, the itemsets supports by MSC is bigger than tra-
ditional support calculation. Consider the minimum
support set to 0.3, MSC measure generates one more
frequent itemset than traditional support calculation.
This may result in more significant rules. The set of
Frequent Itemsets with Missing Values (FIMVs) is,
at least, equal to the set of FI. So, the following re-
lationship holds: MFI FCI FI FIMV and is
illustrated in Figure 3. This paper does not focus on
MSC parameter as it is a previous contribution.
By Table 3, it can be observed the relationship
brought by the diagram in Figure 3. All MFIs (1)
FCIs (4) FIs (7) FIMVs (8). Using FIMVs, it
will generate more rules that might help populating
NELLs KB. Considering the set of FCI and MFI, the
itemsets (football, super bowl) and (nfl, super bowl)
are not presented. So, association rules like AR1 and
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Ontology example.
Table 3: MSC Support x Traditional Support.
Support by
football 6/6 = 1 6/8 = 0.75 X X
nfl 7/7 = 1 7/8 = 0.87 X X X
super bowl 4/4 = 1 4/8 = 0.5 X X X
pittsburgh steelers 2/6 = 0.33 2/8 = 0.25 X
football, nfl 6/7 = 0.85 6/8 = 0.75 X X X
nfl, super bowl 3/8 = 0.37 3/8 = 0.37 X X
football, super bowl 3/7 = 0.42 3/8 = 0.37 X X
pittsburgh steelers, football 2/7 = 0.28 2/8 = 0.25
football, nfl, super bowl 3/8 = 0.37 3/8 = 0.37 X X X X
Figure 3: Relationship among FIMV x FI x FCI x MFI.
AR2 will not be generated, contributing to populate
the KB with less data if compared to our technique.
AR1: athleteWinTrophyTournament(X, super bowl)
athletePlaysSport(X, footbal), and
AR2: athleteWinTrophyTournament(X, super
athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl).
3.4 Generating Rules: ER Component
The contributions of this paper are in the generating
rules step. The initial procedure is similar to Apri-
ori. Each frequent itemset is used to generate associ-
ation rules. ER component executes after the rules ex-
traction. First, it gets all extracted rules and eliminate
the redundant ones. Then, ER cuts off the irrelevant
ones, resulting in the final set of generated rules.
3.4.1 Eliminating Redundant Rules
Let X Y, X’ Y be association rules, where X’ is
a superset of X.
Definition 1. An association rule X’ Y is Super
Antecedent Rule (super AR) if it has the same conse-
quent items and if its antecedent X’ is a superset of
an antecedent X. In the other way, an association rule
X Y is a Sub Antecedent Rule (sub AR) if there is
another rule with the same consequent and X is a sub-
set of X’.
All super antecedent rules are super rules, but not
all super rules are super antecedent rules.
Considering Table 1, rule 3 is a super AR of rules
1 and 2, and rule 6 is a super AR of rule 4. Rule 5 is a
super rule, but not a super AR.
The eliminating redundant rules algorithm con-
sists in removing super antecedent rules. But it only
prunes a rule from the set of association rules if it
finds all possibles sub antecedent rules of the super
antecedent one. By the example of Table 1, rule 3 can
be pruned as rules 1 and 2 are all possibles sub antece-
dent rules of it. Nevertheless, rule 6 is not eliminated
as only one of its sub antecedent rules was generated.
In order to populate the KB, a sub antecedent rule is
more efficient than a super antecedent rule. Rule 3
can only populate a KB with the consequent value if
both antecedents are in an instance. This is the reason
that a super AR is pruned.
The examples brought by Table 1 represent super
ARs with antece dents having size 2, i.e., the antece-
Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases
Algorithm 1: Eliminating Redundant Rules.
allCombinations = f alse;
for i = 0 to numberO f GeneratedRules 1 do
currentRule = getAssociationRule(i);
allCombinations = f indAllComb(currentRule);
if NOT(allCombinations) then
f inalRules.add(currentRule);
end if
allCombinations = f alse;
end for
dent has 2 items (2-itemset). In this way, it looks for
sub ARs of 1-itemset in the antecedent. But what hap-
pens if a super AR has 3-itemset or more on its antece-
dent? There must be sub ARs of 1 or 2-itemsets in the
antecedent side, for example. To solve this issue, the
algorithm calculates all possible combinations of sub
antecedent rules as Equation 1. Algorithm 1 shows
the pseudo-code of this method.
Combination(n, k) =
k!(n k)!
To a better comprehension, lets take Table 4 as
an example. In the first line, there is a super AR of
4-itemset in the antecedent side. The algorithm be-
gins trying to find all possibilities of sub ARs with
1-itemset. By Equation 1, n is the size of the antece-
dent of the super AR, and k is the size of the sub AR.
So, there are four possibles sub ARs of 1-itemset in
the antecedent. However, only 3 rules were genera-
ted. The super AR of 4-itemset in the antecedent can
not be pruned yet. Then, the algorithm looks for all
possible combinations of sub AR of size 2 in the an-
tecedent. It generated all the 6 possibilities, and the
rule from the first line can be eliminated. The algo-
rithm will use the sub ARs of 2-itemset to populate
the KB, instead of the super AR.
Considering the rules from antecedent size 3 as
super ARs, both of them are eliminated. Rule a,b,c
e has all possibilities of sub AR of antecedent size
1, and a,b,d e has all possibilities of size 2. In the
last column of Table 4 are the associations rule elimi-
nated. In this example, 6 (50%) rules were pruned.
The main task of the algorithm is to find all pos-
sibilities of sub ARs from 1-itemset to (n-1)-itemset,
where n is the size of the antecedent of the current su-
per AR (findAllCombinations in Algorithm 1). If all
combinations are found with 1-itemset, the algorithm
prunes the rule. Otherwise, it tries to find all of the
possibilities of 2-itemsets and so on.
By the set generated by FCI and MFI algorithms,
it is more probably to generate the super rules, instead
of pruning them and letting the minimal sub ARs as
our approach. For example, if FCI and MFI algo-
rithms discovered only the itemset (a,b,c,d,e) as clo-
sed and maximal, it can only populate the dataset with
the value e if all the other items appear in a instance in
the dataset. However, using the eliminating redundant
rules technique described in this paper, the rule a,b,c,d
e is pruned, letting only the sub ARs of size 2 in
the antecedent as described above. In this way, when
one of the 6 possibilities happens in a instance, it will
fill the dataset with the value of e when necessary.
This contributes to populate large KBs compounded
by missing values more than using rules extracted by
FCI and MFI algorithms.
3.4.2 Eliminating Irrelevant Rules
At this point, all of the redundant super ARs to the
current algorithm iteration were eliminated. For each
iteration, the algorithm can generate a set of irrele-
vant rules, mostly in result of the KB characteristic.
In the first iteration, no irrelevant association rule is
prior known. So, this procedure impacts the number
of rules from the second iteration of the first cycle of
iterations. Each cycle is executed with different mi-
nimum support degrees. After the end of the cycle,
NELLs KB subset is increased, and the next cycle
can be performed. All irrelevant rules discovered in
an iteration i will be used to help eliminating future
irrelevant rules in iterations i + n, with n 1.
Definition 2. An association rule is irrelevant if it can
populate a large growing KB with wrong data.
Table 3 brings some itemsets support values. Take
the 2-itemset football, nfl as an example. Imagine that
in the first iteration, in the initial cycle, the minimum
support was 0.3, which make it a frequent itemset.
The following rules were generated:
1. athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl) athletePlays-
Sport(X, Football);
2. athletePlaysSport(X, Football) athletePlaysLe-
ague(X, nfl).
All generated rules are evaluated by NELLs CL
component. The first rule is considered relevant and
will be used to populate the KB. For example, in Ta-
ble 2 the line 4 has a missing value to the sport value,
and the corresponding value for league is nfl. So, the
algorithm fills it with football. In the other way, the
second association rule is an irrelevant one, once not
all athletes practicing football play the nfl league. Alt-
hough the table suggests this rule as a strong one, CL
evaluated it as irrelevant once a football athlete can
play in other leagues. In this way, this rule can not be
used to fill NELLs KB, once it will populate it with
incorrect information.
In the second iteration, the minimum support va-
lue was set to 0.2. Thus, the 3-itemset (football,
nfl, super bowl) is considered in the process of
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Example to Eliminate Super Antecedent Rules.
Antecedent Size Association Rule
Number of
Rule Eliminated
4 a,b,c,d e - a,b,c,d e
3 a,b,c e / a,b,d e 4 a,b,c e / a,b,d e
a,b e / a,c e / a,d e /
b,c e / b,d e / c,d e
a,b e / a,c e /
b,c e
1 a e / b e / c e 4 -
Algorithm 2: Eliminating Irrelevant Rules Algorithm.
isSuperIrrelRule = f alse;
for i = 0 to numberO f NonRedundantRules 1 do
currentRule = getAssociationRule(i);
isSuperIrrelRule = f indSubIrrel(currentRule);
if NOT(hasSuperIrrelRule) then
f inalRules.add(currentRule);
end if
isSuperIrrelRule = f alse;
end for
generating rules. Consider the following association
3. athletePlaysSport(X, Football) athletePlays
League(X,nfl), athleteWinTournament(X,super bowl).
This rule is also considered irrelevant. But there
is a sub rule (rule 2) that is irrelevant too, which was
discovered in a previous iteration. So, this rule will be
eliminated and will not be evaluated. It is important to
notice that a super rule must have the same antecedent
as the sub irrelevant rule. In this way, the algorithm
eliminates all super rules with the same antecedent of
an irrelevant sub rule.
A super rule with more antecedents can not be
pruned, as the addition of more antecedents can turn
it into a relevant rule. Consider the rule
4. athletePlaysSport(X, Football), athleteWinTourna-
ment(X, super bowl) athletePlaysLeague(X, nfl).
This is a relevant rule, even having a sub irrelevant
one. The addition of the itemset super bowl (in the
antecedent side) turned it in a relevant rule.
Let X Y, X Y’ be association rules, where Y’
is a superset of Y.
Definition 3. An association rule X Y’ is Super
Consequent Rule (super CR) if it has the same antece-
dent items and if its consequent Y’ is a superset of the
consequent Y. In the other way, an association rule
X Y is a Sub Consequent Rule (sub CR) if there
is another rule with the same antecedent and Y is a
subset of Y’.
All super CRs of an irrelevant sub CR are also ir-
relevant. All super CRs are super rules, but not all
super rules are super CRs.
Algorithm 2 describes the procedure of elimina-
ting irrelevant rules. The set of non redundant produ-
ced by the eliminating redundant rules method is used
as an input. For each rule, the algorithm verifies if it
has an irrelevant sub CR. If so, the rule is pruned of
the final set of rules and will not be shown to analysis
in the end of the iteration.
3.5 Evaluating Rules
Traditional association rule mining algorithms con-
sider a rule strong that one with support and confi-
dence values higher than the minimum support and
confidence expected. So, those algorithms display the
strong association rules extracted. But this fact is not
entirely true in large growing KBs like NELL. Some
rules that have high confidence, specially, could not
be good examples of rules to populate the KB, since
NELLs KB did not contain all instances and relati-
ons yet. For instance, rules 2 and 3 from Subsection
3.4 are examples of such rules. They are strong, once
their support and confidence are higher than the mini-
mum expected, but they are also irrelevant.
To analyze each rule extracted, NELLs CL com-
ponent was used. To sum up, this component uses
Twitter and Yahoo Answers to validate rules. In this
work, however, only Twitter was used to evaluate ex-
tracted rules. With CL help, it is intended to automa-
tically evaluate extracted rules and increase NELLs
KB with the useful ones.
3.6 Increase the KB
After the rules evaluation by CL, all relevant rules are
used to populate the KB, decreasing the amount of
missing values. For each one, the algorithm verifies
its antecedent and fills the KB with the value of the
consequent whenever a missing value appears.
Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases
Figure 4: Number of Rules by Experiment 1.
The experiments were performed using a real data-
set extracted from NELLs KB. It contains data from
athletes, sports, leagues and other categories related
to sports as represented by Figure 2. To run the ex-
periments, the minimum confidence degree was set to
0.3 and the minimum support was, in each cycle of ite-
rations, set from 0.04 to 0.01, decreasing 0.01 in each
iteration. The minimum support was set with low va-
lues due to the characteristic of the KB that has a lot
of facts to each category. Also, with minimum support
set to 0.05, no association rule was generated.
The main goal of these experiments is to verify
how ER impacts the number of rules extracted. Three
iteration cycles were executed. Each one with a da-
taset increased with NELLs KB facts to the corre-
spondent dataset. Lets call dataset 1, dataset 2, and
dataset 3 the ones used in the cycle 1, cycle 2, and
cycle 3, respectively. In this way, three experiments
were executed, comparing the amount of rules extrac-
ted by the original algorithm against the methods with
Experiment 1: dataset 1 and cycle 1;
Experiment 2: dataset 2 and cycle 2;
Experiment 3: dataset 3 and cycle 3.
We also compared ER against FP-Growth,
CHARM and FPMax algorithms in two aspects:
The number of itemsets generated;
The percentage of missing values filled (only
compared to FP-Growth and CHARM).
Figure 4 brings a comparison among the number
of association rules brought by our algorithm before
using ER component, and the amount of rules disco-
vered applying only the redundant and both redundant
and irrelevant methods. ER brought, approximately,
22.43% less rules than the original algorithm in Ex-
periment 1.
Figure 5: Number of Relevant Rules by Experiment 1.
As can be observed in Figure 4, the number of
association rules increased a lot whilst reducing the
minimum support degree. With the highest minimum
support (0.04), only rules with 2-itemsets were gene-
rated. In this way, the methods were not used to re-
duce the amount of rules, since they consist on elimi-
nating redundant super ARs and irrelevant super CRs,
which have at least two items in the antecedent and
in the consequent side, respectively. But, as the mini-
mum support decreases, ER component is used, con-
tributing to reduce the number of rules to be evalua-
The irrelevant rules discovered with minimum
support 0.04 are used in all the other iterations and
in the next cycles (Experiment 2 and 3). The same is
done to the irrelevant ones discovered with 0.03 and
0.02. Nevertheless, irrelevant rules discovered using
minimum support 0.01 will only be useful in futures
iteration cycles.
Figure 5 shows only the number of relevant ru-
les extracted by Experiment 1, after CL validation.
Notice that the original algorithm (without the new
methods) brought more relevant rules in comparison
to the redundant and irrelevant methods. This is result
of the amount of more redundant rules that the origi-
nal algorithm had (50) if compared to the approaches
introduced in this paper. You can also observe that
the number of relevant rules brought by eliminating
redundant and irrelevant rules methods is the same.
By Figure 4, the amount extracted by the eliminating
redundant rules method is a little bigger than the eli-
minating irrelevant rules, once the first one did not
have eliminated the irrelevant association rules.
The results of Experiment 2 are in Figure 6. The
dataset used was increased in 10%, approximately,
once NELL is a growing KB. As in Experiment 1,
as the minimum support value reduces, the number
of rules rises. Most of the association rules extrac-
ted were also in Experiment 1. Both methods of ER
combined reduced in 33.60% the amount of rules in
comparison to the original algorithm.
The original algorithm generated 20 more rules
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Number of Rules by Experiment 2.
Figure 7: Number of Rules by Experiment 3.
than in Experiment 1. But, observing the amount of
rules extracted by ER in Experiment 2, it reduced
in more than 10% (40 rules) due to the eliminating
irrelevant rules method. The explanation is on the
irrelevant association rules generated in the last
iteration of Experiment 1 (with minimum support
0.01). They could only be used in future iteration
cycles of the algorithm. For example, imagine that
the following irrelevant rules were generated in the
last iteration of Experiment 1:
1: athleteHasCoach(X, tony la russa) athle-
tePlaysStadium(X, busch stadium)
2: athleteHasCoach(X, tony la russa) athle-
tePlaysStadium(X, busch stadium), athletePlaysLea-
These rules are useful in future iteration cycles,
and the super CRs based on them will not be extrac-
ted. In fact, in Experiment 2, the second rule was not
generated, since its a super CR of the irrelevant as-
sociation rule number 1. This explains the reduction
of more than 30% of association rules with minimum
support of 0.01 in comparison to the original algo-
rithm, and why ER generated less rules in Experi-
ment 2 if compared to Experiment 1.
Experiment 3 is illustrated in Figure 7. The da-
taset used was also increased in 10%. ER extracted,
again, less association rules (32.70%) than the origi-
nal algorithm. Thus, these experiments demonstrated
Figure 8: New Rules extracted in Experiment 2 and 3.
how important and necessary ER component is to de-
crease the amount of redundant and irrelevant associ-
ation rules, without any lost in the process of popula-
ting large growing KBs.
However, if you compare the number of rules
brought by ER in Experiment 2 and Experiment 3,
you will notice that the last one extracted more rules.
The explanation to this behavior is on the kind of facts
added to the dataset on each iteration cycle. Figure 8
illustrates only the new rules extracted by the original
algorithm and ER in Experiment 2 and Experiment
3, and Table 5 shows some association rules extracted
by each experiment.
The dataset used in Experiment 1 and Experi-
ment 2 had sports facts related, mainly, to basketball,
football and baseball. Some new rules were disco-
vered by Experiment 2 due to the addition of new
teams, specially. For example, rules 3 and 4 only ap-
peared in Experiment 2, probably by the addition of
facts related to athletes that played for the teams spurs
and red sox.
In Experiment 3, more facts related to other
sports (soccer, for example) must have occurred, re-
sulting in more relevant and irrelevant rules, explai-
ning the behavior of ER, which brought more associ-
ation rules with minimum support of 0.01.
Nevertheless, comparing the number of rules ge-
nerated by the original algorithm against ER, the re-
dundant and irrelevant association rules were elimi-
nated by ER, specially with minimum support set to
0.01, demonstrating the importance and efficiency of
these approaches.
The second part of our experiments compares ER
to FP-Growth, CHARM and FPMax algorithms. The
objective is to check which algorithm is more efficient
to populate a large KB, after eliminating redundant
and irrelevant rules. First, the amount of frequent
itemsets brought by ER, FP-Growth, CHARM and
FPMax is compared. Then a comparison is done with
ER, FP-Growth and CHARM in order to verify the
percentage of missing values replaced.
Figure 9 brings a comparison among the amount
Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases
Table 5: Example of Rules Extracted on Each Experiment.
Number Rule Experiment
athleteWinsAwardTrophyTournament(X, super bowl)
2 athletePlaysLeague(X, nba) athletePlaysSport(X, Basketball) 1
3 athletePlaysForTeam(X, spurs) athletePlaysLeague(X, nba) 2
4 athletePlaysForTeam(X, red sox) athletePlaysLeague(X, mlb) 2
5 athletePlaysForTeam(X, real madrid) athletePlaysSport(X, Soccer) 3
6 athletePlaysLeague(X, champions league) athletePlaysSport(X, Soccer) 3
Figure 9: Amount of FIMV, FI, FCI and MFI.
of frequent itemsets discovered by ER (FIMV), FP-
Growth (FI), CHARM (FCI) and FPMax (MFI). In
the figure, it is noticeable the relationship MFI FCI
FI FIMV described in Section 3.3. The discard
of items (parameter MSC) during the generating can-
didates step results in much more frequent itemsets
than those brought by FP-Growth, CHARM and FP-
Max algorithms. In this way, ER generates more as-
sociation rules (that might be used to help populating
NELLs KB) than those algorithms. However, many
of those rules are redundant or irrelevant, making ER
component necessary in the process to reduce the ef-
fort on analyzing them.
CHARM and FPMax eliminate redundant item-
sets, generating only the frequent closed and maxi-
mal frequent itemsets, respectively. Unfortunately, it
can prune some itemsets that can be very useful in the
process of filling the KB. In this way, a classic associ-
ation rule mining algorithm (like FP-Growth) is more
efficient to populate large KBs.
Table 6 shows the percentage of missing values
replaced by ER in comparison to FP-Growth and
CHARM algorithms in Experiment 1. Table 7 brings
some association rules extracted by ER, FP-Growth
and CHARM, and some possible association rules ge-
nerated from FPMax MFIs. It is not known any im-
plementation of an association rule mining algorithm
based on MFIs so far. The main reason is that there
is no way to quickly obtain the support of the antece-
dent/consequent of an association rule without scan-
ning the database again.
As can be observed in Table 6, even with minimum
support of 0.01, CHARM algorithm did not fill the
same amount of missing values that ER did with mi-
nimum support of 0.04. This shows that using the mi-
nimal association rules, instead of pruning them, can
be more helpful to populate large KBs. Comparing
FP-Growth to CHARM, the first one filled more mis-
sing values than CHARM only with minimum support
of 0.01. The main reason is due to the association
rules generated with minimum support of 0.02, 0.03
and 0.04, which has just two itemsets. The same be-
havior did not happen with minimum support of 0.01,
once FP-Growth used the minimal association and the
super rules to populate the KB, while CHARM used
only the association rules from FCIs. This shows,
once again, that minimal rules are more useful in the
process of populating large KBs.
If you compare FP-Growth to ER, some facts can
be observed. Firstly, the association rules generated
after applying ER methods help to populate the KB
with more facts than FP-Growth algorithm. This is
the result of MSC parameter, which generates more
frequent itemsets. Besides, as ER eliminates super
ARs and CRs, only the minimal association rules nee-
ded to feed the KB are used. FP-Growth extracts both
minimal and super association rules, which makes the
effort spent on evaluating them unnecessary.
Taking a look at Table 7, you can see that some as-
sociation rules were extracted only by ER (6 and 7),
due to MSC parameter. Other were extracted only by
FP-Growth and CHARM (1 and 4), once ER elimi-
nated them as it generated their sub ARs (rules 2 and
3). By rule 1 and 4, FP-Growth and CHARM would
populate the KB only if both antecedents are in an in-
stance. In the FP-Growth situation, it also generated
the two sub ARs of rule 1, which does not impact in
the KB population, but brings more redundant associ-
ation rules to be evaluated (rule 1). In this case, if only
nba or nba
championship values were in an instance,
the KB would be updated with basktball.
Performing a simple comparison with FP-
Max, consider the itemset (nba, basketball,
nba championship) that was generated with mi-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 6: Percentage of Missing Values Replaced in Experiment 1.
Minimum Support ER FP-Growth CHARM
0.01 5.86% 3.09% 2.89%
0.02 5.58% 2.09% 2.09%
0.03 5.18% 1.4% 1.4%
0.04 3% 1.4% 1.4%
Table 7: Example of Rules Extracted by ER, FP-Growth, CHARM e FPMax.
Number Association Rule Method
athleteWinTrophyTournament(X, nba championship),
athletePlaysLeague(X, nba) athletePlaysSport(X,Basketball)
FP-Growth /
2 athletePlaysLeague(X, nba) athletePlaysSport(X, Basketball)
ER / FP-Growth /
athleteWinTrophyTournament(X, nba championship)
athletePlaysLeague(X, Basketball)
ER / FP-Growth
athletePlaysForTeam(X, cleveland cavalier), athletePlaysLeague(X, nba)
athletePlaysLeague(X, Basketball)
FP-Growth /
athletePlaysForTeam(X, cleveland cavalier) athletePlaysLeague(X,
ER / FP-Growth
6 athletePlaysForTeam(X, boston celtics) athletePlaysSport(X, Basketball) ER
7 athletePlaysStadium(X, amway arena) athletePlaysSport(X, Basketball) ER
nimum support of 0.01. No subset of it were
generated by FPMax. Rule 1 of Table 7 is one
possible association rule that could be generated by
MFI. As CHARM, it will only update the KB if both
antecedents are in an instance. Therefore, ER is an
efficient system that prunes redundant and irrelevant
association rules, and also contributes to populate
better the KB in than CHARM and FPMax.
This paper introduced ER component, which has two
new methods that contributes to reduce the number
of association rules to be evaluated. The eliminating
redundant rules procedure consists in prune super an-
tecedent rules, and the irrelevant one eliminates super
consequent rules based on the previous discovered ir-
relevant association rules.
Both methods combined reduced the amount of
rules in more than 30%, without any lost on the pro-
cess of populating the KB. Consequently, the effort
on evaluating each rule extracted also decreased, sho-
wing the efficiency of ER component.
We also compared ER to FP-Growth, CHARM
and FPMax. Experiments showed that ER populated
NELLs KB subset with more data than these algo-
rithms, without any lost of information.
In future works, it will be developed:
An automatized process to discover irrelevant ru-
les without CL help;
An improved process to prune irrelevant rules ba-
sed on the patterns already discovered.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems