consequence scores were rated between 0 and 10
with 10 being the highest and 0 the lowest. By
taking the average of these scores an overall risk
score was created in order to rank each section of
rising main on its risk priority.
Figure 9: Likelihood consequence plot.
Figure 9 shows the overall plot of the
likelihood and consequence scores for each section
of rising main. To identify the top sites that need
attention the top 10 sections of rising main with the
highest risk score were observed.
When observing the highest risk sections we
observed sites that have a consequence score over
5.5 and a likelihood score of over 5. The sum of
the length of rising main that were incorporated in
this category came to 7km. Hence, if 7km of rising
main were replaced it would remove all of the high
risk sections from the model. 7km may seem like a
large amount of pipe however the overall length of
rising main that was incorporated in the model is
2109km. Therefore, only 0.33% falls in the high
risk area of this risk plot.
Figure 10: Map of high risk sites.
Figure 10 shows the locations of the sites that
based on the model created have the greatest risk
After this model had been created it was then
adapted into a user friendly planning tool. This was
created within the data visualisation programme
Tableau. Tableau was chosen for this planning tool
as it allows spatial and other data files to be
combined into one, user-friendly, interactive
dashboard. The planning tool contains data relating
to each section of rising main. For example, the
region that the rising main falls within and the
contact details of the operational staff member
responsible for the rising main section. The region
was identified through spatially joining the rising
main file to the operational regional boundary file
in GIS. This is very useful as if there is an issue
with a certain section of rising main the member of
staff responsible can be quickly contacted in order
to resolve this issue.
The planning tool will be used by many
members of staff across the business. Therefore,
the planning tool will need to be user friendly in
order for staff members from a non-analytical
background to use it effectively. This is achieved
through easy access information dashboards that
can be filtered through drop down menus relevant
to the maps or graphs. Updating the model is also
extremely user friendly. New bursts data is added
to the original burst spreadsheet and Tableau will
update all of the models and dashboards based on
this new data. This allows for the model to stay
updated therefore reducing the need for a new
model to be created when the current data set is
outdated. The planning tool will be distributed
across the business in the form of a packaged
workbook file in Tableau reader. This allows
access for all staff across the business without
them being able to edit the original file. Due to this
only one Tableau server license is needed to share
this tool with the rest of the business.
To conclude, this paper has shown how GIS spatial
analysis and modelling is used by the water
industry to analyse the impact of a rising main
bursting. This model will provide a direction for
rising main replacement investment. It allows the
business to efficiently replace the minimum
amount of rising main pipe based on how
detrimental a burst would be in that section,
therefore maximising the operational cost saving.