Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
Irene Cramer, Prakash Govindarajan, Minu Martin, Alexandr Savinov,
Arun Shekhawat, Alexander Staerk and Appasamy Thirugnana
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, IoT Analytics, Ullsteinstraße 128, 12109 Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Internet of Things, Anomaly Detection, Analytics, Data Mining, Big Data, Cloud Computing.
Abstract: This paper describes an approach to detecting anomalous behavior of devices by analyzing their event data.
Devices from a fleet are supposed to be connected to the Internet by sending log data to the server. The task
is to analyze this data by automatically detecting unusual behavioral patterns. Another goal is to provide
analysis templates that are easy to customize and that can be applied to many different use cases as well as
data sets. For anomaly detection, this log data passes through three stages of processing: feature generation,
feature aggregation, and analysis. It has been implemented as a cloud service which exposes its functionality
via REST API. The core functions are implemented in a workflow engine which makes it easy to describe
these three stages of data processing. The developed cloud service also provides a user interface for visualizing
anomalies. The system was tested on several real data sets, such as data generated by autonomous lawn
mowers where it produced meaningful results by using the standard template and only little parameters.
Today, connected devices in the Internet of Things
(IoT) generate more data than social networks. A
device can send data several times per second and
with millions of connected devices, a typical data
processing platform might need to deal with billions
of such incoming events a day. Even though
processing this amount of data is obviously a highly
non-trivial technological challenge, it is clear that the
device data itself is not actionable per se. In order to
derive actionable insights, the collected data has to be
One important task that can be effectively solved
by means of data analysis is anomaly detection which
“refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that
do not conform to expected behavior” (Chandola et
al., 2009). Its goal is to find devices with behavior that
significantly differs from what is expected or has
been observed before.
There are many different types of anomalies and
many different problem domains with their specific
data and problem formulations. In this paper, we limit
the scope of our research by the following
[Asynchronous events] The data is sent
asynchronously and irregularly. Each event has
a time stamp but is not a regular time series.
This assumption means that it is essentially
impossible to directly analyze the device data
and therefore some pre-processing is required.
[Device aware analysis] Events are sent by a
fleet consisting of thousands and millions of
different devices. In particular, “normal”
behavior is now a characteristic of the whole
fleet, however derived features have to be
computed and anomalies have to be detected
for individual devices.
[Multivariate data] The events have many
properties and are not a univariate time series.
This means that it is not possible to use classic
statistical algorithms like ARIMA (Box &
Jenkins, 1976) which are known to be quite
effective for univariate numeric time series but
cannot be applied to our more complex use
[Semi-structured data] Events can also contain
semi-structured data like JSON with nested
values. The events have both categorical and
numeric characteristics. In particular, it is quite
possible that devices do not send any numeric
characteristics at all. This immediately
excludes many traditional data analysis
Cramer, I., Govindarajan, P., Martin, M., Savinov, A., Shekhawat, A., Staerk, A. and Thirugnana, A.
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0006670100520062
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 52-62
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From the technological point of view, we have the
following design goals leading to the corresponding
[Analysis in the cloud] The developed
functionality has to be easily accessible in the
cloud. This assumption immediately excludes
many possible solutions based on stand-alone
analysis tools like Knime (Berthold et al.,
2007) and enterprise level technologies.
[Easy to use] Our goal is to develop a
prototypical analysis workflow which can be
easily parameterized by specifying a limited set
of domain-specific parameters. It is opposed to
developing a full-featured system with dozens
or hundreds of parameters requiring high
[Extensibility and parameterization]
Frequently, the ease of use is achieved by
limiting the system functionality but this is
precisely what we want to avoid. Our goal is to
make it possible to provide various custom
extensions including user-defined functions
which are normally required for advanced and
domain-specific analysis scenarios.
In order to satisfy these design goals, we decided
to develop a general-purpose analysis template which
aims at anomaly detection. This template is
essentially an analysis workflow consisting of several
predefined data processing nodes. These nodes,
however, are supposed to be configured depending on
the concrete use case and data to be analyzed. In other
words, instead of exposing the complete functionality
of a general-purpose workflow engine (which is
difficult to use and parameterize) and building a
completely predefined analysis scenario, we chose an
intermediate solution which is, on one hand, simple
enough, and on the other hand, provides high
flexibility. This data analysis template consists of the
following steps (Fig. 1):
[Feature generation] Raw data might not be
appropriate for analysis. The goal of this step is
to define new domain-specific features which
are better indicators of possible anomalies.
Each individual feature is implemented as a
user-defined function in Python.
[Data aggregation] Raw data may have the
form of irregular events generated by devices.
The goal of this step is to convert sequences of
asynchronous events into regular time series.
First, all events for each individual device are
grouped by specifying an interval length, for
example, 1 hour or 1 minute. Then the event
properties are aggregated by applying either
standard (like mean or variance) or
user-defined aggregate functions in Python.
[Data analysis] The main task of this
component is to detect anomalies in the
pre-processed data (generated by the previous
nodes) by applying data mining algorithms.
The analysis computes an anomaly score taking
values between 0 (no anomaly) and 1
(anomaly). The main challenge here is to
choose an appropriate data mining algorithm
and tune its parameters.
In order to implement these analysis steps, we
developed a general-purpose workflow engine in
Python by using such libraries as pandas and
scikit-learn. However, its full functionality is
not directly exposed to the user. Instead, its
workflows are preconfigured for certain
domain-specific tasks like anomaly detection or
predictive maintenance so that the user has to only
parameterize this template using an easy-to-use UI.
Figure 1: Analysis steps in anomaly detection.
The developed approach to anomaly detection
was tested on the following use case. Data is
produced by Bosch automatic lawn mowers (ALM)
sold under the brand name Indego. Indegos are
cordless devices which are operated by human
owners but work in an autonomous mode. Their task
is to mow the marked area by loading their batteries,
if necessary. Since they are connected to the internet,
they are sending various diagnostic messages to the
Messages received from all devices are collected
as log files where one line is one message which
contains such standard fields as time stamp and
message id. Here is an example of fields from 3
status, {"state":519, "error":57}, null
get_map, {"state":6103, "error":504}, null
status, null, 37.0
These messages have one field in JSON format which
stores the current state of the device and error code.
There are also numeric fields like 37.0 which
represents the actual area that has been mowed. There
are much more parameters in these logs and most of
them are categorical values. The messages are sent
asynchronously at irregular intervals and not all fields
are present in all messages (there are many null
Data analysis
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
values). The number of devices sending data is about
9,000. The analyzed data set contained messages sent
by these devices for one month. The size of this data
set was 3,919,908 lines and about 2.5 GB as a CSV
file. On average, each device was sending one log
message for about 3 minutes. The task is to monitor
their behavior by regularly analyzing these logs and
automatically detecting anomalies. The system
should identify a list of devices with the top anomaly
score. This list is then supposed to be manually
processed, for example, in the service center.
In this paper, we describe an approach to detecting
anomalies in event data in the IoT which has been
implemented as an Anomaly Detection Service
(ADS) running in the Bosch IoT Cloud
(BIC). The
paper makes two main contributions: 1) We introduce
general-purpose analysis templates which can be
easily parameterized and used for device-aware
anomaly detection by analyzing asynchronous
multivariate semi-structured data, and 2) we
implement this approach as a cloud service which can
be easily provisioned and used from within other
applications or services.
The paper is divided into the following sections.
Sections 2, 3, and 4 describe three main data
processing steps our analysis template consists of:
feature generation, data aggregation, and analysis.
Section 5 describes the implementation of this
approach as a cloud service and Section 6 makes
concluding remarks and provides a future outlook.
2.1 Feature Engineering
Data preparation is a very important step in any data
analysis which significantly influences the quality of
the obtained results. In the overall analysis process,
various data pre-processing tasks can account for
most of the difficulties, and therefore choosing a
technology for efficient development and execution
of such scripts is of very high importance. This
process is frequently referred to as data wrangling
which is defined as “iterative data exploration and
transformation that enables analysis” (Kandel, 2011;
Savinov, 2014).
There are several major approaches to data pre-
processing and data wrangling which are shortly
listed below:
Query-based approaches. All necessary data
transformations are performed by the
underlying data management system using its
query language which is normally SQL.
MapReduce-based approach. This approach is
based on two operations of Map and Reduce
which are implemented on top of a distributed
file system like Hadoop (Dean & Ghemawat,
2004) and Spark (Zaharia et al., 2012).
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL). This
technology has been developed mainly for
pre-processing operational data and loading it
into a data warehouse.
These conventional approaches have two
important properties:
[Dedicated system or framework] The
necessary transformations are performed
separately from the data analysis step.
[Generating new sets or collections] The data
transformation procedure processes input sets
and produces an output set. It is a row-oriented
approach where rows can be represented as
tuples in a relational database, key-value pairs
in MapReduce or event objects in complex
event processing systems.
In contrast to these conventional approaches, our
feature generation module is focused on defining and
computing new domain-specific features, that is, one
feature is a unit of definition in the data
transformation model. The goal of domain-specific
features is to increase the level of abstractions and to
encode significant portions of domain knowledge and
problem semantics. The ability to define such features
determines how successful the data analysis process
will be (Guyon et al., 2006). This means that before a
data analysis algorithm can be applied to data, this
data has to be accordingly transformed and, what is
important, the result of this transformation determines
if the algorithm will find something interesting or not.
Since domain-specific features must contain a
significant portion of domain knowledge, they should
be produced in cooperation with a domain expert.
There can be, of course, many such features defined.
The main goal at this stage is to increase the semantic
level of available features so that it is easier for the
analysis algorithm to find anomalies. Domain experts
and data scientists produce features which explicitly
represent some partial and relatively simple
knowledge while the data mining algorithm increases
this level even higher by finding dependencies among
these (and original) features and representing them as
the final result. Essentially, feature engineering where
high level domain-specific features are defined by
domain experts can be viewed as an approach to deep
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
learning which works even if not enough data is
The analysis workflow engine that we have
developed is based on the following main
Feature generation should be an integral part of
the whole data analysis process and, therefore
it has to be described and executed using the
same execution environment. In other words,
we do not want to separate data pre-processing
from other analysis steps because these steps
can be tightly connected and because such a
separation can limit the overall performance.
Any new feature is a column and, hence the
main unit of definition and transformation is
that of a column. The task is then to describe
how new columns (features) are defined in
terms of other existing columns. For that
purpose, we have used a functional approach
where a unit of definition is a function. This
allows us to avoid explicit loops through the
data sets and define functions using other
functions. It is opposed to the conventional
approaches where new outputs are defined in
terms of input rows. The column-oriented data
representation is very popular in database
management systems (Abadi, 2007; Copeland
& Khoshafian, 1985) but it is less used in data
processing systems. Our implementation is
conceptually similar to the approach described
in Savinov, 2016.
Although the functional approach is very
convenient for feature generation, there are
many tasks where it is necessary to process sets
and therefore set-operations should also be
supported. In our approach, one node of the
analysis workflow generates one set.
2.2 User-Defined Functions as Features
We have decided to use the Python pandas library
(McKinney, 2010; McKinney, 2011) as a basis for all
our data analysis functions including feature
generation. The main reason for choosing this
technology is that pandas provides the possibility to
easily integrate arbitrary user-defined functions into
the analysis workflow and the availability of a wide
range of standard data processing mechanisms and
analysis algorithms.
The main data structure in pandas is that of
DataFrame which is essentially a data table with
many data processing operations. The idea of our
approach to feature generation is that for a given table
with some columns, a new column is defined by
providing one Python function (called lambda in
functional programming). This function takes some
values as arguments and returns one output value.
Note that this function is unaware of the existence of
any tables or data rowsit transforms one or more
input values into one output value. Writing such
functions is known to be easy for ordinary users
because it is similar to normal arithmetic expressions.
In order to define a new column storing values of
a new feature, it is necessary to provide a Python
function as well as a name for this new column. The
system then will apply this function to all rows of the
input table and store the output values of this function
in the new column. Note that column definitions can
use existing columns as well as previously defined
columns. The computation of all new features in this
case can be represented as a graph of column
definitions where each next column is defined in
terms of some previous column.
For example, assume that a source event stores
inside and outside temperature. However, for
detecting anomalies their absolute values are not
important. It is rather important to know the
difference between them. In this case, it is necessary
to define a new derived feature which computes this
difference as the following Python function:
def temp_diff(row):
return row['inside'] - row['outside']
Here the row argument references the current row of
the table. Access to the fields is performed using an
array index with the column name.
In case a new feature depends on only one input
column, the syntax can be simplified and the input
argument represents directly the value of this column.
For example, the next feature will compare the
temperature difference with a fixed threshold:
def threshold_achieved(diff):
if diff > 30:
return 'high'
return 'low'
Internally, the workflow engine written in Python
will collect all these definitions as user-defined
functions and then apply them to the input data frame.
This operation is executed as follows:
df['temp_diff'] = df.apply(temp_diff)
After all feature definitions have been computed, the
table with the new columns is returned and can be
used for the next steps of the data processing
Derived features can, of course, be much more
complex and encode any domain-specific knowledge
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
about what is important for detecting anomalies. The
only limitation is that new features can be defined
only in terms of one data rowthey cannot access
and use other rows for computing the output. This
limitation is overcome by the data aggregation node
described in the next section.
3.1 Aggregation for Anomaly Detection
A typical sequence of device events is shown in Fig. 2
where events from different devices are represented
by different colors. Here we see that some intervals
have quite a lot of events while other intervals are
rather sparse.
Figure 2: Grouping events into fixed length time intervals.
Detecting anomalies where the state and behavior
of each device is represented as one event (point
anomaly) can be therefore rather difficult. The data
aggregation step in our anomaly detection approach
is aimed at solving the problems that arise from the
asynchronous nature of device data:
[Producing time series] Many data analysis
algorithms are designed to process only regular
time series. Therefore, irregular event data has
to be aggregated and transformed into a time
[Down-sampling time series] Even if the input
data is a regular time series, it might be
necessary to downs-ample it. For example, we
might want to produce an hourly time series
while the event data is produced on minute
[Complex behavioral patterns] Analyzing
instant events is a very simple way to detect
anomalies because we essentially ignore the
history and context. In order to detect more
complex anomalies, it is necessary to analyze
the behavior of a device during a specific time
interval. Such anomalies are referred to as
contextual anomalies (Ahmed, Mahmood &
Hu, 2016). For example, such a pattern
(aggregated feature) could detect a steady grow
of temperature within 1 hour.
Our approach to the analysis of device events is
based on grouping all events into a specific time
interval like 1 day, 1 hour, or 1 minute. After that, all
events of one device for one interval are aggregated
using aggregate functions. Each such aggregate
function produces a new aggregated feature which
characterizes the behavior of this device during the
whole interval. It is important that ‘aggregation’ is not
necessarily numeric aggregation like finding an
average valueit can be a complex procedure which
performs arbitrary analysis of the events received
during the selected interval. The result of such
analysis of the group of events is always represented
by one value.
Table 1 shows example data with 9 events
(column time_stamp) sent by 2 devices (column
device_id). These events are grouped into 3
intervals (column interval_id). The result of the
aggregation is stored in the last two columns. The avg
column computes the average temperature and the
count column is the number of events for the
interval. The last two columns represent regular time
series and can then be analyzed by applying data
mining algorithms.
Table 1: Generating aggregated features.
device 1
interval 1
interval 2
interval 3
device 2
interval 1
interval 2
interval 3
Grouping and aggregation are two of the most
frequently used operations in data processing. It is
enough to mention GROUP-BY operator in SQL and
reduce operator in MapReduce (Dean & Ghemawat,
2004). Therefore, the necessity in its support for
generating aggregated features is more or less
obvious. What is not obviousand one of our design
goalsis how to achieve maximum simplification of
its configuration and usage without limiting its
capabilities. One of the challenges is providing the
possibility to write arbitrarily complex
(domain-specific) aggregate functions as opposed to
having only standard aggregate functions like
maximum or average.
interval 2
device 1
device 2
interval 1
interval 3
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3.2 User-Defined Aggregate Functions
The mechanism for defining aggregated features is
similar to how derived features (Section 2) are
generated. The idea is that for each new feature, the
user provides one Python function. This function
takes all events for one device that belongs to the
same time interval and returns one value that
represents the behavioral pattern encoded in this
function. If the user specifies one input column which
has to be aggregated, then this function will get a
group of values of this column rather than complete
For example, the average value of temperature
difference for the specified interval could be
computed using the following aggregate function:
def temp_diff_mean(temp_diffs):
return np.sum(temp_diffs)
Here temp_diffs is an array of all values of the
input column for one interval, and np.sum is a
standard Python function which finds the values'
Simple aggregations when standard functions are
used do not require writing new Python functions.
This can be done by specifying a standard aggregate
function in the definition like sum or mean. In more
complex cases, it might be necessary to iterate
through the input array in order to identify the
required domain-specific behavioral pattern. For
example, assume that we need to determine the
difference between the first and the last value in the
1-minute interval relative to the mean value within
this interval. This can be done by explicitly reading
the values from the group as in the following user-
defined aggregate function:
def last_first_diff(temps):
size = len(temps)
mean = np.mean(temps)
return (temps[size-1] - temps[0])/mean
In fact, a user-defined aggregate function can
encode arbitrary logic of data processing and not
necessarily what is typically meant by numeric
aggregation. It could be even a small analysis
algorithm which will be then applied to each
subgroup of the data frame like 1-minuete interval of
measurements. In particular, such an aggregate
function could apply the Fourier transform to the
group of events in order to analyze the behavior in the
frequency space which could be quite useful some
problems (Saia & Carta, 2017).
For example, when analyzing event data sent
from boilers installed in private houses we
implemented an aggregate function aimed at
detecting one domain-specific pattern with a small
fragment of expert knowledge. If the burner turns off,
then the water temperature is expected to drop
relatively quickly. If it does not fall fast enough, then
this can be an indication of some problem (in the
water pump). This knowledge can be encoded as a
user-defined aggregate function which implements
the following rule: If the burner is off and the
temperature after that drops 30° or less for 1 minute
then return 1, otherwise return 0”.
The user provides a number of such aggregate
functions in order to define how new aggregated
features have to be computed. Note that these
functions are relatively simple because they do not
work at the level of all input rows. They operate at the
level of one group of events produced for one interval
only. The system then applies these functions to the
input data frame:
df['last_first_diff'] =
A new column last_first_diff will be added
here to the df data frame by finding the difference
between the first and last measurement of the inside
temperature. Note that one and the same function can
be used to define many features by applying it to
different input columns. For example, we could apply
the previous function to the outside temperature.
The number of rows in the output data frame is
equal to the number of intervals, and the number of
columns is equal to the number of aggregate functions
provided by the user.
3.3 Pivoting and Aggregation
Many devices send only little numeric data or no
numeric data at all. How can such categorical data be
transformed into numeric features? The idea of our
analysis is that before applying aggregation,
categorical variables have to be pivoted. This means
each value is transformed to one new column so that
the number of new columns is equal to the number of
unique values the categorical variable takes on. For
example, if the state of the device takes the values
'257', '258', '262', '263', '513', '1025',
'1281' (which are strings), then 7 new columns will
be created having names like s257. Table 2 shows an
example with the data from one device grouped into
3 intervals and one categorical column state. This
column takes three values and hence three new
aggregated columns will be created each storing the
number of events with the corresponding state.
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
Table 2: Frequency Counting for Device States.
interval 1
interval 2
interval 3
In more complex cases, it is possible to specify
another column the values of which will be
aggregated for each category using a custom function
instead of simply counting the occurrence number.
For example (Table 3), we might want to find the
average temperature (column temp) for each
individual category rather than for the whole interval
(shown in Table 1).
Table 3: Aggregation for categories.
interval 1
For proper analysis, features should be
normalized. It is especially important for imbalanced
features like event frequencies. This is due to the fact
that different categorical values have different
frequencies overall. For example, certain state
changes will be common and certain other state
changes will be rare. The absolute counts then cannot
be compared because the frequency of 10 for a
common event is very different than the frequency of
10 for an uncommon event. To normalize the
frequency data, we divide the frequency values for
each row by the total frequency of the column. Such
normalization is common also in modeling using the
bag-of-words approach where it is called TF-IDF
(Manning et al., 2008).
4.1 Multidimensional Scaling
Rows of the table with aggregated and normalized
features can be formally treated as points in the
multidimensional space where dimensions are
columns. The task is then to find unusual points
which differ significantly from most of the other
points. We evaluated many machine learning
algorithms for identifying anomalies in such data sets
and found that Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
(Borg & Groenen, 2005) is one of the most effective,
simple to tune, easy to understand, and visualize.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is one of several
multivariate techniques which aims to place objects
in N-dimensional space by preserving the between
object distances as well as possible. In other words,
MDS finds a low-dimensional ( ) representation
of the data in which the distances in the original high-
dimensional space are well respected. In our
algorithm, we have used a 2-dimensional
Multidimensional scaling identifies the new
representation by minimizing the quantity called
STRESS or SSTRESS (Kruskal, 1964):
 
 
is the dissimilarity between i-th and j-th data
points and
is the Euclidean distance between the
i-th and j-th data points in the new low-dimensional
representation. The parameters which minimize this
are estimated using the SMACOF (de Leeuw, 1988)
algorithm. The algorithm requires 
calculations and 
memory. We have used the
MDS function in the scikit-learn library for
machine learning algorithms in Python.
Dissimilarity measure is an essential parameter of
MDS. Common dissimilarity measures are
Euclidean, Hamming, cosine, etc. We have used the
cosine distance as the measure of dissimilarity for our
data (this measure is also used in classifying
documents using the bag-of-words approach). The
cosine distance is defined as 1-cosine similarity
(Singhal, 2001) where cosine similarity is the cosine
of the angle between two vectors represented by data
points a and b with components
Cosine distance is bounded in [0, 1] and is efficient to
evaluate as only non-zero components need to be
When analyzing data from robotic lawn mowers,
we used their log events to get the current state and
error status codes. Since these are categorical
features, they were transformed to normalized
frequencies as described in Section 3.3. The result
table had many columns with frequencies of specific
status codes for the chosen interval length. The goal
was to identify anomalous behavior by analyzing
these frequencies using MDS algorithm. Our
hypothesis is that anomalous devices will log events
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
with uncommon frequencies, i.e. high-frequency for
low-frequency events or very low-frequency for
high-frequency events. It also occurred that
anomalous lawn mowers had an uncommon
combination of events, i.e. events occurring together
which usually are not.
The task of MDS is to reduce all the frequency
columns to only a few dimensions. In our case, we
chose to reduce to 2 dimensions which is easier to
visualize and interpret. MDS generates two output
dimensions, x and y, and each device is then
represented as a point in a two-dimensional space.
The anomaly score is then computed as the distance
from the origin:
 
The more a point is further away from the origin, the
more anomalous behavior it shows.
Analysis results of the MDS algorithm are
visualized as a scatterplot where anomalous devices
are highlighted and are shown as outliers (Fig. 3). The
user can hover over the points and see the detailed
information like device id and time this anomaly was
Figure 3: Scatterplot with anomalies.
4.2 Elliptic Envelope and One-Class
Although MDS showed quite good results, it cannot
be always used for two reasons:
MDS is a computationally difficult algorithm
because it has to build an
matrix of
distances. Therefore, it can be applied to only
relatively small data sets.
MDS does not train a model but rather finds
anomalies by processing the whole data set.
Hence, it is necessary to process the complete
history for every update, for example, when
new events have been received.
In general, it desirable to have many possible
algorithms in order to be able to compare their results.
Therefore, we also added other algorithms to our
system. The first approach is based on fitting an
ellipse to the data by assuming that the inlier data are
Gaussian distributed. This ellipse essentially defines
the “shape” of the data.
We also evaluated One-Class SVM algorithm
(Schölkopf et al., 1999; Smola & Schölkopf, 2004).
Strictly speaking, it is a novelty detection algorithm
because it assumes that the training data set is not
polluted by outliers or anomalies. Yet, it is possible
to specify a contamination parameter which
represents the fraction of outliers in the training set.
In contrast to the conventional SVM algorithm, it
learns a single class of normally behaving devices. Its
advantage is that it works without any assumptions
about the data distribution (as opposed to elliptic
envelope which learns an ellipse) and can learn
complex “shapes” of data in a high-dimensional
space. This analysis is similar to the approach
described in Khreich et al., 2017.
The model is then applied to the test data set by
returning the decision function for each event. Its
values are then scaled to the interval [0,1], stored as a
new column in the data frame and used as anomaly
score (for example, for visualization). High values of
this score close to 1 represent anomalies while points
close to the center of the distribution are treated and
having low anomaly score are treated as normal
The results of analysis are visualized as a line plot
where the horizontal axis corresponds to time and the
vertical axis plots the anomaly score between 0 and 1
(Fig. 4).
This approach was implemented as a cloud service in
the Bosch IoT Cloud (BIC) being also a part of the
Bosch IoT Suite
which is a cloud-enabled software
package for developing applications in the IoT. By
implementing the anomaly detection service (ADS)
as a cloud service, we get several advantages like high
scalability and better interoperability which decrease
complexity, improve time-to-market for new IoT
solutions and, for that reason, also reduce the total
cost of ownership.
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
Figure 4: Time plot with anomaly score for one device.
ADS consists of the following main components
(Fig. 5):
Cloud service (Java) exposes all functionalities
of ADS via REST API which can be used by
other services or applications. It stores all
assets in an instance of MongoDB database and
uses Splunk (Zadrozny & Kodali, 2013) for
Executor (Java) is responsible for executing
analysis jobs initiated via REST API. It uses the
RabbitMQ message bus to receive job requests
and creates a new process for each job which
executes a Python workflow.
Analysis workflow engine (Python) is started
by the Executor. It reads data from the specified
data source and writes the results of the
analysis into the output database.
Figure 5: Architecture of the anomaly detection service.
ADS also provides a front-end which is
implemented using AngularJS and runs in the
browser by relying on the service REST API. The
front-end has the following main functions:
Authoring analytic workflows by creating,
editing or deleting them using a wizard instead
of writing such workflows in JSON format.
Execute analysis jobs and tracking their
progress and status.
Visualizing analysis results (like screenshots in
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) or downloading them.
An analysis workflow for anomaly detection
consists of 5 steps which correspond to 5 nodes in the
Python analysis engine: read data (from a file or
database), generate new features without changing
the number of rows (as described in Section 2), define
new aggregated features by grouping rows into
intervals and then applying several aggregate
functions (as described in Section 3), choose a data
analysis algorithm (as described in Section 4), and
finally write the result with anomaly score to an
output file or database.
Fig. 6 is an example of how data aggregation step
in the analysis workflow can be defined using the
wizard. First, it is necessary to choose an aggregation
interval. In this example, it is 1 hour which means that
the behavior of devices will be analyzed on hourly
basis. In other words, any behavioral pattern or
characteristic is defined by all events from one device
for one hour. Then it is necessary to define one or
more features where each feature will analyze all
events for one hour and one device by returning one
value treated as a behavioral characteristic for this
hour. In this example, 2 features are defined. The first
feature returns mean value of the area already mowed
for all events received for one hour. The second
feature will generate as many columns as there are
state codes and for each of them it will compute their
count for this hour (Section 3.3). In order to use a
Anomaly Detection Service (ADS)
or Service
Configure models
trigger analysis
Read data
write results
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 6: Wizard page for defining aggregated features.
user-defined aggregate function, its name has to be
written in the feature definition and the function
source code has to be uploaded on the page with basic
When an analysis workflow is started, then it is
scheduled for execution by waiting in the queue of
other jobs. A free Job Executor will retrieve the next
job and spawn a new OS process. This process will
get the workflow description in JSON format as a
parameter and execute all its nodes starting from data
input and ending with data output.
In this paper, we described a system for detecting
anomalies in device data with no or little numeric
characteristics. A preconfigured analysis workflow
consists of the nodes for feature generation, feature
aggregation, and data analysis. This approach was
implemented as a cloud service where it can be easily
provisioned and configured for processing specific
data sets. This approach provides the following main
Creating an analysis workflow for specific use
cases takes much less time in comparison to
using a general-purpose data mining tool
because we provide pre-configured analysis
templates for specific problems. In particular,
our analysis template for anomaly detection is
designed for analyzing asynchronous events
coming from a fleet of devices having multiple
sensors sending semi-structured data.
It is easy to encode domain-knowledge into the
analysis workflow so that the necessary data
transformations and feature engineering tasks
are made an integral part of the whole analysis.
In the future, we are going to extend this project
in the following directions:
[Enhancing analysis methods] We will develop
new approaches to anomaly detection. In our
current setup, anomalies may not be detected if
an interesting sequence of events happens
because their overall counts may not be
interesting. Therefore, we will work on using
sequence mining (Chandola et al., 2012)
algorithms to detect anomalies by finding
interesting or unusual sequences of events.
Various such techniques exist including
window-based techniques where sequences are
matched in a given window and Markovian
techniques where a Markov model of state
transition is developed and the probability of a
sequence is calculated. Different such
techniques will be experimented with.
[Apply the same approach to other tasks] We
are going to generalize the analysis patterns
used in this project by developing similar
services for other problems like predictive
maintenance or data validation. The main idea
of such services will be the same: it is based on
a predefined analysis workflow which is easy
to be configured and used in the cloud.
Detecting Anomalies in Device Event Data in the IoT
[Performance and scalability] From the
implementation point of view, our goal is to
make execution in the cloud more performant
and to better use the scalability features of the
cloud. These features are especially important
in the case of large-scale analysis (during
training phase) as well as for serving many
users or other applications. In particular, we
will study how existing relevant technologies
like Mesos (Hindman et al., 2011) or
Kubernetes can be used for that purpose.
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