havior between the two connectors. So we have pro-
posed a new connector which allows a combination
of the variables taking into account the importance of
the variable as with weighted average. We used this
connector to merge the information about the consul-
tation of the Moodle resources to elaborate the partic-
ipation indicator. We have also proposed a connector
which takes into account the reinforcement of the in-
tensity of the variables. There are good results which
highlight the students with difficulties. But the main
problem is the performance limitation of the approach
for complex system modeling. We have to continue
the improvement of the performance and to find new
solutions to reduce the calculation time. We have to
complement the toolbox of Uncertain connectors with
new connectors which can be used for information fu-
sion. A vast experimentation is also needed to eval-
uate the pedagogical impact of this approach on stu-
dents and teachers but also on skill attainment. We
also have to perform comparative studies with other
approaches for further investigation.
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