Wear It or Fear It
Exploration of Drivers & Barriers in Smartwatch Acceptance by Senior Citizens
Sima Ipakchian Askari
, Alina Huldtgren
and Wijnand IJsselsteijn
School of Innovation Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Media, University of Applied Sciences D
usseldorf, D
usseldorf, Germany
Smartwatches, Seniors, Technology Acceptance, Wearables, Assistive Technology.
The number of people with an age above 65 is increasing, and many live longer. Most seniors prefer to stay
at their own home. Within the area of ambient assisted living (AAL) technology solutions have been aimed
to assist seniors in the challenges that can arise when wanting to live independently. However, technology
acceptance has been rather low, also due to stigmatization when using assistive systems. New technologies,
such as the smartwatch, which is unobtrusive and not recognized as an assistive device by outsiders, have the
potential to improve the autonomy and independence of seniors. This research aims to investigate the potential
barriers and drivers of smartwatch use by seniors, by means of conducting a diary study and interviews. Results
showed that the acceptance of the smartwatch depended mainly on the usability, interest and added value of
the smartwatch. Additionally, the findings indicate that changes to the smartwatch need to be made in order to
address the barriers that are found, and to ultimately enhance acceptance.
We are witnessing a phenomenon that is called “dou-
ble greying”, i.e. the number of people with an age
above 65 is increasing and these people also live lon-
ger lives (Nationaal Kompas Volksgezondheid, 2017).
In the period of 2008-2013 the number of Dutch ci-
tizens above 65 increased with almost 400 thousand
(van Duin, 2007). Not all these seniors are capable
of living on their own. In 2014, ca. 140.000 seni-
ors above 65 lived in a nursing home or rehabilitation
center. The living conditions in nursing homes are
not always optimal, in 2015 51% of the residents and
nurses of nursing homes had the feeling that there was
not enough time to take care of the residents. 61% of
them felt that there was not enough time to give resi-
dents personal attention (Ouderenfonds, 2017). Over-
all, most seniors prefer to stay at their own home
as long as possible (Rijksoverheid, 2016). However,
the desire for independence bears challenges as well.
Many seniors, have to deal with multiple health is-
sues as they grow older, e.g. declining vision, labored
walking and lower endurance (GGZ Drenthe, 2013).
Moreover, more than 260.000 people in the Nether-
lands suffer from dementia, in 2050 it is expected that
this number will increase towards half a million. Furt-
hermore, the number of Dutch citizens above 65 who
have died due to a fatal fall has continued to increase
in the past years (Ouderenfonds, 2017). Technology
has the potential to improve the lives of seniors. Un-
der the umbrella term ‘ambient assisted living’ several
technologies, including sensors (either on the person
or in the environment) and ICT, are employed to as-
sist seniors in their life by providing necessary infor-
mation or required services (Abrahao et al., 2014).
They enable monitoring of home appliances (smart
home), monitoring diets, reminding seniors of ap-
pointments and medication schedules (Chappell and
Zimmer, 1999). A new technology that can be pro-
grammed to fulfill these functions is the smartwatch–a
wearable device with computational power that can
be worn around the wrist. It can be connected to ot-
her devices through wireless connection, alert users
through notifications and can also collect and store
personal data through the wide range of sensors that
are embedded in the watch (Cecchinato et al., 2015).
Currently, the smartwatch is aimed as a generic we-
arable consumer electronics product. At the same
time, the smartwatch bears the potential to signifi-
cantly support seniors in their daily live due to the
many functionalities that the smartwatch can support
like activity tracker, fall detection, or medication plan
follow up etc. As a result of this, a smartwatch could
improve the autonomy and independence of the se-
Ipakchian Askari, S., Huldtgren, A. and IJsselsteijn, W.
Wear It or Fear It.
DOI: 10.5220/0006673000260036
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), pages 26-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-299-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nior, making it possible for a senior to stay in their
own home, instead of having to live in a care home
(Fuchsberger, 2008). Additionally, because the smart-
watch is a consumer product and not designed spe-
cifically as an assistive device, stigmatization is low
and, thus, seniors may accept it more easily. Howe-
ver, the potential of the smartwatch to support seniors
in their daily live has not been fully explored and stu-
died yet. Focusing on user acceptance is an important
factor in the success of new technologies (Nickerson,
1981; Gould et al., 1991). Therefore, we explored
the barriers and drivers of acceptance of smartwatches
for seniors through qualitative interviews and a diary
2.1 Obstacles for Seniors when using IT
In order for new technologies to be successful it is im-
portant to focus on user acceptance (Nickerson, 1981;
Gould et al., 1991). The technology acceptance mo-
del (TAM) can be used to understand the rationale of
why users accept or reject an information technology
(IT). According to the TAM model, the perceived use-
fulness and perceived ease of use of the technology
are the two important factors determining whether a
person may or may not use the system (Legris et al.,
2003). While the TAM model is focused on the accep-
tance of IT and can be applied to all user groups, the
model developed by McCreadie and Tinker (2005),
as illustrated in Figure 1, is focused specifically on
the acceptability of assistive technologies by seniors.
According to this model the acceptability of assistive
technologies depends on the following factors:
The Need for Assistance by the Senior. This is
affected by disabilities of the senior, their living
arrangements, preferences and caregiver needs.
Access to and Availability of Technology. This
entails whether the senior could afford the techno-
logy and if the senior has information about the
Acceptability. This is dependent on the attributes
of the assistive technology, such as the efficiency,
reliability, simplicity, safety and aesthetics.
As described in the model of McCreadie and Tinker
(2005) the need for assistance plays an important role
in acceptance of assistive technology. According to a
prior study (Portet et al., 2013) some of the frequently
expressed needs by seniors are: security, the ability to
monitor their health, the use of proactive systems, sy-
stems with good usability, confidence in being able to
use the systems, privacy and the use of voice inter-
faces. Unfortunately, in many cases technologies are
developed without seniors in mind (Czaja and Lee,
2007). This often results in interfaces or systems with
a low user-friendliness for seniors. Consequently, se-
niors can encounter difficulties when using the device
(Demiris et al., 2004). An additional factor is, that
seniors encounter difficulties when learning how to
Figure 1: Model for acceptability of assistive technology (McCreadie and Tinker, 2005).
Wear It or Fear It
use a new system, due to their declining learning ca-
pacity (Czaja and Lee, 2007). The older seniors get,
the harder it is for them to comprehend context and
to recall and learn new information. Furthermore, se-
niors might experience a level of stress and anxiety,
related to low self-efficacy when using technology; a
sense they do not have the capabilities to use a new
technology. This feeling increases when receiving ne-
gative feedback and/or feedback that is not fully un-
derstood (e.g., error messages) (Czaja and Lee, 2007;
Nap et al., 2013). It has also been observed that the re-
covery time of seniors, after making an error is higher
compared to younger people. Moreover, they tend to
become more anxious when tasks get more complica-
ted (Gudur et al., 2009). Besides anxiety surrounding
low technology self-efficacy and the challenges of le-
arning a new system, other age-related declines such
as vision loss and diminished motor skills can result in
barriers, when using new technologies (Yang, 2008;
Becker, 2004).
2.2 Potential Drivers of Smartwatch
As smartwatches have only recently become availa-
ble on the consumer market, research surrounding dri-
vers and barriers of smartwatch use by senior citizens
is very limited. Moreover, research on the topic of
smartwatches in general is also scarce. One of the
few studies in this area (Boletsis et al., 2015) was con-
ducted to explore the possibilities of using smartwa-
tches for health monitoring in home-based dementia
care. It was found that although the collected data
could not be seen as accurate and valid, it could pro-
vide valuable information and an indication for care-
Ehrler and Lovis (2013) performed a literature
study focusing on the drivers and barriers of smartwa-
tch use for seniors. Their findings suggest that smart-
watch’ sensors could be useful in case of emergency
situations. For example, accelerometers can be used
to detect a situation where a person falls. GPS can
be used to track and/or assist a user when they are
lost. Additionally, the emergency response systems
available on the smartwatch, such as alarm buttons,
can increase the autonomy of seniors (Mann et al.,
2005). While traditional emergency response systems
limit the freedom of movement of the senior by requi-
ring them to stay in the vicinity of a homebound recei-
ver unit, the smartwatch affords a much larger range
of movement. Furthermore, compared to smartpho-
nes or tablets that are not always carried around, the
smartwatch is a ubiquitous device that the user can ea-
sily wear around their wrist, thereby increasing chan-
ces of easy access in an emergency situation. Anot-
her advantage is that the smartwatch might not be
perceived as stigmatizing by seniors. Emergency re-
sponse systems are directly noticeable for bystanders
or friends, resulting in seniors finding them stigma-
tizing (Zwijsen et al., 2011). However, a smartwa-
tch is both less noticeable physically, and does not
portray an image of dependency. Quite the contrary,
it is associated with an image of tech-savviness and
independence. Additionally, a large number of ap-
plications including reminder systems, calendar, or
voice memos are available for the smartwatch. Since
the smartwatch can be personalized, seniors can de-
cide for themselves which applications they need and
would like to have installed.
2.3 Barriers to using a Smartwatch
The current generation of seniors did not grow up
with technologies such as tablets, smartphones and
smartwatches. Many of them do not find it impor-
tant to learn how to control the interfaces and gestu-
res on these systems. Several studies have shown that
in order for seniors to adopt these technologies, seni-
ors have to be convinced that the technology is use-
ful for them that it has real added value (Mallenius
et al., 2007; Tang and Patel, 1994; Conci et al., 2009;
Venkatesh et al., 2003). Research (Ehrler and Lovis,
2013) suggests that seniors may have mixed feelings
regarding the usefulness of a smartwatch. When com-
pared to traditional health devices, the smartwatch is
not intrusive. However, the watch is also a personal
accessory. A senior may very well be emotionally at-
tached to the current watch that he or she is wearing.
This can result in him or her being less inclined to
wear a smartwatch. Furthermore, seniors might have
the feeling that they need to wear such a tool because
something is wrong with them (Bostr
om et al., 2013).
Besides barriers of the smartwatch that are rela-
ted to personal factors, several usability factors might
also become a hindrance when smartwatches are used
by senior citizens. One of these obstacles is the user
interface. Standard interfaces for seniors are designed
with large menus and fonts; making it easier for se-
nior citizens with bad eyesight to use them (Marcus,
2003). However, a smartwatch has a much smaller
screen compared with for example a smartphone or ta-
blet, resulting in a barrier for these users (Plaza et al.,
2011). Additional practical barriers include the limi-
ted battery life and relatively high price of the smart-
watch. In order for seniors to be persuaded to spend
money on buying a smartwatch they should be con-
vinced that a smartwatch can significantly improve
the quality of their life (Mallenius et al., 2007).
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
In one of the key studies to date, Rosales et al.
(2017) investigated how seniors used a smartwatch
over a period of two months. Interview results in-
dicated that many different factors are involved in the
initial phase of learning how to operate the devices.
It depends on whether the senior has prior experience
with using the technical devices, e.g. a smartphone
or tablet, and their overall level of technical skills. In
addition, personal interest, attitude towards the device
and whether or not they have social support, plays a
role. Interestingly, no problems were encountered, re-
garding the small screen of the smartwatch (cf. Plaza
et al., 2011) and the short battery life (cf. Ehrler and
Lovis, 2013). Additionally, participants did not see
the potential of using the smartwatch in order to solve
possible problems that seniors can face, such as sen-
ding out an alarm in case of an emergency, monitoring
health or improving physical activity (cf. Ehrler and
Lovis, 2013; Mann et al., 2005). Overall it seemed
that whether or not senior citizens are interested in
technology plays a key role in the initial acceptance
of the smartwatch (Rosales et al., 2017).
2.4 Knowledge Gap
As we can see from the related work, only a few stu-
dies have been conducted with smartwatches used in
real life context and/or with senior citizens. To date,
it is still unclear exactly which obstacles or advan-
tages seniors encounter when using the smartwatch
from the seniors’ perspective. The study by Rosales
et al. (2017) offers a valuable point of departure for
the current work. We aim to extend this work in two
ways. First, where Rosales et al. (2017) have expli-
citly chosen for participants who had prior experience
and were active users of smartphones, we would also
like to include people with little experience in using
smartphones. Although smartphone use is on the rise,
also in the senior demographic, still less than 50% of
all older adults own or use a smartphone (Pew Re-
search Center, 2017). In our study, we are also inte-
rested in drivers and barriers that are relevant for seni-
ors without technical experience or for people who are
not a priori interested in the smartwatch. Secondly, -
in terms of method - where Rosales et al. (2017) ex-
clusively relied on interview data, we aim to extend
the insights drawn from their study by using the diary
method in a real-life context. We hope this method
allows us to capture rich information in-situ and in-
the-moment. An exclusive reliance on interview data
may limit the richness of insights as participants have
to retrospectively remember and report experiences
that occurred over a two months period, thus poten-
tially missing, forgetting, or incorrectly remembering
experiences during the interviews. In addition to our
contributions in terms of user demographic and met-
hod, we also observed several contradicting findings
between the study by Rosales et al. (2017) and other
studies (Ehrler and Lovis, 2013; Mann et al., 2005;
Plaza et al., 2011), as discussed in section 2.3. In
order to address such discrepancies we need to furt-
her explore potential drivers and barriers that can arise
when smartphones are used in context, by a represen-
tative sample of older adults.
To further explore the possible drivers and barriers,
also for less technically-experienced seniors, and to
validate the findings of the study by Rosales et al.
(2017), several studies were conducted. In order to
get a clearer idea on which struggles or benefits might
arise when seniors use the smartwatch, it was cho-
sen to conduct a diary study, followed by an inter-
view with the participants. Figure 2 shows an over-
view of these studies. Initially, group interviews were
conducted, in order to define the themes for the di-
ary study. Once the themes were established, a pilot
study was conducted to pre-test the diary study fol-
lowed with a group interview in order to administer
final improvements of the final diary study described
in section 3.2.
3.1 Small-group Interviews
3.1.1 Participants
Participants of the interviews were recruited through
personal recruiting and by accessing the university de-
partment’s participant database. In total there were
four participants. These were divided into two groups,
participants who were tech savvy; P1,M, aged 70 and
P2,M with a age of 74 and participants who were not
tech savvy; P3,M aged 78 and P4,M aged 92. For this
study tech savvy was defined as participants who had
a technical background, either through work or hob-
bies. All participants were males indicated by the M
after the participant number.
3.1.2 Study Set-up
In total two interviews were conducted, one existing
of two tech-savvy people and one existing of two not-
tech savvy people. During the initial interviews two
researchers were present; one who acted as a modera-
tor and one who took notes. Prior to the start, parti-
Wear It or Fear It
Figure 2: Overview of the conducted studies.
cipants were introduced to the project, this was follo-
wed by the moderator asking participants to read and
sign the informed consent. Participants then received
an explanation of smartwatches, this included sho-
wing participants pictures and actual smartwatches,
as can be seen in Figure 3. Participants were then as-
ked questions, regarding themes such as: acceptance,
data privacy, functionality, UI, obstacles.
3.1.3 Materials
During the interviews, two smartwatches were shown;
the Moto 360 and the Samsung Gear. Participants had
the possibility to hold these and try them out. Par-
ticipants were also shown pictures from a selection
of smartwatches (Figure 3). For audio recordings a
smartphone was used.
3.1.4 Data Analysis
The data collected during the interviews were analy-
zed by means of a thematic analysis (Aronson, 1995).
Figure 3: Picture of different smartwatches, shown du-
ring the interviews.
Prior to the analysis, audio recordings of the inter-
views were transcribed verbatim. This was followed
by detecting and listing patterns from the data. These
different patterns were then grouped into correspon-
ding sub-themes. The next step was to validate the
chosen themes. This was done by going through the
related literature. Moreover, one week after the ini-
tial analysis, data was coded for a second time, in or-
der to validate that the understanding of the themes
was not a momentary reflection (Schreier, 2014). The
first author carried out this procedure and co-authors
performed a check of the suitability of the extracted
themes. Lastly, the themes are elaborated in the next
section, with the addition of quotes.
3.1.5 Themes for the Diary Study
Based on the interviews, it was derived which themes
were important to be further explored. These themes
were grouped into three categories: aesthetics, functi-
onality and attitude, and are elaborated next.
Aesthetics. One of the emerging themes during the
interviews was the looks and feel of the smartwa-
tch. Participants were pleased with the appearance
of the smartwatch, some praising its modern design
and ubiquity “I find this a very nice device, I like
the design and the readability is very good of this
device [Samsung smartwatch]....This [the smartwa-
tch] is easier than a phone, because I always have to
take it somewhere, I always have to put it in my poc-
kets..and this [the smartwatch] is always within my
reach (P2,M)”. It should be noted however that all
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
participants were male. It is therefore unknown yet
what views females would have on the overall appea-
rance of the smartwatch. Moreover, further explora-
tion is needed on readability, when the smartwatch is
used during daily live, meaning also in an outside en-
vironment and when used by participants with bad eye
sight. Additionally, concerns were raised with regard
to the usability and learning curve of the smartwatch.
It was predicted by participants, that for seniors who
do not have prior experience with touch screen devi-
ces it will be hard to learn how to operate a smartwa-
tch. Especially if interest is not there, this might be a
large barrier “I think that for seniors it is a barrier, if
you are not used to handle a phone... then it is three
steps too far (P2,M)”.
Functionality. The smartwatch offers a wide range
of functionalities that can be used. Participants per-
ceived this as a benefit. It was proposed that the
smartwatch could be suitable for health monitoring,
sending reminders; e.g. for the intake of medicines
or to send out an alarm in emergency situations “The
beauty of it, what would be easy, would be that for
people who need to take in medicines, it is easy to set
when they have to take in something (P1,M)”. Ho-
wever, participants also raised the concern that for
some seniors the many functionalities on the smart-
watch might be overwhelming “The target group is
not handy with it, and then there is just too much
on that thing [smartwatch], which they don’t need
(P1,M)”. Another concern was data privacy, when as-
ked about this during interviews, opinions varied on
who should have access to stored data. However,
more in-depth information is needed on this, also with
regard to the view of females.
Attitude towards the Smartwatch. There was a
clear distinction between the attitude towards the
smartwatch between the tech savvy participants, who
embraced the smartwatch “Yeah, I would like to buy
one (P2,M)” and the not tech savvy participants who
were of the opinion that they were too old for the
smartwatch and that it was more suitable for youn-
ger generations or more technical experienced seniors
“We are actually too old for that (P4,M)”. However,
further exploration is needed in the diary study in or-
der to explore whether a change in attitude can occur
after not tech savvy participants experience using the
smartwatch and see the potential of it in their lives.
3.2 Diary Study
Based on the themes discussed above we conducted
a diary study in the field. The diary study was pre-
tested during a pilot. Based on the pilot adjustments
were made to the design of the diary study.
3.2.1 Participants
Participants of the diary study were recruited through
personal recruiting. The diary study had four partici-
pants with an age ranging between 64-75, containing
three female participants and one male participant, in-
dicated by either a F or M after the participant num-
ber. Participants were a mixture of tech savvy and not
tech savvy seniors. This was asked about, prior to the
study, during the recruiting phase. The diary was in
Dutch, all participants were fluent in Dutch. P8,M is
65 years old. He has worked independently for 35
years, but was forced to quit after an accident on the
work field. His hobbies are fishing and crafts. Ad-
ditionally, he is interested in technology and tries to
help his friends and neighbors whenever they encoun-
ter problems with their computer. P7,F is the wife of
P8,M. She is 64 years old and used to work as fa-
mily caregiver. Her hobbies are cooking and crochet.
She has prior experience working with computers, but
does not see herself as a tech savvy person. Both she
and her husband do not obtain touch screen devices.
P5,F is a 75 year old widow. She has experience using
a computer and a smartphone, which were introduced
and explained by her granddaughter. Personally, she
is not interested in technology and she often gets ner-
vous using technological devices. However, at the ur-
ging of her daughter and granddaughter she tries to
keep up with technology. P6,F is 74 years and used
to work as city watchman and in hospitality. She is a
very active person, who has exercising as hobby. She
keeps up with technology and is an active user of her
laptop, tablet and smartphone.
3.2.2 Study Set-up
In order to pre-test the diary study, a pilot with 4
participants was conducted. This pilot took place
for 5 consecutive days, with participants receiving a
Samsung Galaxy Gear, Samsung Gear 2 or Moto 360
smartwatch. Based on the pilot, adjustments were
made to the diary book and the study itself. Additi-
onally, a group interview was conducted, containing
3 out of the 4 participants from the pilot. Objective
of this was to get more in-depth information on the
findings of the pilot. After the pilot and group inter-
view, the main diary study, containing 4 new partici-
pants and lasting of ve consecutive days was con-
ducted. Prior to the start, participants were visited by
the researcher in their homes. During this visit, in-
structions were provided regarding the study and the
smartwatch, and a diary booklet was handed to the
Wear It or Fear It
participants. After five days, the researcher visited
the participants’ homes a second time. During this vi-
sit, participants were interviewed based on the insight
from the diary booklet as well as predefined questi-
ons. After the interview was concluded, participants
received a small monetary reward and were thanked
for their participation.
3.2.3 Materials
At the start of the study, participants received the
Samsung Gear S smartwatch and a stylus to interact
with the smartwatch. The smartwatch contained a set
of pre-installed applications, e.g. games, newspapers,
SOS applications, navigation, money converters and
health related applications. Furthermore, all partici-
pants were given a digital copy of the user manual of
the smartwatch.
Additionally, every participant received a diary
booklet. The diary booklet contained questions and
tasks for each consecutive day. Each day had its
own theme; Introduction to the smartwatch, Health,
Contact, Free day (decide for yourself whether and
how you want to use the smartwatch) and Evaluation.
During the 5 days, participants were free to use the
smartwatch as they pleased. In addition, they were
also asked, in the booklet, to try a specific applica-
tion each day; e.g. game, phone, text message, he-
art rate monitor and step counter. Figure 4 shows the
package each participant received. Figure 5 shows a
diary book entry.
3.2.4 Results
The data collected during the diary study was analy-
zed by means of a thematic analysis (Aronson, 1995).
The audio recordings of the interviews with the par-
ticipants of the diary study were transcribed verba-
tim. From all collected data patterns of opinions and
experiences were listed. The different patterns were
then grouped into corresponding sub-themes. The
next step was to validate the chosen themes. This was
done by going through the related literature. Moreo-
ver, one week after the initial analysis, data was co-
ded for a second time, in order to validate that the
understanding of the themes was not a momentary re-
flection (Schreier, 2014). The first author carried out
this procedure and co-authors performed a check of
the suitability of the extracted themes. Lastly, the the-
mes are elaborated in the next section, with the addi-
tion of quotes.
Privacy. Regarding the theme of data privacy, it was
found that opinions varied. While 2 participants indi-
cated not having problems sharing data acquired by
Figure 4: Package for the diary study.
Figure 5: Diary book entry.
the smartwatch, with their children, “Knows almost
everything (P5,F)” “Then directly informed (P6,F)”,
there was on the other hand also one participant: P7,F,
who did not want her children to get access to her
personal data. However, all participants were open to
sharing their data with their doctor. Participants indi-
cated that this allowed their doctor to monitor their
health. Additionally, it allowed them to alert their
doctor, in case of threatening circumstances “If so-
mething happens you can call them (P8,M)”. More-
over, participants expressed the need of being able to
control your own data, meaning, having the possibi-
lity, to decide for themselves, which data is shared,
especially with regard to sharing data with third par-
ties “With my own input (P7,F)”, “If I can decide it
myself (P8,M)”. There was also a problem with pri-
vacy, with regard to the calling application. On the
smartwatch a conversation is through a speaker, allo-
wing bystanders to overhear the conversation. For one
participant this was a reason to not use the application
very often “The sound, if I was in the store and they
called me, everyone could intercept the conversation.
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Appearance. The greater part of the participants
were satisfied with the overall look and appearance
of the smartwatch “The design fits the time (P8,M)”,
“I found it bold, yeah I really liked it, also the mo-
del (P6,F)”. It seemed that this was facilitated by
the reactions of their environment, towards them we-
aring a smartwatch. “people in the train were look-
ing at us, they maybe thought what is that old wo-
men doing. (P6,F)”, “Yeah, people really noticed
it, in the stores, everywhere. (P7,F)”. This, resulted
in some of the participants experiencing a feeling of
pride, when wearing the smartwatch, as they recei-
ved positive attention and due to the uniqueness of
the device “It is something new, modern, not everyone
has it (P8,M)”. Moreover, participants indicated that
they preferred the smartwatch over traditional assis-
tive devices “A smartwatch [over traditional devices]
without a doubt. (P8,M)”, “Because the people, they
say if they wear that thing around their neck, yeah we
have it somewhere in the house, this [the smartwatch]
is easier” (P7,F).
However, there were also remarks on the design
of the smartwatch. One of the participants indica-
ted that for her the smartwatch was too heavy, as she
has thin wrists “it is too big and too heavy...because
I have thin arms and a small wrist (P6,F)”. Another
participant expressed that the smartwatch design was
more suitable for males, due to the large size. Mo-
reover, she indicated that watches with a rectangle
screen are more suitable for man, while watches with
a round screen are more suitable for women “I think
that round is more charming for a women. I found
it more of a man’s watch.. because of its big format.
Small Screen. All participants encountered diffi-
culties with the small screen of the smartwatch. Espe-
cially typing was found challenging. These difficul-
ties occurred mostly when participants tried to send
a text message. Since the screen and therefore the
selection area on the smartwatch is rather small, it
was difficult for participants to select the right letter
“The most difficult was to type a message. (P5,F),
“You have to practice a lot because the booths are too
small (P6,F)”. This also resulted in participants sen-
ding messages containing several typing errors “Be-
cause the image is so small, with your finger, you are
just next to it, ... I made strange words. (P5,F)”. One
of the participants also encountered difficulties when
using the smartwatch outdoors. The reason for this
was her having to put on her reading glasses, which
can be quite a hassle if you are walking with a group
and your glasses are located in your bag “That is dif-
ficult, you have to first get your glasses if you receive
a message, it depends where you are (P5,F)”. One of
the other participants, who did not experience diffi-
culties with reading or typing, did however experience
eye strain. This occurred whenever she played a game
for too long. This resulted in her vision becoming
blurry “If you have played games after a while, then
you had.. blurriness. (P7,F)”.
Useful Applications. Throughout the 5 days, the
application Calling was used most frequently by the
greater part of the participants. One participant in par-
ticular attached great value to the Calling application.
When asked about this during the interview, he ex-
plained that during an accident he lost his phone while
falling from a shelf. However, the chance of losing a
smartwatch during a fall, is less likely to occur, as the
smartwatch is securely attached to your wrist. The-
refore, if an emergency situation occurs, you can re-
ach for your smartwatch in order to call for help “If I
bump my head or fall, then I have it at hand...maybe I
have the opportunity then to say I need help. (P8,M)”.
Another participant was however more interested in
the health related applications, such as the heart rate
monitor and step counter, both of which she used fre-
quently, especially as she was still active in sports.
This functionality allowed her to keep track of her
Barriers when using Applications. During the 5
days of the diary study, participants also encountered
obstacles while using certain applications. One was
the language setting of applications. While the smart-
watch interface itself was in Dutch, several third-party
applications were in English. Not all participants
were able to comprehend the English language, the-
refore they were not able to use these particular appli-
cations “You are busy reading something in Dutch..
a new function appears, and you continue but it is
explained in English what you have to do. Since I
do not understand any English it is goodbye for me
and I am back at the beginning (P8,M)”, “If every-
thing was in Dutch.. Yeah, then I could read it bet-
ter. (P6,F)”. Furthermore, the auditory notifications
of the Watermeter application (an application that re-
minds the user to drink water) were found disturbing
after a while by all participants “Yeah and I kept on
drinking the whole day, until I found it disturbing at a
certain moment. (P8,M)”, “Because you want to get
rid of that sound as quick as possible. (P6,F)”. Some
of the participant also encountered difficulties when
wanting to turn these notifications off “I pressed and
clicked on anything and everything, I had about pres-
sed everything before it was turned off. (P6,F)”. As
indicated by one participant, because the application
Wear It or Fear It
was in English, he was not able to turn it off “But they
explain everything perfectly fine in English, hence I
am not able to succeed (P8,M)”. With regard to the
health application, one participant noted that for her
these applications were disappointing, as it seemed
that the heart rate application was stuck on one value
and she doubted the validity of the step counter “Yeah
I found it disappointing, because it cannot exist that it
stays stuck on the same value [heart rate monitor], re-
gardless whether you walk faster or slower. (P6,F)”.
Overall Acceptance of the Smartwatch. Opinions
regarding interest in the smartwatch varied among
participants. Some participants were very enthusias-
tic about the smartwatch and acclaimed the ubiquity
of the smartwatch, especially when compared to a
smartphone. “Only benefits, I find this one easier than
the phone, you wear it around the wrist. You do not
have to continuously take a phone with you. (P7,F)”.
In contrast, an other participant was satisfied with her
mobile phone, which was small enough to take with
her everywhere “If I did not have a mobile phone
I would possibly get used to it [smartwatch], but I
have a mobile where I am used to, it is smaller, I can
put it between everything, so that is easier. (P5,F)”
. Another participant explained, that while currently
she was not interested in buying a smartwatch, she
might be in the future, if all the bugs were to be sol-
ved “I would only buy it if those changes were made..
if all the child diseases are solved. (P6,F)”. An in-
teresting observation was that P7,F, who was initially
not keen on participating in the study, as she found
herself not experienced enough, was very enthusias-
tic about the smartwatch. In contrast, another parti-
cipant, P5,F, who was also very skeptical beforehand,
remained so after the study. One important difference
between these two participants was that P7,F recei-
ved support of her partner, who had a technical back-
ground, while P5,F had to learn by herself. The price
of the smartwatch was also an issue for several par-
ticipants “If it would cost AC100.. you are then more
inclined to buy it (P8,M)”, “expensive (P5,F)”. Mo-
reover, it seems that interest and openness to use the
smartwatch also play an important role in seeing the
full potential of the smartwatch. Without it, seniors
may not be sufficiently motivated to explore the pos-
sibilities and functionalities of the smartwatch “You
need to be interested to do that, I do not have inte-
rest for it (P5,F)”, “By practicing a lot, really playing
with it and dare, really dare to tap, it gives a good fee-
ling if you make progress. (P6,F)”.
The aim of this study was to get more in-depth insig-
hts on the potential drivers and barriers in smartwatch
acceptance by senior citizens, both for seniors that are
technically experienced and seniors that have no ex-
isting knowledge on touchscreen devices. Interviews
and a diary study, including 5 days of smartwatch use
in daily life, allowed us to get in-depth insights from
a small but varied number of seniors on the potenti-
als of these new devices. Overall the results of this
study are in line with the findings of Ehrler and Lo-
vis (2013), especially when looking at themes such as
usability, the smartwatch being a disruptive techno-
logy, price, ubiquity and safety. With regard to the
findings of Rosales et al. (2017), where participants
reported not to see great added value in smartwatches
in case of emergency or in health monitoring, our re-
sults deviate. In both the group interviews and the
diary study users mentioned the benefits of having a
smartwatch under circumstances of personal distress
or health risk, especially referring to the ubiquity of
the smartwatch, implying fast and easy access. It was
however mentioned during the group interviews, that
technically unexperienced users could face barriers in
benefiting from the watches in these situations. It is
unclear why the findings of our study and those of Ro-
sales et al. (2017) deviate from each other. A possible
explanation could be the type of smartwatch that was
used by Rosales et al. (2017), the Moto 360. This
smartwatch was pre-tested during our pilot, and the
fact that it could not operate as a stand-alone device
(i.e., without needing connection to a nearby smartp-
hone), was perceived as a large barrier by participants
in that pilot. In contrast, the Samsung Gear does make
it possible for users to text or call someone, without
needing a smartphone, thus effectively serving as a re-
placement of the smartphone and therefore making it
more suitable for emergency situations. In relation to
the ergonomics of the device, our results correspond
to the findings of Ehrler and Lovis (2013), who also
found that the small screen of a smartwatch may result
in difficulties for older adults, especially when typing
messages. One of the unique features of our work, in
comparison to other studies to date, is the inclusion
of non-tech-savvy seniors as part of our sample, the-
reby expanding current knowledge. When looking at
the results of the conducted studies it seems that prior
experience does not have to be a barrier per se, as it
can be overcome when the senior is aided by someone
who does have technical experience, e.g. partner or
children. Furthermore, having an open mind to the
potential added value of a smartwatch and feeling a
high level of self-efficacy in operating it, plays an im-
ICT4AWE 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
portant role in the acceptance of this technology, in
line with the model of McCreadie and Tinker (2005)
and the findings of Rosales et al. (2017). An impor-
tant aspect seems to be curiosity and a motivation to
explore new technology. Another important theme in
this study was data privacy. Overall the key lies in
giving participants control over their data, which en-
hances autonomy and makes it possible for them to
decide for themselves who they will give access to
their data, a preference that was clearly expressed by
participants. This is fully in line with the frequently
expressed need for autonomy (Portet et al., 2013).
Additionally, other expressed needs, such as secu-
rity and the ability to monitor one’s health also corre-
spond to the findings of this study. Especially, when
looking at preferred applications by seniors. Overall,
it seems that there are still barriers to overcome for
the smartwatch in order to be accepted by senior ci-
tizens. However many of the proposed barriers can
be addressed by improving usability of the smartwa-
tch. Most importantly, though, in order to enhance
acceptance of the smartwatch for senior citizens, the
device should have a clear added value for them. In
this sense, smartwatches are evaluated no differently
by older adults than other innovative communication
and information technologies that were introduced in
the past (Melenhorst et al., 2006; IIsselsteijn et al.,
2007). Here too, a benefit-driven approach seems to
dominate the motivated acceptance and use of new
communication technologies. Our results provide ten-
tative support that smartwatches carry specific added
value for older adults. When usability and cost bar-
riers are overcome, the smartwatch may be a good,
non-stigmatizing alternative or complement to traditi-
onal assistive devices.
Recruiting seniors for this study was a challenge.
Most seniors, especially women, were not interested
in using a smartwatch, and did not see the added va-
lue of it. Furthermore, many seniors indicated to have
a busy life, therefore not having time to participate in
the study. However, in order to gain more in-depth in-
sights, a study with more participants and especially
a more diverse population is recommended. Additio-
nally, the running time of the diary study can be seen
as a limiting factor. Ideally, the study would have run
for a longer period of time - multiple weeks or even
months. This would allow us to gain more insights
in the appropriation of the smartwatch in the senior’s
daily life, becoming part of daily routines, rather than
focusing on specific, limited scenarios of use, impo-
sed by the researchers. However, as was observed du-
ring the diary study, for some of the participants 5
days of using and wearing the smartwatch was alre-
ady challenging.
This study has focused on the drivers and barriers in
smartwatch acceptance of seniors. One of the barriers
in acceptance is the usability of the smartwatch. The
next step will therefore be to explore how usability of
the smartwatch can be improved for seniors. Additi-
onally, as previously discussed, a field study of lon-
ger duration, and a more diverse sample, would allow
us to gain a deeper understanding of the appropria-
tion of the smartwatch, and to explore which drivers
and barriers exist over a longer time period of time.
Moreover, exploring how social support (e.g. family
or friends) can positively influence acceptance of the
smartwatch would also be of interest, as social uses
of information and communication technologies are a
major factor in their acceptance.
We thank all seniors that participated in the studies.
Additionally, we thank Daphne Miedema, Bo Liu and
Haoying Cheng, for helping with the set-up and exe-
cution of the small-group interviews and pilot diary
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