
Table 6: Most popular smartphone models in the dataset
with dominant users and adjectives used to express a judg-
ment on each smartphone.
smartphoneuser keywords
Sony twandroid good, thin, comparative, immediate
Xperia Z3 magikstar29 beautiful, efficient, comparative, new, different,
the best, compact, thin, anti-overheating, advan-
tageous, good
phonandroid disponible,internationale,excessive,new,fast
kinghousse portable
droidtrackr fr beautiful, efficient, top, compact, good, top, bur-
ning, new, thin, the best, fast
Samsung twandroid good, vulnerable, attractive
Galaxy S5 magikstar29 compatible, huge, new, expensive, good, at-
tractive, superior, vulnerable
phonandroid good, superior, successful
kinghousse mini, rigid, expensive, portable, light, fine
droidtrackr fr compatible,good,vulnerable,attractive,superior
Sony twandroid good, bluetooth
Xperia Z3 magikstar29 compact, big
Compact phonandroid
droidtrackr fr compact, good
LG G3 twandroid good, available
magikstar29 the best, new, excellent, big, different, good
phonandroid small, good
kinghousse rigid, portable
droidtrackr fr the best, good, hard, super
are the top influencers and what characterizes them,
which products are generating more interest, which
opinions are associated with each product by the aut-
horitative users etc. These factors can help in the im-
plementation of effective techniques of viral marke-
ting and recommender systems.
The algorithms applied in the various steps of the
methodology can be extended and improved. For
instance, the product perception is based on opini-
ons expressed through simple extracted adjectives and
hashtags. In the future, we intend to apply more accu-
rate techniques of sentiment analysis and opinion mi-
ning (Medhat et al., 2014). In addition, we would
recognize accurate entity-targets of the opinions, i.e.,
not just the products but also features of them. In this
case, we could extend our model as a four-layer net-
work to analyze, for instance, which are the most re-
quired features discussed from users.
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