Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in
Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform
Lenita M. Ambr
osio, Jos
e Maria N. David, Regina Braga,
Fernanda Campos, Victor Str
oele and Marco Ant
onio Ara
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil
{marco.araujo, victor.stroele}
Contextual Elements, Provenance, Scientific Experiments, E-Science.
[Background] Managing contextual elements and provenance information plays a key role in the context of
scientific experiments. Currently the scientific experimentation process requires support for collaborative and
distributed activities. Detailed logging of the steps to produce results, as well as the environment context in-
formation could allow scientists to reuse these results in future experiments and reuse the experiment or parts
of it in another context. [Objectives] The goal of this paper is to present a provenance and context metadata
management approach that support researchers to reuse experiments in a collaborative and distributed plat-
form. [Method] First, the context and provenance management life cycle phases were analyzed, considering
existing models. Then it was proposed a conceptual framework to support the analysis of contextual elements
and provenance data of scientific experiments. An ontology capable of extracting implicit knowledge in this
domain was specified. This approach was implemented in a scientific ecosystem platform. [Results] An initial
evaluation shown evidences that this architecture is able to help researchers during the reuse and reproduction
of scientific experiments. [Conclusions] Context elements and data provenance, associated with inference
mechanisms, can be used to support the reuse in scientific experimentation process.
Over the last decades, science has explored new pos-
sibilities for scientific experimentation. Complex
phenomena have been simulated by supercomputers
using computational tools. Nowadays, a new para-
digm arises to support scientific experiments, which
are focused on the open and data-intensive science.
In this paradigm, the information is the main pro-
duct. It is also critical that scientists can share in-
formation with other members of the community, as
well as reuse data from their colleagues. However,
the reuse of knowledge gained in experiments, produ-
ced by third parties, is still a challenge. Federer et al.
(2015) list several reasons why researchers still do not
share data. In addition, even if the data is shared, it
needs to be interpreted appropriately by different re-
search groups. The proper interpretation of the shared
data set requires that this set be complemented by des-
criptive metadata (Missier et al., 2010).
This collaborative and distributed scientific expe-
rimentation scenario also requires that social and or-
ganizational aspects be considered, since the know-
ledge about the way experiments are performed can
be tacit and often remains with the researcher. Thus,
storing and retrieving contextual information during
the experimentation process may be critical if its acti-
vities are performed in order to be reproducible and
reusable (Mayer et al., 2014).
Considering these challenges, information about
the context and provenance of scientific experiments
plays a key role. Provenance information describes
the origin, derivation, ownership, and history of the
data (Lim et al., 2010). Context is a complex descrip-
tion of shared knowledge about physical, social, his-
torical or other circumstances within which an action
or an event occurs (Rittenbruch, 2002). In scientific
experimentation domain, we consider provenance in-
formation as a kind of contextual element that descri-
bes information in the past. Thus, this information is
fundamental so that researchers can understand, re-
produce, examine, and audit the results previously
obtained by experiments, as well as reuse an expe-
riment or parts of it.
Provenance management has been widely discus-
sed in the scientific community (Simmhan et al.,
Ambrósio, L., David, J., Braga, R., Campos, F., Ströele, V. and Araújo, M.
Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0006676302550262
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2005; Lim et al., 2010). In some Scientific Work-
flow Management Systems (SWfMS), such as Kep-
, Taverna
and VisTrails
, provenance information
is automatically captured. However, in general, their
proprietary models make it difficult to share infor-
mation. Other provenance approaches (Costa et al.,
2014; Cuevas-Vicentt
ın et al., 2014) cover only the
capture of information from scientific workflows in
isolation to the experiment. In each of these appro-
aches, information may be available at a specific ab-
straction level, which may or may not be appropri-
ate for the type of analysis required in the experiment
context (Missier, 2016).
On the other hand, the use of contextual informa-
tion in scientific experimentation is an incipient topic.
ezillon (2011), for example, presents a contextual
approach to support researchers finding correct scien-
tific workflows in the repository. Mayer et al. (2014)
suggest an ontology-based model to describe scien-
tific experiments facilitating their reuse and reprodu-
cibility. These researchers describe specific approa-
ches, but do not provide guidelines that can support
context management in a collaborative and distribu-
ted platform.
In the software development scenario, one of the
approaches used to deal with the need of collabora-
tion and distribution in a heterogeneous environment
is Software Ecosystems (Manikas, 2016). In the con-
text of this work, a software ecosystem consists of
relationships among suppliers of scientific software,
research institutes, development agencies, funding in-
stitutions and stakeholders to provide and reuse rese-
arch result, supported by a technological infrastruc-
ture (Freitas et al., 2015; Manikas, 2016).
In this vein, Freitas et al. (2015) created the E-
SECO (E-Science Software ECOsystem) platform.
This platform can manage and support all stages of
scientific experiment life cycle. However, it does not
support provenance and context management to help
in the reuse of scientific experiments.
Therefore, considering the E-SECO platform this
work proposes an architecture for the management of
provenance and context information that helps resear-
chers to understand scientific experiments and reuse
them. In order to reach this objective, this work is ba-
sed on provenance and context models proposed by
Missier (2016) and Br
ezillon et al. (2004) respecti-
vely. The main contribution of this work is the spe-
cification of a metadata management architecture, na-
med ContextProv, which aims to manage provenance
and context information of scientific experiments in a
software ecosystem platform.
This article is organized in five sections besi-
des Introduction. Section 2 presents Related Works.
Section 3describes the proposed architecture. Section
4 presents an initial evaluation of the solution con-
sidering the ContextProv architecture use in the E-
SECO Platform. Section 5 presents the Final Con-
siderations and Future Works.
The management of provenance data as well as con-
text information is not recent in the literature. Howe-
ver, the existing works do not associate context and
provenance concepts to experiments reuse in scienti-
fic software ecosystems platforms.
ProvSearch (Costa et al., 2014) proposes a pro-
venance management architecture for experiments in
distributed environments. It combines distributed
workflow management techniques with provenance
data management. It also allows provenance data to
be captured, stored and queried at run-time. In this
architecture, data is fragmented into multiple reposi-
tories of provenance in the cloud which can be acces-
sed by different SWfMSs. PBase (Cuevas-Vicentt
et al., 2014) is a scientific workflow provenance re-
pository that uses the ProvONE ontology (Cuevas-
ın et al., 2014), allowing the storage, analysis
and replication of scientific experiments.
ezillon (2011) presents an approach that uses
contextual graphs to support researchers when reu-
sing scientific workflows. This approach helps re-
searchers to find a workflow through a long process
of contextualization (identifying the published work-
flow that has a context close to the desired one). In
addition, it supports the decontextualization, which
extracts parts of the workflow that can be reused
in a relatively generic way, and the recontextualiza-
tion, which develops workflow instances adapted to
new contexts. TIMBUS context model (Mayer et al.,
2014) is a model for the description of scientific ex-
periments focused specifically on the technical infra-
structure used as the basis for the experiment. It aims
to preserve the processes, the architectural principles,
and the core ontologies to extend the experiment, al-
lowing its reuse and reproducibility.
There are other approaches that deal with pro-
venance or context management in scientific experi-
ments. However, these approaches deal with contex-
tual or provenance information in isolation. They do
not consider both concepts in a distributed and colla-
borative context, as we do in our work. In addition,
they treat specific problems, and consider provenance
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and context concepts focusing only on the workflow
and its results. They do not address the whole process
of planning, design, and execution of an experiment
and its related workflows. As a result, these approa-
ches are not able to support activities throughout the
scientific experimentation life cycle, using a scientific
software ecosystem platform.
In this section, E-SECO platform and the proposed
approach for provenance and context management in
scientific experiments are presented.
3.1 E-SECO Ecosystem Platform
E-SECO is a software ecosystem platform developed
to support activities carried out during the life cycle of
scientific experiments. The key modules of this plat-
form have already been developed and evaluated in
e-Science domain, and are illustrated in Figure 1. E-
SECO Development Environment is a web component
where E-SECO code is available, as open source
As a result, the developer community can contri-
bute through software maintenance and evolution. E-
SECO relies on a Peer-to-Peer network where diffe-
rent E-SECO nodes can communicate. The ecosy-
stem is made up of artifacts provided by different no-
des situated in different institutions, APIs that help the
scientific workflow development in its different steps
and the open source development environment.
Figure 1: E-SECO Platform Architecture Overview.
The visualization module of E-SECO platform,
named Multi-Layer Visualization, supports the ex-
traction and analysis of the relationships that are es-
tablished in scientific social networks. E-SECO plat-
form is integrated with External Applications through
an Integration Layer. Due to space restrictions, E-
SECO platform is not discussed in depth. A detailed
presentation of this platform was done by Freitas et al.
(2015), Sirqueira et al. (2016).
In order to support reuse during the experimen-
tation process, the ContextProv architecture extends
provenance management and adds the management of
contextual elements.
3.2 ContextProv Architecture
The verification, reproduction, and reuse of scientific
experiments are key activities to support researchers
conducting their experiments in a shorten time, and
with higher quality. However, these activities are not
trivial. Experiments change and evolve over time ac-
cording to their contexts. As new results emerge, re-
search may follow different approaches and new tasks
may arise. As a consequence, planning, modification,
or adaptation of the execution process, or even new
third-parties’ resources are required. Moreover, in a
software ecosystem platform, a set of new require-
ments emerge that need to be fulfilled. As example
we can mention, service composition, interoperabi-
lity and extensibility support. E-SECO platform also
aims to fulfill these requirements.
In order to reuse input data produced by a resear-
cher in other context, it is not enough that these data
are published on a shared platform. The adequate in-
terpretation requires that these data are complemen-
ted by descriptive metadata (Missier et al., 2010).
ContextProv architecture is intended to perform me-
tadata management of provenance and context over
the experiment life cycle, provinding relevant infor-
mation to support researchers during the experimen-
tation process.
In previous works, the experiment life cycle has
already been extended (Freitas et al., 2015; Sirqueira
et al., 2016), but they do not consider contextual and
provenance elements. Figure 2 illustrates the experi-
ment life cycle, and highlights some of the contex-
tual elements and provenance information captured
throughout this cycle. During the Investigation of the
Problem and Prototyping phases, the definition of the
scope of the research takes place. In addition, servi-
ces and workflows to support the experiment are de-
veloped and/or reused. In these phases, the elements
of the development context and the prospective pro-
venance information are captured. This information
represents an abstract specification of the experiment
as a guideline for the derivation of future data.
During the Execution of the Experiment and Pu-
blication of Results phases, the experiment is carried
out in a controlled manner and the results as well as
data related to the experimentation process are sto-
red and published. In these phases, context elements
Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform
Figure 2: ContextProv Overview.
of the execution phase and the retrospective prove-
nance are captured. They represent, for example,
which tasks were performed and how data artifacts
were derived. This information helps to verify the re-
sults obtained by the experiment.
Throughout the experiment life cycle, contextual
and provenance information is captured and stored in
a repository. Subsequently, data in this repository are
processed by inference machines aimed to extract im-
plicit knowledge about the experiment. Through a vi-
sualization mechanism, this information also genera-
tes knowledge to support the researchers in future ex-
periment processes. This process of capture, storage,
inference and visualization of provenance and context
data is done by Prov-SE and Context-SE modules.
3.2.1 Prov-SE Module
It has as its main goal the management of provenance
metadata over the experiment life cycle. It also al-
lows the capture and query of provenance data to sup-
port the researcher during the experimentation pro-
cess. In order to describe the steps to manage prove-
nance, Missier (2016) proposed a framework for the
provenance life cycle. This framework illustrates the
main phases of data provenance until it can be viewed
or analyzed. Prov-SE was built based on Missier’s
model, and includes the capture, storage, inference,
query, share and visualization phases.
Initially, provenance information is generated
from the experiment specification, during the plan-
ning and modeling of the associated workflows. In the
execution phase of workflows, data is collected by a
Web Service, which is part of the E-SECO ProVersion
architecture (Freitas et al., 2015). This service captu-
res information about the experiments execution, such
as: start and end time of the execution, input and out-
put data of each task performed by the workflows, and
final results.
Some SWfMS, such as Kepler, exports prove-
nance information. Then this data can be imported
into E-SECO platform, enriching the information al-
ready captured. The data captured are stored in distri-
buted repositories, according to the remote execution
of the workflows. They are modeled according to the
ProvONE conceptual data model (Cuevas-Vicentt
et al., 2014). Thus, data are stored according to a
standard format, aiming to facilitate their interpreta-
tion and interoperability across other systems. To deal
with a large volume of data, E-SECO platform imple-
ments a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Each node of
the network has an E-SECO data repository, which
allows the storage of these data in a decentralized but
uniform way.
In order to extract implicit knowledge from the
provenance data, an ontology was developed, named
Prov-SE-O, which is based on the ProvONE model.
The main purpose of the original ProvONE ontology
is to capture data from scientific experiments rela-
ted to a specific workflow, its derivations and sub-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
workflows. An explicit concern with the distributed
nature of the scientific experimentation process is not
part of the original ProvONE ontology. So, the dis-
tributed nature of scientific experimentation process
is considered by Prov-SE-O ontology. Prov-SE-O al-
lows the modeling of scientific experiment as a whole,
including the related distributed workflows, captu-
ring important information related to its distributed
and collaborative nature. This ontology is detailed in
osio et al., 2017).
The data captured by the Prov-SE module is lo-
aded into the ontology, and through inference algo-
rithms, implicit knowledge can be derived. For the de-
rivation of this knowledge, Prov-SE-O ontology uses
Property Chains
and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule
Language) rules (Horrocks et al., 2004).
In addition to the P2P network, this module pro-
vides a semantically annotated RESTful web service
to facilitate data sharing. The P2P network allows the
data sharing between different instances of E-SECO
platform. In the other hand, the Web Service allows
that this data can also be shared with other platforms
or external services.
This module also uses a visualization tool based
on the PROV model. In this step, the stored data are
loaded into the ontology and the visualization is gene-
rated from the developed tool (Oliveira et al., 2017).
Information about the provenance of scientific ex-
periments can be considered as a kind of contex-
tual information. However, they are not sufficient to
support researchers during the experiment execution.
Dealing with a collaborative and distributed activity,
researchers need to know the results of the indivi-
dual work of the group participants. Otherwise, there
will be no collaboration, but set of isolated activities
ezillon et al., 2004). Group work needs explicit
context management. Hence, the ContextProv archi-
tecture encompasses Context-SE module.
3.2.2 Context-SE Module
This module is based on the framework proposed by
ezillon et al. (2004) which presents groupware me-
chanisms associated with explicit context represen-
tation. Similar to the model used to support pro-
venance, this module supports generation, capture,
storage, awareness, interpretation and visualization
Context model was developed in order to deter-
mine what part of the contextual information is rele-
vant to scientific experimentation. This model con-
Property Chains appeared in OWL 2 and works by sor-
ting objects, where it allows transitivity between multiple
siders the absolute / relative space and time dimen-
sions, context history, subject, and user profile (Bol-
chini et al., 2007). As a result, it aims to make con-
text management more efficient by storing only rele-
vant information. Annotating all the critical details
of an experiment in a laboratory notebook is a stan-
dard scientific procedure, especially in the experimen-
tal sciences. The key issue in e-Science is that the
number and granularity of critical details are high, and
identifying them thoroughly is a challenge, and wri-
ting all of them is time-consuming. In this way, the
Context-SE module has a conceptual framework to
identify and classify common contextual elements in
a collaborative environment of scientific experimen-
This framework is an extension of the conceptual
framework proposed by Rosa et al. (2003) which con-
siders the relevant elements for context analysis in
groupware applications. Context-SE framework mo-
deled these elements in five context categories.
The first category refers to information about
group members. This is information about resear-
chers and research groups to which they belong. The
second category concerns information about schedu-
led tasks. In scientific experimentation domain it is
related to the planning of the experiment and is cha-
racterized by the tasks to be performed by the group
until the conclusion of the experiment.
The third category concerns the relationship bet-
ween group members and scheduled tasks. It relates
each researcher or research group to the interactions
in which they are involved. This category is divided
into two types of contexts: interaction context (infor-
mation representing the actions that occurred during
the experiment execution) and the planning context
(information about the project execution plan).
The fourth category brings together information
about the environment. It covers both organizational
issues and the technological environment, that is, all
information outside the experiment, but within the or-
ganization that can affect the way the tasks are per-
formed. Finally, the fifth category gathers all the in-
formation about the completed tasks. Its purpose is
to provide basic information about the lessons lear-
ned, whether from the same group or from similar
tasks carried out by other groups. It should there-
fore include all contextual and provenance informa-
tion about previous experiments.
osio et al. (2017) present a detailed descrip-
tion of this framework. Following this guidelines, E-
SECO platform captures information, such as:
1. Researchers and Research Groups. This infor-
mation helps other researchers identifying who
are involved in the experiment. So, it is possi-
Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform
ble to contact these researchers to collaborate on
a particular experiment.
2. Planning the Experiment. This information re-
fers to the experiment, the workflows and the tasks
to be performed, which contribute for the experi-
ment to be reused by other researchers, in a new
3. Relationship between Tasks and Researchers.
This information allows credits to be given to the
authors, and that they are responsible or questio-
ned for any errors that occurred during its execu-
4. Environment. Information about used technolo-
gies, SWfMS, and external services are also es-
sential for the reproducibility of the experiment.
5. Tasks Completed and Provenance. Information
about the experiments, workflows, and tasks exe-
cuted are stored, as well as the provenance of
them. Thus, it is possible to identify all the pro-
cesses undergone by an artefact, until the end of
the experiment, as well as to identify the work-
flow and the experiment that gave origin to this
artefact, and the involved researchers.
This contextual information can be informed by
the researcher, but must be primarily obtained through
integration with other platforms, such as Mendeley,
which allow the extraction of information about rese-
archers, research groups and institutions.
All contextual information captured by the plat-
form are stored in a repository. In addition, this repo-
sitory data is connected with related provenance in-
formation, which describes the completed tasks, and
their associated contexts elements. This information
can also be processed by the ontology, allowing the
extraction of implicit knowledge.
4 ContextProv IN ACTION
This section presents a feasibility study, with the aim
of detailing the reproducibility support, from the use
of the ContextProv architecture, in the E-SECO plat-
form. This study is composed of three phases, which
detail the activities of experimentation, reuse and re-
producibility. During the analysis of this scenario, we
tried to answer questions that arise when reusing or
reproducing an experiment. These questions are:
Question 1. What is the process responsible for
constructing a given result?
Question 2. Is there another similar experiment?
Question 3. Why two similar experiments yield
different results?
4.1 Experimentation
An oncologist researching the mutations of the
protein in human tumors wishes to keep up
to date with published research related to this protein.
His research group uses the E-SECO platform to fa-
cilitate collaboration between researchers. Thus, this
scientist is part of an E-SECO research community
that explores the use of this protein and its effects.
This scientist receives information that the Nu-
clear Protein Database
(NPD), provides a Web Ser-
vice that searches for information about a given pro-
tein, including links to papers published in PubMed
Entrez Protein
bases, among others. In addition, the
E-SECO platform recommends the use of a work-
flow, available at Kepler website and linked to E-
SECO repository, which searches the NPD database
and counts the number of published articles on this
protein. This workflow, named PapersCount, can be
executed occasionally to update the information. The
workflow version has specific services that let the use
of the ContextProv architecture to allow the capture
of contextual information during its execution.
Thus, from the execution of the PapersCount
workflow, in the context of the ”ATRX protein” ex-
periment, provenance and context information related
to each of the workflow executions is generated. This
data is stored in one of the E-SECO repositories.
4.2 Reuse
Another scientist, biochemist specialized in studying
proteins present in the human body, is part of another
research group, related to proteins. This scientist also
studies the ATRX protein, and needs to find scientific
articles related to this protein. From an initial search
conducted by this scientist, the E-SECO platform re-
turns information about the ATRX protein. The bio-
chemist found that there are currently 52 articles on
the ATRX protein. Thus, this scientist questioned:
(Q1) What process is responsible for this result?
Analyzing the information about result’s prove-
nance, available at E-SECO platform he can see that
it was obtained through the execution of the Pa-
persCount workflow. Based on this information, the
scientist would like to reuse the PapersCount work-
flow by restructuring only the last task. Instead of
returning the number of articles found, would return
the links to these articles.
Transcriptional regulator ATRX is a protein that in hu-
mans is encoded by the ATRX gene.
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, before reusing this workflow, the bio-
chemist wants to be sure of the reliability of the re-
sults. The scientist accessed the provenance informa-
tion of the PapersCount workflow (Figure 3). Based
on this information, he took notice about the origin
of the workflow, the qualifications of the researcher
who used it and his work institution. Knowing that
the authorship of the workflow (Kepler development
group) and the scientist who used it as well as his in-
stitution, are recognized by the scientific community,
the biochemist considered the PapersCount workflow
as reliable. So, he decided to reuse it in his research.
In this way, a new version of the workflow, called Pa-
persLinks, has been created. In this version, the last
task has been modified so that its output is a list of
links to the articles found.
Figure 3: PapersCount Provenance – presented in Prot
4.3 Reproducibility
Later, a biologist, a protein researcher connected to
the E-SECO platform, needs to make a comparison
between the ATRX and ATR proteins. As a first step,
he wants to check each one has a greater number of
published articles. During the prototyping of his ex-
periment on the E-SECO platform, this scientist con-
ducted a workflow search, where he found the Pa-
persLinks workflow. Analyzing this workflow, he rea-
lized that its output was not exactly what he required,
as he needed to count the number of articles. Then he
wondered: (Q2) Are these experiments similar?
To answer this question, the scientist searched
for similar experiments on the E-SECO platform.
Through the execution of inferences of the Prov-SE-
O ontology, the E-SECO platform shown that the
PapersCount experiment seems to be similar to Pa-
persLinks because they have common tasks, and use
the same input information and the same Web Ser-
vice. Through the use of the PapersCount workflow,
this scientist realized that it returns exactly what he
needs. As a result, he decided to replicate the expe-
riment that used PapersLinks, for the two proteins he
wants to compare, ATRX and ATR.
When reproducing the experiment for the protein
ATRX, the scientist obtained 63 articles. Comparing
this result with that obtained in the previous experi-
ment (52 articles), he realized that the results were
different. This divergence brings doubt on the relia-
bility of this experiment. So, he need to know: (Q3)
Why did the experiments yield different results?
By analyzing the contextual information captu-
red by the ContextProv architecture, this scientist
can compare workflow versions, tasks performed, the
Web Service used and its version, the SWfMS used,
the input and output values of the workflow, the scien-
tist who is responsible for the experiment, and the
date of execution. Observing this information, he re-
alized that there was no significant change in the con-
text of the two experiments, except that the first ex-
periment had been executed more than a year. In this
way, the scientist realized that there are evidences that
the difference in results is due to the new articles pu-
blished during this period.
So, this scenario shows that the ContextProv ar-
chitecture can possibly help researchers to answer
previously raised questions and others, which usually
arise during the reuse and reproduction of scientific
experiments. In addition, it is also worth noting that
information about provenance and context is essential
in this process, and that the use of inference is capa-
ble of deriving implicit information that would not be
used without the support of ContextProv.
This work presented an architecture to support the
management of provenance and context metadata in
scientific experiments on E-SECO ecosystem plat-
form. This architecture aims to support researchers
in the understanding and reuse of scientific experi-
ments in collaborative and distributed environments.
For this purpose, it captures relevant context informa-
tion and data provenance of the experiments, proces-
ses this data in an ontology based on ProvONE model,
and thus succeeds in extracting implicit knowledge.
This information can be queried and visualized in a
standardized way through the ecosystem platform. As
a result, it can facilitate its interpretation and provides
knowledge to the researchers.
Regarding the limitations of this research, we can
point out that the interface of the platform needs to be
Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform
evaluated in order to implement improvements for the
scientist. For this purpose, we intend to advance expe-
rimental studies, evaluating the operation of this plat-
form integrated to third-parties’ scientific software
ecosystem platform. Furthermore, extensions to other
SWfMS databases that have proprietary provenance
models also need to be addressed. Results show that
the context elements and provenance data could be
used to support the reuse of scientific experiments in
a collaborative and distributed environment, but they
cannot be generalized. Experiments need to be car-
ried out considering the real-world contexts the de-
sign decisions of scientists and developers. In the fu-
ture works, we intend to carry out a formal evaluation
of ContextProv architecture through a Case Study at
an Agricultural Research Corporation that conducts
experiments related to feed efficiency in dairy cattle.
osio, L. M., David, J. M. N., Braga, R., Str
oele, V.,
Campos, F., and Ara
ujo, M. A. (2017). Prov-se-o: a
provenance ontology to support scientists in scientific
experimentation process: Wip. In Proceedings of the
12th International Workshop on Software Engineering
for Science, pages 15–21. IEEE Press.
osio, L. M., David, J. M. N., Braga, R., Str
oele, V.,
Campos, F., and Ara
ujo, M. A. (2017). Context-SE:
Conceptual framework to analyse context and prove-
nance in scientific experiments. In 14th Brazilian
Symposium in Collaborative Systems, pages 1372–
1386. CSBC.
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