A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a
Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures
David von Leon, Lorenzo Miori, Julian Sanin, Nabil El Ioini, Sven Helmer and Claus Pahl
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Keywords: Internet-of-Things, Edge Cloud, Container, Middleware, Orchestration, Single-board Computer.
Abstract: The integration of Cloud and IoT (Internet-of-Things) resulting in so-called edge clouds has started. This
requires the combination of data centre management technologies with much more constrained devices.
Lightweight virtualisation solutions such as containerisation can be used to distribute, deploy and manage
edge cloud applications on clusters. Leightweightness also applies to the devices, where we focus here on
small-board devices such as Raspberry Pis in our concrete case. These small-board devices are particularly
useful in situations where a mix of robustness due to environmental conditions and low costs is required. We
discuss different architectural solutions for the distribution of computation to edge cloud devices based on
containers and other management approaches and evaluate these in terms of cost, power consumption and
Cloud technology is moving towards multi-cloud
environments with the inclusion of various devices
and sensors. Cloud and IoT integration resulting in
so-called edge cloud and fog computing has started
(Chandra et al., 2013). This requires the combination
of data centre management technologies with much
more constrained devices, but still using virtualised
solutions to deal with scalability, flexibility and
multi-tenancy concerns.
Lightweight virtualisation solutions do exist for
this architectural setting with smaller, but still
virtualised devices to provide application and
platform technology as services. Containerisation is a
solution component for lightweight virtualisation
(Pahl, 2015). Containers furthermore address
platform concerns relevant for Platform-as-a-Service
(PaaS) clouds like application packaging and
We will compare a container middleware platform
for edge cloud computing with other platforms (own-
build or OpenStack based) that all use small-board
devices for low-cost, robust settings.
We will discuss these architectural options for
edge cloud middleware. For edge clouds, application
and service orchestration can help to manage and
orches-trate applications through containers (Pahl &
Lee, 2015; Pahl et al., 2016). In this way, computation
can be brought to the edge of the cloud, rather than
data from the Internet-of-Things (IoT) to the cloud
(Kratzke, 2014), thus increasing performance and
security by not transferring large amounts of data.
A key constraint of edge cloud settings, in
particular in the vicinity of sensors in the IoT and
cyber-physical systems (CPS) space are resource
constraints in terms of computing power, storage
capability, reliable connectivity or power supply.
We address this constrained environment by
focusing on small single board computers as the
deployment platform of the container solution
(Abrahamsson et al., 2013). We specifically focus on
clusters of Raspberry Pi devices, see
(https://www.raspberrypi.org/). Local cluster
management is important to manage for example a
number of locally distributed sensors.
We show that edge cloud requirements such as
cost-efficiency, low power consumption, and
robustness can be met by implementing container and
cluster technology on single-board devices like
Raspberry Pis (Miori, 2014; Sanin, 2016; von Leon,
2016). This architecture can facilitate applications
through distributed multi-cloud platforms built from
a range of nodes from data centres to small devices,
which we refer to here as edge cloud. Other
architectural options are less suitable.
von Leon, D., Miori, L., Sanin, J., El Ioini, N., Helmer, S. and Pahl, C.
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0006677400730084
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 73-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Edge Cloud Architecture.
Our objective here is to discuss three different
architectural scenarios in terms of their
implementation and experimental evaluation results,
covering installation, power consumption, cost and
performance concerns.
Our contribution will be organised as follows. We
determine requirements and review technologies and
architectures for edge cloud computing. We discuss
the key ingredients of edge cloud architectures based
on containers as the packaging and distribution
mechanism. We specifically discuss storage,
orchestration and cluster management for distributed
Raspberry Pi clusters in edge cloud environments.
We report on experimental results with Raspberry Pi
clusters to validate the proposed architectural
solution. The settings included are:
Own-build storage and cluster orchestration
Openstack storage
Docker container orchestration
IoT/sensor integration
We pay particular attention to practical concerns
such as installation and management efforts, since
RPi edge clusters are meant to be run in remote areas
without expert support.
We determine requirements and review technologies
and architectures for edge cloud computing.
2.1 Edge Cloud Architectures
Edge computing mechanisms are needed for both
computation and storage to address data collection, its
pre-processing and further distribution. These edge
resources could be dedicated (possibly smaller)
resources spread across distributed networks. In order
to support edge cloud architectures, we need the
following features:
location-awareness and computation placement,
management services for data storage,
replication, recovery.
Virtualised resources can support edge cloud
architectures (Manzalini, 2014). Due to smaller
device sizes, this can result in different resource
restrictions, which in turn requires some form of
lightweightness of the virtualisation technique (Zhu,
2013). In edge cloud architectures with integrated IoT
objects, we need compute and storage resources used
by applications and managed by platform services,
i.e., packaged, deployed and orchestrated (Figure 1).
Even for the network, virtualisation capacity is
required as well (cf., recent work on software-defined
networks (SDNs). Thus, we need to support data
transfer between virtualised resources and to provide
compute, storage, and network resources between end
devices and traditional data centres.
Concrete requirements arising are location
awareness, low latency and software mobility support
to manage cloud end points with rich (virtualised)
services. This type of virtualised infrastructure might
provide end-user access and IoT links - through
possibly private, edge clouds. These are technically
micro-clouds, providing different services, but on a
small scale (Helmer et al., 2016).
These need to be configured and updated - this
particularly applies to service management. We also
need a development layer to provision and manage
applications on these infrastructures. Solutions here
could comprise common topology patterns,
controlling application lifecycles, and an easy-to-use
API. We need to find the right abstraction level for
edge cloud management at a typical PaaS layer.
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
2.2 A Use Case
We motivate our approach with a use case taken from
our local region: modern ski resorts operate extensive
IoT-cloud infrastructures. Sensors gather a variety of
weather: air temperature/humidity, sun intensity
snow: quality (snow humidity, temperature)
people: location and numbers
With the combination of these data sources, two
sample functions can be enabled:
People management: through mobile phone
apps, skiers can get recommendations regarding
snow quality and possible overcrowding at lifts
and on slopes. A mobile phone app can use the
cloud as an intermediary to receive data from, but
the performance of the architecture would benefit
from data pre-processing at sensor location to
reduce the data traffic into the cloud.
Snow management: snow groomers (snow cats)
are heavy-duty vehicles that rely on sensor data
(ranging from tilt sensors in the vehicle and GPS
location all the way to snow properties) to
provide an economic solution in terms of time
needed for the preparation of slopes, while at the
same time allowing a near-optimal distribution of
snow. This is a real-time system where cloud-
based computation is not feasible (due to
unavailability of suitable connectivity) and thus
local processing of data is required for all data
collection, analysis and reaction.
As we can see, performance of the architecture is
a critical concern (Heinrich et al., 2017; Pahl et al.,
2018) that can be alleviated by more local
computation, avoiding high volumes of data to be
transferred into centralised clouds. Local processing
of data, particularly for the snow management where
data sources and actions resulting through the snow
groomers happen in the same place, is beneficial, but
needs to be facilitated through robust technologies
that can operate in remote areas under difficult
environmental conditions.
Clusters of single-board computers such as
Raspberry Pis are a suitable, robust technology. The
architecture is dynamic as only necessary
components (containers) should remain on local
devices. For instance, a sensor responsible for people
management during daytime could support snow
management during the night.
Furthermore, the solution would benefit from
flexible platform management with different platform
and application services deployed at different times in
different locations. Containers can help here, but need
to be supported by advanced orchestration support.
To illustrate this, two orchestration patterns emerge:
data pre-processing for people management:
reducing data volume in transfer to the cloud is
the aim. Analytics services packaged as
containers that filter and aggregate data need to
be deployed on selected edge nodes.
fully localised processing in clusters (organised
around individual slopes with their profile): full
computation on board and locally between snow
groomers is required, facilitated by the
deployment of analysis, but also decision making
and actuation features, all as containers.
2.3 Edge Cloud Architectures
We discuss the key ingredients of an edge cloud
architecture based on containers as the packaging and
distribution mechanism. A number of concerns needs
to be addressed:
Application construction
Application orchestration
Resource scheduling
Distributed systems services
Programming model
(Edge) cloud-native architecture
This requires a combination of lightweight
technology platforms single-board devices as
lightweight hardware combined with containers as a
lightweight software platform. Container
technologies can take care of the application
management based on constrained resources in a
distributed, clustered edge computing context.
3.1 Raspberry Pi Clusters
We specifically discuss orchestration for distributed
Raspberry Pi clusters in edge cloud environments.
We were inspired to implement our edge cloud
architecture on Raspberry Pi clusters by previous
work showing that clusters consisting of 300 or more
RPis can be built (Abrahamsson et al., 2013). These
small single-board computers create both
opportunities and challenges. A Raspberry Pi (RPi) is
relatively cheap (they cost around 30$) and has a low
power consumption, which makes it possible to create
an affordable and energy-efficient cluster suitable for
demanding environments for which high-tech
installations are not feasible. Since a single RPi lacks
computing power, in general we cannot run computa-
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures
Figure 2: Simplified Container Orchestration Plan for the Case Study.
tionally intensive software on it. Nevertheless, this
drawback can be remedied (to a certain degree) by
combining a larger number into a cluster. This also
allows the creation of differently configured and
customised, and at the same time robust, platforms.
Creating and managing clusters are typical PaaS
functions, including setting up and configuring
hardware and system software, or to monitoring and
maintaining the system. Raspberry Pis can also be
used to host containers.
3.2 Containerisation
We review an own-build and an OpenStack-based
solution and consider containers in a third
architectural option. As they are the most recent
technology, we introduce the basics here.
Containerisation allows a lightweight
virtualisation through the bespoke construction of
containers as application packages from individual
images (generally retrieved from an image
repository). This addresses performance and
portability weaknesses of current cloud solutions.
Given the overall importance of the cloud, a
consolidating view on current activities is important.
Many container solutions build on top of Linux LXC
techniques. Recent Linux distributions - part of the
Linux container project LXC - provide kernel
mechanisms such as namespaces and cgroups to
isolate processes on a shared operating system.
Docker is the most popular container solution at the
Container orchestration deals not only with
turning applications on or off (i.e., start or stop
containers), but also to move them around between
servers. We define orchestration as constructing and
managing a possibly distributed assembly of
container-based software applications. Container
orchestration allows users to define how to coordinate
the containers in the cloud when the multi-container
packaged application is deployed. Container
orchestration defines not only the initial deployment
of the containers, but also the management of the
multi-containers as a single entity, such as
availability, scaling and networking of the containers.
Essentially cloud-based container construction is a
form of orchestration within the distributed cloud
The orchestration management provided by
cluster solutions needs to be combined with
development and architecture support.
Multi-PaaS based on container clusters is a
solution for managing distributed software
applications in the cloud, but this technology still
faces challenges. These include a lack of suitable
formal descriptions or user-defined metadata for
containers beyond image tagging with simple IDs.
Description mechanisms need to be extended to
clusters of containers and their orchestration as well
(Andrikopoulos, 2014). The topology of distributed
container architectures needs to be specified and its
deployment and execution orchestrated.
There is no widely accepted solution for the
orchestration problems. We can illustrate the
significance of this problem through a possible
reference framework. Docker has started to develop
its own orchestration solution (Swarm) and
Kubernetes is another relevant project, but a more
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
comprehensive solution that would address the
orchestration of complex application stacks could
involve Docker orchestration based on the topology-
based service orchestration standard TOSCA, which
is for instance supported by the Cloudify PaaS.
Figure 2 shows an orchestration plan for the case
study. For a container host, it selects either the people
management or the snow management as the required
RPi configuration. For the people management
architecture, it allows an upgrade to more local
processing including analysis and local storage. The
orchestration engine will actually take care of the
deployment of the containers in the right order when
3.3 Network and Data Management
Clustered containers in distributed systems require
advanced network support. Traditionally, containers
are exposed on the network via the shared host’s
address. In Kubernetes, each group of containers
(called pods) receives its own unique IP address,
reachable from any other pod in the cluster, whether
co-located on the same physical machine or not. This
requires advanced routing features based on network
Distributed container management also needs to
address data storage besides network concerns.
Managing containers in Kubernetes clusters can
cause flexibility and efficiency problems because of
the need for the Kubernetes pods to co-locate with
their data. What is needed is a combination of a
container with a storage volume that follows it to the
physical machine, regardless of the container location
in the cluster.
We report on experimental results with Raspberry Pi
clusters to validate the proposed architectural
solution. We look at the following settings: (i) own-
build storage and cluster orchestration in Section 4.1,
(ii) OpenStack storage in Section 4.2, (iii) Docker
container orchestration in Section 4.3, and (iv)
IoT/sensor integration in Section 4.4. For each, we
describe the architecture and its evaluation through
experiments. The criteria for the evaluation of the
architecture are the following four: installation and
management effort, power consumption,
performance, cost.
These address the general suitability of the
proposed architectures in terms of performance, but
also take specifically practical concerns such as
physical maintenance, power and cost into account.
4.1 Own-Build Cluster Storage and
4.1.1 Storage and Orchestration
Our Raspberry Pi 1 (RPi 1) cluster can be configured
with up to 300 nodes. The core of an RPi 1 is a single
board with an integrated circuit with an ARM 700
MHz processor (CPU), a Broadcom VideoCore
graphics processor (GPU) and 256 or 512 MB of
RAM. There is also an SD card slot for storage and
I/O units for USB, Ethernet, audio, video and HDMI.
Power is provided via a micro-USB connector. As
operating system, Raspbian is a version of the widely
used Linux distribution Debian, which is optimised
for the ARMv6 instruction set.
Our cluster uses a star network topology. One
switch acts as the core of the star and other switches
then link the core to the RPIs. A master node and an
uplink to the internet are connected to the core switch
for connectivity reasons.
We use a Debian 7 image to support core
middleware services such as storage and cluster
management. (Abrahamsson et al., 2013) have
investigated basic storage and cluster management
for an RPi cluster management solution.
In addition to deploying existing tools such as
Swarm or Kubernetes, we also built our own
dedicated tool for low-level configuration,
monitoring, and maintenance of the cluster as an
architectural option. This for instance provides
flexibility for monitoring the joining and leaving of
nodes to and from the cluster that we expect for
dynamic edge cloud environments. The master
handles (de)registration here.
4.1.2 Use Case and Experimentation
The suitability of an RPi for a standard application
(responding to HTTP requests) was investigated. The
total size of a sample file was 64.9 KB. An RPi
(model B) was compared to a 1.2 GHz Marvell
Kirkwood, a 1 GHz MK802, a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom
330, and a 2.6 GHz dual core G620 Pentium. All
tested systems had a wired 1 GB Ethernet connection
(which the Raspberry, having a 10/100 Mbit Ethernet
card, could not utilize fully). ApachBench2 was used
as the benchmark. The test involved a 1000 requests
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures
Table 1: Speed and Power Consumption of the Raspberry
Pi cluster, from R. van der Hoeven, “Raspberry Pi
Performance", [Online Resource; accessed on 19
December 2017] Available at http://freedomboxblog.nl/
Atom 330
with 10 running concurrently. The following
page/sec and power consumptions were measured,
see Table 1 for details.
This has demonstrated the suitability of RPis for
sensor integration and data processing in an
environment subject to power supply problems, but
where robustness is required.
4.2 Openstack Storage
4.2.1 Storage Management Architecture
(Miori, 2014) has investigated Openstack Swift as a
distributed storage device that we ported onto RPis.
This extends our earlier self-built storage approach by
adopting an open-source solution.
Storage needs to be distributed over a whole
cluster in our application context. Using a network
storage system helps to improve the performance in a
common filesystem for the cluster. We used here a
four-bay Network Attached Storage (NAS) from
QNAP Systems. However, we have also
demonstrated that more resource-demanding
Openstack Swift is a feasible option.
The Swift cluster provides a mechanism for
storing objects such as application data as well as
system data. Data is replicated and distributed among
different nodes. We evaluated different topologies
and configurations. This again demonstrates
feasibility, but performance remains a key concern
and further optimisation work is required.
4.2.2 Use Case and Experimentation
We have run several benchmarks (Miori, 2014) based
on the Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB)
and the SwiftStack Benchmark (ssbench). For single
node installations, these show that a severe bottleneck
emerges around data uploads. A single server cannot
handle the traffic. Basically the server is so
overloaded that either the cache (memcached) stops
working or the container server stops working.
A slightly different picture emerges for clustered
file storage. A real-world case study has been carried
out using the ownCloud cloud storage system. We
have installed a middleware layer on a Raspberry
cluster that has been configured and benchmarked.
Nonetheless, we could demonstrate the utility of it by
running an application on top (ownCloud) enabling
the cluster to provide a cloud storage service to the
user. Performances are acceptable, yet further
optimizations can be achieved.
We use a FUSE (filesystem-in-userspace) module
called cloudfuse that is able to connect to a Swift
cluster and display its content, as if it were a
traditional directory-based filesystem. Each
ownCloud instance has access to the Swift cluster via
cloudfuse. OwnCloud is working well. The only
limitations arise from cloudfuse. It is not possible to
rename folders and it is not always fast. A direct
implementation or improvement of the built-in Swift
support is preferable. The application GUI itself loads
quite fast, file listing takes a bit more time.
Swift is a scalable application: the addition of
more Raspberry Pi predictably results in better
performances. We cannot say yet if the trend is linear
or not, thus further scaling up is needed (Jamshidi et
al., 2016; Arabnejad et al., 2017).
The cluster costs are acceptable, see Table 2, in
particular in comparison with modern gateway
services such as the Dell Gateway 5000 series, which
would cost a multiple including all hardware.
Table 2: Approximate costs of the Raspberry Pi cluster.
Raspberry Pi
PoE module
Cat.5e SFTP Cable
Aruba 2530 8 PoE+
The PoE (Power over Ethernet) add-on boards and
PoE managed switches we used are not essential to
the project and could easily be replaced by a cheaper
solution that involves a separate power supply unit
and a simple unmanaged switch without having a
negative impact on the system's performance.
4.3 Docker Orchestration
Docker and Kubernetes have been put on Raspberry
Pis successfully (Tso, 2013), demonstrating the
feasibility of running container clusters on RPis. We
focus here on the edge cloud requirements. Our work
specifically explores key features for a (middleware)
platform for the edge cloud.
Fig. 3 describes the complete orchestration flow.
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 3: Overall Orchestration Flow.
It starts with the construction of the container from
individual images from a container hub (an open
repository of images). Different containers for
specific processing needs are assembled into an
orchestration plan. The plan is then enacted on the
defined edge cloud topology.
The platform work described above has
implemented core elements of a PaaS-oriented
middleware platform. We have demonstrated that an
edge cloud PaaS is feasible. We dedicate more space
to containerisation as it overcomes some of the
problems of the earlier two solutions.
4.3.1 Docker Orchestration Architecture
The RPi as an intermediate layer for local data
processing is a feasible, cost-effective solution. A
possible solution for an edge cloud architecture is to
build a reliable, low-energy, low-cost computing
device that is powerful enough to perform data-
intense tasks.
Implementation Hardware and Operating System
The test configuration we used is composed of
seven Raspberry Pis that are connected to a switch
with cables that aside from carrying the signals are
also responsible for delivering the power to the
devices. Each unit needs to be fitted with an
additional PoE module. This add-on board is
connected to the Raspberry Pi. It also replicates the
GPIO interface, allowing further modules to be con-
nected. A connection to a LAN or WAN is estab-
lished by connecting the switch through a remaining
Ethernet port. The switch can be configured to con-
nect to an existing DHCP (dynamic host configure-
tion protocol) server which is responsible for dis-
tributing the network configuration parameters such
as the IP (internet protocol) addresses. Alternatively
it can create subnets via VLANs (virtual LANs).
Hypriot OS, a dedicated distribution of Debian, is
the operating system. The distribution already
contains Docker software. Note, that we replaced the
default insecure authentication by a public-key au-
thentication during the cluster setup process. This
eliminates the need for a password-based authentica-
tion, the SSH daemon on the remote machine is con-
figured to accept only public-key authentication, cre-
ating a more secure environment.
Swarm Cluster Architecture and Security
One node is selected to become the user's gateway
into the cluster. The cluster is set up by creating
Docker Machines on the gateway node and
configuring both the OS and the Docker daemon on
all Raspberry Pis that will be part of the cluster.
Docker Machines allow the management of remote
hosts by sending the commands from the Docker
client over a secured connection to the Docker
daemon on the remote machine. When the first
Docker Machine is created, new TLS certificates are
generated on the local machine and then copied over
to the remote machines in order to create a trusted
While normal nodes run just one container that
identifies them as a Swarm node, Swarm Managers
deploy an additional container that provides the
managerial interface. In addition, Swarm Managers
can be configured in a redundant manner that
improves the fault tolerance in case of a partial
breakdown. In such a constellation, the Swarm
Managers run as replicas. Furthermore, the Swarm
Managers share their knowledge about the Swarm,
and commands sent to a non-leading manager are
propagated to the one in charge. This behaviour
avoids inconsistencies in the Swarm that could lead
to potential misbehaviour due to inconsistent data.
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures
Service Discovery
Multi-host networks such as a Docker Swarm
require a key-value store that holds information about
the network state, including discovery, networks,
endpoints and IP addresses. When deploying the
Swarm image, the information about the service itself
and how it can be reached needs to be provided. As a
key-value store, we chose Consul. Consul does not
require a continuous internet connection and allows
redundant Swarm Managers, which is why it is
ultimately selected. Additionally, it supports replicas
of its own, increasing the fault tolerance on the
discovery service side. Also Consul elects a leader
amongst the instances that are part of the cluster, and
propagates its information to every Consul node.
Swarm Handling
After the Docker Machines are set up
successfully, the Swarm nodes communicate their
presence to the Consul server, as well as the Swarm
manager. The users are able to interact with the
Swarm manager and also with each Docker Machine
separately. This is done by requesting Docker-
specific environment variables from the Docker
Machine. When the shell is set up accordingly, the
Docker client tunnels into the manager and executes
the commands there. This way it is possible for the
users to retrieve Swarm related information and
perform Swarm related tasks such as launching a new
container. The manager will consider each node of the
Swarm and deploy it according to given constraints
and to the selected Swarm strategy.
4.3.2 Docker Experimentation
The evaluation of the project focuses on the
complexity to build and handle it and its costs, before
concentrating on the performance and power
consumption (von Leon, 2016).
Installation Effort / Costs. Assembling the hardware
for the Raspberry Pi cluster does not require special
tools or profound skills. This makes the architecture
suitable to be installed in remote areas without expert
support. Once running, handling the cluster is
straightforward. Interacting with it is not different
from handling a single Docker installation. The only
aspect that has to be kept in mind is that ARM
software and images are not always available for, so
they might have to be created on purpose.
Performance & Power consumption. To evaluate the
performance, we performed a stress test on the swarm
manager by deploying many containers of a certain
image over a short period of time, looking at the time
to deploy the images as well as the launch time for
containers. The test configuration deploys 250
containers on the Swarm with 5 requests at a time. To
determine the efficiency of the Raspberry Pi cluster
both the time to execute the analysis and the power
consumption are measured and put into perspective
with a Virtual Machine Cluster on a desktop
computer and a Single Raspberry Pi. The desktop
computer is a 64bit Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
@2.83GHz Windows 10 machine with 8GB Ram and
a 256GB SSD.
Table 3: Time comparison - listing the overall, the mean
and the maximal time of container.
Raspberry Pi cluster
Single Raspberry Pi
Virtual Machine
Single Virtual
Machine Node
Table 4: Comparison of the power consumption while
idling and under load.
Raspberry Pi cluster
Single Raspberry Pi node
Virtual Machine Cluster
Single Virtual Machine Node
Table 5: Power consumption of the Raspberry Pi cluster
while idling and under load.
Single node
All nodes
Complete system
In comparison, we can note a lack of performance
for the Raspberry Pi cluster that is due to its limited
single board architecture. The I/O of the micro SD
card slot is relatively slow in terms of reading and
writing, with maximally 22MB/s and 20MB/s,
respectively. On the other hand, the network
connectivity is only provided by 10/100Mbit/s
Ethernet. Furthermore, with 26W (2.8W per unit)
under load, the modest power consumption of the
Raspberry Pi cluster puts its moderate performance
into perspective and gives reason to assume the
suitability of such systems in robustness requiring
edge computing settings.
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
4.4 IoT Integration
We also need to evaluate the suitability of the
proposed platform for IoT applications. For this, we
chose a health care application using sensor
integration: in the health care domain, we worked
with health status sensing devices that were integrated
using a Raspberry Pi device (Sanin, 2016).
A specific focus of this investigation has been on
power management. While protocols have emerged
that help to bridge between the sensor world and
Internet-enabled technologies such as MQTT, this
experimental work has also shown the need for
dedicated power management to prevent overheating
and reduce consumption.
Some PaaS have started to address limitations in the
context of programming (such as orchestration) and
DevOps for clusters. The examples used above allow
some observations.
Containers are largely adopted for PaaS clouds.
Standardisation by adopting emerging de-facto
standards like Docker or Kubernetes is also
happening, though currently at a slower pace.
Development and operations are still at an early
stage, particularly if complex orchestrations on
distributed topologies are in question.
We have shown the need for an Edge Cloud PaaS,
and have implemented, experimented with and
evaluated some core ingredients of these Edge Cloud
PaaS, showing that containers are the most viable
options over for instance an OpenStack attempt.
We can observe that cloud management platforms
are still at an earlier stage than the container platforms
that they build on. While clusters in general are about
distribution, the question emerges as to which extent
this distribution reaches the edge of the cloud with
small devices and embedded systems. Whether
devices running small Linux distributions such as the
Debian-based DSL (which requires around 50MB
storage) can support container host and cluster
management is a sample question. Recent 3
generation PaaS are equally lightweight and aim to
support the build-your-own-PaaS idea that is a first
step. Edge Cloud PaaS then form the fourth
generation bridging between IoT and Cloud
An important concern for edge architectures is
security. We have discussed some ID management
concerns. IoT networks are distributed environments,
in which trust between sensor owners and network
and device providers does not necessarily exist. In
order to support important orchestration activities
from a security perspective, we want to record the
provenance of sensor data or the fact that certain
processing and interaction steps have actually been
carried out (Gacitua and Pahl, 2017; Pahl, 2002;
Gruhn et al., 1995). Blockchain technology is a
solution for this in an untrusted environment. Many
security related problems can be addressed using the
decentralized, autonomous, and trusted capabilities of
blockchain. Blockchain provides inherent security
mechanisms capable of operating in an unreliable
network, without relying on a central authority.
Blockchain is a tamper proofed, distributed and
shared database where all participants can append and
read transactions but no one has full control over it.
Every added transaction is digitally signed and
timestamped, this means that all operations can be
traced back, and their provenance can be determined
(Dorri et al., 2017). The security model implemented
by blockchain insures data integrity using consensus-
driven mechanisms to enable the verification of all
the transactions in the network, which makes all
records easily auditable. This is particularly important
since it allows tracking all sources of insecure
transactions in the network (e.g., vulnerable IoT
devices) (Nir, 2017). Additionally, blockchain can
strengthen the security of edge components in terms
of the identity management and access control and
prevent data manipulation.
Container-based operating systems virtualisation has
been demonstrated to be a viable option to
hypervisors (Soltesz, 2007). This is a benefit for
smaller devices due to their reduced sizes (Pahl et al.,
For clusters of smaller devices, be that in
constrained or mobile environments, the functional
scope of a middleware layer needs to be suitably
adapted (Qanbari et al., 2014). There is a need to
provide robustness through mechanisms that deal
with failure of connections and nodes. Flexible
orchestration and load balancing are such functions.
Also, security in the form of identity management is
in unsecured environments a must. While we have
added some security discussion in Section 5, further
security related concerns such as data provenance or
smart contracts accompanying orchestration
instructions need to be investigated.
A Performance Exploration of Architectural Options for a Middleware for Decentralised Lightweight Edge Cloud Architectures
De Coninck et al. (2016) also approach the
problem from a middleware perspective. Dupont et al.
(2017) look at a specific concern in IoT settings
container migration (Jamshidi et al., 2017) to enhance
the flexibility of the setting.
Bellavista and Zanni (2017) investigate, as we do,
infrastructure based on Raspberry Pis to host Docker
container. Their work also confirms the suitability of
single-board devices. Work at the University of
Glasgow (Tso et al., 2013) also explores Raspberry
Pis for edge cloud computing. Their work involves
lessons learned from practical applications of RPis in
real-world settings. We have added in the solution
presented here a comparative evaluation of different
cluster-based architectures to their observations.
Edge clouds move the focus from heavy-weight data
centre clouds to more lightweight resources,
distributed to bring specific services to the users.
They do, however, create a number of challenges. We
have identified lightweight virtualisation and the need
to orchestrate the deployment of these services as key
challenges. We looked at platform (PaaS) specifically
as the application service packaging and orchestration
is a key PaaS concern (through of course not limited
to PaaS).
Our aim was to compare recently emerging
container technology and container cluster
management and other architectural options such as
OpenStack or bespoke solutions to determine the
suitability of these approaches for edge clouds built
on single-board affordable device clusters. Our
observations support the current trend in container
technology, but have also identified some limitations
and aspects that need further investigation.
Container technology has a better potential than
the other options to substantially advance PaaS
technology towards distributed heterogeneous clouds
through lightweightness and interoperability on, for
instance, Raspberry Pis.
We can also conclude that significant
improvements are still required to deal with data and
network management aspects, as is providing an
abstract development and architecture layer.
Orchestration, as far as it is supported in cluster
solutions, is ultimately not sufficient and needs to be
extended to include better analysis and decision
support (Fang et al., 2016). Suitable architecture that
include coordination and brokerage options shall be
considered (Fowley et al., 2016).
More work is also needed on improved
performance management (Heinrich et al., 2017) and
the adoption of microservices as an architectural
principle (Pahl et al., 2016). Another concern that
needs more attention is security. We are planning to
use blockchain technology for provenance
The research reported here has been in part supported
by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano through the
ECO and ECORE projects.
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