Language Identification of Similar Languages using Recurrent Neural
Ermelinda Oro
, Massimo Ruffolo
and Mostafa Sheikhalishahi
Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, National Research Council (CNR),
Via P. Bucci 41/C, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, e-Health Research Unit, Trento, Italy
Language Identification, Word Embedding, Natural Language Processing, Deep Neural Network, Long
Short-Term Memory, Recurrent Neural Network.
The goal of similar Language IDentification (LID) is to quickly and accurately identify the language of the
text. It plays an important role in several Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications where it is fre-
quently used as a pre-processing technique. For example, information retrieval systems use LID as a filtering
technique to provide users with documents written only in a given language. Although different approaches
to this problem have been proposed, similar language identification, in particular applied to short texts, re-
mains a challenging task in NLP. In this paper, a method that combines word vectors representation and Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has been implemented. The experimental evaluation on public and well-known
datasets has shown that the proposed method improves accuracy and precision of language identification tasks.
Many approaches of Natural Language Processing
(NLP), such as part-of-speech taggers and parsers, as-
sume that the language of input texts is already given
or recognized by a pre-processing step. Language
IDentification (LID) is the task of determining the
language of a given input (written or spoken). Re-
search in LID aims to imitate the human ability to
identify the language of the input. In literature, differ-
ent approaches to LID have been presented. But, LID,
in particular applied to short text, remains an open is-
The objective of this paper is to present a LID
model, applied to the written text, that results
enough effective and accurate to discriminate sim-
ilar languages, even when it is applied to short
texts. The proposed method combines Word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) representation and Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber, 1997). The experimental evaluation shows that
the proposed method obtains better results compared
to approaches presented in the literature.
The main contributions of the paper are:
Definition of a new LID method that combines
the word vector representation (Word2vec) and
the classification based on neural network (LSTM
Building of a Word2vec representation by using
Wikipedia Corpus.
Creation of a dataset extracting data from
Wikipedia for Serbian and Croatian Language,
which aren’t yet available in literature.
Experimental evaluation on public datasets in lit-
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes related work, Section 3 shows
the proposed model and Section 4 presents the exper-
imental evaluation, Finally, Section 5 concludes the
In this section, the most recent methods aimed to
identify the language in texts is reviewed.
The lack of standardized datasets and evaluation
metrics in LID research makes very difficult to con-
trast the relative effectiveness of the different ap-
proaches to a text representation. Results across dif-
ferent datasets are generally not comparable, as a
methods efficacy can vary substantially with param-
eters such as the number of languages considered, the
Oro, E., Ruffolo, M. and Sheikhalishahi, M.
Language Identification of Similar Languages using Recurrent Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006678606350640
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 635-640
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
relative amounts of training data and the length of the
test documents (Han et al., 2011). For this reason, we
are particularly interested in related work that makes
available datasets and evaluation metrics enabling ex-
perimentally comparison.
Malmasi and Dras (Malmasi and Dras, 2015) pre-
sented the first experimental study to distinguish be-
tween Persian and Dari languages at the sentence
level. They used Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
n-grams of characters and word to classify languages.
For the experimental evaluation, the authors collected
textual news from Voice of America website.
Mathur et al. (Mathur et al., 2017) presented a
method based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
and, as feature set, they used word unigrams and char-
acter n-grams. For the experimental evaluation, the
authors used the dataset DSL 2015
(Tan et al., 2014).
Pla and Hurtado (Pla and Hurtado, 2017) applied
a language identification method based on SVM to
tweets. They used the bag-of-words model to rep-
resent each tweet as a feature vector containing the
tf-idf factors of selected features. They considered
a wide set of features, such as tokens, n-grams, and
n-grams of characters. For the evaluation of the im-
plemented system, they used the TweetLID official
corpus, which contains multilingual tweets
et al., 2016).
Trieschnigg et al. (Trieschnigg et al., 2012) com-
pared a number of methods to automatic language
identification. They used a number of classification
methods based on the Nearest Neighbor (NN) and
Nearest Prototype (NP) in combination with the co-
sine similarity metric. To perform the experimen-
tal evaluation, they used the Dutch folktale database,
a large collection of folktales in primarily Dutch,
Frisian and a large variety of Dutch dialects.
sic and Kranjcic (Ljube
sic and Kranjcic,
2014), using discriminative models, handled the prob-
lem of distinguishing among similar south-Slavic lan-
guage such as Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and
Serbian languages in Twitter. However, they did not
identify the language on the tweet level, but the user
level. The tweets collection has been collected with
the TweetCat tool, they annotated a subset of 500
users according to language that the user’s tweet in.
They attempt with the traditional classifiers such as
Gaussian Nave Bayes (GNB), K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and linear Support Vector
Machine(SVM), as well as classifier ensembles such
as Ada-Boost and random forests. They observe that
each set of features produces very similar results.
Table 1 summarizes the comparison among the
considered related work. Each row of the Table 1 has
Table 1: Comparison of Related Work.
Related Work Algorithm Granularity
(Trieschnigg et al., 2012) Nearest Neighbor Document
(Pla and Hurtado, 2017) SVN Tweets
sic and Kranjcic, 2014) SVM, KNN, RF Tweets
(Malmasi and Dras, 2015) Ensemble SVN Sentence
(Mathur et al., 2017) RNN Sentence
the reference to the related work. The second col-
umn shows the used classification algorithm (such as
Nave Bayes, KNN, SVM, Random Forest and Recur-
rent Neural Network). In the third column is indicated
the processed input, i.e., document, sentence or tweet.
Documents can have different lengths (both short and
long). All approaches use, as extracted features, both
character and word n-grams.
Compared to related work, we exploited different
ways to represent input features (i.e., character and
word n-gram vs word embedding model) and to clas-
sify the language (we used LSTM RNN method). In
our experiments, we used the datasets exploited in
(Malmasi and Dras, 2015; Pla and Hurtado, 2017) and
(Mathur et al., 2017) because they are publicly avail-
able and we can, in a straightforward way, compare
In this section, we present the proposed method that
combines Word2vec with LSTM recurrent neural net-
Figure 1 illustrates an overview of the proposed
LID model.
Figure 1: Proposed model.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
First, Wikipedia the text corpus of each target lan-
guage are collected. After the pre-processing, the text
is fed to Word2vec that outputs a list of vectors re-
lated to each word contained in the input text. Then,
a lookup table that matches each vocabulary word of
the dataset with its related vector is obtained. During
the training phase, the classifier, which corresponds
to an LSTM RNN, takes as input the vectors of the
dataset. After the training of the classifier, we per-
form the test phase that takes as input the test set. Fi-
nally, the accuracy and precision of the built model
are computed.
3.1 Word2vec
The Distributional hypothesis says that words occur-
ring in the same or similar contexts tend to convey
similar meaning (Harris, 1954).
There are many approaches to computing seman-
tic similarity between words based on their distribu-
tion in a corpus. Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) are
model architectures for computing continuous vector
representations of words from very large data sets.
Such vector representations are capable to find simi-
larity of words not just considering syntactic regulari-
ties, but also contextual information. Word2vec takes
a large corpus of text as input for training and pro-
duces a set of vectors called embeddings, normally
having several hundred dimensions, with each unique
word in the corpus. Given enough quantity of data,
usage, and contexts, this model can make highly ac-
curate guesses about a words meaning based on past
appearances. Word2vec produces word embeddings
in one of two ways:
Using context to predict a target word, a method
known as ”continuous bag of words” (CBOW)
Using a word to predict a target context, which is
called Skip-gram.
To generate our word embeddings, we chose the
CBOW method to train our Word2vec model be-
cause the training time is less than Skip-gram and the
CBOW architecture works slightly better on the syn-
tactic task than the Skip-gram model.
To feed the word2vec model, we prepared a com-
plete corpus that considers every target language by
using Wikipedia. First, we downloaded the wiki
dump of each target language available on Wikipedia.
Wikipedia provides static dumps of the complete con-
tents of all wiki
exported automatically following a
rotating export schedule. The contents of these dumps
are licensed under the GNU Free. In particular, in
April 2017, we obtained XML dumps of Wikipedia
with valid ISO 639-1 codes, giving us Wikipedia
database exports for six languages (Persian, Span-
ish, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Bosnian and Croatian)
target of this work. We discarded exports that con-
tained less than 50 document. For each language,
we randomly selected 40,000 raw pages of at least
500 bytes in length by using the WikiExtractor python
.The script removes images, tables, references,
and lists. By using another script, we removed links.
We removed the stop-words. Then, we tokenized the
cleaned text. Finally, we were able to use the obtained
corpus to learn the vector representation of words in
the different considered languages.
3.2 Long Short-Term Memory
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)(Mikolov et al.,
2010) are a special type of neural networks which
have an internal state by virtue of a cycle in their
hidden units. Therefore, RNNs are able to record
temporal dependencies among the input sequence, as
opposed to most other machine learning algorithms
where the inputs are considered independent of each
other. For this reason, they are very well suited to
natural language processing tasks and have been suc-
cessfully used for applications like speech recogni-
tion, handwriting recognition (Graves and Schmidhu-
ber, 2009; Graves, 2012; Graves et al., 2013)
Until recently, RNNs were considered very dif-
ficult to train because of the problem of exploding
or vanishing gradients (Pascanu et al., 2013) which
makes it very difficult for them to learn long se-
quences of input. Few methods like gradient clip-
ping have been proposed to remedy this (Neelakan-
tan et al., 2015). Recently developed architectures
of RNNs such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) and Gated Re-
current Unit (GRU) (Cho et al., 2014) were also
specifically designed to get around this problem.
In our implementation, we used LSTM neural net-
work. This choice is due to the capability of:
managing vanishing or exploding gradients prob-
handling the long time series of data by managing
different time steps,
identifying patterns in sequences of data, such as
genomes and text.
In our experiments, we used single hidden layer recur-
rent neural networks that use Long Short-Term Mem-
ory introduced by Graves in (Graves, 2012). Using
a good weight initialization brings substantially faster
4 Extractor
Language Identification of Similar Languages using Recurrent Neural Networks
convergence. We use the recently developed weight
initialization method which is introduced by Glorot et
al. (Glorot and Bengio, 2010).
We implemented our approach by using the
. It is a Java-based deep learning li-
brary developed. It is an open source product made
for adaptability in business and released under the
Apache 2.0 license. The library provides several tools
for text pre-processing, including tokenization, and
neural networks implementations. We used this tool
also to build the Word2vec and the LSTM RNN mod-
This Section presents the experimental evaluation
performed on a new dataset and some well-know
datasets. We show that the proposed method improves
language identification results.
4.1 Datasets
This Subsection describes datasets used to experi-
mentally evaluate the proposed method. As observed
in (Malmasi and Dras, 2015), short sentences are
more difficult to classify with respect to longer ones.
In fact, may not exist enough distinguishing features
if a sentence is too short, and conversely, very long
texts will likely have more features that facilitate cor-
rect classification. Therefore, to well evaluate our
method, we considered four datasets having different
lengths of input documents, named: Wikipedia, VOA,
DSL 2015, and TweetID. Statistics are shown in Ta-
ble 2.
Table 2: Datasets statistics.
Dataset Languages Train. Size Test Size Doc Length
(# of docs) (# of docs) (# of words)
Serbian 3000 1000 5-2500
Croatian 3000 1000 5-2500
Persian 3000 1000 5-55
Dari 3000 1000 5-55
Bulgarian 18000 2000 22-80
Macedonian 18000 2000 22-80
Spanish 1170 1170 1-25
Catalan 1190 1170 1-15
4.1.1 Wikipedia Dataset
A first dataset was created by extracting articles from
Wikipedia. We considered two similar languages:
Serbian and Croatian. As shown in Table 2, we lim-
ited the maximum length of each document to 2500
words. We randomly collected a set of 4000 articles
per language (3000 training and 1000 evaluation).
4.1.2 VOA Dataset
Malmasi and Dras (Malmasi and Dras, 2015) cre-
ated a dataset extracting sentences from the Voice of
America (VOA) website
for Persian and Dari lan-
guages. VOA is an international multimedia broad-
caster with a service in more than 40 languages. It
provides news, information, and cultural program-
ming through the Internet, mobile and social media,
radio, and television. The Persian and Dari are sim-
ilar languages, they are part of the eastern branch of
the Indo-European language family and Dari is a low-
resourced language. The authors collected sentences
in the range of 5-55 tokens in order to maintain a bal-
ance between short and long sentences. For this study,
as shown in Table 2, we have considered a subset of
their dataset, which includes 4000 sentences for each
4.1.3 DSL 2015 Dataset
As Mathur et al. (Mathur et al., 2017) done, we
used the dataset created for the language compe-
tition, named Discriminating between Similar Lan-
guage (DSL) Shared Task 2015. It includes a set
of 20000 instances per language (18000 training and
2000 evaluation) and it was provided for 13 differ-
ent world languages. In particular, as shown in Ta-
ble 2, we considered the similar languages Bulgarian
and Macedonian.
4.1.4 TweetID Dataset
Zubiaga et al. (Zubiaga et al., 2016) collected a
dataset of tweets including seven languages. They ex-
ploited the geo-location to retrieve posted from areas
of interest. In this work, we considered a subset of
Spanish, Catalan tweets. In Table 2 the distribution of
train and test dataset is shown in details.
4.2 Results
In this subsection, we show the evaluation results of
the presented method that enables to identify the lan-
guage of each input text. We trained each model using
the monolingual training dataset, presented in the pre-
vious subsection and verified results considering the
test set of the same data sources. Because identifying
the languages of each input document is a classifica-
tion problem, we evaluate results by using the stan-
dard notions of accuracy (A) precision (P), recall (R)
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and F-score (F). Results are compared with the val-
ues and measures asserted in the papers of the related
work. Results are summarized in Table 3, where for
the approaches existing in literature are shown only
results published in the original papers.
Table 3: Comparison between proposed model (LID) and
related work, considering different datasets.
Dataset Model A P R F
Wikipedia our approach 97.65 97.74 97.90 97.82
our approach 98.65 98.89 98.40 98.64
(Malmasi and Dras, 2015) 96.00
our approach 99.50 99.40 99.60 99.50
(Mathur et al., 2017) 95.12
our approach 88.37 87.40 89.09 88.23
(Zubiaga et al., 2016) 82.5 74.4 78.2
As shown in Table 3, our proposed method ob-
tained around 97% of accuracy and F-measure con-
sidering the collected Wikipedia’s documents, which
contains documents written in Serbian and Croat-
ian. Our method outperformed the method presented
in (Malmasi and Dras, 2015) considering the same
dataset that contains sentences in Persian and Dari
languages. The improvement is more than 2% of
accuracy. Our method outperformed the method
presented in (Mathur et al., 2017) considering the
same dataset that contains sentences in Bulgarian and
Macedonian languages. The improvement is more
than 4% of accuracy. Our method performs better
than the model that is proposed by (Zubiaga et al.,
2016) and the improvement is about 5% using accu-
racy and is around 12% in F1-Measure as evaluation
metrics on the same dataset that contains tweets writ-
ten in Catalan and Spanish languages.
In this paper, we presented a method based on neu-
ral networks to identify the language of a given doc-
ument. The method is able to distinguish between
similar languages, even when the input documents are
short texts, like tweets.
The proposed model has been compared with
prior works considering same languages. Experimen-
tal evaluation shows that the proposed method obtain
better results. However, we intend to more datasets to
evaluate our method and work further and deeply on
statistical analysis.
There are several modifications that could be
tested to improve the proposed method. For exam-
ple, other features extraction techniques, or other re-
cent neural network based classifier, or more datasets
could be used. This work has just shown how the
combination of recent deep learning and vector rep-
resentation techniques allows to getting better results
on the problem of language identification of (short)
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