Hidden within a Group of People
Mental Models of Privacy Protection
Eva-Maria Schomakers, Chantal Lidynia and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, 52072 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Privacy, Privacy Protection, Mental Models, User Interface Design, Privacy Literacy, k-anonymity.
Abstract: Mental models are simplified representations of the reality that help users to interact with complex systems.
In our digitized world in which data is collected everywhere, most users feel overtaxed by the demands for
privacy protection. Designing systems along the language of the users and their mental models, is a key
heuristic for understandable design. In an explorative approach, focus groups and interviews with 18
participants were conducted to elicit mental models of internet users for privacy protection. Privacy protection
is perceived as complex and exhausting. The protection of one’s identity and, correspondingly, anonymity are
central aspects. One research question is how scalable privacy protection can be visualized. Physical concepts,
like walls and locks, are not applicable to the idea of adjustable privacy protection. The concept of k-
anonymity – visualized by a group of people from which the user is not distinguishable – can be related to by
most of the participants and seems to work well as symbolization, but it is not yet internalized as mental
model. Initially, users see privacy protection as binary – either one is protected or not. Thus, the concept of
adjustable privacy protection is new to lay-people and no mental models exist, yet.
Today, online services and internet usage, be it via
desktop computer, laptop, or mobile devices such as
tablet PCs or smartphones, are integral parts of every-
day life. The World Wide Web is used to search for
information, to stay in touch with friends and family,
to work, to play, and pass the time, to name but a few
options. And especially smartphones are ubiquitous.
With all of these online services available, every
user creates data that they leave or actively publish
on the Internet. Search histories, posts on social
networks, visits on e-commerce sites, they all
generate digital data, so-called digital footprints. And
today’s users are well aware and oftentimes opposed
to and concerned about the collection of that data and
the associated risks. Therefore, users try to protect
their privacy as best as possible: they use fake
accounts, pseudonyms, and try to not have photos
with their faces online (cf., Vervier et al. 2017; Ziefle
et al. 2016).
Different spheres require different definitions of
privacy. Burgoon (1982) distinguishes between
physical, social, psychological, and informational
privacy. Physical privacy can be protected by means
of closed doors, curtains, and garden fences, all of
which are easy to relate to as the results (not being
visible or viewed anymore) can be directly controlled.
When dealing with the online environment, it is
especially users’ information privacy at stake, and the
protection of that is growing increasingly complex as
more and more technical threats exist.
Users try to protect their online privacy but often
they do not know how to do so effectively. Privacy
protection is perceived as too complex to be able to
do so, and also as not operative anymore (Zeissig et
al. 2017). Therefore, most online users are concerned
about their privacy (European Commission 2015).
Within the research project myneData (funded by
the German Ministry of Education and Research),
academics from different disciplines (communication
science, law, computer science, etc.) are looking for a
way of providing adequate protection of one’s own
data while at the same time offering the benefits of
data analysis to trustworthy data processors by
developing a user-controlled ecosystem for sharing
personal data. The main idea is a platform in which
users can provide data they are willing to share and
offer this to data processors, for example, researchers,
for free or in return for a compensation. Depending
on each user’s privacy settings, previously specified
data is aggregated from many different users and the
resulting data set is anonymized and made available
to the data processors. For a more detailed depiction
Schomakers, E., Lidynia, C. and Ziefle, M.
Hidden within a Group of People.
DOI: 10.5220/0006678700850094
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 85-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of that project, see Matzutt et al. (2017). One vital
aspect, especially in myneData, is the comprehensible
visualization of privacy protection and security, so
that every user can understand and interact with the
system. To do so, it is invaluable to know the ideas
and pre-existing notions users have of privacy
protection and to integrate these notions and users’
knowledge into the system and interface design. A
possible and promising approach is the use of mental
models (Coopamootoo & Groß 2014a; Coopamootoo
& Groß 2014c).
In line with Gentner & Stevens (2014), mental
models refer to the cognitive representations of how
technical systems or interfaces might work, thereby
including persons’ beliefs, cognitive and affective
expectations about the functions and the consequences
regarding implementation procedures or personal use
(Zaunbrecher et al., 2016).
Especially in the context of risk and risk
perception, the study of users’ mental representations
has been used extensively in order to best
communicate potential risks (Raja et al. 2011).
Although mental models are not necessarily true
representations of the real world, they facilitate the
understanding of complex or abstract issues (e.g.,
Morgan et al. 2002; Asgharpour et al. 2007). Thus,
they help users to interact with complex systems.
Mental models concerning risks and risk
perception in the online environment have been
studied and described by Camp (2009). She has found
five predominant mental models, namely physical
security, medical security, criminal behavior,
warfare, and economic failure that depict the most
common associations of how online risks are
perceived or visualized by people.
Physical security means the risk is linked to a
break-in in your home. Therefore, obvious depictions
are open and closed (pad)locks. Medical security
means infecting the computer or smartphone with a
virus. Criminal behavior is what, for example, hackers
are thought to do. Here the associated threats are data
theft but also vandalism in the vein of destroying the
functionality of the computer. Warfare as mental
model for online security risks is based on fast response
times that are needed and the huge potential losses of
resources that follow an attack. Economic failure
encompasses financial losses by illicit access to one’s
online bank-accounts or payment options.
And while not exhaustive and always applicable,
these associations with the real world to make
sense of the virtual world are the quintessential
idea of mental models (e.g., Asgharpour et al. 2007;
Coopamootoo & Groß 2014a; Coopamootoo & Groß
Asgharpour et al. (2007) have also found that
especially physical security – meaning the idea of
people physically entering your private space or
breaking your locks – is the best way to describe the
risks prevalent in the online environment. Seeing an
open or closed lock is an image that most people can
easily reconcile with protecting their goods, material
or virtual. In the same vein, Dourish et al. (2003) have
found that security is often seen as a barrier, locking
someone out and preventing access to private
Motti and Caine (2016) offer a “visual vocabulary
for privacy concepts” but deal mostly with four main
aspects of privacy: data collection, data transmission,
data storage, and data sharing and access control.
Although helpful, this does not necessarily suggest a
mental model for the protection of one’s privacy.
However, imagery such as shields, keys, and locks are
oftentimes associated with privacy control and
therefore security (Motti & Caine 2016).
Still, a visual vocabulary is not necessarily the
only way to find out what people think the protection
of their information privacy may look like. For
example, Prettyman et al. (2015) have found that
many users hold the belief that they have nothing of
value, so protection is not as important and therefore
neglected. Another common association is that
keeping up protection is a lot of hard work and takes
time and effort, so oftentimes it is outsourced to
people perceived as experts – either a professional or
computer-savvy friend or relative. Also, studies have
found a fatalistic attitude as putting all that effort into
privacy protection is useless because who gets access
to the data is not in the users’ hands anyway (e.g.,
Zeissig et al. 2017; Prettyman et al. 2015).
The aim of this study is to (a) identify mental models
of privacy protection and to (b) discuss options to
visualize comprehensible control elements for adjust-
able privacy protection that match these mental models.
To do so, an explorative approach is needed as
there is no previous knowledge about the nature of the
mental models in this context. Next, a short overview
about methods to identify mental models and their
(dis)advantages is given, before we describe the
empirical procedure, analysis, and the sample.
2.1 Eliciting Mental Models
Mental models can be compared to the lenses through
which individuals see the object, concept, or topic in
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
questions (Coopamootoo & Groß 2014c). They are
internalized and may not be conscious, as one is not
aware of the type of glass one looks through. Several
methods for identifying or eliciting mental models
have been proposed in research. They are
distinguished as either direct or indirect.
Direct elicitation approaches, in which the
participants are asked directly to explain or draw the
concept in question and all their associations with it,
rely on the ability of the subjects to report and
articulate their understanding of the concept (Olson &
Biolsi 1991; Ziefle & Bay 2004; Zaunbrecher et al.
2016). In contrast, indirect elicitation extracts mental
models from written documents or verbal texts about
the topic in questions and, thus, rely mostly on the
interpretation of the interviewer (Jones et al. 2011).
Grenier and Dudzinska-Presmitzki (2015) point
out that, as cognition is not only based on language
but also on images, verbal as well as graphical
techniques can be used to elicit mental models. They
caution that strictly verbal accounts run the risk of
being incomplete, given that participants are not
always conscious of their thought structures.
Therefore, a mix of verbal and graphical techniques,
in which the participants are asked to draw their
representation of the concept, gives the opportunity to
generate a more holistic presentation (Grenier &
Dudzinska-Przesmitzki 2015).
Focus groups have the advantage that the
discussion between the participants is encouraged and
different opinions and ideas stimulate a broad
examination of the topic, as, for example, Courage
and Baxter (2005) described. But there are also
possible drawbacks as some participants may hold
back their ideas or are very much influenced by the
other opinions. In this regard, interviews promote
more detailed insights into participants’ opinions and
ideas. The participants are not interrupted and judged
by other participants and are thus encouraged to
express themselves freely and elaborate on the topic
(Courage & Baxter 2005).
In this explorative approach, identifying all
existing mental models and associations was
paramount. Thus, a mixture between the techniques is
chosen that combines their respective advantages.
Three focus groups are supplemented with five
interviews, all of which followed the same procedural
guide. Both verbal and graphical tasks were mixed.
The participants were not only encouraged to define
privacy protection directly but also to talk about the
topic in general, which was used in the analysis to
identify and confirm mental models and associations
indirectly from their reasoning.
2.2 The Sample
The sample was composed of 11 men and 7 women
between the age of 17 and 57 years (M=32.6, SD=
13.5). Three focus groups with overall 13 participants
were conducted, which were replenished by five
individual interviews. The participants were recruited
through personal contacts in the wider social network
of the interviewer with the goal to include people of
differing level of privacy knowledge and digital
skills. A privacy literacy test was applied after the
interviews (adopted from Trepte et al., 2015) in which
the participants reached between 7 and 16 points of
18 maximum points (M=11.4, SD=2.6). More than
half of the sample were students, some majoring in
computer science. Those majoring in computer
science, who also all reached a very high score in the
privacy literacy test, are considered as expert
participants especially for their knowledge about
anonymization algorithms.
2.3 The Procedure
After introducing the general topic of digitization and
online privacy, the group discussions were initiated
with the question “What do you do online?” as intro-
ductory part. The goal of this question was for the
participants to delve into the topic with all its facets.
Then, the questions were raised what privacy
protection is to the participants and how they try to
protect their data. Every participant completed the
sentence “Privacy protection to me is (like)…” at the
beginning of the discussion.
After this abstract part, a specific scenario was
introduced that provided a similar decision situation
as in the myneData ecosystem, without explaining
this complex concept. In this scenario, data was
requested by a research institute for a medical study
and the participants were able to choose what data
they are willing to provide and to adjust the level of
privacy protection that is given to this information.
Again, the question was asked “What does data
protection mean to you in this scenario?” The
participants should discuss how levels of protection
differ and what the upper and lower limits are.
Then they were asked to draw control elements
for privacy protection. After the discussion of their
own drawings, pictures of different control elements
and possible metaphors for privacy protection were
presented as stimulator for the discussion. The
pictures featured scales from other contexts, e.g., a
speedometer, thermometer, as well as simple slide
switches, rating mechanisms like thumbs-up and
downs and smileys, and, furthermore, symbols for
Hidden within a Group of People
protection in other contexts, e.g., a wall, a garden
fence, and a padlock, that match the mental models
that Dourish et al. 2003 and Asgharpour et al. 2007
found. The participants were asked to discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of those visualizations.
At the end, every participant was asked to summarize
what they deem important concerning privacy
After the focus groups and interviews, a short
questionnaire was handed out to collect demographic
data (age, gender, occupation, etc.). Additionally, the
questionnaire contained a short privacy literacy test
that was adapted and abbreviated from Trepte et al.
(2015). The test included very simple to very
advanced multiple-choice questions about digital
knowledge (“What is a cookie?”), privacy rights
(“What rights do you have online?”), technical
privacy protection methods (“How can users protect
their online privacy?”), and data collection methods
(“What technical options exist for data collection?”).
2.4 Data Analysis
The interviews and focus groups were audiotaped and
transcribed verbatim. A conventional content analysis
(cf. Hsieh & Shannan 2005) was conducted to derive
categories from the data. Two coders worked through
the material several times and settled all differences
in coding through discussions.
Word clouds were generated at the website
wordle.net (Feinberg 2014). To do so, each quote in
an individual category was assigned one or several
keywords, thus all interviews and focus groups are
included. The font size is proportionate to the number
of mentions, in order to allow for a direct evaluation
of the most frequent (and important) mentions. The
study took part in Germany with German native
speakers. For this publication, quotations and
keywords were translated to English.
Figure 1: Topics and associations participants link to
privacy protection.
Our analysis showed that privacy protection is
perceived as multi-layered and complex, and that the
participants differ in their understanding of the topic.
There are various parties of responsibility for privacy
protection, different perceived threats, and, thus,
different options for protection. Figure 1 shows this
factor space of topics and associations related to the
The adjustable privacy protection addressed in the
scenario in the second part of the interviews and focus
groups is a special case in which the participants
applied a different focus.
Thus, in the following section, first the results
regarding privacy protection as broad concept are
presented. Afterwards, we focus on privacy
protection as the participants define it in the scenario
of providing a data set. In this course, we will also
discuss visualization options of privacy protection.
3.1 Who Is Responsible for Privacy
“On the one hand, there is one aspect of self-
determination, where you can decide when using a
service what you want to divulge. […] And data
security is the aspect of technical protection, as in how
do companies and other parties that store my data,
ensure that it is safe. And there is a third aspect of how
it is regulated by the law” (P17).
This quote from one of our participants shows the
threefold division that permeates the discussions.
There is a personal responsibility to avoid generating
data in the first place and to protect privacy by
technical means. One participant even sees this as the
only responsibility:
“The protection of my data lies in my own
responsibility. I have to take care of it myself. If I don’t
I mustn’t complain” (P15).
Other participants emphasize that control and self-
determination are preconditions for this personal
privacy protection and that, at the very least,
transparency is needed:
“Data protection is at least the attempt to make the
data flow transparent and, also, an obligation that the
individual can keep track and keep control about her
own data” (P9).
As for the second level, only a few participants
reported to be aware that data which is stored by
companies and other data collectors is protected from
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
third parties. The third aspect of legal regulations are,
on the other hand, mentioned quite often:
“[…] privacy protection is the right to decide where
my data goes” (P2).
“[…] privacy protection is like a statute book or a
duties record book, in which it is regulated what
practices are allowed – or just what is not allowed.
And there are some things that are only allowed under
specific restrictions […]” (P6).
3.1.1 From What Do You Want to Be
When asked to define privacy protection, many
participants started by listing from what they want to
be protected. Some participants even define privacy
protection as the absence of negative consequences:
“Privacy protection is for me, for example, if I
wouldn’t get any more unwanted promotional emails”
The word cloud in Figure 2 shows the perceived
threats. These threats include most of the risk
associations found by Camp (2009). One focus lies on
the criminal behavior and illicit abuse of data. Also
financial risks are addressed. But the participants in
this study address additional threats to privacy.
One threat is already seen in the data collection
itself, e.g., the collection of location data and data
from social networks. Additionally, they want to be
protected against personal consequences, but not only
illicit ones. Targeted advertisement and individual
pricing have been named often throughout the
discussions. Moreover, some participants see a threat
for society and democracy, e.g., because of
manipulation possibilities and filter bubbles.
Figure 2: Word cloud of perceived threats to online privacy.
Font sizes reflect the frequency of mentions.
One conceptual threat is addressed very often
throughout the discussion and interviews: identifica-
tion. Participants oppose the notion that others can
form a picture of themselves(P2) (a German idiom
meaning to form an opinion about themselves), that
“apps can identify yourself,” that “data is traced
back to yourself,” and thatdata is combined to
individual profiles(P6). Apart from the abstract
threats for democracy and society that are only
mentioned by few participants, it is their identity and
the “me” that participants want to protect. Their
verbalizations suggest that they see identification as
the key problem and not being identified as the one
mechanism that can protect them from all threats,
e.g., “privacy protection is the security of my
identity” (P16) or “privacy protection is the
protection of being identified” (P10).
The different types of threats can also be
recognized in how the participants currently manage
their privacy protection (cf. Figure 3). Some of the
options for online privacy protection aim at
disguising the identity while using the internet (TOR,
VPN) or try to revoke tracking itself (do-not-track
and deletion of cookies). Others block the
consequences of data collection (Ad blocker, fake
email addresses). Firewalls, virus-scanners as well as
passwords aim at protecting data from access by third
parties that try to use data illegally.
But most participants also use a rather
straightforward approach by trying to avoid the
generation of data in the first place (data avoidance).
Services that are well-known for collecting a lot of
data are not used, the GPS signal of the smart phone
is switched off, and only information that is essential
is provided in online forms (e.g., the address for
online purchases).
Figure 3: Word cloud of measures of privacy protection.
Font sizes reflect the frequency of mentions.
Hidden within a Group of People
One participant states that “privacy protection
means that no other person but myself has access to
my data” (P8).
This raises the question against whom privacy
protection is needed. The participants name online
companies, (health) insurance companies, hackers,
intelligence services, and other users. Some
differentiate between the intended communication
partner and “unauthorized listeners.”
3.1.2 Complex, Exhausting, and Almost
When asked about privacy protection, several
participants emphasized the complexity and lack of
clarity of technical privacy protection procedures.
Another characteristic is the effort that privacy
protection takes, as was also described by Prettyman
et al. (2015). For example, one participant says:
„Privacy protection is like a heavy tome about
advanced mathematics. I would need to work through
it before I could understand it” (P16).
Moreover, it is described as “a Sisyphean task, it
is never finished” (P13), which again underlines the
complexity of the topic to the user. One participant
with a lower score in the privacy literacy test even
describes privacy protection as impossible:
“Privacy protection is for me as impossible as hiding
a diary from curious eyes. In the moment that the diary
is written, the threat exists that it is read. The only
protection would be not to write a diary” (P12).
All participants see importance in privacy
“Privacy protection to me is like digestion:
exhausting, unappetizing, and one does not reflect
enough about it, although it is a very important topic”
3.2 Privacy Protection in the Scenario
With the introduction of the scenario, the focus
shifted towards privacy protection when providing a
specific data set. Some of the variables in the factor
space of privacy protection as discussed before are
now predetermined.
In the scenario, privacy protection is narrowed
down to a case in which data is requested by a
research institute for the purpose of a medical study.
If the information for each person within a dataset cannot be
distinguished from at least k-1 other persons whose information
Either Protected or Not: Initially, some participants
describe privacy protection as an absolute, binary
characteristic: “Privacy protection is something
absolute, data is either protected or not” (P18). But
after delving deeper into the topic, these opinions
Anonymity: Most participants put their focus on
anonymity (or rather, not being identified as
individual) as the key aspect of privacy protection
within this scenario: “The most important thing for
me would be anonymity” (P11).
But the understanding of anonymity differs very
much, also depending on the technical knowledge.
Some participants state that anonymity means “one
cannot match a person to the data anymore” (P8) and
participants with technical background refer to the
concept of k-anonymity
Others only want information to be deleted that
identifies them directly: “that my name is replaced
with participant number X” (P18). The same
participant comments that “anonymity is sometimes
only that someone just doesn’t use the data in any way
although it would be possible.” Thus, she does not
even request technical protection.
Transparency, Benefits, Trust: The participants
address multiple factors that influence their
willingness to provide data in this scenario. These
factors also show inversely what is important
regarding privacy protection. Of great importance is
the type of data that is requested, the data collector,
and the purpose of the collection. A key criterion is
that they can understand why this type of data is
relevant for the analysis. How the data is collected
and stored, the benefit for the individual and the
society, and transparency about the data use are
additional influences. Another very important aspect
is the trust into the data collector and their good will
not to identify the person or do any harm even if
technically possible.
3.3 How to Visualize Adjustable
Privacy Protection
The participants were asked to draw adjustable
privacy protection freehand. Additionally, control
elements and visualization from other contexts were
presented as stimulus for further discussion.
Half of the participants felt privacy protection to
be so abstract and far-fetched, they felt incapable of
drawing a picture. Most of the pictures included
is in this data set, the data set provides k-anonymity protection
(Sweeney 2002).
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
mainly text and no symbols. It seems that no visual
representation for privacy protection is obvious or
The remaining drawings and the discussion of the
stimulus material revolved around the idea of k-
anonymity that some participants introduced to the
others. For example, one participant drew a picture of
a slide control and “the group in which I am hidden,
that becomes smaller or larger with the slider” (P18)
(see Figure 4).
Figure 4: A participant’s attempt at visualizing controllable
privacy protection.
This idea is also mentioned in other interviews
and focus groups. But it seems that this focus is
artificially developed by the framing through the
discussion about k-anonymity. This was the only
concept that was explained for anonymity and was,
thus, adopted by the other participants. It can also be
surmised that not all participants fully understood the
concept. For example, one participants stated:
“You could for example depict the sample as small
people and then you can explain that this is the group
within which you are not identifiable” (P2).
Equating “the sample” with “the group within which
you are not identifiable” suggests a misunderstanding
of the concept.
The idea of privacy protection as a physical
barrier was introduced to the participants with the
stimulus material in which both a brick wall and a
wooden fence were included. Those ideas were
picked up by two participants:
“Privacy protection is like a garden fence, it protects
my privacy” (P10) and
“Privacy protection is like a semi-permeable wall,
that when it gets denser, doesn’t allow any more data
to go through. And when you scale it to be less dense,
up to absolute permeability, it allows all data to flow
through” (P6).
Also, the idea of a padlock was introduced and
some participants liked this from the get-go:
“I like the visualization of the padlock, because you
can see that if it is open, you want to provide the data,
instead of checkboxes. If it is closed it means that you
do not want to provide the data” (P2).
Note that those metaphors were mentioned after
the stimuli were introduced. Thus, they did not come
spontaneously from the participants and were taken
up, as was the idea of k-anonymity. But most
participants criticized these symbols as too simple.
This is a criterion that was often mentioned in the
evaluation of the stimulus material: most
visualizations were perceived as not able to cover the
complexity of the topic.
“For me, it is important to read a text, what is done in
detail, because visualizations do not reach the
necessary level of detail” (P7).
Some participants stated that they would not feel
taken seriously when such “childish” visualizations
would be used in this serious context. Based on this,
they would lose their trust in such a user interface.
In this scenario, in which the participants are
offered actual control over their data – something
they currently do not have in most online situations –
this power is received with open arms.
Correspondingly, being able to set privacy
protection in just two or three levels is no longer
enough, e.g.: “I want to see that there are several
increments and that I can set them as I wish” (P18).
The symbols proposed by other authors, e.g., barriers
or locks, do not offer scaling options and, thus, were
rejected by the participants.
The mental model of medical security, which was
also identified by Camp 2009 as an associated risk,
was similarly addressed by one participant at the end
of the discussion. She compared privacy protection to
a vaccination but emphasized mostly the idea of
personal responsibility:
I would compare it to a vaccination. It is something
you have to take care of and that protects you, but only
if you have taken care of it” (P18).
Mental models are simplified representations derived
from the physical world that people use to understand
and interact with complex or abstract topics and
issues. They have been found very helpful to
understand and communicate risk perception
(Coopamootoo & Groß 2014a). Also privacy research
has seen merit in using this approach to understand
computer users and their online behavior better (e.g.,
Asgharpour et al. 2007; Camp et al. 2007;
Coopamootoo & Groß 2014b; Wash 2010). In the
Hidden within a Group of People
present study, five interviews and three focus groups
with overall 18 participants were carried out to
identify mental models and possible visualizations of
privacy protection. Participants with differing
technical knowledge about online privacy were
included in the study, as it was hypothesized that their
mental models differ in level of detail and accuracy,
based on, e.g., (Coopamootoo & Groß 2014a).
The analysis showed that privacy protection is
perceived as a complex concept with many
influencing factors. No simplistic, easy to use mental
model was identified in our sample, but clues for
some useful models were extracted. It was hard for
the participants to directly define privacy protection
but many related topics were discussed: Who is
responsible for privacy protection? Against what and
whom is protection needed or wanted? How is
privacy protection currently managed? What are
preconditions for successful privacy protection?
Those different topics show that privacy protection is
context-dependent: It can be the protection of the
individual against targeted advertising by online
companies, or, it is the protection of stored data by
online companies against hackers. And it should also
always be somehow supported by law and
Complex is the attribute that all participants
agreed upon for privacy protection. Also, the results
of Prettyman et al. 2015, namely that one important
perception is that privacy protection takes much
effort, are mirrored in this study. However, her
findings that privacy protection is perceived as
irrelevant because users have nothing to hide was not
replicated, at least not in this German sample. In our
sample, the participants emphasized the importance
of privacy protection. As this is a qualitative study
with a very small sample size, we cannot generalize
these findings. Still, they could be, in fact, culturally
sensitive. Studies dealing with international
differences regarding information privacy show that
there are large differences across nations in this
regard (cf. Culnan & Armstrong 1999; Trepte &
Masur 2016).
The risk associations found by Camp (2009) were
mostly also present in our study. Many participants
described privacy protection as the absence of
negative consequences and listed those threats.
Especially criminal behavior and financial losses
were addressed often. But we found another focus: At
its core, our analysis showed privacy to be understood
as the protection of the individual and his or her
identity. Additionally, data collection itself, the
“annoying” targeted advertising and “unfair”
individual pricing, and also the protection from
manipulation of society and democracy were
Initially, privacy protection is felt to exist only on
a binary level – either one’s privacy is protected or it
is not. This approach is revised by the participants
once they delved deeper into the topic, its complexity,
and the idea of adjustable privacy.
The central point of identity is also focused in the
understanding of privacy protection in a scenario of
data provision. The scenario introduced the idea that
when data is voluntarily provided to a data collector,
the user can decide on a level of privacy protection
that is given to that data. Here, the participants
interpret privacy protection as anonymization and the
level of privacy protection as proportionate to the k-
anonymity in a data set. This idea is also then merged
into the visual representation and control elements for
privacy protection. The participants wish to see the
group of people among which they would not be
distinguishable anymore.
This focus on the concept of k-anonymity may
show that this is the mental model the participants
have for privacy protection. On the other hand, the
discussion could also have taken this focus, because
no alternative concept was available and this one was
easy to relate to. In such a qualitative approach, the
framing due to the questions asked by the interviewer
as well as the answers of other focus group attendees
influence the participants. Thus, we cannot claim that
this is a pre-existing mental model.
Other concepts, like privacy protection as a
barrier or lock (cf. Dourish et al. 2003, Asgharpour et
al. 2007), were not well applicable in the scenario
because they offer only two states: protected or not.
When given the choice, the participants wanted more
control and, thus, more nuances or gradations in the
setting. Still, the models of physical privacy
protection by a fence, wall, or padlock are matched
by the initial evaluation of some participants, namely
that privacy protection is binary, and were initially
preferred by some participants. In other privacy
contexts, physical privacy, psychological, and social
privacy, protective means are often binary, such as
shutting a door or refusing to speak to a person. These
measures have been known to people for centuries.
But the complexity of the online world is still new and
always changing. The idea of scalable privacy
protection may not be obvious to users and, hence,
does not fit existing mental models.
Within the research project myneData, the idea of
adjustable privacy protection is one central element.
If it is indeed the case that the only existing mental
models of privacy protection are binary, these models
cannot be used. To the concept of k-anonymity –
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
visualized with a group of people – all participants
were able to relate. But as we have seen, the concept
may not be understood correctly by all and would
need a good textual explanation to avoid or remove
That all participants were able to answer at least
one third of the questions in the privacy literacy test
correctly shows that we did not include participants
with very little knowledge about online privacy
aspects in our sample. We saw differences in the
understanding of the concept privacy protection and
also of the concept of anonymity. The participants in
our sample could relate to the concept of k-anonymity
in most parts. But the question remains, whether all
users, including those with low technical knowledge,
can do so. Concerning the intended myneData
platform, every user, independent from the technical
knowledge, is meant to be able to interact with the
interface. Therefore, a universally comprehensible
visualization is needed that is intuitively understood,
or at least simply learnable for users with little as well
as for users with much knowledge and understanding
about the technical background. More details can
always be given in a multi-layered information
design, e.g., with using tool-tips. But every user
should be able to understand the general concept
without reading background details. Mental models
need not cover the complexity of the concept, after all
they are simplified representations and can, thus, be
imperfect (Jones et al. 2011). Hence, even if they do
not cover the area of adjustable privacy, locks, walls,
and fences are good representations for protection in
other digital contexts.
The relatively small sample size and way of
participant acquisition does not lend itself to
generalizability of the results. However, it was useful
to gain insights into possible factors and ideas
concerning privacy and privacy protection that should
be validated with a quantitative study.
In the context of the research project myneData
and the development of a user-friendly interface for
adjustable privacy protection, perhaps a conjoint
study to understand which aspects have the most
influence on privacy protection behavior might yield
good results as the visual representation of different
privacy aspects have to be incorporated into the actual
study. Moreover, mental models could differ between
users. A quantitative analysis whether mental models
differ between user groups, for example, depending
on privacy knowledge, internet experience, or age,
could provide interesting insights and enhance the
results by Coopamootoo & Groß (2014a).
The present study again showed that privacy
protection is perceived as complex and exhausting.
Most users are concerned about their online privacy
and try to protect themselves – but they do not know
how to accomplish that. Comprehensible measures
for protecting privacy and easy to use interfaces are
needed that speak the users’ language and adopt
users’ mental models.
We thank all participants of the focus groups and
interviews for their willingness to share their thoughts
and opinions about privacy and its protection. We
also thank Benedikt Allendorf for his research
support. Parts of this work have been funded by the
German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
under the project MyneData (KIS1DSD045).
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