Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance
Tsegaye Misikir Tashu and Tom
s Horv
os Lor
and University, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Data Science and Engineering
any P
eter s
any 1/C, 1117, Budapest, Hungary
Automatic Essay Scoring, Word Mover’s Distance, Semantic Analysis.
Automated essay evaluation (AEE) represents not only as a tool to assess evaluate and score essays, but also
helps to save time, effort and money without lowering the quality of goals and objectives of educational
assessment. Even if the field has been developing since the 1960s and various algorithms and approaches
have been proposed to implement AEE systems, most of the existing solutions give much more focus on
syntax, vocabulary and shallow content measurements and only vaguely understand the semantics and context
of the essay. To address the issue with semantics and context, we propose pair-wise semantic similarity essay
evaluation by using the Word Mover’s Distance. This method relies on Neural Word Embedding to measure
the similarity between words. To be able to measure the performance of AEE, a qualitative accuracy measure
based on pairwise ranking is proposed in this paper. The experimental results show that the AEE approach
using Word Mover’s distance achieve higher level of accuracy as compared to others baselines.
Student assessment plays a major role in the ed-
ucational process and scoring subjective type of
questions is one of the most expensive and time-
consuming activity for educational assessments. As
a consequence, the interest and the development of
automated assessment systems are growing.
Automated Essay Evaluation
(AEE) can be seen
as a prediction problem, which automatically evalu-
ates and scores essay solutions provided by students
by comparing them with the reference solution via
computer programs (Miller et al., 2013). For aca-
demic institutions, AEE represents not only a tool
to assess learning outcomes, but also helps to save
time, effort and money without lowering the quality
of teacher’s feedback on student solutions.
The area has been developing since the 1960s
when Page and his colleagues (Page, 1966) intro-
duced the first AEE system. Various kinds of algo-
rithms, methods, and techniques have been proposed
to implement AEE solutions, however, most of the ex-
isting AEE approaches consider text semantics very
vaguely and focus mostly on its syntax.
We can assume that most of the existing AEE ap-
proaches give much more focus on syntax, vocabulary
and shallow content measurements and only limited
Also called Automated Essay Scoring.
concerns for the semantics. This assumption follows
from the fact that the details of most of the known
systems have not been released publicly. To seman-
tically analyze and evaluate documents in these sys-
tems, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Deerwester
et al., 1999), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei
et al., 2003), Content Vector Analysis (CVA) (Attali,
2011) and Neural Word Embedding (NWE) (Mikolov
et al., 2013; Kusner et al., 2015) are mostly used.
NWE (Bengio et al., 2003; Mikolov et al., 2013)
is similar to other text semantic similarity analysis
methods such that LSA or LDA. The main differ-
ence is that LSA and LDA utilize co-occurrences of
words while NWE learns to predict context. More-
over, training of semantic vectors is resulted from
neural networks. NWE models have increased ac-
ceptance in recent years because of their high perfor-
mance in natural language processing (NLP) tasks (Li
et al., 2015).
In this work, the Word Mover’s Distance (WMD)
is utilized which uses word embedding, vector rep-
resentations of terms, computed from unlabeled data
that represent terms in a semantic space in which
proximity of vectors can be interpreted as semantic
similarity (Mikolov et al., 2013; Kusner et al., 2015).
The proposed method measures a distance between
individual words from the reference solution and a
student answer. To the best of authors’ knowledge,
this work is the first effort in utilizing WMD for AEE.
Misikir Tashu, T. and Horváth, T.
Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance.
DOI: 10.5220/0006679200590066
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 59-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The main goal of the proposed WMD based Pair-
Wise AEE approach is not to accurately reproduce
the human grader’s scores, which are varying in their
evaluation but to provide acceptable scores and also
immediate and helpful feedback. The proposed AEE
approach is compared with approaches using LSA,
Wordnet and cosine similarity.
A qualitative evaluation measure based on pair-
wise ranking, called prank, for assessing the perfor-
mance of various models w.r.t. the human scoring
is also proposed in this paper. To the best of au-
thors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to evaluate
AEE approaches in a qualitative way, only quantita-
tive evaluation measures (e.g. a mean squared error
between human’s and machine’s scores) were used so
far in the recent literature.
Experiments conducted on real-world datasets,
provided by the Hewlett Foundation for a Kaggle
challenge, showed the proposed WMD based Pair-
Wise AEE approach promising such that, in general,
it achieved higher performance than the used baseline
AEE approaches according to both quantitative (nor-
malized root mean squared error) and the qualitative
(the proposed prank) evaluation measures.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 reviews existing AEE approaches. In Section 3,
the proposed Word Movers Distance based Pair-Wise
AEE approach is introduced. Experiments and results
are described in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the
paper and discusses prospective plans for future work.
The research on automatically evaluating and scoring
essay question answers is ongoing for more than a
decade where Machine Learning (ML) and NLP tech-
niques were used for evaluating essay question an-
Project Essay Grade (PEG) was the first AEE
system developed by Ellis Page and his colleagues
(Page, 1966). Earlier versions of this system used 30
computer quantifiable predictive features to approxi-
mate the intrinsic features valued by human markers.
Most of these features were surface variables such as
the number of paragraphs, average sentence length,
length of the essay in words, and counts of other tex-
tual units. PEG has been reported as being able to pro-
vide scores for separate dimensions of writing such as
content, organization, style, mechanics (i.e., mechan-
ical accuracy, such as spelling, punctuation and capi-
talization) and creativity, as well as providing an over-
all score (Shermis et al., 2002; Wang, 2005; Zhang,
2014). However, the exact set of textual features un-
derlying each dimension as well as details concerning
the derivation of the overall score are not publicly dis-
closed (Ben-Simon and Bennett, 2007; Shermis et al.,
E-Rater (Attali and Burstein, 2006), the basic
technique of which is identical to PEG, uses statistical
and NLP techniques. E- Rater utilizes a vector-space
model to measure semantic content. It examines the
structure of the essay by using transitional phrases,
paragraph changes, etc., and examines it’s content by
comparing it’s score to other essays. However, if there
is an essay with a new argument that uses an unfamil-
iar argument style, the E-rater will not notice it.
Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA), based on LSA,
is an essay grading technique developed in the late
1990s that evaluates essays by measuring semantic
features (Foltz et al., 1999). IEA is trained on a
domain-specific set of essays that have been previ-
ously scored by expert human raters. IEA evaluates
each ungraded essay basically by comparing through
LSA, i.e. how similar the new essay is to those it has
been trained on. By using LSA, IEA is able to con-
sider the semantic features by representing each essay
as a multidimensional vector.
IntelliMetric (Shermis and Burstein, 2003), uses a
blend of Artificial Intelligence (AI), NLP and statisti-
cal techniques. IntelliMetric needs to be trained with
a set of essays that have been scored before by human
expert raters. To analyze essays, the system first in-
ternalizes the known scores in a set of training essays.
Then, it tests the scoring model against a smaller set
of essays with known scores for validation purposes.
Finally, once the model scores the essays as desired,
it is applied to new essays with unknown scores.
AEE systems that use LSA ignore the order of
words or arrangement of sentences in its analysis of
the meaning of a text because LSA does not have such
a feature. A text document in LSA is simply treated as
a “bag of words” – an unordered collection of words.
As such, the meaning of a text as derived by LSA is
not the same as that which could be understood by
human beings from grammatical, syntactic relations,
logic, or morphological analysis. The second problem
is that LSA does not deal with polysemy. This is be-
cause each word is represented in the semantic space
as a single point and its meaning is the average of all
its different meanings in the corpus (Dumais and Lan-
dauer, 2008). In this paper, we used the “skip-gram”
model of word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) to obtain
word embedding that learns to predict the context and
to train the semantic vectors that is resulted from neu-
ral networks to address the issue of word polysemy
(Mikolov et al., 2013; Kusner et al., 2015).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The most common way of computing a similarity be-
tween two textual documents is to have the centroids
of their word embedding and evaluate an inner prod-
uct between these two centroids (Mikolov et al., 2013;
Kusner et al., 2015). However, taking simple cen-
troids of two documents is not a good approximation
for calculating a distance between these two docu-
ments (Kusner et al., 2015). In this paper, the sim-
ilarity between individual words in a pair of docu-
ments, i.e. the student’s answer and the reference (a
good) solution, is measured as opposed to the aver-
age similarity between the student’s answer and the
reference solution. Therefore, the Word Mover’s Dis-
tance (WMD), calculating the minimum cumulative
distance that words from a reference solution need to
travel to match words from a student answer, was used
in this paper.
3.1 Word Mover’s Distance
First, it is assumed that text documents are repre-
sented by normalized bag-of-words (nBOW) vectors,
i.e. if a word w
appears f
times in a document, its
weight is calculated as
where n is the number of unique words in the docu-
ment. The higher it’s weight, the more important the
word is. Combined with a measure of word impor-
tance, the goal is to incorporate semantic similarity
between pairs of individual words into the document
distance metric. For this purpose, their Euclidean dis-
tance over the word2vec embedding space was used
(Kusner et al., 2015; Mikolov et al., 2013). The dis-
similarity between word w
and word w
can be com-
puted as
) = kx
where x
and x
are the embeddings of the words w
and w
, respectively
Let D and D
be nBOW representations of two
documents D and D
, respectively. Let T R
a flow matrix, where T
i j
0 denotes how much the
word w
in D has to “travel” to reach the word w
, and n is the number of unique words appearing
in D and D
. To transform D to D
entirely, we en-
sure that the complete flow from the word w
and the incoming flow to the word w
equals d
The WMD is defined as the minimum cumulative cost
needed to move all words from D to D
, i.e.
T 0
i, j=1
i j
) (3)
subject to
i j
= d
,i {1,...,n},
i j
= d
, j {1, . . . , n}
The solution is achieved by finding T
i j
that min-
imizes the expression in Equation 1. (Kusner et al.,
2015) applied this to obtain nearest neighbors for doc-
ument classification, i.e. k-NN classification which
produced outstanding performance among other state-
of-the-art approaches. Therefore, WMD is a good
choice for semantically evaluating a similarity be-
tween documents. The features of WMD can be used
to semantically score a pair of texts such that, for ex-
ample, student’s answers and reference solutions.
In this regard, in order to compute the semantic
similarity between the student’s answer, denoted here
by Sa, and the reference solution, denoted here by Rs,
Sa is mapped to Rs using a word embedding model.
Let Sa and Rs be nBOW representations of Sa and Rs,
respectively. The word embedding model is trained
on a set of documents. Since the goal is to measure
a similarity between Sa and Rs, c(w
) is redefined
as a cosine similarity, i.e.
) =
Since similarity is used in the Equation 4 instead of
distance (Equation 2), Equation 3 is also modified to
T 0
i, j=1
i j
) (5)
subject to
i j
= d
,i {1,...,n},
i j
= d
, j {1, . . . , n}
3.2 Pair-Wise Architecture
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed WMD
based Pair-Wise AEE system.
In preprocessing an essay, the following tasks
were performed: tokenization; removing punctuation
marks, determiners, and prepositions; transformation
to lower-case; stopword removal and word stemming.
In the stopword removal step, the words that are in the
stop word list (Salton, 1989) were removed. After re-
moving the stopwords the words have been stemmed
to their roots. For stemming the words, M. F. Porter’s
stemming algorithm (Porter, 1980) was used.
For essay evaluation, the freely available
word2vec word embedding which has an embedding
for 3 million words/phrases from Google News,
trained using the approach in (Mikolov et al.,
2013) was used as a word embedding model in
the implementation of the WMD based Pair-Wise
Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance
Figure 1: The architecture of the proposed Pair-Wise AEE approach.
The experiment was carried out on datasets provided
by the Hewlett Foundation at a Kaggle
for an AEE. There are ten datasets containing stu-
dent essays from grade ten students. All the datasets
were rated by two human raters. The features of the
datasets are shown in Table 1.
Five datasets, numbered 1, 2, 5, 9 and 10 in this
paper, are provided with the correct, reference solu-
tion to which student answers are compared to. In
case of the other five datasets (no. 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8)
the reference solution was created according to the
score given by human raters, i.e. ten students’ an-
swers which got full score were randomly selected as
reference solutions.
Python was used to implement the algorithms dis-
cussed. As the Pair-Wise approach is dependent on a
word embedding, we used the freely-available Google
News word2vec
model. Additionally, Scikit-learn
and Numpy
Python libraries were also used.
The performance of the proposed Pair-Wise ap-
proach is compared to that of other three approaches
utilizing LSA (Deerwester et al., 1999; Islam and
Latiful Hoque, 2010), Wordnet (Atoum and Otoom,
2016; Wan and Angryk, 2007; Zhuge and Hua, 2009)
and cosine similarity (Ewees, A et al., 2014; Xia et al.,
4.1 Quantitative Evaluation
The machine score of each essay was compared with
the human score to test the reliability of the proposed
Pair-Wise approach. Normalized root mean squared
error (nRMSE) was used to evaluate the agreement
between the score given by the Pair-Wise approach as
well as baseline AEE algorithms and the actual hu-
man scores. The essay scores provided by human
raters were normalized to be within [0,1]. nRMSE is
widely accepted as a reasonable evaluation measure
for AEE systems (Williamson, 2009) and is defined
(r(Sa) h(Sa))
where ES is the Essay Set used, r(Sa) and h(Sa)
are the predicted rating for Sa by the used AEE ap-
proach and the human rating of Sa, respectively. Rat-
ing here means how the student answer is similar to
the reference solution. The lower the nRMSE the bet-
ter the performance of the measured approach is.
Figure 2 shows the nRMSE between the human
score and the tested AEE systems for the datasets used
in the experiment. Except the Dataset8, where Pair-
Wise was performing slightly worse than the winner
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Essay sets used in the experiment and their main characteristics.
Essay Grade
Score Average length Training Test set
Total size
Set Level range in words set size size
1 10 Science 0-3 50 1672 558 2230
2 10 Science 0-3 50 1278 426 1704
3 10 English, arts 0-2 50 1891 631 2522
4 10 English, arts 0-2 50 1738 580 2318
5 10 Biology 0-3 60 1795 599 2394
6 10 Biology 0-3 50 1797 599 2396
7 10 English 0-2 60 1799 601 2400
8 10 English 0-2 60 1799 601 2400
9 10 Science 0-2 60 1798 600 2398
10 8 Science 0-2 60 1799 599 2398
Figure 2: A quantitative comparison using nRMSE (Equation 6) of the proposed Pair-Wise AEE and the baselines using
LSA, WordNet and Cosine similarity. In case of the datasets no. 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, the average performance from 10 runs
(corresponding to the 10 randomly chosen reference solutions) is reported while in case of the other five datasets (where only
the one reference solution indicated in the data is used), the result from one run is reported.
Wordnet baseline, Pair-Wise was outperforming the
baseline approaches.
In case of the datasets 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, the aver-
age values of nRMSE from the ten runs correspond-
ing to ten randomly chosen reference solutions are
indicated in the Figure 2. To test if the differences
between the tested AEE approaches indicated in the
Figure 2, in case of these 5 datasets, are statistically
significant, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank
test was used. The resulting p-values from these tests
are reported in the Table 2 showing that the differ-
ences between PairWise and the baselines as well as
between the baselines are statistically significant.
Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance
Table 2: The p-values resulting from the Wilcoxon signed-rank test between the nRMSE results of the proposed AEE and the
baselines using LSA, WordNet and Cosine similarity.
Pair-Wise vs. LSA vs.
Cosine vs. WordNet
LSA WordNet Cosine WordNet Cosine
Dataset3 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.007
Dataset4 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Dataset6 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Dataset7 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Dataset8 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.074
4.2 Qualitative Evaluation
nRMSE measures the performance of the tested AEE
approaches quantitatively, i.e. by how much the pre-
dicted score of an approach differs from the human
ratings. Since the proposed and baseline approaches
are based on different models, their results might be
biased. Thus, a qualitative evaluation measure, named
prank, referring to “pairwise ranking” is proposed
and used in this paper, defined as
prank(ES) =
) (7)
where Z = |ES|(|ES| 1)/2 is a normal-
ization constant and δ(Sa
) = 1 if
) < h(Sa
) & r(Sa
) < r(Sa
) >
) & r(Sa
) > r(Sa
while in cases where
) = h(Sa
), δ(Sa
) = 1 |r(Sa
) r(Sa
In other words, δ(Sa
) results in it’s maximal
value 1 when the predicted ratings for two student an-
swers Sa
and Sa
do not change the human “ranking”
of Sa
and Sa
w.r.t. their similarities to the reference
solution. If the human ranking can not be determined,
i.e. the human rated the similarities of Sa
and Sa
to the reference solution equally, then the lower the
difference between the predicted ratings the better.
As far as the knowledge of the authors goes, none
of the state-of-the-art approaches have been evaluated
in a qualitative way, only nRMSE (or it’s variants) was
used in all the recent works found.
Figure 3 shows the results when measuring the
(average) performance of the discussed approaches
qualitatively using the proposed prank measure. Pair-
Wise outperforms the baselines in 7 from the 10 essay
sets used for evaluation. In 2 cases, the prank score
was very close to the winner approaches while only
in one case the proposed approach was substantially
outperformed by the LSA baseline.
In case of the datasets 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, the av-
erage values of prank from the ten runs correspond-
ing to ten randomly chosen reference solutions are
indicated in the Figure 3. To test if the differences
between the tested AEE approaches indicated in the
Figure 3, in case of these 5 datasets, are statistically
significant, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank
test was used, as in the case of quantitative evalua-
tion, above. The resulting p-values from these tests
are reported in the Table 3 showing that the differ-
ences between Pair-Wise and the baselines are statis-
tically significant.
In this paper, an automated essay evaluation (AEE)
system has been developed using word mover’s dis-
tance (WMD). The proposed pair-wise AEE system
evaluates students essay based on semantic attributes
of essays. During evaluating essays, the system ac-
cepts two values. i.e. student answer and reference
solution. To measure the performance of AEE, a
novel qualitative accuracy measure based on pairwise
ranking, called prank, was also proposed in this work.
The experimental results showed that there is a
significant correlation between the human score and
the scores using the proposed Pair-Wise AEE ap-
proach. This opens the way for development of AEE
systems using semantic features of essays.
The overall accuracy of the pair-wise model shows
that much more better AEE systems can be imple-
mented in scoring essay exams using unsupervised
machine learning algorithms. Such systems can be in-
tegrated with intelligent tutoring systems to enhance
their capability and to provide fast and automatic
feedbacks to the users of these systems without any
human interference. The development of such sys-
tems can be more helpful and supportive for students,
teachers and schools. It will minimize the teachers
load by scoring essays within a short time and also
minimize the biases in evaluating subjective ques-
tions. Students can also get timely feedbacks and
some help to follow their performance.
The next step of this research is focused to increas-
ing the performance of the proposed system by inte-
grating algorithms that will identify and penalize at-
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: A qualitative comparison using prank (Equation 7) of the proposed Pair-Wise AEE and the baselines using LSA,
WordNet and Cosine similarity. In case of the datasets no. 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, the average performance from 10 runs (corre-
sponding to the 10 randomly chosen reference solutions) is reported while in case of the other five datasets (where only the
one reference solution indicated in the data is used), the result from one run is reported.
Table 3: The p-values resulting from the Wilcoxon signed-rank test between the prank results of the proposed AEE and the
baselines using LSA, WordNet and Cosine similarity.
Pair-Wise vs. LSA vs.
Cosine vs. WordNet
LSA WordNet Cosine WordNet Cosine
Dataset3 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.878 0.878 0.241
Dataset4 0.012 0.005 0.053 0.012 0.078 0.170
Dataset6 0.006 0.005 0.028 0.005 0.005 0.005
Dataset7 0.016 0.005 0.005 0.053 0.721 0.006
Dataset8 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.332 0.044 0.006
tempts by students to deliberately fool the system by
writing only significant words or phrases in an essay
instead of a proper essay and also by creating an own
word embedding model.
In the future, the proposed approach will be in-
tegrated to the web-based AEE system which is re-
cently under development by the authors of this pa-
per. Such integration to a real-life system will help
to test the performance of the proposed Pair-Wise ap-
proach in a real-time scenario and also to assess its
Authors also aim to promote the openness of this
research field by openly providing the technical de-
tails and outcomes of our AEE system. This will open
chances to proceed and help bring more AEE systems
into practical applications.
Authors would like to thank to the Stipendium Hun-
garicum Scholarship Programme.
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