Figure 9: Predicted Total Cost Before vs After Migration
with The Migration Cost Recovery.
This framework is also capable of predicting the
total cost before and after live migration for a number
of VMs as shown in Figure 9, along with their
migration cost recovery based on Algorithm 3.
In addition, Figure 10 shows the results of the
predicted migration cost recovery for all VMs with
(the cost recovery percentage incurred by live
migration): 22.28% for the small VM, 28.48% for the
medium and 28.19% for the large one.
Figure 10: The Potential Migration Cost Recovery.
Despite the high variation of the workload
utilisation in the periodic pattern, the accuracy metrics
indicate that the predicted VMs workload and power
consumption achieve good prediction accuracy along
with the predicted live migration total cost.
This paper has presented and evaluated a new
Performance and Energy-based Cost Prediction
Framework that dynamically supports VMs
reallocation, and demonstrates the trade-off between
cost, power consumption, and performance. This
framework predicts the total cost before and after live
migration by considering the resource usage, power
consumption and performance variation of
heterogeneous VMs based on their usage and size,
which reflect the physical resource usage and power
consumption by each VM. The results show that the
proposed framework can predict the resource usage,
power consumption, total migration cost and the
migration recovery cost for the VMs with a good
prediction accuracy based on periodic workload
patterns. As a part of future work, we intend to extend
our approach by considering the scalability aspects
(auto-scaling) to further understand the capability of
the proposed work.
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Performance and Energy-based Cost Prediction of Virtual Machines Live Migration in Clouds