Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0
Oliver Schluga
, Elisabeth Bauer
, Ani Bicaku
, Silia Maksuti
Markus Tauber
and Alexander W
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria
Univeristy of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
a University of Technology, Lule
a, Sweden
Cloud Computing, IaaS, ISO 27017, Security, Virtualization, OpenStack, VMware, Industry 4.0.
The fast growing number of cloud based Infrastructure-as-a-Service instances raises the question, how the
operations security depending on the underlying cloud computing infrastructure can be sustained and guar-
anteed. Security standards provide guidelines for information security controls applicable to the provision
and use of the cloud services. The objectives of operations security are to support planning and sustaining of
day-to-day processes that are critical with respect to security of information environments. In this work we
provide a detailed analysis of ISO 27017 standard regarding security controls and investigate how well popular
cloud platforms can cater for them. The resulting gap of support for individual security controls is furthermore
compared with outcomes of recent cloud security research projects. Hence the contribution is twofold, first
we identify a set of topics that still require research and development and secondly, as a practical output, we
provide a comparison of popular industrial and open-source platforms focusing on private cloud environments,
which are important for Industry 4.0 use cases.
Following a current forecast (Gar, 2017) the cloud
service market is projected to grow 18.5% in 2017 to
total $260.2 billion, up from $219.6 billion in 2016.
The highest growth arises from Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), which is expected to show the fastest
growth over the next five years. The reason for this is
the shift away from legacy IT-systems to cloud-based
services following the trend of organizations pursu-
ing a digital business strategy. Another trend we see
evolving is Industry 4.0 (Henning, 2013), with the
goal to increase flexibility and automation in the pro-
duction and provisioning of goods. Such an endeavor
release strongly on flexible back-end services like the
cloud. Initially, we expect a focus on private cloud en-
vironments due to security concerns, typical for man-
ufacturing industry. Evolvement of trends will never
the less be driven by novel service models derived
from IaaS trends, which are also the drivers for guide-
lines and standards. The National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (NIST) (Mell et al., 2011) de-
fines IaaS as the capability provided to the consumer
to access resources (e.g., storage, networks, process-
ing, etc.) and to deploy and run arbitrary software in-
cluding operating systems and applications. The con-
sumer has control over operating systems, storage and
deployed applications but not to the underlying cloud
infrastructure.Following this definition the cloud ser-
vice provider is responsible to provide an elastic, reli-
able and secure IaaS platform for the cloud consumer.
Additionally, because of the cloud computing archi-
tecture, IaaS can be used by other cloud services,
like Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) or Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS). Regarding these, issues in IaaS may
compromise the functionality of the overlying layers.
As a result, apart from legal, contractual and technical
concerns, security is one of the main topic in IaaS.
Operations security within IaaS involves planning and
sustaining the day-to-day processes that are critical to
keep data (virtual machines) and systems (virtualiza-
tion platform) confidential, maintain the integrity and
ensure their availability. Therefore, the most impor-
tant aspect of operations security is that the operations
themselves need to be repeatable, reliable and con-
sistently performed. Additionally, operations security
need to be measurable for representing and assessing
the current state of an environment or for comparison
purposes. To accomplish this, specific operations se-
curity related measurable metrics are used.
Schluga, O., Bauer, E., Bicaku, A., Maksuti, S., Tauber, M. and Wöhrer, A.
Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0006683103920399
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), pages 392-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-295-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
International standards development organisa-
tions, like NIST
or ISO
, provide require-
ments, specifications, guidelines and characteristics
which can be used consistently to ensure that pro-
cesses and services are fit for their purpose. Addition-
ally, most standards define metrics for measurement
or assessment of processes and services. It is impor-
tant to match those recommendations, which the envi-
ronment manufacturing industry relies on. Our main
contributions and preliminary results in this paper are:
Deriving operations security metrics for IaaS in
Industry 4.0
Identification for research and development needs
in operations security with respect to IaaS in In-
dustry 4.0, considering ISO27017 standard
A comparison of popular IaaS platforms (Open-
Stack and VMware) and an evaluation of their ca-
pability to support ISO27017 recommendations
Relevant research work is carried out to support or-
ganizations dealing with security considering exist-
ing standards and best practices. A general compari-
son of various security related standards and frame-
works can be found at (Gao and Schneider, 2012).
Disterer (Disterer, 2013) provides a detailed evalua-
tion of the differences within ISO 270xx series con-
sidering ISO 27000, ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 stan-
dards. In addition the author provides an implementa-
tion of ISO 27001 certification from IT service man-
agement point of view. This work is based on ISO
27001 standard but considering operations security or
ISO 27017.
Donevski et al. (Donevski et al., 2013) analyze the
security assessment of virtual machines in OpenStack
by addressing the security vulnerabilities from inside
and outside the cloud. However, they do not address
any specific security standard or best practice and do
not consider the individual OpenStack components.
Majudar et al. (Majumdar et al., 2015) and Madi
et.al (Madi et al., 2016) propose an approach in se-
curity compliance auditing for clouds with special fo-
cus on identity and access management. The auditing
system is integrated into OpenStack by considering
only the main modules. This work evaluates security
regarding identity and access management extracted
from different standards. The authors also include
ISO 27017 in their evaluation but their research focus
is only in auditing OpenStack. In comparison with
this approach, we extract the operations security prop-
erties from ISO 27017 and evaluate their applicability
on OpenStack and VMware.
Other existing works address security on VMware
platform. Montesino and Fenz (Montesino and Fenz,
2011) analyze information security automation in re-
spect to security standards and best practice guide-
lines. In addition they evaluate which existing tools
can be used to support the automation by consid-
ering also VMware vSphere. In contrast with this
work we evaluate operations security properties from
ISO 27017 and their applicability on OpenStack and
Ryoo et al. (Ryoo et al., 2014) highlights the chal-
lenges between cloud security auditing and traditional
IT security auditing via interviews with experienced
cloud security auditors. This work analyzes the ap-
plicability of different standards including ISO 27017
operations security controls within an IaaS environ-
ment based on VMware vSphere. However, they do
not consider specific properties of operation security
and the applicability on OpenStack or VMware.
Research activities regarding the development of
cloud computing has been very intense during the last
years and several EU-funded projects have investi-
gated relevant problems focusing on security in cloud.
In the SECCRIT project, we have developed re-
silience components for clouds, policy driven secu-
rity controller, techno-legal guidance and a cloud as-
surance evaluation methodology for aggregating and
simplifying monitoring information related to high
level security properties (Hudic et al., 2014), (Bicaku
et al., 2016). PrismaCloud project brings novel se-
curity concepts, such as cryptographic concepts and
methods to improve and guarantee the required secu-
rity for sensitive data in the cloud (Bleikertz et al.,
2015). Cumulus project has addressed security and
privacy issues by developing a framework of mod-
els and tools to support the certification of security
properties in the cloud based on the cloud trust pro-
tocol (Anisetti et al., 2015). Arrowhead project pro-
vides tools and methods for automation considering
local clouds (Delsing, 2017).
The European Commission Community Research
and Development Information Service (CORDIS
lists additional research projects addressing cloud
security: Coco-Cloud
analyses the secure and
private exchange of data using cloud computing.
focuses on the privacy and usability
Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0
challenges of cross-border usage of personal data
in communication with respect to data ownership.
SERENITI analyses Networked Critical Infrastruc-
tures (NIC) and develops state-of-the-art techniques
and tools in designing secure and resilient industrial
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have been tradition-
ally built as stand-alone systems, not connected to
the outside world. The interconnection with the cor-
porate network, wireless, mobile or cloud-based ser-
vices make these systems potentially reachable from
cyber-attacks. Therefore, each organization must un-
derstand the potential risks of a production environ-
ment which is no longer isolated from the Internet and
puts the system at a risk of cyber-attacks. Thus, op-
erations security is of utmost importance to be con-
sidered in Industry 4.0 applications. The application
of operations security concepts supports the achieve-
ment of the following high-level security objectives:
(i) reduce the operational vulnerability, (ii) protect the
computing resources and information assets, (iii) bal-
ance of ease-of-use vs. system controls and balance of
value of data vs business needs, and (iv) compliance
with laws and organizational aspects.
Table 1 lists common security operations concepts
identified by (ISC)
certifications in CISSP (Stewart
et al., 2012). Combined, these practices help to pre-
vent security incidents from occurring, and limit the
scope of incidents that do occur.
Table 1: Basic Security Operations Concepts.
Additionally, the elements listed in Table 2 are
part of CISSPs security domain (Disterer, 2013) re-
garding security operations objectives. These ele-
ments cover security operations management tasks
and they can be found within the ISO 270xx series.
Table 2: Security Operations Objectives.
In this section we provide a summary of the most rel-
evant existing standards, best practice guidelines with
the purpose to get a better overview of gaps and over-
laps in the current state of the art related to operations
security. Existing standards and best practice guide-
lines that address operational security by providing ei-
ther methodologies or controls are listed below.
ISO/IEC 270xx series gives an overview and ex-
plains the Information Security Management Systems
(ISMS), referring to ISMS series of standards with re-
lated terms and definitions. The standards ISO/IEC
27000, 27001, 27002 and 27017 are international
standards, which have been adopted from different or-
ganizations around the world.
ISO/IEC 27000:2016 (Disterer, 2013) gives an
overview of information security management sys-
tems (ISMS), terms, and definitions used in the ISMS.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Fomin et al., 2013) specifies
the requirements for implementing, maintaining, and
continually improving the ISMS. It also includes re-
quirements for the assessment and treatment of infor-
mation security risks tailored to the needs of the orga-
ISO/IEC 27002:2013 (Calder and Watkins, 2013)
gives guidelines for organizational information secu-
rity and information security management practices
including the selection, implementation, and manage-
ment of controls taking into consideration the organi-
zation’s information security risk environments. It is
designed to be used by organizations that intend to:
(i) select controls within the process of implementing
ISO 27001, (ii) implement commonly accepted infor-
mation security controls, and (iii) develop their own
information security management guidelines.
ISO/IEC 27005:2011 (ISO/IEC-27005, 2011) is
based on ISO/IEC 27001 and provides guidelines for
information security risk management and implemen-
tation of information security.
ISO/IEC 27017:2015 (ISO/IEC, 2015) provides con-
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
trols and implementation guidance for both cloud ser-
vice providers and cloud service consumers. The
standard provides guidelines for information security
controls applicable to the provision and use of cloud
services by providing: (i) additional implementation
guidance for relevant controls specified in ISO/IEC
27002, and (ii) additional controls with implementa-
tion guidance that specifically relate to cloud services.
The National Institute of Standards and Technol-
ogy (NIST) 800 series is a set of publications devel-
oped as outcome of research for optimizing the secu-
rity of IT systems and networks.
NIST SP 800-82 (Stouffer et al., 2011) gives an
overview of ICS and also what makes it different and
unique from traditional IT systems by providing, (i)
ICS risk management and assessment, (ii) how to de-
velop and deploy an ICS specific cyber security pro-
gram, (iii) different ways for architecting the indus-
trial control system for security, and (iv) applying se-
curity controls to ICS.
NIST SP 800-184 provides tactical and strategic
guidance to support organizations in a technology-
neutral way in improving their cyber event recovery
plans, processes, and procedures.
The Cloud Security Alliance
(CSA) provides
best practice efforts by considering 14 domains about
critical areas of cloud computing and works on con-
tinuous improvement of the published best practice
methods concerning security.
CTP - Cloud Trust Protocol, provided by CSA, of-
fers cloud users the opportunity to request and ac-
quire information about transparency with respect to
cloud service providers. The primary purpose of the
CTP and the elements of transparency is to gener-
ate evidence-based confidence that everything that is
claimed to be happening in the cloud is indeed hap-
pening as described.
Every standard from the ISO 270xx series is de-
signed with a certain focus to build the foundations
of information security in an organization, ISO 27001
should be used; to implement controls, ISO 27002
should be used, to carry out risk assessment and risk
treatment, ISO 27005 should be used, and to pro-
tect the information in the cloud, ISO 27017 should
be considered. Standards such as NIST SP 800-82
and NIST SP 800-184, consider the operations se-
curity but in most of them is missing a step-by-step
guideline how to achieve the intended goals. While
most of the standards address the operational security
for data exchange or communication protocols, other
standards such as ISO/IEC 27017 mainly focus on op-
erations security issues in cloud platforms, which is
the reason why we use it for the assessment.
Table 3: Content of (12) Operations Security.
As result of the evaluation of existing standards and
best practice guidelines which address operations se-
curity, we assess clause (12) Operations security of
ISO 27017 (ISO/IEC, 2015), which provides specific
guidelines concerning information security controls
for cloud services, to show the applicability in pop-
ular commercial and open-source cloud platforms.
Table 3 gives an overview of the related controls and
their cloud specific considerations.
Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0
Based on this clause, security related metrics are
extracted and used to assess the applicability on pop-
ular IaaS platforms such as OpenStack and VMware
vSphere. OpenStack provides software-defined-data-
center (SDDC) capabilities, while vSphere is a pop-
ular commercial Hypervisor providing IaaS. We de-
liberately choose VMware as it is a de factor industry
standard, and OpenStack as we expect more services
available via the open source community. As a re-
sult the applicability of operations security metrics is
compared and discussed.
Within this analysis the applicability of ISO 27017
Operations Security controls are categorized in four
degrees reflecting additional administrative efforts. A
lower degree of applicability results in higher admin-
istrative efforts. Table 4 provides the degrees of ap-
plicability and a description for each degree.
6.1 OpenStack
OpenStack is an open-source software platform for
cloud computing mostly providing IaaS. The platform
consists of different modules where each module pro-
vides a specific service. OpenStack has a modular ar-
chitecture with code names for its components which
are described in Table 5.
The interaction of all services enables a high integra-
tion to provide IaaS within a SDDC. A SDDC (Nunes
et al., 2014) is a data storage facility where all ele-
ments of the infrastructure, networking, storage, CPU
and security are virtualized and delivered as a service.
Deployment, provisioning, configuration and oper-
ation of the entire infrastructure is abstracted from
hardware and implemented through software. Each
component can be provisioned, operated and man-
aged through an application programming interface
Typically, the core architectural components that
comprise a software-defined datacenter include: (i)
computer virtualization (compute), (ii) Software-
Defined Storage (SDS), (iii) Software-Defined Net-
work (SDN), and (iv) Business Logic Layer (BLC).
This work evaluates the applicability of operations
security on a core installation of OpenStack Juno with
focus on SDDC capabilities. In Table 5 are listed the
core services of OpenStack, the corresponding SDDC
component and the functionality of each service.
The applicability of Operations Security controls
on an OpenStack IaaS is analyzed using the listed de-
Table 4: Degree of Applicability for Operations Security
Table 5: OpenStack module and SDDC component.
Table 6: Applicability of Operations Security Controls in
grees and categories. The following, Table 6 shows
the analysis from the providers point of view where
are presented the related services, the degree of appli-
cability, and the description of the additional tasks:
12.1.1 - Documented operating procedures is imple-
mented (I) by using the Keystone module. The user
roles, participation and the related processes are doc-
umented via Keystone.
12.1.2 Change Management is applicable (A). In
general the cloud service consumer must be informed
manually. OpenStack architecture and processes are
documented on the community webpage. Because
it does not offer any supporting change management
services, the complexity has a high classification.
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
12.1.3 Capacity Management is completely fulfilled
(NI) by OpenStack. Ceilometer provides measure-
ment and metering services for the cloud service
provider (future capacity planning) and the cloud ser-
vice consumer (SLA).
12.1.4 Separation of Development, Testing and Op-
erational Environment is partially implemented (I).
Neutron offers SDN capabilities for tenant separation.
Storage and compute separation can only be archived
by using multiple OpenStack instances.
12.2.1 Controls against Malware and 12.3.1 Backup
are applicable (A). Common Linux anti-virus and
backup services are available for manual installation.
Consumer information and reporting is not imple-
mented within OpenStack. If snapshots are assumed
as a backup, objective 12.3.1 can be considered as
partially implemented (A).
12.4.1 Event Logging is partially implemented (I).
OpenStack related logs are offered to the cloud ser-
vice consumer within Horizon. Most events are
logged in specific log files and the content is not pro-
vided to the cloud consumer.
12.4.2 Protection of Log Information and 12.4.4
Clock Synchronization are completely fulfilled by
OpenStack services (NI).
12.4.3 Administrator and Operator Logs is applica-
ble (A). The requested log files are accessible using
the operation system console only.
12.5.1 Installation of Software on Operational Sys-
tems is applicable (A). The installation of OpenStack
system related components is controlled by the under-
lying operating system. Additionally, the content of a
running machine is not accessible for administrators.
12.6.1 Management of Technical Vulnerabilities is
applicable (A). OpenStack offers a vulnerability man-
agement process. The installation of hotfixes and
patches has to be done by root manually. Horizon
does not provide this information.
12.6.2 Restriction of Software Installation is partially
fulfilled by OpenStack (I). The OpenStack adminis-
trator can publish predefined virtual machine images
with no root access. The installation of custom appli-
cations is not possible for cloud service consumers.
12.7.1 Information System Audit Controls is applica-
ble (A). OpenStack provides information about exter-
nal audits, like case studies and white papers. Any-
way, external audits are processed manually.
6.2 VMware vSphere
VMware vSphere is a commonly used commer-
cial industrial virtualization platform providing IaaS.
vSphere is available in three different editions: (i)
Standard, (ii) Enterprise Plus, and (iii) Operations
Table 7: Applicability of Operations Security Controls in
Management Enterprise Plus. The Standard edition
offers server consolidation and business continuity
features. Enterprise Plus provides resource manage-
ment and enhanced application availability and per-
formance capabilities. The Operations Management
edition offers intelligent operations and consistent
management and automation with predictive analyt-
ics. Furthermore vCenter Server is a centralized man-
agement tool for vSphere within large deployment.
Additionally VMware offers a free hypervisor called
vSphere Hypervisor (also called ESXi) providing ba-
sic virtualization features using a single physical host.
This work addresses a limited vSphere Enterprise edi-
tion bundled with vCenter server (also called Essen-
tial Plus Kit (EPK) and the free version ESXi. A de-
tailed description of all features offered by VMware
vSphere 6.0 can be found at (Ser, ). In follow, Ta-
ble 7 shows the analysis from the providers’ point of
view where is presented the degree of applicability on
ESXi and EPK and a description of the additional ad-
ministrative tasks:
12.1.1 - Documented operating procedures is na-
tively implemented (NI) in EPK by using the vCenter
Server. The user roles, the user participation and the
related processes are documented. ESXi implements
(I) a basic authentication and authorization module
for single server management.
12.1.2 Change Management is applicable (A) in
ESXi, but it requires a manual information process.
EKP uses vCloud Server by implementing change
management processes natively (I).
12.1.3 Capacity Management is completely ful-
filled by EPK (NI). vCenter provides measurement
Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0
and metering services for the cloud service provider
(future capacity planning) and the cloud service con-
sumer (SLA). ESXi implement basic tools for mea-
surement the system state (I).
12.1.4 Separation of Development, Testing and
Operational Environment is partially implemented
(I). In general VMware offers SDN capabilities for
network separation. Storage and compute separation
can only be achieved by using ESXi instances.
12.2.1 Controls against Malware and 12.3.1
Backup are applicable (A), but additional software
and processes are needed. If snapshots are assumed as
a backup, objective 12.3.1 can be considered as par-
tially implemented (A).
12.4.1 Event Logging is partially implemented (I)
in ESXi, a basic log viewer is available, log infor-
mations regarding system configuration are missing.
EPK offers log access in configurable scopes (NI).
12.4.2 Protection of Log Information and 12.4.4
Clock Synchronization are completely fulfilled by
ESXi and EPK (NI).
12.4.3 Administrator and Operator Logs is imple-
mented (I), but ESXi offers only one log file contain-
ing all information. vCenter allows the configuration
of log access scopes (NI).
12.5.1 Installation of Software on Operational
Systems is applicable (A) on ESXi, it is designed as
single server hypervisor and does not offer processes
of the installation of software on systems. vCenter
allows full control on software installation tasks (NI).
12.6.1 Management of Technical Vulnerabilities
is applicable (A) in ESXi, but the installation of
patches has to be done by root manually. vCenter pro-
vides a patch management system natively (NI).
12.6.2 Restriction of Software Installation is par-
tially fulfilled by ESXi and EPK (I). The adminis-
trator can publish predefined virtual machine images
with no root access. The installation of custom appli-
cations is not possible for cloud service consumers.
12.7.1 Information System Audit Controls is ap-
plicable for ESXi (A), but implements no additional
information. vCenter Server is the central manage-
ment system and provides specific audit controls (I).
Anyway external audits are processed manually.
6.3 OpenStack vs. VMware
Although the direct comparison of OpenStack and
vSphere is not addressed in this work the applica-
tion of Operations Security controls follows similar
conditions. Necessary additional manual processes
or additional tasks having the same degree of appli-
cability are similar regardless the software. The fol-
lowing, Table 8 shows the comparison of OpenStack
and VSphere in a compact view. The comparison
of OpenStack and ESXi shows many matches. As
a SDDN OpenStack offers comprehensive capacity
management functionalities whereas ESXi provides
basic performance indicators reflecting the current
system state. Because ESXi is a small foot-printed
hypervisor the protection of log information is in-
tegrated into the software whereas OpenStack uses
standard Linux logging features. If vCenter is put on
top of a vSphere hypervisor infrastructure the degree
of applicability raises because of additional manage-
ment capabilities.
Table 8: Comparison of the applicability of Operations Se-
curity controls on OpenStack and vSphere (the controls
with the most manual and semi-automated additional activ-
ities necessary across platforms are highlighted).
This work presents an overview of standards and best
practice guidelines with focus on operations security.
We have evaluated ISO27017 standard with special
focus on clause (12) Operations Security to check if
open-source or commercial platforms such as Open-
Stack and VMware address these objectives. Apply-
ing objectives based on ISO 27017 operations secu-
rity ensure correct and secure operation of virtual ma-
chines. Operations security requests the clear defi-
nition of operational processes regarding security as
well as supporting infrastructure services. Differ-
ent research projects and scientific works evaluated
in our work, analyze and evaluate cloud computing
technologies with respect to security risks in sensi-
tive cloud environments but without focusing on ISO
27017 operations security. Considering the outcome
of section 6, a practical output of this work is the
comparison of OpenStack and VMware based on ISO
27017. Our results show that the security controls
12.3.1 and 12.2.1 are the least sufficiently supported
by the investigated platforms. Furthermore, the secu-
CLOSER 2018 - 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
rity controls 12.1.4 and 12.6.2 are only implementable
with additional effort in the evaluated platforms. To
the best of our knowledge relevant research projects,
such as those extracted from the CORDIS database,
do not explicitly address these findings. Even though
some work on anomaly detection can be related to
malware prevention, the provided solutions have not
been taken up by the development community. Fur-
thermore, we have identified that topics related to the
above security controls have not been researched in
a context in which private cloud infrastructures are
preferred, such as Industry 4.0. This means that the
above topics are seen as highly relevant future re-
search and development topics. In our future work,
motivated by these findings, we will work towards se-
curity and transparency in the cloud.
The work has been performed in the project Power
Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing 4.0
(SemI40), under grant agreement No 692466.
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Operations Security Evaluation of IaaS-Cloud Backend for Industry 4.0