ACID compliant, consistency will not be a problem.
As we can see, the definition of the data model that
is most appropriate to each subsystem requires a kno-
wledge of the subsystem itself and the data models,
in order to discover the most relevant characteristics
in each case. Our example is merely illustrative and a
more detailed scenario may lead to decisions different
from those described here.
3.4 Logical Data Model Design
The last step in the logical design of our proposal
deals with the individual logical design of each of
the previously selected data models. It is beyond the
scope of this paper the detailing of this process that
must be individualized for each of the data models to
be adopted. The goal here is to outline the objectives
to be achieved with this process.
As the objective of the conceptual design step is
the translation of the conceptual model into the in-
ternal model of a DBMS (Rob and Coronel, 2007)
the previous steps just prepared the template for this
translation, defining the target data model and the
consistency units. This translation consists in trans-
form the consistency units and its entities and attri-
butes into the data structures of the target data model.
On a document-oriented data model, this means trans-
form the consistency unit in an aggregate, as this is
the atomic unit of this data model, and define its col-
lection. On a key-value data model, the consistency
unit is also the aggregate, but the key have to be defi-
The definitions of each of the data models must be
treated in a specific way due to the particularities of
each one. Even between aggregate-oriented databa-
ses, features such as search capabilities, data storage
format, and others can determine essential differences
in data models.
NoSQL databases have emerged to improve the soft-
ware capabilities of storage and performance, provi-
ding ways to work with the so-called ”Big Data”. Ho-
wever, the use of these data models is still largely ba-
sed on best practices and examples and there are few
initiatives to standardize the documentation and met-
hodologies for modeling such databases. Most of the
related works presented on this paper are based on
specific data models, notations or starts an entirely
new modeling process, without taking advantage of
existing knowledge about database design.
Our solution aims to bring a design standardiza-
tion, providing a unified methodology capable of wor-
king with several data models integrated into a single
system. The concept is to extend the existing database
design by adding the steps required to model complex
systems with multiple integrated data models. To ex-
plore this methodology we have described a simpli-
fied example, but with definitions compatible with a
complex system.
This work is the initial phase of a larger work see-
king for a complete modeling strategy for database
systems that use the so-called ”Polyglot Persistence”.
Future works can explore the logical and physical de-
sign steps of each of existing data models, such as
aggregate-oriented and graph data models. A graphi-
cal notation for represent the segmentation and con-
sistency units is also a necessity for bringing more vi-
sual understanding to the design diagrams. This need
for a graphical notation is also a necessity for the lo-
gical design of the data models, as described by (Jo-
vanovic and Benson, 2013) about aggregate-oriented
data models, but also applies to graphs.
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