Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems
Radhwan Mahdi, Stefan Jablonski and Stefan Sch
Institute for Computer Science, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Process Management, Context Awareness, Extrinsic Dependencies.
The demand for supporting the flexibility in business processes has been increasing due to dynamic business
environments and technological progress. That led to the challenge of designing business processes so as
to take context changes into consideration. A context refers to any circumstance of a process and includes
factors which impact process execution steps. To overcome this challenge and better fit business processes to
customers expectations, this paper conceptualizes contextual factors relevant to the business process descrip-
tion. It defines a model that explains how the relevant contextual factors could be identified and computed in
a structured way. To verify the applicability of the identified approach, a prototype is set up for running the
experiments. It examines the approach with real information in different real-life scenarios.
Over the last two decades, business process mana-
gement (BPM) has been considered as an essential
approach to achieve high performance of organizati-
ons and improve customer satisfaction (Dumas et al.,
2013) (Weske, 2012). BPM is a comprehensive ap-
proach designed to achieve business objectives by
managing end-to-end processes in a structured way
(Hammer, 2010). Modelling business processes pro-
perly is an essential step for the BPM lifecycle. The
traditional modelling approach relies on describing
processes by five fundamental perspectives (Jablonski
and Bussler, 1996): the functional perspective (what
are the process steps?), the data perspective (what
data consumed or produced?), the operational per-
spective (which tools are used?), the organizational
perspective (who is performing the process?), and the
behavioral perspective (when should activities be per-
formed?). This approach meets the expectations in a
given context (Saidani and Nurcan, 2007). However,
during the last decade, companies have increasingly
been confronted with flexibility challenges like adjus-
ting their business processes to changing circumstan-
ces to best meet customer’s expectations. The main
reasons for that are (Saidani and Nurcan, 2007): (i) ra-
pidly changing business environments; (ii) companies
have been increasingly running more complex busi-
ness processes; and (iii) customers expect services to
become more efficient.
Accordingly, process flexibility has to be enhan-
ced, especially when having further development of
information technology and market globalization in
mind (Tao et al., 2008). Flexibility is the ability to
adapt to ambient changes (Soffer, 2005) (Burkhart
and Loos, 2010) (Regev and Wegmann, 2005), in par-
ticular, context changes. As a consequence, flexible
process modelling requires additional information, in
particular, context information. A context refers to
any circumstance of a process. It includes factors
that have an impact on process design and execution
such as location, weather, and policies (Rosemann
and Recker, 2006). The important question w.r.t. ta-
king the contextual information into consideration is
how to identify and derive contextual factors. This
leads to other questions such as what their main cha-
racteristics are. The contribution of this paper is to
define a model which conceptualizes a process con-
text. The focus of this conceptualization lies on the
contextual factors that are derived from the funda-
mental process perspectives introduced above. This
objective is achieved by defining a methodology for
the approach of deriving contextual factors. The met-
hodology distinguishes between dependencies of de-
signing and executing processes by discerning intrin-
sic and extrinsic dependencies. The approach can be
used in different scenarios like in the development of
technologies such as web services, mobile devices,
and sensors. Capturing contextual information – such
as detecting the current agent’s geographical location
or agent’s device is thereby facilitated (Modafferi
et al., 2005) (Zhu et al., 2016). Therefore, the ap-
proach at hand offer the possibility to design proces-
ses that are adaptable to contextual changes as well
Mahdi, R., Jablonski, S. and Schönig, S.
Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006687006320639
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 632-639
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as the accurate assignment of process steps to partici-
pants at runtime. A prototypical implementation and
it’s application in two case studies shows the practical
applicability of the work at hand.
The structure of this paper as follows: Section 2 il-
lustrates the motivating examples. Section 3 presents
related work. In Section 4 process dependencies are
described. Section 5 explains the methodology of ex-
trinsic dependencies. Section 6 shows the case studies
and introduces a prototype to evaluate the identified
approach and Section 7 finally concludes the paper.
Two simple real-life scenarios will illustrate how the
endogenization of contextual changes can improve
business process design and execution.
2.1 Emergency Car Repairs
Consider the process of having your car repaired. Or-
dinarily, drivers would call their insurance company
to solve their car problems. The driver provides some
information about the car such as the insurance num-
ber, the car type, and the location of the car. Upon
claim receipt, the company opens a task to have the
car repaired at a specific location. This task needs
to be assigned to an eligible technical team. Finally,
the technical team writes a report for the issue after
solving it. In the execution steps, a process needs to
define a resource and find a team to do the task.
In a normal execution procedure, all of the availa-
ble eligible technical teams will be notified that they
are able to perform the task. One of the possibilities
of optimizing process execution is to find the most
eligible team to do the process. This can be achieved
by classifying the eligibility of the teams. The con-
textualized eligibility can be ascertained by data on
team availability, experience level, and location. By
assuming that all the eligible teams are available and
have the same level of experience when they are loca-
ted in different locations, however, process execution
could be optimized by location-sensitive task assign-
ment. In this case, the nearest team could be notified
as a highly recommended team while all other teams
would be less recommended. The optimized proce-
dure will make the execution more flexible. Moreo-
ver, it reduces customers’ waiting time.
2.2 Remote Configuration of Device
Network companies are divided into different depart-
ments such as a call center, a network operations
center (NOC), and an operations maintenance cen-
ter (OMC). Generally, the call center sends a ticket
to the other departments after a call from a customer.
One of the issues posed to the NOC is to reconfigure
a network device remotely. This requires access to
remote network devices via the internet. Due to se-
curity risks, a network engineer has to be authorized
to access these devices. Simple authorization steps
are used when an engineer works from the company
office because he is working from an authorized IP
domain. A more complex procedure of authentica-
tion is applied to an engineer who works outside the
company network domain (e.g. home office). This
procedure requires additional checking steps to avoid
intrusion by unauthorized persons such as hackers.
Uncontextualized BPMS assigns the process to any
eligible network engineer’s task list, irrespective of
their location. With context-aware BPMS, an indu-
ced location preference, which can be used for loca-
tion optimization, needs to simultaneously use a loca-
tion sensitive authorization procedure that discrimina-
tes between company office and home office for dif-
ferent authorization steps. Company-office engineers
who go through the simpler authorization protocol are
strictly preferred to outside engineers. Additionally,
the preference could be made based on other factors,
for example, the quality of internet connection of the
engineer’s device which is an important aspect to en-
sure the success of the process. Therefore, taking
context information into account will improve process
assignment step by creating different levels of prefe-
rence between agents.
This section presents and discusses literature which
is strongly related to the goal and methodology of
this paper from different points of view. Mainly, it
covers the context-awareness and location-awareness
in BPM domain. (Modafferi et al., 2005) suggests a
workflow application solution to the provision of cu-
stomized services based on user context, one form of
context awareness. Key to their methodology for the
development of context-sensitive business processes
is the concept of the context-sensitive region. This
concept enables the process parts, the behavior of
which may vary with the context, to react to a con-
text change. The research presented in (Rosemann
and Flender, 2007) focuses on the extrinsic drivers for
process flexibility instead of intrinsic ways of adapta-
tion to environmental changes. Another paper (Sai-
dani and Nurcan, 2007) proposes a taxonomy of the
context related knowledge into four kinds as an initial
Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems
stage: ”location-related context”, ”time-related con-
text”, ”resource-related context”, and ”organization-
related context”. They introduce the ”context model”
to structure the contextual information. It consists of
three dimensions: 1) aspects are used to capture the
context, 2) facets are used to address each aspect, 3)
each facet is described by attributes which could be
measured. In the above-mentioned researches, the lo-
cation is considered as one of the important factors
in the process context. In (Rosemann and Flender,
2007), the location is considered as an important va-
riable in the environmental context layer of the on-
ion model. In (Saidani and Nurcan, 2007), the loca-
tion is presented as one of the four aspects of con-
text. However, the importance of geospatial informa-
tion in the execution of processes has increased due
to the technological progress (Zhu et al., 2016). In
onig et al., 2014), the location is treated as a new
perspective of the process in addition to its fundamen-
tal perspectives. This paper introduces the Declara-
tive Process Intermediate Language (DPIL) (Sch
et al., 2017) for modelling business processes. In or-
der to take the locational information into account, the
meta-model of DPIL is extended to model locational
entities and constraints.
Any business process relies on some information for
its design and execution. This information should
capture the important aspects of the process such as
the process steps and the time and order of their exe-
cution. In addition to that, any optimization of the
design or execution relies on some other information.
For example, contextual information is needed to sup-
port flexibility in processes (Rosemann and Recker,
2006)(Saidani and Nurcan, 2007). Here, a distinction
between the required information for design and exe-
cution of the process and for the optimization is nee-
ded to analyze the applicability of context for incre-
asing flexibility. This distinction should facilitate the
conceptualization of the process context and provide
a structured way of deriving the contextual factors.
The process dependencies are divided into intrinsic
and extrinsic dependencies in the following two sub-
4.1 Intrinsic Dependencies
To complete a BPM lifecycle, information about a
process description is required. Each phase of the li-
fecycle needs specific information that must suit the
respective phase. In principle, the five fundamental
perspectives of a process provide the required infor-
mation for these phases. This information provides
a description of a process. Therefore, each process
should have the basic information from these five per-
spectives. To illustrate that, take an ”oral exam” pro-
cess as a simple example. First, the student needs
to register for the exam. Upon registration, the stu-
dent is given a confirmation notice and the date of the
exam. The second step is to conduct the oral exam.
This step needs to pre-specify the examiner’s name
and room number (normally, the examiner’s room).
Finally, the examiner evaluates the student’s answers
and gives him or her a final grade. If executed nor-
mally, the execution depends on the information from
the five perspectives as a basis. One of the execution
steps is specifying an organization for the process. It
requires general information about the agent such as
the agent’s group. Normally, there are two groups
who are able to play the examiner role: the group of
the professors and the group of the professors’ assis-
tants. Further information, such as the location of the
agent, is not required in this execution. Therefore,
some information from these perspectives is conside-
red as the mandatory information for designing and
executing the process. Here, this mandatory informa-
tion is referred as the intrinsic dependencies of the
process. According to this understanding, the intrin-
sic dependencies can be defined as Intrinsic depen-
dencies: the minimum information which is required
to describe the fundamental perspectives of a process
for the purpose of enabling the process designing and
4.2 Extrinsic Dependencies
As explained in the previous section, a comprehen-
sive description of a process depends on the infor-
mation provided by the five fundamental perspecti-
ves. Some of this information has been considered
as mandatory information. That raises the questions
of what other information the fundamental perspecti-
ves provide, how to exploit it, and in which step the
process depends on this information. Generally, this
information provides many details about the process
that could be used for execution optimization. To il-
lustrate that point, two simple scenarios of optimizing
the execution of the ”oral exam” process (which pre-
sented in the previous subsection) are given as fol-
lows: (i) The first scenario is about the step of as-
signing the process to an examiner. Generally, the
process would be assigned either to the professor or
the professor’s assistants. In case of an emergency
at the exam date, the exam could be postponed. One
of the possibilities to optimize this process is to re-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
assign the exam to somebody who is able to play the
examiner role at that date. This optimization needs
some other information such as the availability of ot-
her agents and their location; (ii) The second scenario
concerns the room assignment for the oral exam. Nor-
mally, any available room inside the faculty could be
selected as a place for the exam. This step is optimi-
zed by taking other information such as the location
of the room into account. Thereby, the room nearest
to the examiner’s office would be chosen in an optimi-
zed execution. Some other information such as room
size and the number of chairs might be important in
some other cases. In these scenarios, it is clear that
some information of the fundamental perspectives is
not directly related to the process. Therefore, this in-
formation is not necessary for designing and execu-
ting the process. Nevertheless, it might have an im-
pact on the execution steps. As a consequence, this
information could be connected to the mandatory in-
formation (intrinsic dependencies) and create objects
that make an impact on the process execution steps.
Here, these impacts are considered as the extrinsic de-
pendencies of a process. Based on this understanding,
the extrinsic dependencies are defined in this paper as
Extrinsic dependencies: the information required to
improve the execution of a process on the condition
that it is produced by the entanglement of objects of
this process according to specific requirements.
4.3 Context Classification
The notion of context has been defined many times
across different disciplines and subdisciplines. In the
BPM domain, some research has been published on
developing context-aware business processes. Lea-
ding up to the definition of a business process con-
text used in this paper, the other definitions in this
domain are presented first. In (Rosemann and Rec-
ker, 2006), business process context has been defined
as ”the minimum set of variables containing all rele-
vant information that impact the design and execution
of a business process”. (Saidani and Nurcan, 2007),
instead, focuses on the impact of context on the as-
signment relations, so the context is defined as ”the
collection of implicit assumptions that is required to
activate accurate assignments in the BP model at the
process instance level”. In a third approach, (de la
Vara, Jose Luis et al., 2010) specifies it as the envi-
ronment properties in which the business processes
are executed. A context is characterized as 1) a set
of states, 2) a subjective, and 3) a relative. It refers
to the environment of the process and is defined as
”any information that is relevant to and might affect
the execution of a business process”.
Taking the above-mentioned views as a basis, we
can subsume the meaning of a business process con-
text with regard to our area of focus. A context in-
cludes information that can refer to any circumstance
of a business process (for example, ”the weather is
hot”, ”the agent is not available”). This information
constitutes factors called context factors. For exam-
ple, information about the agent’s occupancy status
(busy or available) can form a factor called ”availabi-
lity”. These factors could impact the process execu-
tion steps such as the assignment of a task to an agent.
Generally, these factors can be captured and measu-
red by variables which are called context variables.
The values of these variables vary with the changes
in circumstances of a process (Rosemann and Recker,
2006). As presented in the example ”repairing a car”
in section 2.1, one of the possibilities to improve the
execution of this process is to assign the task to the ge-
ographically nearest team. To do that, the context va-
riable ”distance” can be used to measure the distance
from each team’s location, which is specified in the
form of latitude and longitude (Imagery and Agency,
2000), to the location of the event. Comparing the va-
lues of the ”distance” variable, the nearest team could
be specified.
According to the above understanding of business
process context, we could define it in accordance with
the previous definitions as a global (general) term
which consists of factors impacting the business pro-
cess execution steps. These factors could be deri-
ved from information about the process description or
process environment changes. The main focus of this
paper is on the contextual factors that are related to the
process internally (i.e., they are related to the process
perspectives), in particular, organizational and opera-
tional perspectives are of most interest here. These
factors have a direct impact on the process execution.
In addition to that, they can be captured and measured
accurately, especially given the development of mo-
bile technologies. According to our above-mentioned
definition of process context, the context factors can
be classified into two types. The first one is related
to the process itself and the second type is related
to the environment in which the process is executed.
The classification is explained as follows: Extrinsic
factors: They include elements that can be compu-
ted from the intrinsic objects of a process (i.e., they
are related to the fundamental perspectives). In other
words, the process description is the main source for
deriving these elements. These factors make a direct
impact on the process execution steps. As explained
in section 4.2, this impact is considered as the extrin-
sic dependencies of a process. Environmental fac-
tors: They refer to any information outside the pro-
Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems
cess construction (i.e. they are not related to the pro-
cess description). Generally, it covers all the elements
of the system in which the process is executed. Ele-
ments come from the organization side (such as cu-
stomers, competitors, strategy) and the environment
(such as weather and culture). This type could be
classified into some other types (based on (Rosemann
and Flender, 2007)) but the current classification suf-
fices for this research. Based on the above-mentioned
area of focus, the derivation of the extrinsic factors is
provided in the next section. Additionally, an appro-
priate model for the conceptualization of the factors
is set up.
In this section, a detailed approach for the concep-
tualization of a business process context is presented
based on the definition and classification of context
in Sec. 4.3. A conceptual model of the formation (or
derivation) of contextual factors is provided.
5.1 Process Objects
Based on the concept expounded in (Jablonski and
Bussler, 1996), every process has a number of rele-
vant artifacts. These artifacts are modeled as objects.
In addition to that, an object type is used to model a
single artifact type. The object has properties which
are used to provide specifications of the object. By
following this concept, the process constitutes a set
of the relevant objects refer to its description (i.e. the
five fundamental perspectives). Generally, the objects
could also belong to any other perspective that des-
cribes the process such as causality, integrity, quality,
history, and security.
In this paper, any object that describes the pro-
cess internally (i.e., it is related to the fundamental
perspectives) is called an intrinsic object. The impor-
tant question is which kind of relation relates the in-
trinsic objects to the process. Depending on our dis-
tinction between process dependencies, there is some
information which is mandatory to design and execute
the process whereas some other information might be
required for further steps such as optimization. As
a consequence, there are some objects mandatory to
complete process description. These objects are di-
rectly related to the process perspectives. For exam-
ple, an agent is an object which directly describes the
organizational perspective of a process. In this paper,
these kinds of objects are called direct objects. By
contrast, there are some other objects which do not di-
rectly describe the perspectives. Normally, these ob-
jects are connected to the direct objects. That means
they are indirectly related to the process. These ob-
jects are called the indirect objects of the process. For
example, the agent’s device is an object connected to
the agent which is a direct object of a process. In
short, the process objects might be directly or indi-
rectly related to the process. These types are defined
as follows: Direct objects: the set of objects manda-
tory for the design and execution of the process which
directly describes the process perspectives. Indirect
objects: an additional set of objects that is connected
to a specific direct object to provide additional infor-
mation about the process. In summary, the intrinsic
objects of a process include any information that re-
fers to the process perspectives. These objects can
be divided into direct and indirect objects, in accor-
dance with the relation of the information provided
to the process. While the direct objects are necessary
for process lifecycle phases, the information provided
by indirect objects is useful for other steps such as
optimization. The division of process objects facilita-
tes the computation of the context variables values as
presented in the subsequent subsections.
5.2 Formation of Extrinsic Factors
Extrinsic factors greatly influence different process
execution steps, especially, as they relate to process
perspectives (cf. Sec. 4.3 for the classification of pro-
cess context). The impact of these factors is consi-
dered as the extrinsic dependencies of a process (cf.
Sec. 4.2 for definitions). Therefore, identifying and
computing these factors is one of the important steps
of modelling extrinsic dependencies. Generally, ex-
trinsic factors include elements that can be derived
from the intrinsic objects of a process. In other words,
the direct and indirect objects are intertwined to cre-
ate new information. This information is represented
in variables which are called extrinsic variables (or
context variables).
At the end of this step, questions about the main
characteristics of extrinsic factors and their derivation
have to be answered. For that, a well-defined proce-
dure which is able to derive the extrinsic factors and
compute its variables should be followed. Basically,
two main steps can be executed as a procedure to form
the extrinsic factors: 1) identification and 2) compu-
tation of the extrinsic variables. The procedure is ex-
plained as follows: Identifying the extrinsic factors:
This step is responsible for identifying the relevant ex-
trinsic factors that have an impact on the execution of
a process. This identification needs information about
the required optimization. Normally, this information
is provided by the context requirements. The deter-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Fig. 1: Process dependencies model.
mination of context requirements strongly depends on
the objectives of a process. Therefore, it differs from
scenario to scenario. Generally, it is defined as infor-
mation that indicates the required elements for a spe-
cific optimization. Computing the extrinsic varia-
bles: This step specifies the variables of the relevant
extrinsic factors that have been identified in the first
step. Here, these variables are called the extrinsic va-
riables (which are part of the context variables). The
values of these variables change in accordance with
the changes in the related circumstances. To compute
these values, the intrinsic objects of a process (both
direct and indirect objects) are intertwined with each
other. This computation is strongly based on the re-
quirements of the relevant extrinsic factors.
To illustrate the above procedure, a simple sce-
nario of optimizing the repairing a car process (cf.
Sec. 2.1) is discussed. This process can be optimi-
zed by using various pieces of contextual informati-
ons such as location, availability, and the teams’ capa-
bilities. By taking only the location information into
account, the optimization can be achieved by assig-
ning the task according to the team’s location. The
procedure of forming the extrinsic factors is applied
as follows: (i) The context requirement of this opti-
mization is to find the nearest team to the location of
the car. According to this requirement, ”the accessibi-
lity” could be identified as the extrinsic factor for this
optimization; (ii) The variable for the ”accessibility”
factor is the ”distance” where its value varies with the
change of the team’s location. To compute this value,
the geographical location for the event and the team
should be available. According to these coordinates,
the distance is measured.
5.3 Process Dependencies Model
A process model focuses on capturing the elements
that are related to the control flow. That means it sup-
ports processes with predictable paths (Sch
onig et al.,
2014) (i.e., it does not comprise the context elements).
Thus, it focuses only on the intrinsic dependencies of
a process. In keeping with the methodology of this pa-
per, the contextual factors need to be integrated into a
process model. A model to conceptualize the process
context is introduced (depicted by Fig. 1). This mo-
del clarifies the ability to take the context factors into
account. The extrinsic and environmental factors are
considered as subclasses of context. In addition, the
identified procedure for the formation of the extrin-
sic factors is fully illustrated. Intrinsic dependen-
cies part: It refers to the information mandatory for
the design and execution of the process. Hence, this
part of the model covers the direct objects of the pro-
cess and their properties (i.e. they are directly related
to the fundamental process perspective; see section
5.1 for more detail). Extrinsic dependencies part:
This part indicates the impact of the extrinsic factors
on the process execution. It illustrates the procedure
of the identification and computation of these factors.
The procedure starts with computing the values of the
extrinsic variables from intertwining the information
of the intrinsic objects (both direct and indirect ob-
jects). This computation is based on the requirements
that are provided by the extrinsic factors. After this
computation, the relevant extrinsic factors could be
formed from these variables according to the context
needs. The defined model can be applied to different
areas as it optimizes the execution of business proces-
ses based on different factors. In the next section, the
approach is applied to different scenarios which are
further discussed.
This section discusses the ability to apply the metho-
dology of extrinsic dependencies to the running ex-
amples. These scenarios clarify the process depen-
dencies by representing the distinction between pro-
cess objects. In addition to that, they apply the proce-
dure of identifying and computing the impact of ex-
trinsic factors. As explained in the example of the
”repairing a car” process (cf. Sec. 2.1), one of the op-
timization issues occurs at the execution step of task
assignment if there is more than one eligible team.
This step could be optimized by identifying the most
eligible team. For this end, the direct and indirect ob-
jects are identified first in Table 2.
Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems
Table 1: Extrinsic factor of ”repairing a car” process.
Factor requirement
Factor va-
Nearest team Accessibility
Location of the car
Team’s location
Table 2: Objects of the ”repairing a car” process.
Functional Repair a car
Car model
Team name
Team size
Tools type
By applying the procedure of forming the extrin-
sic factors, a preference relation over all the available
teams could be identified. Generally, the ”accessibi-
lity” factor could be specified to optimize the execu-
tion by making the location-based assignment. The
formation of this factor is presented in Table 1.
As indicated in ”remotely configuration of a de-
vice” process (cf. Sec. 2.2), one of the issues in the
execution steps is the simultaneous assignment of the
process to all (eligible) engineers regardless of their
context. Based on the approach here, the intrinsic ob-
jects of the process are clarified in Table 4.
As explained in Sec. 2.2, the process execution
could be optimized based on two factors. The first
one is the ”network security” which has an impact on
the authentication procedure followed. The second
one is the quality of the internet connection to avoid
any interruption might occur. The formation of these
factors are clarified in Table 3.
To demonstrate the applicability of the introduced
approach for taking contextual factors relevant to a
process into account, an appropriate prototype is des-
cribed in this section. The prototype for our extrinsic
Table 3: Extrinsic factors of ”remotely configuring a net-
work device” process.
Factor requirement
Reliable network
IP domain
Highest QoS Connectivity Agents device properties QoS
dependencies methodology is based on web services.
It is developed as a web application which covers all
the steps related to defining and executing the cor-
responding processes. It prioritizes those processes
which are related to assigning a task to participants.
The main components of the prototype are explained
as follows: Design core: It is used for initializing a
process in the system by simulating its fundamental
perspectives. Furthermore, it allows the identifica-
tion of the relevant extrinsic factors and their requi-
rements. Execution core: It is responsible for exe-
cuting the defined process. It is optimized with re-
spect to taking the impact of the identified extrinsic
factors into account. Therefore, it provides two exe-
cution types. The first one is the normal execution,
which executes the process based on the information
of its fundamental perspectives. The second type is
the optimized execution, which takes the context in-
formation into account.
The application focuses on the geographical infor-
mation by using the ”repairing a car” example pro-
cess for the prototype application. Two agents named
agent1 and agent2 are used for running the experi-
ment. Both of them are logged into the system from
different locations. Both agents are notified by a nor-
mal execution procedure that they are agents recom-
mended, regardless of their contextual information.
As explained before, the accessibility factor could be
used to optimize process execution. This factor indi-
cates that the nearest agent to the location of the car is
preferred to perform the process. To this end, the pro-
totype fetches agent1 and agent2’s geographical loca-
tion by using web technologies, in particular, HTML5
Geolocation API (W3C, 2017), whereas the location
of the car is assumed when the process is defined in
the system. Based on measured distance, agent1 is
identified as the nearest agent and notified that he is
recommended for the process, unlike agent2.
Table 4: Objects of ”Configuring a network device”.
Perspective Direct object Property
device remotely
Ticket number
Age Longitude
IP domain
Job title type
Operational Application
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
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sified the context factors according to their relation
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was to define the approach of measuring the impact of
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lity of this approach was demonstrated by using the
prototype to test some scenarios with real informa-
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loped technologies for capturing the process context.
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to improved execution of business processes and the
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Extrinsic Dependencies in Business Process Management Systems