The paper shows the importance of an IIoT context
on basis of three different use cases. Furthermore, it
provides formal definitions for the IIoT context, sub-
contexts and the rules, which are used for the context
evaluation. Beside definitions, a generic approach for
gathering attributes is shown. This generic approach
is split into two generic categories: user and manu-
factury company attributes. Both use their own in-
dependent contexts like user context, order context,
machine context, etc. to extract attributes. The pa-
per also suggests a distributed context infrastructure,
which uses the defined subcontexts combined with the
rules to improve the industrial internet of things secu-
rity by a rule-based approach. For the approach eval-
uation, a simplified order tracking scenario was taken
and shown, that a malicious behaviour could be pre-
Further research include the enhancement of the
existing infrastructure, so that each context module
could add additional context for evaluation. Using
content information for the rule templates, rule gen-
eration and rule evaluation will be another research
topic. In addition to the improved rules, machine
learning algorithms will be used to detect suspicious
behaviour in the system.
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