A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms
for IoT and Edge Computing
Claus Pahl, Nabil El Ioini and Sven Helmer
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Piazza Domenicani 3, Bolzano, Italy
Blockchain, Internet of Things, Edge Computing.
Blockchains started as an enabling technology in the area of digital currencies with the introduction of Bitcoin.
However, blockchains have emerged as a technology that goes beyond financial transactions by providing a
platform supporting secure and robust distributed public ledgers. We think that the Internet of Things (IoT)
can also benefit from blockchain technology, especially in the areas of security, privacy, fault tolerance, and
autonomous behavior. Here we present a decision framework to help practitioners systematically evaluate the
potential use of blockchains in an IoT context.
A blockchain is a distributed, immutable ledger to
record a transaction history by allowing all partici-
pants, whether they are humans or devices, to ap-
pend immutable records that are publicly available to
everyone [Antonopoulos, 2014]. Blockchains allow
users to interact with each other (using digital tokens)
without the need of a trusted third party. In fact, an
important scenario for blockchains is a situation in
which there is a degree of mistrust between the par-
ticipating parties, such as business partners or anony-
mous entities. By design, blockchains add a level of
transparency, traceability, and security to this kind of
Blockchains have already demonstrated their great
potential in many different areas, and we believe that
they can also play a major role in the Internet of
Things (IoT). The IoT is about connecting a large
number of devices to the Internet and taking advan-
tage of their interactions and exchange of information
and services. Devices as diverse as cars, refrigera-
tors, or washing machines can all be connected to the
Internet using the concepts of IoT, making it possi-
ble to automate many daily tasks without any human
intervention. However, currently there are still impor-
tant unresolved issues. Assuring privacy and security
is crucial to the general acceptance of IoT and ma-
jor concerns in these areas stand in the way of a mass
adoption of IoT devices, as they collect vast amounts
of sensitive information related to our health, environ-
ment, and location.
There have been a few attempts to investigate the
importance of blockchains in the context of IoT, but
many important questions still remain unanswered.
The aim of our study is to systematically identify
blockchain characteristics that would add value to or
create strategic advantages for IoT applications.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the basic concepts of
blockchain technology and IoT. Section 3 discusses
the advantages of blockchains for IoT. Section 4
sketches our decision framework. Section 5 presents
use cases applying blockchain technology in an IoT
context. Section 6 presents related work and Section
7 draws our conclusions.
Here, we briefly introduce the main concepts of
blockchains and IoT, highlighting their general prop-
erties. For more details on blockchains and IoT, see
[Bashir, 2017] and [Greengard, 2015], respectively.
2.1 Blockchain Overview
At its core, a blockchain is a distributed database with
very interesting properties. Blockchains are based on
three well-known technologies, i) public key cryptog-
raphy, ii) distributed peer-to-peer networks, and iii)
consensus mechanisms, which have been blended in
a unique and novel way. Since a blockchain operates
Pahl, C., EL Ioini, N. and Helmer, S.
A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006688601050113
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2018), pages 105-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-296-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in an untrusted environment, public key cryptography
is used to establish a secure digital identity for ev-
ery participant. Each participant is equipped with a
pair of keys (one public, one private) to be able to
participate in the blockchain. This digital identity is
used to enforce control of ownership over the objects
managed by the blockchain. A peer-to-peer network
is employed to be able to scale up the network, to
avoid a single point of failure, and to prevent a single
or small group of players to take over the network.
A consensus protocol allows all participants, i.e., all
copies of the blockchain, to agree on a single version
of the true state without the need of a trusted third
The main building blocks of a Blockchain are
[Cachin, 2016]:
Transactions, which are signed pieces of informa-
tion created by the participating nodes in the net-
work then broadcast to the rest of the network;
Blocks, that are collections of transactions that are
appended to the blockchain after being validated
A blockchain is a ledger of all the created blocks
that make up the network;
The blockchain relies on Public keys to connect
the different blocks together (similar to a linked
A consensus mechanism is used to decide which
blocks are added to the blockchain.
Other properties, such as scalability, security, pri-
vacy, validation time, and transactions fee, have been
considered [Macdonald et al., 2017] when evaluat-
ing the use of a blockchain, or comparing existing
blockchain platforms. Nevertheless, for someone not
overly familiar with this topic, it may not be clear
which properties to consider when comparing exist-
ing platforms and choosing one of them. In general,
there are three types of blockchain platforms defined
as follows:
2.1.1 Public Permissionless Blockchains
Public permissionless blockchains serve a ‘low trust’
environment where anyone can run a node and join
the network which has the following characteristics:
Access to the network is open to everyone;
All nodes (can) participate in the consensus pro-
Anyone can read the full ledger of transactions;
Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum
2.1.2 Public Permissioned Blockchains
Permissioned blockchains provide a hybrid model
between the ‘low-trust’ environment of public
blockchains and the ‘single highly-trusted entity’
model of private blockchains with the following char-
Access to the network is controlled by a pre-
selected set of nodes;
The consensus protocol is controlled by a pre-
selected set of nodes;
The right to read can be public or restricted;
Examples: Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple
2.1.3 Private Blockchains
Generally, in private blockchains the participants are
added and validated by a central organization. It re-
sembles a traditional centralized system running cryp-
tographic protocols that can be useful for auditing
[Thompson, 2015]. Private blockchains exhibit the
following characteristics:
Access to the network is controlled by a single
The consensus protocol is controlled by a single
The right to read is restricted;
Examples: Multichain, Eris
2.2 IoT
IoT is about connecting a wide range of devices, from
kitchen appliances to cars, to the Internet with the
goal of automating a lot of daily tasks without any
human intervention. Using Machine-to-Machine in-
teraction (M2M) to communicate with many other
devices over the Internet allows a device to act in a
(semi-)autonomous way. Typical scenarios are refrig-
erators restocking themselves by ordering food when
running out of supplies or cars informing a garage
about some issues they may be experiencing with cer-
tain components.
This usually means devices communicating with
other devices belonging to many different parties, be-
tween which no clear trust relationship has been es-
tablished. This immediately raises concerns about
privacy (what kind of data is sent and what happens to
the data) and security (how well are IoT devices pro-
tected against malicious attackers). Additionally, the
large scale of IoT networks requires efficient mecha-
nisms to tolerate faults and to be able to operate re-
liably in a wide range of configurations (e.g., limited
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
connectivity, denial of service (DoS) or jamming at-
Currently, IoT/Edge ecosystems adopt a client/server
architecture with centralized trust brokers and Secure
protocols such as SSL and TLS. For years this model
has worked very well. However, the centralized ap-
proach can become a bottleneck due to the continu-
ous growth of IoT devices in terms of numbers and
applications, causing delays and failures due to the
excessive congestion of the network.
Blockchains have already demonstrated a great
potential in many areas beyond the financial sector
and we believe that the IoT domain can also benefit
from blockchain technology to address some unique
challenges. Gubbi et al. [Gubbi et al., 2013] have
identified a significant number of challenges faced by
IoT applications today. We focus on three challenges
that could be solved by applying blockchain technol-
3.1 Confidentiality and Integrity
Almost all IoT devices integrate some form of sensor
functionality, i.e., one of their main tasks is to collect
and ship large amounts of data relating to their envi-
ronment, location, and current state. However, in con-
trast to traditional computing devices, IoT devices are
connected to a much higher degree with the physical
world and our daily lives (e.g. in the form of wear-
able devices, smart homes, and cars). In addition to
the concerns about sharing sensitive data with other
parties, this adds a whole new level of security con-
cerns, as a successful attack on these devices could
cause bodily harm to their users.
The lack of standards and the rush to produce as
many innovative IoT gadgets as quickly as possible to
gain market shares are among the reasons why these
concerns do not receive the attention they should at
the moment. For some applications users may de-
cide that the benefits outweigh the security and pri-
vacy concerns, but if we want to introduce IoT de-
vices into more sensitive domains such as health care,
we cannot ignore these concerns anymore. Applying
blockchain technology to IoT devices makes it much
harder to corrupt the devices by i) using immutable
cryptographically verifiable data that is shared by all
the participants in the network, and ii) validating the
integrity of the network transactions before accept-
ing them. Also, the linked nature of the blocks in a
blockchain makes the schema hard to break. When it
comes to confidentiality, some blockchains allow the
encryption of the payload data to add another layer of
3.2 Autonomous Behavior
By looking at how IoT devices are developed, we
observe that devices are becoming ever smarter and
more autonomous. With the increase of the num-
ber of deployed devices and the complexity of their
interactions, some form of intelligence needs to be
embedded into each IoT device to make it work au-
tonomously (e.g., fog computing). Blockchains of-
fer functionality allowing the management of infras-
tructure for autonomous agents in the form of smart
contracts, which are self-executing programs resid-
ing on the blockchain itself. Smart contracts encapsu-
late business logic and conditions determining when a
contract is going to be executed [Bartoletti and Pom-
pianu, 2017]. So, the behavior of an IoT device can be
specified by a set of smart contracts that allow it to in-
teract with the rest of the network (e.g. releasing cer-
tain information after receiving payment). Crucially,
smart contracts are protected by cryptographic proto-
cols and, like the other data residing on a blockchain,
cannot be easily manipulated.
3.3 Fault Tolerance
In case of malfunctioning devices or attacks on an IoT
network, the network needs to be resilient to avert se-
curity breaches or a network shutdown. The peer-to-
peer nature of blockchain technology increases fault-
tolerance and availability of the system as the fail-
ure of some nodes will not paralyze the whole net-
work [Asharaf and Adarsh, 2017]. The decentral-
ized architecture of blockchain also allows for lighter,
faster, more reliable, and secure communication be-
tween nodes (e.g., for the distribution of software up-
When a potential user is confronted with blockchain
technology, the two most important questions that
need to be answered are: i) do I actually need
blockchains and ii) if yes, which platform is the
most suitable for me? In our effort to answer these
questions, we have developed a decision framework
to help practitioners decide when to use blockchain
and which type of platform to choose. Our frame-
work builds on the knowledge gathered from exist-
A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing
ing studies and real use cases of blockchain applica-
tions, especially in the IoT context [W
ust and Ger-
vais, 2017,Xu et al., 2016,Conoscenti et al., 2016], as
an understanding of the application domain and the
characteristics of each blockchain platform is crucial
in deciding what platform to adopt.
The framework is divided in two parts. The goal
of the first part is to answer the question when to use
blockchains and what platforms to use. The second
part investigates a set of properties that can be used to
compare existing systems.
4.1 When to Use (which) Blockchain
The upper half of Figure 1 helps a potential user in
deciding whether a blockchain makes sense for their
application, while the lower half guides them when
choosing a specific platform.
The first criterion checks whether multiple parties
are involved. The involved parties can assume simi-
lar roles (e.g., readers/writers/validators) or different
roles (e.g., some are readers and others are writers).
Except for auditing purposes, a single party does not
need blockchain functionality to manage data, as this
will merely add overhead. The second criterion is the
degree of interaction between the different parties. If
there is no interaction, a blockchain is reduced to a
simple log of independent records added by indepen-
dent parties. The third criterion is the existence of a
trusted third party. Blockchains are designed for envi-
ronments in which trusted third parties are not avail-
able, so it will not add much value to an arbitrated
protocol run by a trusted third party.
If a potential user has identified the need for
blockchain technology by traversing through the up-
per half of the flowchart, the next step consists of de-
termining which platform to use. The first criterion
here is the anonymity of users. In an environment
in which participants do not know each other, a pub-
lic permissionless blockchain, such as e.g. Bitcoin,
would be the best fit, as no information about the par-
ticipants is required. In the other case, i.e. partici-
pants do know each other, we recommend a permis-
sioned blockchain, as it restricts access to this group
of people and provides a higher transaction rate and
a faster consensus process. The choice between the
public and private version of this blockchain depends
on whether we need public verifiability and/or public
read access.
4.2 Blockchain Comparison Properties
Once the decision for a certain platform has been
taken, there is still a bewildering mix of concrete sys-
Figure 1: Blockchain platform Decision flow.
tems and implementations to choose from. In Table 1
we present major players for the different platforms
and summarize their most important characteristics.
Here we only show systems that have a fairly high
level of support, as investing into a certain blockchain
technology is a mid- to long-term commitment. Some
of the existing systems are backed by a large num-
ber of independent developers, others by companies.
For instance, Ethereum is managed by the Ethereum
Foundation, a non-profit entity based in Switzerland,
while the Bitcoin project has a large open source de-
veloper community. Hyperledger Fabric is supported
by IBM and the Linux Foundation with extensive doc-
umentation and sample applications. In the follow-
ing, we take a closer look at important characteris-
tics of blockchain implementations, highlighting their
strengths and weaknesses.
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: Blockchain platforms and relevant properties, with an indication of their relative impact on quality in an IoT context
(?: Least favorable, ??: Less favorable, ? ? ?: More favorable, ? ? ??: Most favorable).
Type Name
Network size
Block size
Smart contract
Public permissionless Bitcoin ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
Ethereum ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
Public permissioned Hyperledger
? ? ?? ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ??
Ripple ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ??
Private Multichain ? ? ?? ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? ? ? ? ??
Eris ? ? ? ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? N/A ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ??
4.2.1 Scalability
In the context of blockchains, scalability refers to dif-
ferent aspects: the throughput in number of transac-
tions per second, the types of transactions a system
can process, and the interoperability with other sys-
tems. Although Bitcoin is currently one of the largest
networks, it is actually one of the least scalable: the
Proof of Work (PoW) scheme and block size limits
result in a low transaction rate. While Ethereum, with
its smart contracts allowing the execution of com-
plex logic, supports many different types of trans-
actions and variable block sizes, the validation time
for transactions is still relatively long. Public per-
missioned platforms provide much higher transaction
rates: Hyperledger Fabric handles 100,000 transac-
tions per second, while Ripple can still achieve a thou-
sand per second. Private blockchains do not have
an advantage in terms of transaction rates over pub-
lic permissioned ones. Nevertheless, Multichain has
the advantage of being compatible with the Bitcoin
network, whereas Eris relies on the Ethereum virtual
4.2.2 Consensus
In order to guarantee the integrity and consistency of
transactions and their related data, a blockchain re-
lies on decentralized consensus mechanisms to vali-
date the transactions [Baliga, 2017]. All of the sys-
tems in Table 1 employ some form of consensus pro-
tocol. The different techniques impact the systems
in different ways, though. One of the first, and ex-
pensive mechanisms, is Proof of Work (PoW), which
is used by Bitcoin and Ethereum. Ethash, the ver-
sion used by Ethereum, is quite memory-intensive and
there are plans to switch to another consensus mech-
anism called Proof of Stake (PoS). Hyperledger fol-
lows a more open and flexible approach by allowing
users to deploy their own consensus mechanisms. By
default, Hyperledger comes with two different mech-
anisms: Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) and an aug-
mented version more suitable for business applica-
tions called SIEVE. Ripple also uses a variation of
BFT combined with an iterative consensus process.
As it is a permissioned blockchain, we do not need
to consider a (financial) incentive. Multichain uses
a protocol close to Practical Byzantine Fault Toler-
ance (PBFT), but instead of multiple validators per
block, there is only one, determined in a round-robin
fashion. Again, since Multichain is a permissioned
blockchain, it is possible to do this. The Eris consen-
sus mechanism depends on which component is used
(e.g., Tendermint uses a variation of BFT). Addition-
ally, Eris is a private blockchain in which only certain
nodes have the job of validating transactions.
4.2.3 Transaction Fees
When it comes to transaction fees, public blockchains
tend to be more expensive. For instance, Bitcoin is
considered to have a relatively high transaction fee.
This does not come as a surprise, as a financial in-
centive has to be provided for the nodes that are in-
volved in the process of finding a distributed con-
sensus. Compared to Bitcoin the fees for Ethereum
are lower [Ethernodes, 2017], but they still add up to
a substantial amount. Aggregating multiple transac-
tions into one larger transaction is a possibility for a
user to lower the fees.
For permissioned blockchains, the finding of a dis-
tributed consensus is not as CPU-intensive, as other,
cheaper protocols can be used due to the fact that the
nodes know each other. In fact, in most cases, the fees
can be agreed upon between the participants a priori.
A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing
4.2.4 Network Size
Ethereum is considered to be the largest network in
terms of active nodes with nearly 25,000 reachable
nodes spread across the world [Ethernodes, 2017],
with more than 284,878 active addresses and 18,239
transactions per hour on average. Bitcoin is in second
place with more than 9,200 reachable nodes [Bitn-
odes, 2017], more than 700,300 active addresses [bit-
infocharts, 2017] generating 11,500 transactions per
hour on average. Ripple has approximately 25,000
active accounts with more than 1,000,000 transac-
tion per day. We were not able to find any infor-
mation regarding Hyperledger Fabric. For the private
blockchains the size can vary a lot, since it is up to the
network owner to decide the size of the network.
4.2.5 Anonymity
Anonymity is a big concern for blockchain platforms
when it comes to privacy, and it can be a major deci-
sion criteria for choosing one platform over the other.
The main problem is that transactions are publicly
logged and anyone can see them. If the transac-
tions can be linked to their owners or the identity of
the owners is disclosed, then the adopted anonymity
scheme has failed. In an ideal scenario no-one in the
network should be able to identify the owners of trans-
actions or addresses using the publicly available infor-
mation. Different strategies have been adopted by the
existing systems with various degrees of anonymity.
Public blockchains generally demand a higher level
of privacy, as the identities of the users are not known
and should not become known. Bitcoin relies on the
use of different addresses for different transactions to
increase the level of anonymity. This technique is
known as change address [Conoscenti et al., 2016].
The Ethereum team is collaborating with zcash
bring zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive AR-
gument of Knowledge (zkSNARK) to their transac-
tion mechanism. The technique provides the possi-
bility to hide a transaction, making it completely pri-
vate [Blum et al., 1988].
4.2.6 Block Size
Validating a newly generated transaction means
adding it to a block in the blockchain. The size of
the block can affect the time required for insertion
and validation. The existing platforms have adopted
different strategies when it comes to block size. Bit-
coin is one of the platforms with the smallest block
size, since it is limited to 1Mb, and any block that
passes the limit is considered invalid. This limit af-
fects the number of transactions that can be contained
in every block, which in turn starts a competition be-
tween transactions, biasing the inclusion of transac-
tions based on higher fees. Multichain has extended
this limit by having block sizes of 32Mb and they
are planning to increase it even further [Multichain,
2017]. Other platforms such as Ethereum and Hy-
perledger Fabric have decided to go with blocks of
variable length.
4.2.7 Smart Contracts
Smart contracts enable the automation of legally bind-
ing agreements stored on the blockchain. This con-
cept allows a blockchain to move from a narrow ap-
plication area, such as financial transactions, to the
management of more general types of transactions
and assets. Here we are particularly interested in IoT-
based applications. Bitcoin and Multichain do not
provide any built-in support for smart contracts, while
the other systems do so to various degrees. Ethereum
even supports a full Turing-complete programming
language called Solidity that runs on the Ethereum
Virtual Machine (EVM). Eris uses the same type of
contracts, since it is based on the Ethereum VM. For
Ripple the situation is not very clear, as the network
does not support smart contracts natively, a project
called Codius started to add support for smart con-
tracts. However, the project has been discontinued
and it is not clear whether a different mechanism will
be provided or not.
4.2.8 Security
All blockchains use cryptographic protocols to secure
their data and operations, but that does not mean that
there are no vulnerabilities. For Bitcoin, wallet appli-
cations are one source of vulnerabilities that can dis-
close transaction information [Gennaro et al., 2016].
Data and contracts in Ethereum are encoded but not
encrypted. Ethereum also exhibits many of the same
weaknesses as the Bitcoin blockchain (e.g. weak
against 51% attacks) [Macdonald et al., 2017]. Hy-
perledger Fabric dedicates a large portion of its proto-
col to solve security issues such as ensuring that trans-
actions cannot be linked to users, digital signatures,
and access control mechanisms. However, not all of
these features are implemented yet [Macdonald et al.,
2017]. The Ripple network takes advantage of Trans-
port Layer Security (TLS) to ensure that communica-
tion between all nodes is secure. All payment data is
transmitted over secure HTTPS using OAuth 2.0. The
actual transaction data is encrypted and shared only
between the two involved parties. Multichain pro-
IoTBDS 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
vides an integrated management of user permissions
to i) make sure that only the chosen participants are
able to see the transactions, ii) control the type of per-
mitted transactions, and iii) mine new blocks securely
with no PoW and related costs [Greenspan, 2015].
Eris provides an optimized BFT protocol, making the
consensus finding process not only fault-tolerant but
also adding accountability: in the case of a fork, the
responsible party can be identified.
We now take a closer look at three different IoT com-
panies and the environment they operate in. We check
the different aspects of each context with the help of
our framework and then reveal whether a company
uses blockchain technology or not. In the following
we make use of the decision framework introduced in
Figure 1 and the summary of system characteristics in
Table 1.
5.1 Filament
has developed a technology stack, starting
all the way from the hardware layer, to build secure
devices for industrial IoT. In their white paper, which
is available on their web site, they stress the point
that an important goal is to have devices that are au-
tonomous economic actors, as they expect devices to
participate in the Internet economy (e.g. they envision
a car itself paying for parking). This is clearly an envi-
ronment in which multiple parties interact with each
other without relying on a trusted third party. And,
indeed, Filament leverages blockchain technology in
their stack.
When it comes to the platform/system, they are
currently using Bitcoin, but their CEO points out that
the Filament framework is blockchain-agnostic. Al-
though Bitcoin has limitations when it comes to block
size, validation time, and smart contract support, ac-
cording to the CEO this choice was made as Bitcoin is
the most mature and battle-hardened blockchain im-
plementation currently available. The data for con-
tracts is stored using 40 Bytes of extra data added
to Bitcoin transactions [Coindesk, 2017] and Fila-
ment devices only require the validated OP RETURN
data from Bitcoin transactions, since all smart con-
tract processing happens on the devices themselves.
5.2 Slock.it
The goal of slock.it
is to provide an infrastructure
that allows people to rent, sell, or share objects by
fitting the objects with smart locks that are released
when certain conditions (such as receiving a payment)
are met. This allows the automation of renting out
Airbnb apartments, vehicles, or any other underused
asset that people are willing to share. Again, we have
an environment in which blockchains make sense, as
we have a large number of parties who want to interact
with each other without having to go through trusted
As it turns out, slock.it are employing blockchain
technology in the form of Ethereum. Using a pub-
lic permissionless blockchain makes sense, as slock.it
assumes that their IoT platform of smart locks will be
used by persons who do not know each other. Each
device has a unique identity, that allows it to inter-
act and engage autonomously in complex processes
with other objects using smart contracts (e.g., sign
contracts, receive payments). The need for smart
contracts made Ethereum the system of choice for
slock.it. Once an agreement is signed, it is saved in
the blockchain, and then the locked object can be used
by the renting party for the period of time agreed in
the contract. To reduce the transaction fees of using
Ethereum, the transactions are only used for renting
and releasing an object, while a free-of-charge mes-
saging system provided by Ethereum, called whisper
messages, is used for locking and unlocking of the
rented items.
5.3 Telit
is an enabler of IoT, with a range of products
that include cellular modules, positioning and tim-
ing sensors, IoT infrastructures and platforms, help-
ing other companies build large-scale solutions (see
the web site for an overview of Telit’s use cases).
In all their use cases, the IoT infrastructure is man-
aged by a single organization or multiple parties that
know and trust each other. Even though Telit relies on
high security and privacy standards, such as encryp-
tion, permissions mechanisms, authentication man-
agement, and auditing, they currently do not leverage
blockchain technology.
5.4 Evaluation Summary
We applied our framework to three use cases in or-
der to demonstrate its efficacy in supporting decisions
A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing
whether and in which form to use blockchains for IoT
settings. In two cases, already existing evidence sup-
ported the result of applying our framework, which
demonstrate the validity of the framework. In one
case, we have presented a company that could ben-
efit from blockchain to increase the level of security
and traceability.
With the emergence of blockchains, many organiza-
tions have seen its potential for increasing trust, se-
curity, and privacy in digital transactions. However,
blockchains are not a silver bullet that will automati-
cally resolve any security-related issue. In the follow-
ing, we look at previous attempts to identify or char-
acterize scenarios in which the use of a blockchain
would be adequate (and in which it would not be).
ust and Gervais, 2017] describe different classes
of application scenarios and how to take advantage
of blockchain technology in these classes. They
also provide a framework for analyzing scenarios and
making the decision on whether to use blockchains
or not. [Xu et al., 2016] view blockchains as a soft-
ware connector and investigated real-world scenarios
in terms of design decisions and quality measures that
help in choosing a blockchain platform. A more gen-
eral view is taken by [Xu et al., 2017] and [Macdon-
ald et al., 2017]. The former present a taxonomy of
blockchain-based systems, while the latter compare
five general-purpose blockchain platforms, focusing
on criteria such as usability, flexibility, performance,
and, briefly, security. However, all these findings
cover general environments, not IoT specifically. In
our work, we use the existing studies as a basis and
address the specific needs of IoT.
Deciding whether to use a blockchain in an IoT set-
ting is not an easy question to answer. Although
blockchains offer advantages in terms of trust, secu-
rity, and privacy, there are also downsides in terms of
overheads or performance issues. A positive answer
to this first question immediately leads to a follow-up
question: which platform/system should we use?
In our work we illustrate how blockchains can
contribute to making IoT a safer and more trustworthy
place. Additionally, we developed a decision frame-
work to guide a potential user when making the deci-
sion whether to use blockchains and choosing a par-
ticular platform and system. We have also shown how
blockchain technology is already leveraged by com-
panies in their IoT operations. These use cases al-
lowed us to demonstrate the usefulness of our frame-
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nance are important as a specific aspect. The anal-
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ever, not many application scenarios are properly doc-
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A Decision Framework for Blockchain Platforms for IoT and Edge Computing