Remote Robotic Experimentation
An Evaluation of Intention to Use by High School Teachers in Cyprus
Pericles Cheng
, Christos Dimopoulos
and Steven Case
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, European University Cyprus,
6, Diogenes Str., Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus
School of Information Systems and Technology, Walden University,
100 Washinghton Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401, U.S.A.
Keywords: Remote Robotic Experimentation, UTAUT, Intention to Use, High School Teachers, Cyprus.
Abstract: The Digital Agenda for Europe (2015) states that there will be 825,000 unfilled vacancies for Information and
Communications Technology by 2020. This lack of IT professionals stems from the small number of students
graduating in computer science. To retain more students in the field, teachers can use various educational
technologies to explain difficult concepts. One of these educational technologies is remote robotic
experimentation. The correlational study described in this paper utilizes the unified theory of acceptance and
use of technology acceptance model to examine if performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence, and facilitating conditions can predict the intention of high school computer science teachers in
Cyprus to use remote robotic experiments in their classes. Surveys, based on the UTAUT survey instrument,
were collected from 90 high school computer science teachers in Cyprus, and a multiple regression analysis
was applied to measure the correlations between the constructs and finally the model fit of the analysis. The
results of the study show that if certain conditions are provided to the teachers then there is a higher probability
that they will use remote robotic experimentation in their classes.
In 2015, the Digital Agenda for Europe reported that
there would be an estimated 825,000 unfilled
vacancies for Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) by 2020 (Digital Agenda for
Europe, 2015). This lack of ICT professionals can be
attributed to the small interest of high school students
to follow a computer science degree, as evidenced by
the decline in the number of students taking
computing and ICT A-level examinations (The Royal
Society, 2012). In addition, the increased number of
students dropping out of computer science or
changing majors has led to a reduced amount of
graduates(Chen, 2015).
Even though considerable research efforts have
been made for identifying the reasons behind the
student’ dropout from STEM-related fields of study,
little research has been implemented on the
conditions which can encourage younger students to
pursue a STEM-related field of study (Wang, 2013).
Several methods have been introduced to help
students better understand difficult concepts in
computer science courses. Techniques such as
problem-based learning (PBL) help by allowing
students to self-learn using real life problems
(Sangestani and Khatiban, 2013; Tsai and Chiang,
2013). One of the biggest constraints in the use of
PBL is the cost of owning and maintaining
equipment. Remote experimentation allows students
to use equipment that is remotely accessed reducing
costs. The use of remote robotics experiments during
the implementation of the educational process is one
of the factors which can potentially increase retention
rates in STEM-related fields of study.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to this area
of research by presenting the results of a study
performed among high school computer science
teachers in the country of Cyprus. The methodology
applied in this study utilized questionnaires that
measured the intention of high school teachers to use
robotic experiments in their classes. The Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) (Venkatesh, M. G. Morris, et al., 2003)
was employed as the basis of the study. The aim of
this research effort was to identify underlying
Cheng, P., Dimopoulos, C. and Case, S.
Remote Robotic Experimentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006688802190225
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 219-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conditions which can predict the intention of high
school teachers to use novel teaching techniques in
their classes. The novel teaching technique
introduced to the teachers in this study was remote
robotic experimentation. RRE allows students to
program robotic devices remotely providing hands-
on experience. Robotic devices are deployed in a
controlled environment and monitored through
webcams. Students can access the robots and
download code to them through a web interface and
then observe the actions that the robot will perform.
Several research studies have been conducted
examining the development and use of remote robotic
experiements (Osentoski et al., 2012; Kulich et al.,
2013; Verbelen et al., 2013; Casini et al., 2014).
Teachers can provide students with a problem and
then give access to a remote robot that is build based
on the specifications of the problem. Students can
then use a scheduling platform to reserve a timeslot
to use the robot and then upload their code on the
robot and observe the actions performed. This allows
students to access the robot at any time of the day
increasing the number of students that can experiment
and relieves the teacher from having to sacrifice class
time for students to experiment.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 will provide a brief description of various
educational technologies used to enhance learning in
computer science classes. Section 3 will then describe
the theoretical framework used in this study and
finally section 4 will present the results of the study.
Finally, the paper will conclude with a brief analysis
of the findings and future work.
The use of innovative educational technologies to
enhance teaching and explain difficult concepts to
students is a subject that has attracted a lot of
research. This section presents three educational
techniques used in teaching computer science
concepts to students beginning with problem-based
learning, remote experimentation and finally remote
robotics experimentation.
2.1 Problem-based Learning
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational
approach that allows students to take responsibility of
their own learning process (O’Grady, 2012; Lykke et
al., 2015). Using PBL, teachers present students with
a complex problem and then assign them to groups
that are responsible for identifying the key issues and
forming a solution to the problem through self-
learning (Karantzas et al., 2013). The five major
characteristics of the PBL approach are: the statement
of the problem, the definition of the problem in such
a way so as to promote student learning, the process
of self-directed learning by the students to solve the
problem, the reflection of the students on their
solutions to the problem, and the small groups
assigned to the problem (Scott, 2014).
The most prominent application of PBL is
medical education but in the past years computing has
become the second most prominent application (Tsai
and Chiang, 2013). PBL has been used in computing
education extensively and has been shown to promote
problem-solving skills, teamwork and motivation
(Martinez et al., 2014).
2.2 Remote Experimentation
One of the reasons that PBL is not widely used in
schools can be attributed to the increased time
required by the students to solve a particular problem
(Kong Pak-Hin, 2014). Providing a problem to
students and expecting them to self-direct their
learning process while at the same time allowing time
for interaction and collaboration between the students
requires time. This time overhead has a negative
impact in the educational process. In addition, PBL
may require extra facilities such as equipment, space
and personnel needed to achieve the required
solutions to the problem (Ionescu et al., 2013; Saad et
al., 2013).
Due to the aforementioned constraints in PBL,
two new educational technologies have emerged
allowing students to practice their problem-based
activities outside of the classroom. These two
technologies are virtual/simulated laboratories and
remote experimentation laboratories (Abdulwahed
and Nagy, 2013). Virtual labs allow students to use
simulation software in order to complete educational
tasks, reducing in this way the need for expensive
equipment. Other benefits include the manipulation
of time, allowing experiments that would normally
take significant time to complete, to finish faster, and
the removal of confusing details that do not influence
the experimental process (de Jong, Linn and Zacharia,
2013; Merchant et al., 2014). On the other hand,
remote laboratories allow students to use real physical
equipment remotely. The benefits of using remote
labs include reductions in required equipment, and
maintenance time, as well as availability on a 24/7
basis (Zubía and Gustavo, 2012). In addition, using
real physical equipment allows students to receive
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
realistic feedback during the implementation of the
experimental process.
2.3 Remote Robotics Experimentation
During the past years, robotics research has grown
exponentially and it is predicted that the robotics
industry will significantly increase as well (Kulich et
al., 2013; Padir and Chernova, 2013). Robotics is
used in introductory design and computer
programming education in order to attract more
students to study in STEM fields (Esposito, 2017).
The biggest problem of using robots in education is
the high cost of equipment, maintenance and
availability of the robots. The development of a
remote robotic laboratory could help in allowing
students to perform PBL tasks using robots, while at
the same time reducing equipment and maintenance
costs, and providing constant access to the platform.
Using remote robotics laboratories allows
students to follow the experimental process from any
geographic area in the world, and have access to state-
of-the-art equipment (Heradio et al., 2016).
This research study aims to examine the intention of
high school computer science teachers in Cyprus to
use remote robotic experimentation in their
curriculum. Examining user acceptance of a
technology has been researched for several years and
there are several frameworks available that can help
identify the factors affecting acceptance. The theory
of reasoned action (TRA), technology acceptance
model (TAM), motivational model (MM), theory of
planned behaviour (TPB) and the unified theory of
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) (Oye,
A.Iahad and Ab.Rahim, 2014). This study has
adopted the UTAUT theoretical model in order to
examine the intention of participants to use remote
robotic experimentation during the educational
UTAUT utilizes four main constructs in
examining intention behaviour (Venkatesh, M. G.
Morris, et al., 2003): performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence and facilitating
conditions. In a study comparing various technology
acceptance models, UTAUT has been found to
predict more accurately intention of use (Venkatesh,
M. G. Morris, et al., 2003).
The first construct used in UTAUT is
performance expectancy (PE). PE is a measure of the
performance increase that users of the technology can
expect if they adopt the technology. In this study PE
would show how teachers expect remote robotic
experimentation can increase their teaching
performance in their classes.
Effort expectancy (EE) represents the expected
effort that a user will expend to learn and use the new
technology. The model in this study examines the
thoughts of the users with relation to the effort that
the teachers expect to put into learning how to use
remote robotics experimentation and the effort that
they will expend when teaching using the technology.
The third construct in UTAUT is social influence
(SI). Social influence measures how susceptible users
are to outside influences such as colleagues,
managers or even close family and friends. The
survey provided to the high school teachers is mostly
based on the influence that the Ministry of Education
has on the decision of the teachers to use remote
robotic experimentation.
Finally, the last construct examined in UTAUT is
facilitating conditions (FC). This variable examines
the intention of someone to use a technology based on
the existence of the conditions required for the
technology to work. These facilities include the
hardware, software, training and support channels
that can help the adopter succeed in using the
technology. In remote robotic experimentation the
facilitating conditions include the robotic platforms,
the servers and software required for the platform to
work and the high availability of these resources. In
additions the teachers would need to be trained and
supported throughout the use of the platform. In the
survey described in this paper we examined how
important these facilitating conditions are for the high
school teachers in order to adopt the use of remote
robotic experimentation.
A questionnaire was distributed to all high school
teachers in Cyprus, through the Cyprus High School
Computer Science Teachers Association. The
questionnaire used the UTAUT survey instrument
that has already been validated in several research
studies (Venkatesh, M. M. G. Morris, et al., 2003; Li
and Kishore, 2006; Thomas, Singh and Gaffar, 2013).
The survey instrument evaluated the four main
constructs identified in UTAUT, namely performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and
facilitating conditions. Out of approximately 400
registered high school computer science teachers we
Remote Robotic Experimentation
received 90 responses. Using G*Power analysis with
a medium effect size (f = 0.15), error probability (a =
0.05) and a power of 0.80, the minimum required
sample size is 85 participants.
The questionnaire was distributed to all high
school teachers in Cyprus through an email invitation
sent by the Cyprus High School Computer Science
Teachers Association. In the email the teachers found
a link to a Google forms questionnaire that explained
the research and that no identifying information will
be collected.
The research question was to check if
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence and facilitating conditions could
significantly predict the intention of high school
computer science teachers in Cyprus to use remote
robotic experimentation. This evaluation was done
using multiple regression analysis to determine if the
four independent variables had a significant
relationship to the dependent variable, namely
behavioural intention.
4.1 Data Analysis
The data gathered from the questionnaires was based
on a Likert-scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree)
to 7 (Strongly Agree). The questions were grouped in
five main groups representing the four independent
variables, namely performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions,
and the dependent variable which was behavioural
intention. A multiple regression analysis was
performed on the responses using the SPSS statistical
An exploratory factor analysis was initially
performed on the data in order to validate the five
constructs that were examined in the theoretical
framework. The factor analysis correctly grouped
together four of the five factors with an eigenvalue of
more than 1.0. Performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, facilitating conditions and behavioural
intention were identified whereas social influence
was not clearly identified in the pattern matrix.
Due to the low number of responses in the survey
the study tested the validity of the sample using such
tests as multicollinearity, normality,
homoscedasticity and independence of residuals. All
tests were within permissible parameters validating
the survey data.
The regression analysis of the four independent
variables in relation to the dependent variable is
presented in table 1. The model as a whole was able
to significantly predict behavioural intention, F(4,85)
= 11.417, p = .000, R
= .34. The R
value indicates
that the model can predict the intention of high school
computer science teachers in Cyprus to use remote
robotic experimentation in their classes with a total
variability of 34.9%.
Table 1: Regression Analysis Summary for Predictor
Variable B SE B β T p
PE .191 .130 .164 1.467 .146
EE .343 .131 .287 2.614 .011
SI -.085 .118 -.094 -.721 .473
FC .357 .131 .347 2.733 .008
Note. N = 90
4.1.1 Performance Expectancy
As previously mentioned, PE measures the expected
performance increase that the high school teachers
expect from using remote robotic experimentation.
The analysis of the data shows that even though there
is a positive correlation between PE and BI (.191) a p
value that is greater than 0.05 indicates that PE is not
a strong predictor of BI. Studies involving teachers
that also use UTAUT have also shown that PE is not
a significant predictor of behavioural intention (Chen
and Chen, 2015).
4.1.2 Effort Expectancy
Effort expectancy measures the effort that the high
school teachers expect to put into learning and
teaching remote robotic experiments in their
classrooms. EE was the second most significant
predictor of behavioural intention with a positive
slope (.343) and a p value of .011. This finding
suggests that high school teachers in Cyprus would
adopt remote robotic experimentation if the effort
required to learn to use the technology and then apply
it to their classroom is small. Further analysis of the
data showed that the squared semi-partial coefficient
) for effort expectancy was .229 indicating that
22.9% of the variance of BI is based on effort
expectancy. Several other studies also support the fact
that effort expectancy can be a strong predictor of
behavioural intention in teachers (Bhatiasevi, 2015;
Sharon et al., 2015; Tosuntas, Karadag and Orhan,
4.1.3 Social Influence
The third independent variable examined by the study
is social influence. This variable examines the
influence that people in the user environment have on
the behavioural intention to use a technology. SI had
a slightly negative slope (-.085) and a high p value
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(.473) indicating that SI is not a predictor of BI. This
trend regarding Information and Computing
Technologies (ICT) seems to be justified by other
literature (Escobar-Rodriguez, T., Carvajal-Trujillo,
E., & Monge-Lozano, 2014; Oye, A.Iahad and
Ab.Rahim, 2014). Social influence is considered to be
the least significant predictor of behavioural
4.1.4 Facilitating Conditions
The strongest predictor of behavioural intention in
this study was facilitating conditions. Facilitating
conditions are said to predict use behaviour (UB) in
UTAUT rather than BI. Nevertheless, research has
shown that even though FC is not directly associated
with BI there is a relationship that has a strong
positive correlation between FC and BI (Raman and
Don, 2013; Bhatiasevi, 2015). In this study FC has a
positive slope (.357) with a low p value (.008). The
squared semi-partial coefficient (sr
) was .239
indicating that 23.9% of the variation in behavioural
intention was based on FC.
4.2 Model Analysis
The results of the survey study showed that teachers
are more willing to adopt the remote robotics
experimentation technique if the facilities are
provided to them. This means that the teachers would
want to have the hardware and software relating to
remote robotic experiments available at all times as
well as training and support for the use of the
The second strongest predictor of behavioural
intention was effort expectancy; this means that
teachers need to know that the use of remote robotic
experimentation will take little effort to learn and use
in the classroom. If the technology is hard to learn and
takes too much time from the teacher to setup and
deploy in the classroom then there is a high
probability that they will not want to use it.
The last two constructs, namely performance
expectancy and social influence, could not be
considered predictors of behavioural intention for the
use of remote robotic experiments.
Overall, the UTAUT model fit showed that it
could predict the behavioural intention of high school
computer science teachers in Cyprus to use remote
robotics experimentation. The results of the study can
be used to strengthen the conditions that teachers
would like to see met before adopting remote robotic
experiments. In this way, the curriculum makers can
focus on making technology as easy as possible to
learn and deploy, as well as on providing all
necessary infrastructure in order to use and support
remote robotic experimentation.
This research study aimed in identifying the intention
of high school computer science teachers in Cyprus
to use remote robotic experimentation in their classes.
The results are very important for curriculum makers
because it can help them understand what the teachers
need in order to embrace this new technology. The
theoretical framework was based on UTAUT, which
uses four main constructs that can help predict
behavioural intention. These four constructs are
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence and facilitating conditions.
The study showed that there are constructs such
as facilitating conditions and effort expectancy which
can increase the probability that high school teachers
will use remote robotic experiments. The study also
showed that performance expectancy and social
influence had no effect in the intention to use the
The results allow curriculum policy makers to
identify appropriate ways in which to deliver a new
curriculum based on robotics education, one that will
have increased chances of being adopted by the
teachers. Since the study showed that facilitating
conditions is the biggest predictor of the intention of
high school teachers to use remote robotics
experimentation, policy makers will have to ensure
that required facilities are already in place before the
introduction of the technology to the teachers. This
means that the hardware and software should be in
place and operational, while a group of people will
provide support to the teachers through the training
and application stages of the educational process.
In addition to facilitating conditions, effort
expectancy was also found to be a strong predictor of
intention to use remote robotic experimentations.
This means that policy makers will have to take
measures in developing a curriculum that is easy to
adopt and make the use of the remote experimentation
platform as easy as possible for both teachers and
students. If teachers find that the system is hard to
learn or that the platform has several operational
problems, then they will be reluctant to adopt it.
Future work includes the development of a remote
robotic experimentation laboratory for high school
computer science teachers in Cyprus. This laboratory
Remote Robotic Experimentation
will allow the implementation of Training of Trainers
courses which will educate teachers in the use of
remote RobotC experimentation and will increase
their exposure to the educational technology.
Having a remote robotic laboratory available will
also allow researchers to perform studies that will
gauge the possible educational improvements of
remote robotic experimentation over other
educational approaches.
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