Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds
From Theory to (Virtual) Reality
Athanasios Christopoulos, Marc Conrad and Mitul Shukla
School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, University Square, Luton, U.K.
Keywords: Instructional Design, Hybrid Virtual Learning, Interaction, Engagement, OpenSimulator.
Abstract: The main advantage of Desktop Virtual Reality is that it enables learners to interact with each other both in
the physical classroom and in a 3D environment. Even though, no explicit theories or models have been
developed to contextualise Virtual Learning, instructional designers have successfully employed the
traditional approaches with positive results on learners’ motivation and engagement. However, there is very
little we know when the question comes to the importance of examining and taxonomising the impact of
interactions on motivation and engagement as a synergy of learners’ concurrent presence. To evaluate the
potential of interactions holistically and not just unilaterally, a series of experiments were conducted in the
context of our Hybrid Virtual Learning classes underpinned from the instructional designer’s decisions to
increase the incentives for interactions. Learners’ thoughts and preconceptions about the use of virtual
worlds as an educational tool were surveyed, whilst, their actions and interactions (in both environments)
were observed during their practical sessions. The take away is that the higher the levels of interactivity are,
the higher the chances to attract students’ attention and engagement with the process will be.
Various terms are used to describe Virtual Reality
(VR) products. In this paper, the term ‘virtual-world
or virtual environment’ (VE) is translated into a
computer generated, 3-dimensional (3D) multiuser
environment, whose representations are designed
and shaped by individuals, through the use of
avatars, in real time. In this definition, VR
environments which presume the use of additional
hardware equipment––such as head-mounted, haptic
or kinetic devices––are excluded.
Virtual environments have been inherently
designed to mirror the real-world settings in a vivid
and realistic 3D environment (Loke, 2015).
Moreover, as such environments are highly
customisable, the development of scenarios that
cannot be (effortlessly or efficiently) staged or do
not even exist in the ‘real’ world becomes tangible
(Chen, 2009). Researchers agree that VR technology
has many capabilities and potential to offer in
education (Jarmon et al., 2009) whereas, educators,
highlight the value and benefits that 3D VEs offer on
learners’ motivation and engagement (Pellas and
Kazanidis, 2015).
The lack of literature related to learning
frameworks focused on VEs led educators to
integrate the existing learning theories, as an initial
stepping stone (Savin-Baden et al., 2010; Wang and
Burton, 2013). Consequently, whilst educators and
instructional designers were exploring the
applications of this alternative tool, strong debates
emerged leading to the development of conceptual
and empirical frameworks or taxonomies related to
learning in VEs (Duncan et al., 2012; Lee et al.,
2010). Bossard et al. (2008) examined how effective
VEs are for learning or training and investigated
how the knowledge and skills that have been
constructed in VEs are transferred to the real world’s
applications. Calleja (2014) explored the elements
that affect the levels of immersion that learners
reach whereas, Childs (2010), depicted how the
sense of presence affects their learning
The extensive utilisation and positive results of
VEs in Distance Learning, led to their (partial)
incorporation in the traditional face-to-face
education so as to enrich and enhance learners’
experience (Omieno et al., 2012). A plethora of
definitions related to the Blended Learning model
exists. The most predominant definition describes
Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M. and Shukla, M.
Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds.
DOI: 10.5220/0006689302260234
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 226-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Blended Learning as the combination of online and
face-to-face instruction and interaction both between
learners and educators (Graham, 2013). The
outcomes of the aforementioned studies are, indeed,
very substantial and useful to educators and
instructional designers who aim to develop
immersive learning activities for their learners.
Nevertheless, when it comes to Hybrid Virtual
Learning (HVL), the detailed examination does not
fully apply, especially from the view and perspective
of immersion. As HVL, we define the context where
the traditional classroom and the VE are
overlapping. In other words, in HVL, educators and
learners are simultaneously co-present, interacting
with each other in real-time, in the physical and the
virtual environment as well. According to
Konstantinidis et al. (2009), in such contexts,
learning becomes more student-oriented and co-
operative whilst, teaching is more interactive and
As reported by Lee et al. (2010), most of the
existing literature examines and reports how VR
influences learning but very few studies have been
performed to understand how VR enhances learning.
An example of this argument is the topic of
interaction and engagement. Fernández-Gallego et
al. (2013) stress the importance of interactions on
the learning activities whilst, Dillenbourg et al.
(2002), underline the lack of understanding on
developing interactions for different learning
objectives. Nevertheless, the attempts to introduce
taxonomies and frameworks that map and evaluate
them, especially in HVL scenarios, are absent.
Interestingly, even when interactions are under
researchers’ attention, the focus is almost
exclusively on the interactivity of the VE per se and
not on the interactions that need––or have––to be
developed in order to cover learners’ needs and aid
the learning process (Camilleri et al., 2013; Chodos
et al., 2012; Fardinpour and Reiners, 2014;
Grivokostopoulou et al., 2016).
On the antipode, the studies that discuss
interactions holistically (i.e. both in the physical
classroom and the VE), report findings that have
been derived from experiments which included the
use of external hardware devices (Klompmaker et
al., 2013; Kronqvist et al., 2016). However, such
devices are not readily available to (most)
institutions due to their prohibitive cost. Thereafter,
following the common practice route to integrate the
outcomes of studies which have been performed in
mixed/augmented reality contexts, in a strictly
desktop-based HVL model, is absurd.
Ultimately, disregarding partly or even
completely the network of interactions that is being
developed between the ‘real’ and the ‘virtual’
world––between the ‘real’ students and the
‘avatars’––simultaneously, diminishes or even
dismisses the essence of the HVL approach as well
as restricts educators and instructional designers
from reaching its maximum potential.
This brief overview related to the lack of a
common taxonomy for describing and classifying
the types of interactions that take place in HVL
contexts and their impact on learner engagement is a
limitation that needs to be systematically examined
and evaluated.
In this paper, we discuss some of the most
relevant and applicable, to VEs, learning theories
and models contextualised with examples related to
the instructional designer’s perspective.
Consequently, we present our perspective and
understanding in regard to the content and activities,
that educational VEs should include, with particular
emphasis on the importance of interactions. Before
reaching our conclusions, we make a brief
presentation (summary) of the core findings derived
from a four-year longitudinal study to examine this
content in a HVL scenario. The paper concludes
with suggestions and guidance to educators and
instructional designers who are particularly
interested in utilising VEs in HVL contexts.
Most of the experiments that have been conducted in
VEs have been underpinned from the existing
learning theories (Twining, 2009). To authors’
knowledge, there are no learning theories
exclusively developed to contextualise Virtual
Learning. Furthermore, the majority of the existing
studies are empirical and usually report the learning
benefits of VEs in different educational fields. This
is eventually the under-theorisation of research
problem in VEs. Savin-Baden et al. (2010) underline
that the pedagogical basis for using VEs is under-
theorised whereas, Dalgarno and Lee (2010),
opposes to the aforementioned argument and suggest
that the design of VEs is more intuitive than theory-
based. Indeed, educators who use VEs have more
pragmatic or practical oriented targets than
theoretical focus (Wang and Burton, 2013).
However, understanding and theorising how learners
acquire knowledge in VEs will help educators to
determine what their students can learn and
consequently apply the most relevant mechanism to
achieve the best possible results (Loke, 2015). In
Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds
this section, we discuss the most frequently used
learning theories that educators utilise to design
educational VEs.
2.1 Behaviorism
The ease of repeated transmitting information and
feedback to learners in VEs makes ‘operant
conditioning’ viable. Nonetheless, Nelson and
Erlandson (2012) warn instructional designers not to
develop complex activities, with large-scale goals,
as this deconstructs the essence of the behaviorist
idea. Instead, what needs to be developed is a set of
small tasks, which will build upon the feedback of
interactions, until the learning goals are reached.
2.2 Cognitivism
VEs lift many limitations that exist in the ‘real’
world and can facilitate the ‘deep learning process’
through their vivid and interactive content.
Nevertheless, instructional designers who consider
this theory shall keep in mind that, in order to help
learners organise and relate new information to their
existing cognitive schemas (especially when the
subject is highly interconnected and complex), many
different representations of content are required
(Bryceson, 2007).
2.3 (Social) Constructivism
VEs allows learners to develop, alter, and enhance
their content in relation to their personal learning
needs and therefore, construct their cognitive
schemes and engage with the phenomena they study.
Furthermore, the learning process becomes more
student-centered and self-directed, whilst the
educator gets the role of the designer, instructor, and
supporter. Therefore, the focus should be on
developing interactive tasks, with particular
emphasis on the social tools of VEs. In doing so, the
incentives for student collaboration are increase and
enable learners to develop their social presence as
part of the knowledge construction process
(Anderson and Dron, 2011).
2.4 Connectivism
Connectivism, as developed and introduced by
Siemens (2005), is a newly formed learning theory
which established after developing understanding on
how online learning environments can serve as
networks to facilitate learning. Driven by the
principle of ‘knowledge creation’ and
‘consumption’, learners are becoming part of a
wider information network which is generated in
accordance to individuals’ needs and
understandings. Nonetheless, as learners are exposed
to a continuous and changing information flow, their
ability to collect current and relevant information is
a critical factor (Kop and Hill, 2008). The
application of this theory in VEs relies much on the
available nodes (e.g. content and examples) that
instructional designers provide learners (e.g.
shareable example-artifacts from experts or past
2.5 Summary
All and each one of the aforementioned theories
share many properties in common but also differ
greatly in points. Educators who want to offer their
learners engaging and interactive learning
experiences should aim to utilise most of them as
they offer unique benefits whilst, eliminating the
disadvantages and limitations of the others.
In this section, we present some of the most relevant
learning models which have been developed based
on the aforementioned theories and incorporated
successfully in VEs.
3.1 Collaborative Learning
The terms collaborative and cooperative learning are
often used interchangeably though they do not
represent the same idea. In cooperative learning, the
group members work individually and usually
asynchronously towards multiple subtasks which are
assembled to produce the final outcome (Hasler,
2011). On the other hand, collaborative learning
refers to the synchronous social interaction (e.g.
dialogue and discussion) that the group members
engage in, when working as a team, to develop
mutual understanding towards the solution of a
given problem or task (Jeong and Chi, 2007).
VR technology emerged with the concept of
(social) interactivity in mind. Utilising these features
under the principles of the (Social) Constructivism
theories, educators’ decision to use VEs to undertake
a wide range of educational activities, such as role
play, simulation, programming, is fully justifiable.
Indeed, most of the studies report positive results,
especially when it comes to learner embodiment,
engagement and motivation (Pirker, 2013).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.2 Experiential Learning
A generic agreement can be identified in educators’
views when it comes to the application and benefits
of this model in VEs (Loureiro and Bettencourt,
2014). Indeed, considering the technical
characteristics and features of VR, learners can
experience information in a real-world-like setting
and learn through experimentation (Chen, 2009).
Nevertheless, Loke (2015) argues that this model is,
by definition, inadequate in explaining how learners’
experience in VEs is transferred or translated as
knowledge and skills in the real-world context.
However, as the author further mentions,
experiential learning theory makes particular
emphasises on the importance of reflection to make
meaning of concrete experiences. Thereby, Loke’s
suggestion is to emphasise on the reflection process
in the exact same way as if the experience was
undertaken in the real world’s context.
3.3 Situated Learning
When the idea of Situated Learning proposed, VR
was not in authors’ list as one of the potential
extension or application. Thereafter, applying this
model in VEs raises the concern of how the acquired
knowledge or skills are transferred from the virtual
context to the real world? Indeed, for this approach
to be effective, various aspects have to be
concurrently considered. Loke (2015) suggests that
the context of the virtual world should be realistic or
‘authentic’ enough so as to enable learners perceive
it in the same way that real-world situations occur.
Moreover, van Rooij (2009) emphasises on the
importance of ‘scaffolding’ the situation so as to
meet the different needs and capabilities of learners.
3.4 Problem-based Learning
Considering the flexibility of applying this learning
model cross-disciplinary, employing the context of
VEs as the learning space to enact or visualise case-
based scenarios, promote social presence and enable
learners to practice their skills stress-free, is
considered to be highly beneficial to the students
(Beaumont et al., 2014).
3.5 Game-based Learning
As Deterding et al. (2011) argue, gamified activities
should be implemented with the same affordances
required to design and develop virtual games.
Nevertheless, as the psychological characteristics or
affordances that stem from games are not explicitly
identified, various instructional design approaches
are framed under the ‘gamification’ idea (Hamari et
al., 2014). A wide range of scientific fields have
utilised this approach reporting that the playfulness
of the activities made valuable contribution towards
learners’ experience and knowledge acquisition
(Kim and Ke, 2017; Young et al., 2012).
3.6 Agent-based Learning
Pedagogical Agents (PAs) in VEs are employed to
support the learning processes and provide
additional instructional support (Terzidou and
Tsiatsos, 2014; Grivokostopoulou et al., 2015).
Nevertheless, the opinion that a portion of educators
share regarding the usefulness of PAs to foster
learner motivation and learning outcomes (Baylor
and Kim, 2005) comes in opposition with the
concerns that others raise, arguing that PAs may
distract learners from the learning content and
objectives (Dehn and van Mulken, 2000). Therein,
instructional designers are advised to consider
various factors concurrently and carefully––such as
the learning environment and content, the target
group which determines the learning goals and the
interactivity spectrum of the agents––when
designing PAs.
3.7 Summary
Similarly to the learning theories, each one of these
models has unique characteristics that facilitate
learning and enhance learners’ experience.
Nevertheless, researchers do not fail to mention the
challenges, obstacles, and limitations that exist when
integrating VEs for educational practices. Students’
difficulty to adapt and familiarise with the interface
or the implemented tools, the 3D modeling
capabilities of this technology––which affect the
realism and authenticity of the activities––or the
elements that distract students’ attention and thus,
prevent them from focusing on their task, are only a
few examples that educators should take into
consideration prior to using virtual worlds.
In the following section, we present our
perspective towards the structure and elements that
instructional designers should consider offering their
students when designing educational activities.
The existence of our HVL curriculum offered a great
Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds
opportunity to examine a set of instructional design
decisions and also, their impact on interactions
engagement. A university hosted virtual world,
based on the OpenSimulator technology, was used to
allow Computer Science students explore and
familiarise themselves with the Linden Scripting
Language—an Event Driven Programming
Paradigm—and also, with the 3D modeling
concepts. Figure 1 illustrates the narrative and logic
which led to our decisions, while designing the in-
world content, following the suggestions from
researchers to combine multiple learning theories
and models with the instructional design techniques
and approaches (Pellas, 2014).
Figure 1: The correlations between the learning theories,
models and our instructional design approach.
4.1 Methodology
Our research methodology, included a combination
of both qualitative (observations) and quantitative
(surveys) methods. Prior to elaborating further on
that, an anecdotal observation, which became
apparent from the very early stages of our first
experiment, should be mentioned. Students’ attitude
and behaviour towards the VE as an educational tool
was overwhelmed from negative attitude and
emotions originating from their biases and
preconceptions that ‘VEs’ are equivalent to ‘Virtual
Games’. Indeed, the academics in charge received
manifold complaints suggesting that such medium
has ‘no place’ in the university classroom and
should be therefore discontinued from the teaching
curriculum. As it was unclear how such behaviour
could affect interactions and engagement, the
distribution of a brief survey a priori to the conduct
of the following experiments was considered critical.
The aim of this survey was to enable us develop a
clear idea of our sample’s beliefs and preconceptions
prior to using the VE so as to correlate them with the
findings deriving from the a posteriori survey and
the observations. As it concerns the observations,
students’ actions and interactions––both in the
physical classroom and in the VE––were observed
during their weekly practical sessions.
4.2 Exemplification
Exemplification is defined as “the ability to critically
assess the use of examples in scientific
communication” (Oliveira and Brown, 2016). The
importance and effectiveness of exemplification to
support conceptual understanding, provide
supportive details about abstract concepts and
engage learners with the phenomena they study has
been highlighted by the aforementioned authors.
Furthermore, as they consider exemplification as an
emotion-related process, they argue that the high
degree of vividness, when providing examples, is an
integral part of this process. Moreover, Zillman and
Brosius (2000) mention that by providing humans
with examples enables them to associate the new
features with past experiences and thus, help them
develop lasting cognitive and emotional experiences.
In this scenario, the most well developed student
work from a prior cohort was selected and utilised as
examples for the newcomers. By providing such
content, it was also expected that the incentives for
interaction, not only between the students and the
content of the world but also with each other, would
increase (e.g. discussion, criticism). As far as the
sample is concerned, 161 students participated in the
a posteriori survey and 33 were observed during
their laboratory work for 44 hours.
4.3 Conceptual Orienteering
Educators who have used VEs stress the importance
of providing students with enough time to
familiarise themselves with the world and its tools
(Jarmon et al., 2009; Savin-Baden et al., 2010).
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
However, the strict university time frames make that
hard or even impossible. Considering that this is a
time-consuming process, it is questionable whether
or not instructional designers can facilitate, or even
speed it up.
To facilitate this process, a ‘school-like’ building
was developed, containing instructional information
and practical exercises related to: the navigation
tools, the avatars’ editing appearance process, the
use of the communication channels and the use and
development of avatar gestures/animations. In
addition, we offered students a sandbox area with
information related to the 3D modeling process, as
well as a park where they could socialise. In this
experiment, 196 students participated in the a priori
survey and 178 in the a posteriori. During the
observations, 43 students agreed to participate and
were observed for a total of 44 hours.
4.4 Edutainment and Gamification
The employment of leisure games aimed at evoking
strong childhood memories and further enhancing
the already playful nature of the world. Interacting
with the games would presumably increase the
opportunities for interaction, not only with the
content but also with other students.
For this scenario, the following content was
available to students: an amusement park, a small
lake, a café, a maze (question-based walls related to
the theoretical material and in-world rewards), and a
timed-run game. The sample of this experiment was
138 students who participated in the a priori survey
and 133 in the a posteriori. Amongst them, 51
students were observed for 32 hours.
4.5 Agent-based Instructional Tutoring
Baylor and Kim (2005) suggest that PAs can take
various forms such as ‘expert’, ‘motivator’ or
‘mentor’. In this scenario, 2 AI agents with
contradictory behaviours and characteristics and 1
non-AI NPC were utilised to attract students’ interest
and attention in different manners. At this point, it
should be noted that students were intentionally not
informed about the presence and roles of the NPCs
so as to allow them act naturally and discover their
features as part of the exploration process.
The first NPC had a human-like form,
resembling the role of the instructor or educator and
was a conversational agent (programmed chatbot)
with knowledge-intensive and domain-specific
question answering capabilities. Its role was to
facilitate the learning process and support students
by providing useful and meaningful answers to
technical-related queries. The second NPC was also
a chatbot, though with nonhuman type (‘monkey’),
as an example of the contradictory content that VEs
can accommodate. Its role was to disorientate
students by providing incorrect or ‘nonsense’
answers to their queries in a ‘ludicrous’ way. The
last NPC had a robot-like form, operating as vendor
(task-specific/domain-specific information giver).
Unlike the other NPCs who had also moving
capabilities, this agent was immobilised, becoming
interactive upon students’ call. Its role was to
provide students with informational notecards
(digital text-based notes), assign tasks and offer
‘freebies’ (premade 3D objects and code). In total,
160 students filled in the a priori and 165 the a
posteriori surveys. As to the observatory study,
almost one third of them (n=50) was observed for a
total of 30 hours.
4.6 Summary
The prime objective of the aforementioned scenarios
was to examine whether or not these processes could
help learners acquire all the required knowledge and
skills to cope with the learning activities. Moreover,
for the validation of our data, we repeated each
experiment three times, with different learning
objectives and student cohorts. At this point, it
should be noted that the context of each instructional
approach was examined in isolation from the others
so as to focus exclusively on one factor at a time.
One of the most important benefits of HVL is that
instructional designers are in the position to examine
the impact of their decisions, under the consideration
of interaction and engagement, holistically and not
just unilaterally. Through our study we had the
opportunity to develop a better understanding
towards our learners’ needs and adjust our future
plans based on their suggestions and
recommendations. In this section, we discuss the
core findings of each experiment.
Providing students with example content should
be an integral part of the world’s content. It enables
learners to have a comparison measurement against
their own aims and goals, turns the VE into a more
authentic environment––which in turn contributes
towards creating a wider community feeling––and
may even be considered as a source pool of ideas.
Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds
Even though the new generations are considered
as ‘digital natives’, offering learners with some form
of guidance––especially at the starting point––can
be truly helpful for those who are not familiar or
comfortable with the idea of the 3D. Nonetheless,
VEs also represent the idea of ‘freedom’ and ‘safety’
when it comes to trial and error. Considering this,
along with the human nature to explore the
unknown, it becomes apparent that it is fairly hard to
patronise such procedures. Thereafter, chances are
that students will rather attempt to explore the world
and its tools by themselves, instead of going through
specific or framed procedures. Nevertheless, having
an information and instruction ‘fountain’ available at
any given point might come handy.
Leisure games have potentially higher chances,
as opposed to the educational ones, to attract
learners’ interest and attention and therefore, engage
them with the VE. Some of them may be inspired
from this content, whereas others may perceive it
purely as a way to break their routine and entertain
themselves. In either case, the existence of game-
like elements, in a relatively pure educational VE,
can help students familiarise themselves with the in-
world tools, or even make them perceive the
learning process in a more enjoyable way. However,
the impact of this content on the learning process is
rather minimal or even non-existent.
Finally, regarding the usefulness and impact of
the PAs on learner engagement, the results are very
controversial. First, unlike the previous experiments
where the instructional content was massive, the
minimalistic appearance of the NPCs made them
look and feel as part, or thereof not, of the system
responsible for controlling and ensuring the proper
operation of the VE. Nonetheless, the appearance of
the NPCs––especially the nonhuman creature––
attracted students’ attention as it was the ‘odd’ of the
ecosystem. This agent received intense criticism for
providing meaningless responses to ‘serious’ matters
and therein, was interpreted as the ‘fun element’ of
the world. The human-like agent was certainly more
useful to address student queries, though only a
small portion of them had intense interaction with
this agent, probably due to the biases and
preconceptions that have been developed from the
behaviour of the aforementioned agent. Last but not
least, the robot-like NPC was the one which truly
added value to the learning process. Indeed, most of
(if not all) the students would visit this agent fairly
often to get advices, instructions or even ‘gifts’ (as it
befalls in nearly all the workspaces).
Both types of interactions (in-world/in-class) play a
crucial role in learner engagement, as they
contribute to enhancing the benefits deriving from
using the VE alone. Unlike virtual games, where the
sense of in-world presence is a key factor, when it
comes to HVL, immersion does not have much
relevance or effect (if any). Furthermore, the in-
world student-to-student interactions have a slightly
lesser impact on learner engagement, compared to
the ones that students have with the VE per se.
Nevertheless, their impact on engagement and
learning should not be disregarded.
The role of instructional designers is that of a
‘game changer’ in the teaching and learning process.
Indeed, learners’ personal preferences, choices, or
preconceptions, might come in opposition with the
instructional design. However, it is of vital
importance that learners receive clear information
and instructions regarding the relevant content or
even encourage them to use it, as it has been
designed and developed in their favour.
Unarguably, not every learner will be attracted
by the same learning approach. However, the higher
the levels of interactivity are, the higher the chances
to attract students’ attention and engagement with
the process will be.
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