Table 1: The evaluation results on the average min-entropy and the amount of information leakage for the fastest ORAMs
with secure buffers of different sizes N
= 8, 16,32,64,128,256, 512.
Size of secure buffer 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
Average min-entropy 24564 25032 26391 27319 27981 28224 28246
Amount of information leakage 10467 9998.5 8639.5 7712.1 7049.6 6806.6 6784.6
We proposed an evaluation framework for the fastest
Oblivious RAM (ORAM) . While the computational
overhead is dramatically improved by avoiding re-
peated shuffles of data blocks in a memory, the secu-
rity of the fastest ORAM has not been analyzed suffi-
ciently. We thus formulated a new security definition
for ORAM constructions involving information leak-
age on the basis of the average min-entropy, namely,
l-leakage access pattern hiding. We also provided a
lower bound using the collision entropy for the av-
erage min-entropy. Then, for the fastest ORAM we
introduced a practical way to evaluate the amount of
information leakage from the probability distribution
of distance between memory access patterns. Finally,
we applied the fastest ORAM to a program of AES,
and evaluated the actual amount of information leak-
age in the fastest ORAM. As a result, we confirmed
that by optimizing the size of a secure buffer used for
the fastest ORAM, it can achieve l-leakage access pat-
tern hiding for a required security level l. In the fu-
ture, we will evaluate the amount of the leakage when
the fastest ORAM is applied to other types of pro-
grams for validating the usefulness of our proposed
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An Evaluation Framework for Fastest Oblivious RAM