this study were able to break complex problems into
smaller sub-problems, build solutions to those sub-
problems and compose them into simulations that
solved the whole problem. Teaching staff who said
that they were more engaged with the use of
technology than with approaches to problem-solving
were actually giving their students the types of
advanced thinking skill that is usually included in a
definition of computational thinking. The study
shows that simulation software is a very important
tool in the teaching of network design. It provides
visual representations of computer networks that can
be manipulated at different levels. By manipulating
the levels of abstraction in their simulations,
students are able to decompose problems. This helps
them to develop their understanding of both
problems and solutions. The use of simulations
within networking courses is recommended because
not only are students able to solve the immediate
problems that they face, their use of the software
improves their ability to apply some of the principles
of computational thinking. It is also recommendable
that lecturers familarise themselves with the
concepts of computational thnking so that they are
able to consciously teach and assess students when
designing simulation networks. Further work is
needed to investigate whether, and how, other
aspects of computational thinking may be developed
implicitly through this and other aspects of
education in computer networking.
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