Model-Aware Software Engineering
A Knowledge-based Approach to Model-Driven Software Engineering
Robert Andrei Buchmann
, Mihai Cinpoeru
, Alisa Harkai
and Dimitris Karagiannis
Business Informatics Research Center, Babeş-Bolyai University, str. Th. Mihali 58-60, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Research Group Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 29, Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Agile Modelling Method Engineering, Resource Description Framework, Model-Driven Software
Engineering, Knowledge Representation.
Abstract: Standard modelling languages enabled the Model-Driven Software Engineering paradigm, allowing the
development of model compilers for code generation. This, however, induces a subordination of
implementation to the modelling language: the modelling benefits are confined to a fixed semantic space. On
the other hand, the rise of agile software development practices has impacted model-driven engineering
practices - an Agile Modelling paradigm was consequently introduced. This was later expanded towards the
Agile Modelling Method Engineering (AMME) framework which generalizes agility at the modelling method
level. By observing several AMME-driven implementation experiences, this paper specialises the notion of
Model-Driven Software Engineering to that of Model-Aware Software Engineering an approach that relies
on modelling language evolution, in response to the evolution of the implemented system's requirements. The
key benefit is that the modelling language-implementation dependency is reversed, as the implementation
needs propagate requirements towards an agile modelling language.
The convergence of agile software development
practices and the Model-Driven Engineering
paradigm has naturally lead to the Agile Modelling
methodology (Ambler, 2002). However, agility in
AM focuses on modelling practices rather than
modelling methods.
The underlying assumption is that all software
development needs can be subordinated and
conceptually subsumed to the fixed semantic space
defined by standard modelling languages. This is a
reasonable assumption in the two dominant
perspectives on the role of conceptual modelling in
software engineering: (i) the modelling is
documenting perspective, where models act as
guidance for developers, and are therefore "distilled"
by a human programmer relying on consensus with
respect to notation, structure and meaning; (ii) the
modelling is programming perspective, where models
are input for code generators that have been
preprogrammed based on the fixed semantic space.
The Agile Modelling Method Engineering
(AMME) framework (Karagiannis, 2015) introduced
a third perspective, that of modelling is knowledge
representation, where the modelling language is
tailored for capturing with diagrammatic means the
enterprise knowledge that is relevant for implemented
artefacts. The relation to implemented artefacts is not
based on code generation, but rather on
parameterization of software artefacts with properties
that are extracted or inferred from models. Compared
to process-aware information systems (van der Aalst,
2009), AMME advocates a full customization of the
modelling language.
This vision of AMME was adopted for the
purposes of the work at hand, which focusses on the
implementation of project-based instances of a
Model-Aware application for the goals of (i)
evaluating the feasibility of this software engineering
methodology and of (ii) positioning AMME in a
novel, knowledge-driven software development
method. Therefore the proposed contribution is ther a
software development method (labelled as Model-
Aware Software Engineering) that assumes the
adoption of AMME for modelling activities, as an
alternative to the standards that traditionally drive
model-driven engineering efforts.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 provides background on AMME.
Buchmann, R., Cinpoeru, M., Harkai, A. and Karagiannis, D.
Model-Aware Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0006694102330240
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Section 3 shows how AMME fosters knowledge
processes that establish the "knowledge-driven"
quality of the hereby proposed method. Section 4
employs an illustrative example that is currently
being evolved in project-based work. Section 5
comments on related works. The paper ends with a
concluding evaluation and outlook.
The keynote paper of (Karagiannis, 2015) introduced
the principles of Agile Modelling Method
Engineering, indicating the Open Models Laboratory
- OMiLAB (Open Models Laboratory, 2017) as a
deployment environment and architecture where
AMME emerged and is being evaluated in project
work involving the development of domain-specific
modelling tools - see a presentation of tools in
(Karagiannis et al., 2016). A commonly employed
platform for the fast prototyping of modelling tools is
ADOxx (BOC, 2017). Earlier AMME experience
reports are available in the literature (Buchmann and
Karagiannis, 2015) - however, such experiences
focus on the development of modelling tools and not
on the software development processes that can be
supported by such tools and their agile qualities a
gap that we aim to fill through this paper.
The usable result of AMME is a modelling tool
that deploys a modelling method, as defined in
(Karagiannis and Kühn, 2002). Such a modelling tool
evolves through iterations reflecting the increments
applied on the modelling method's building blocks
(i.e., the language, procedure and functionality). The
fundamental drivers of this process are the modelling
requirements a specialized notion of requirements
focusing on modelling scenarios / use cases. Just as
requirements are considered unstable or evolving in
agile software development, modelling requirements
are also considered essentially unstable in AMME
several pragmatic reasons are behind this
consideration, confirmed by this paper's work
context: (i) users lacking in modelling experience will
start raising change requests once they gain initial
hands-on experience; (ii) if software is implemented
based on the created models, the changing
requirements for the software artefacts will propagate
in modelling requirements.
The work at hand proposes a model-driven software
engineering method that reverses the traditional
subordination between implementation and models
i.e., instead of having the implementation
subordinated to an invariant modelling language (i.e.,
confined to its fixed semantic space), the proposal is
to have the modelling language subordinated to
evolving implementation needs. Thus, a modelling
language (and tool) should be agilely tailored and
evolved through AMME to expose the semantics
needed for implementation.
The proposed method expands AMME towards
the goal of software engineering. The applied
extensions are summarized in Figure 1 (i.e., the Data
Management and the Implementation lane). Since
AMME produces an evolving modelling language
(and, consequently, an evolving semantic space) the
core assumption of traditional Agile Modelling (and
associated software development processes) that
models comply with some consensus on structure and
semantics does not hold anymore. It is not feasible to
evolve code generators in synchronicity with the
modelling language evolution change requests may
be as drastic as adding an entirely new type of
diagram to the language, thus reusability is very
limited. AMME sacrifices reusability for benefits
pertaining to specificity the modelling environment
will act as a Knowledge Management System rather
than as component in some standards-based roundtrip
engineering cycle. Under these assumptions, AMME
does not serve as a system design enabler, but rather
as a flexible knowledge acquisition enabler. Since
AMME is essentially a metamodelling framework, it
supports the acquisition of knowledge on two levels:
(i) Domain knowledge, captured in the metamodel
tailored for each language iteration; (ii) Case
knowledge, captured through the act of modelling (by
using a language iteration designed on the previous
The two knowledge layers should be exposed to
software development processes in an agile manner
i.e., changes in both the language and the model
contents should be immediately made available to
software development processes in a uniform
representation that covers both layers. Models should
be amenable to reasoning (i.e., if what was explicitly
captured in diagrammatic form is deemed
insufficient) - for this purpose, the Resource
Description Framework (W3C, 2017a) is employed to
streamline the knowledge conversion flow between
the method's phases (Figure 1):
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Knowledge conversion flow in Model-aware Software Engineering.
The Conceptualization Cycle takes as input
requirements and domain knowledge to produce an
agile modelling tool engineered through AMME's
incremental and iterative cycle comprising the
following phases: Create (knowledge acquisition and
modelling requirements analysis), Design
(specification of the modelling method building
blocks, including metamodel), Formalize (method
formalization for a targeted audience or goal),
Develop (modelling tool implementation) and Deploy
(modelling tool deployment and usage).
Microiterations involving only the design and tool
implementation are common for fast prototyping
purposes; they are performed on metamodelling
platforms, benefitting from built-in user interaction
and model management features, thus allowing the
engineer to focus on the modelling semantics. The
Modelling Cycle uses the tool produced by the
Conceptualization Cycle to define models along a
typical modelling cycle. Feedback from hands-on
experience will drive new iterations of the
Conceptualization Cycle. In the Knowledge-Driven
Data Management Lane, model contents, enriched
with metamodel information are converted to RDF
knowledge graphs and linked through Linked Data
techniques to any data entities that are not depicted in
models. A graph database with reasoning capabilities
is necessary - GraphDB (Ontotext, 2017) has been
used in implementations. An adapter was
implemented for ADOxx, to serialize models
(enriched by metamodel information), according to a
highly abstract meta-metamodel easily translatable to
other metamodelling platforms, according to some
transformation rules detailed in (Karagiannis and
Buchmann, 2016). Their output is a conglomerate of
RDF graphs one graph per diagram, including an
RDF schema derived from the metamodel and
metadata associated with each diagram. This "model
base" can be further enriched by the reasoning engine
of the database (GraphDB supports both custom rules
and OWL axioms), thus further filling the semantic
gap between model contents and front-end. The
Implementation Lane covers the model-aware
implementation tasks. The developed front-end
artefacts are semantically parameterized with
information retrieved via SPARQL queries (W3C,
2017b) from models, data, model-data links and any
inferences that might have been executed on the
"model base". Requirements for changes in the
developed functionality can propagate back to the
modelling language, thus triggering new AMME
iterations, including the reprototyping of the
modelling tool and the model base regeneration.
4.1 Initial Requirements
Stakeholders require a Workflow Management
System driven by diagrammatic process descriptions.
Their organization coordinates a virtual enterprise
offering customized clothing, where a network of
Model-Aware Software Engineering
candidate tailors, embroidery providers and delivery
couriers can contribute, based on capacity and
availability, to the execution of make-to-order
production and delivery processes.
Figure 2 shows a simplified make-to-order
production process together with a screenshot of task
assignments in the workflow management system,
showing the tasks of the authenticated user active,
fulfilled and pending (in the latter case showing
contact data for those responsible). Between the
required front-end functionality and the richness of
the model information there is an obvious semantic
gap that is commonly filled in Workflow
Management Systems by the data model employed at
run-time, using the model description as a backbone
to guide the task flow. Conceptual redundancy
manifests between the data model employed at run-
time and the metamodel employed at design-time
(e.g., the roles expressed by pools). Shifting
conceptual fragments from the run-time data model
towards the modelling environment will empower the
modeller to drive process execution.
4.2 Advanced Iteration
The following modelling requirements are derived for
an evolved iteration: Semantic Requirements: The
virtual enterprise ecosystem must be described in
more detail than what the swimlanes/pools allow.
That is, dedicated concepts and relations must be
devised to capture organizational structures, roles and
instance employees as well as business partners
grouped by the capability they can provide to the
virtual enterprise. Similarly, a geographical coverage
model should provide at least a grouping of targeted
locations. Instance data properties may be necessary
for those elements representing instances (e.g.,
address or coordinates for locations, contact data for
business partners and employees). A distinction must
be ensured between domain-specific task types
(production tasks, driving tasks and delivery tasks).
Syntactic Requirements: The new concepts must be
separated from the process description in distinct
types of models that may potentially evolve later
independently of one another: one for business
participants and one for locations, with the ability of
mapping them to process tasks through hyperlinks
across models. Notational Requirements: Simple
groupings as graphical containers are preferable to
visual connectors. The distinction between task types
must be reflected visually. The notation should be
enriched with domain specific visual cues rather than
a standard notation. Visual cues should act as anchors
for the hyperlinks between models.
A traditional model-driven system would assume that
the modelling language is invariant. Consequently,
such systems will assimilate any emerging semantic
requirements in their run-time components and data
model (i.e., the Task Manager functionality in a
Workflow Management System).
Figure 2: Example of process and process-aware front-end.
Semantic Gap
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Certain descriptions and properties implied by the
aforementioned requirements are out of the scope of
common business process modelling languages
e.g., an organizational chart, mappings between roles
and instance candidates (as commonly necessary in
virtual enterprise agile configurations), the
geographical coverage of process executions or task
assignments (typically performed in the Task
Manager functionality).
It can be argued that some of this information
belongs to the realm of instances and execution-time
data repositories however, the following aspects
must be considered: (i) some data is sufficiently
stable to be stored in models; (ii) certain instance
representations are of interest for modelling in
general (see also the multi-level modelling paradigm
(Clark et al., 2014)) or for specific model analysis
goals (e.g., workload simulation). Numerous types of
models include elements that designate instances
e.g., concrete business partners, concrete locations,
concrete software, As-Is or To-Be system
components. Their properties can be just as stable as
process models and therefore semantically coupled
with more abstract model elements (a common
situation in Enterprise Architecture Management).
In other words, those parts of a relational database
that have a rather invariant nature and can support a
modelling use case (e.g., simulation, model-based
reporting) may be transferred to the model base,
rather than being redundantly covered by both models
and run-time components. Links between their model
representations and their more dynamic properties
(e.g., real-time availability of employees) will be
maintained with the help of the inherent linking
mechanisms provided by RDF.
Figure 3 shows a sample of how the BPMN
process in Figure 2 can be evolved in a domain-
specific modelling language with three types of
diagrams processes, locations and participants.
Hyperlinks establish semantic relations between
these models (e.g., locations of participants, task
assignments on role level or instance level).
Such an evolution requires, of course, a
reimplementation of the modelling tool, which is
supported by the AMME conceptualization cycle and
its fast prototyping support. Agility can manifest in
all building blocks of the modelling method
notation (e.g., replacing the BPMN symbols with
domain-specific visual cues), syntax (e.g., splitting
the metamodel in multiple model types connected
through hyperlinks), semantics (e.g., adding new
concepts, specializing concepts, adding domain-
specific property sheets), functionality (e.g., scripting
model-driven functionality relevant for the current
language iteration).
Further down the development process, the
customized models are exported in an RDF
knowledge base and subjected to relevant extensions.
Figure 4 isolates a fragment that contains model
elements from all three model types depicted in
Figure 3, including the hyperlinks between them. It
also depicts the enriched machine-readable graph that
can be derived from it, by applying several graph
extensions (e.g., OWL inferences or rules): (i) Links
to dynamic data (e.g., real time availability) not
included in models; such links rely on the URI
identification scheme, with model elements having
the same identifier as their counterparts in the
external data model (assumed to be a semantic graph
database, to simplify interoperability); (ii) Inferred
direct relations (e.g., directFollowedBy)
corresponding to the graphical connectors available
in models (connectors are typically n-ary relations to
also capture their annotations); (iii) Inferred types
based on property restrictions (e.g.,
AvailableTextileProvider for those whose availability
property is set to true and are contained within the
CandidateTextileProvider box of required
capability); (iv) Inferred types based on property
restrictions (e.g., AvailableTextileProvider for those
whose availability property is set to true and are
contained within the CandidateTextileProvider box
of required capability); (v) Certain relations (e.g.,
assigned instance) may be set either in the modelling
user interface (e.g., the coordinator directly assigning
instances to tasks through modelling means) or in the
front-end interface (e.g, a user taking responsibility
for tasks assigned to its capability container pool);
(vi) Inferred relations based on relevant property
chains (e.g., the destination identified by combining
visual containment with instance availability).
Examples of such axioms are provided here for
case (iii), with a richer discussion on OWL reasoning
on model contents being available in (Karagiannis
and Buchmann, 2018).
:containedBy owl:inverseOf :contains.
owl:onProperty :containedBy;
owl:hasValue :CandidateTextileProvider.
owl:onProperty :availability;
owl:hasValue true .
(:AvailableInstance :TextileProvider).
Model-Aware Software Engineering
Figure 3: The agile modelling tool metamodel (top) and model samples (bottom).
Figure 4: Machine-readable knowledge graph derived from inferences applied on model content.
(driven by
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The proposed software engineering method
converges from a tradition in investigating flexibility
in semantics-driven engineering methods see the
paradigms of situational method engineering (Kumar
and Welke, 1992), ontology engineering (Corcho et
al., 2003) and agile software engineering (Agile
Manifesto, 2017). Situational method engineering
was introduced generically as a process for
constructing methods that are tuned to situation
specificity, specialized by AMME for modelling
methods regardless of their application and goals. For
modelling languages and tools, other methodolo-gies
and platforms aiming for flexible customization are
also available (Kelly et al., 2013) (Frank, 2013) and
could be included in the engineering method hereby
proposed i.e., if they are enriched with a knowledge
streamlining approach to interoperate with RDF
graph databases. This key ingredient was originally
envisioned in (Karagiannis and Buchmann, 2016) and
later deployed in several implementations
(Buchmann and Karagiannis, 2015), (Buchmann and
Karagiannis, 2016).
The proposed method generalizes and repurposes
earlier attempts of applying reasoning on models
(Corea and Delfmann, 2017). Workflow management
systems, traditionally driven by XML serialization of
standard process descriptions - e.g., XPDL (WfMC,
2017) - may also benefit from this proposal, if models
represent processes and their execution context (as
highlighted in the presented illustrative example).
The Semantic Business Process Management
paradigm (Hepp and Roman, 2007), which aims to
splice Web Services, semantic technology and
business process modelling also takes a knowledge-
centric approach to processes. It emphasizes process
checking and composition under ontological
frameworks, showing less interest in their impact on
agile software engineering methods.
Since the semantic parameterization of the
developed software artefacts replaces the more
traditional code generation practices, the traditional
roundtrip engineering challenges (Maciaszek, 2002)
must be reconsidered. An ADOxx plug-in ensures
that the RDF graph's schema is kept in synch with
metamodel changes for any modelling tool
implemented on ADOxx (Open Models Laboratory,
2017). A roundtrip engineering cycle can be devised
as a generalization of the proposed method however,
currently we only consider the benefits of the
unidirectional knowledge flow from the model base
back-end to the model-aware front-end.
Figure 5 shows empirically observed efforts averaged
over three development processes where the hereby
proposed method was employed. The chart shows the
evolution, across the 5 iterations, of several indicators
corresponding to the knowledge conversion flow
phases presented earlier in Figure 5:
For the conceptualization effort we have isolated
only the microiteration cycle (language design and
modelling tool implementation). We also subtracted
the AMME training and the learning curve of
nonexperienced modelling method engineers, as this
develops a skill that is reused across projects. Once a
modelling tool was prototyped, the modelling effort
was also isolated, this time including the learning of
the modelling language which is significantly high in
the initial iteration, until users gain initial hands-on
experience. The data management effort includes (i)
the setup of the external data that does not make sense
to be included in models (e.g., resource availability)
and (ii) the setup of rules or OWL axioms to enrich
the derived graphs according to the information
needed in the front-end and (iii) the preparation of
retrieval queries e.g., SPARQL queries over HTTP
and, in one case, a dereferencing mechanism for all
model elements (Cinpoeru, 2017). Finally, the model-
driven implementation effort covers the semantically
parameterized implementation taking input from the
model-data mashup and the inference results.
Figure 5: Empirically observed efforts across multiple
implementations (averaged).
The chart shows a slow start due to the modelling
language (re)implementation however, this includes
significant parts of the data model (including instance
data, as shown in Figure 3) that otherwise would be
created later; also, it relies on metamodelling
platforms for fast prototyping. An essential benefit is
that the setup is inherently prepared for integration
Model-Aware Software Engineering
within a Linked Data-based application environment.
As this is a novel engineering approach that benefits
from the interplay of Agile Modelling Method
Engineering, semantic technology and model-driven
software development, the existing experience is still
limited and must be subjected to comparisons with
traditional agile processes in order to quantify the
trade-off between agile semantic richness and
specificity in models and the benefits of standards-
based code generators. Just as with the maturation of
agile development practices, the uptake of the
proposed Model-Aware Software Engineering
approach depends on an accumulation of learned
lessons from experimentation-oriented projects.
This work is supported by the Romanian National
Research Authority through UEFISCDI, under grant
agreement PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1140.
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