Detecting Social Interactions on Mobile Devices
Isadora Vasconcellos e Souza
, Jo
ao Carlos Damasceno Lima
, Benhur de Oliveira Stein
and Cristiano Cortez da Rocha
Programa de P
ao em Inform
atica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Departamento de Linguagens e Sistemas de Computac¸
ao, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),
Santa Maria, Brazil
Centro de Inform
atica e Automac¸
ao do Estado de Santa Catarina (CIASC), Florian
opolis, SC, Brazil
Social Interactions, Context-aware, Mobile Applications.
With mobile devices increasingly powerful and accessible to the majority of the population, applications have
begun to become increasingly intelligent, customizable and adaptable to users’ needs. To do this, context-
aware applications are developed. In this work, we create an approach to infer social interactions through the
identification of the user’s voice and to recognize their social context. Data from the social context of the user
has been useful in many real-life situations, such as identifying and controlling infectious disease epidemics.
In recent years, mobile devices have started to be part
of everyday life for most people. In the beginning
users acquired the devices just to make calls, but over
the years it has become a tool to optimize and help
users in various types of tasks. In this way, the appli-
cations had the need to obtain data of human factors
such as activity, social interactions, health, etc. to cu-
stomize processes. Thus, mobile computing began to
develop context-sensitive applications.
Context-aware systems offer entirely new oppor-
tunities for application developers and end-users, gat-
hering context data and adapting the behavior of sy-
stems accordingly. Especially in combination with
mobile devices, these mechanisms are of high value
and are used to greatly increase usability. (Baldauf
et al., 2007)
Mobile devices are used to interact with other
users through calls, messages or social networks. In
addition to being mostly close to the user. As such,
they are a great tool for detecting social interactions,
both face-to-face and virtual. The SocialCount ap-
plication proposed in this paper makes the inference
of social interactions face-to-face. These data can
be used in several areas, such as: marketing (word-
of-mouth), business (enterprise community detection)
and health (infectious disease control).
In section 2 we present the concepts of context-
aware computing, social-aware computing, ubiqui-
tous computing, social context and social interaction
and how these concepts relate. Section 3 discusses re-
lated works. Section 4 presents the SocialCount met-
hodology. Section 5 presents a case of use of infecti-
ous disease control with the use of social interaction
data. Finally, in section 6 is the conclusion.
The Context-aware Computing emerged to address
the challenges of mobile computing, where applicati-
ons have begun to explore the changing environment
in which they are run (Schilit et al., 1994). It is desira-
ble that mobile device applications and services react
to their current location, time, and other attributes of
the environment, and adapt their behavior according
to changing circumstances as context data can change
rapidly (Baldauf et al., 2007). Such context-aware
software adapts their functions, contents, and interfa-
ces according to the user’s current situation with less
distraction of the users. Thus, aim at increasing usabi-
lity and effectiveness by taking environmental context
into account (Temdee and Prasad, 2017).
The word ”context” is very comprehensive, it is
possible to find different definitions proposed by dif-
Vasconcellos e Souza, I., Damasceno Lima, J., de Oliveira Stein, B. and Cortez da Rocha, C.
DOI: 10.5220/0006696605110518
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 511-518
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ferent authors. ”Context is any information that can
be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An
entity is a person, place, or object that is considered
relevant to the interaction between an user and an ap-
plication, including the user and applications themsel-
ves” (Dey, 2001). Three important aspects of context
are: where you are, who you are with, and what re-
sources are nearby. This includes lighting, noise level,
network connectivity, communication costs, commu-
nication bandwidth and even social situation (Schilit
et al., 1994).
The context can be divided into ve sub-
categories: Environmental context, Personal context,
Social context, Task context and Spatio-temporal con-
text (Kofod-Petersen and Mikalsen, 2005). These
sub-categories are defined as (Cassens and Kofod-
Petersen, 2006):
Environmental context: This part captures the
user’s surrounding, such as things, services, pe-
ople, and information accessed by the user.
Personal context: This part describes the mental
and physical information about the user, such as
mood, expertise and disabilities.
Social context: This describes the social aspects
of the user, such as information about the different
roles an user can assume.
Task context: the task context describes what the
user is doing, it can describe the user’s goals, tasks
and activities.
Spatio-temporal context: This type of context is
concerned with attributes like: time, location and
the community present.
One of the key features of a context-aware appli-
cation is not to be intrusive. In other words, the ap-
plication needs to detect user context information wit-
hout any kind of intervention that can change the cur-
rent context. If the user is working and the application
alerts him to make a decision or provides some infor-
mation, the user’s status can be changed from ”wor-
king” to ”using mobile”, in this way the application
changes the user’s current task context. Therefore,
context-aware computing uses the notions of ubiqui-
tous computing.
Ubiquitous computing can also be called syno-
nymously the generalized computation (Temdee and
Prasad, 2017). However, there are some differences.
The concept of pervasive computing implies that the
computer is embedded in the environment invisibly
to the user. The computer has the ability to obtain in-
formation from the environment in which it is ship-
ped and use it to dynamically build computer mo-
dels, such as controlling, configuring and tuning the
application to better meet the needs of the device or
user. Ubiquitous computing comes from the need to
integrate mobility with the functionality of pervasive
computing. In other words, any moving computing
device can dynamically construct computational mo-
dels of the environments in which we move and confi-
gure their services depending on the need (de Araujo,
Since the beginning of social networks, the rese-
archers are using the sensing data to understand hu-
man behavior, mobility, and activity, and ultimately
helping to solve social problems (Yu et al., 2012).
For this reason, context-aware computing has ge-
nerated a new emerging research topic in computer
science called social-aware. ”Humans, however, are
social beings. Hence, the notion of social context-
awareness (in short social awareness) extends the vi-
sion of context-aware computing” (Kabir et al., 2014).
Socially aware applications are services that ex-
ploiting any information that describes the social con-
text of the user, like social relations, social interacti-
ons, or social situations and embody the ability to
trace and model ongoing social processes, structures,
and behavioral patterns (Ferscha, 2012).
Social context is defined as a set of information
derived from direct or indirect interactions among pe-
ople in both virtual and physical world. Direct in-
teraction contains face to face conversation, video
conferencing, etc.. Indirect interaction includes co-
locating for a period of time, joining the same event,
etc. (Kabir et al., 2014). The SocialCount recognizes
the user’s social interactions to get information about
the user’s social context.
According to the sociological approach social
context is the way that people can relate easily, in-
cluding the culture in which the individual lives and
has been educated and the people and institutions with
whom he interacts (Kolvenbach et al., 2004) (Carter,
2013). Some authors add places and activities to the
concept (Adams et al., 2008). Therefore, according
to the definition of Schilit et al., the social context ad-
dresses two of the main aspects of the context: where
are you and who you are with.
Biamino proposed a more specific interpretation
that would meet the point of view of pervasive and
ubiquitous computing. They suggest that the social
context can be represented through networks. ”In our
vision social contexts are more similar to social ag-
gregations or social groups, identified as a number
of nodes in a given location, linked by some kind of
ties (relations) that determine their nature” (Biamino,
2011). The authors define a social context as a 3-tuple
that, describe the network:
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cxt =< Size, Density, Typeo f Ties > (1)
In this paper the definitions of Size, Density and
Type of Ties were adapted from the work of Biamino.
The Size represents the number of nodes in a defined
Small (n 5): a network with a small number of
Private (5 < n 20): a network with a few nodes;
Open (20 < n 50): a relatively large network;
Wide (n > 50): a network with a very large num-
ber of nodes;
Density represents the number of connections be-
tween the nodes:
Clique: a fully connected graph;
Easy: a graph with easy to close triangles;
Hard: a graph with many isolated nodes and hard
to close triangles;
Type of Ties is defined by the main type of relati-
ons between the nodes of the network:
Unknown: no relation exists between two nodes;
Acquaintance: two nodes are not close friends,
but they interact with each other;
Friends: two nodes with a friendship-kind of rela-
SocialCount uses data collected from social in-
teractions to generate social graphs and classify the
context criteria according to 3-tuple. In the next
section are presented and discussed related works that
also collect social interactions.
The related works were selected with the purpose of
presenting the state of the art and the most used met-
hodologies of detection of social interactions in mo-
bile devices. The main characteristics raised for de-
tecting interactions are: interpersonal distance, user
location, relative position and conversation activity.
The most common approach used by researchers
to recognize social interactions between two indivi-
duals is the Bluetooth ID search (BTID) or Wi-Fi ser-
vice ID (SSID) of nearby devices. All devices/people
found are classified as social interactions. This met-
hod was used in CenceMe (Miluzzo et al., 2007),
SoundSense (Lu et al., 2009), E-Shadow (Teng et al.,
2014), PMSN (Zhang et al., 2012), among others.
This approach is simple and does not require speciali-
zed hardware and sensors, but the accuracy is limited
by the range of Bluetooth (about 10 meters) and Wi-Fi
(approximately 35 meters for indoor environments).
DARSIS (Palaghias et al., 2015) was developed
to quantify social interactions in real time. The rela-
tive orientation of the users was used to obtain face
direction and interpersonal distance. The proximity
between the participants of the interaction is calcu-
lated through the RSSI samples of the user device’s
Bluetooth that are trained by learning machine (Multi-
BoostAB with J48). Samples are taken from three de-
vice position combinations: screen to screen, screen
to back and back to back. The proximity is classi-
fied as public area, social zone, personal zone and
intimate zone. The relative orientation of the user
is known through uDirect (Hoseinitabatabaei et al.,
2014) which identifies the relative orientation bet-
ween the Earth’s coordinates and the user’s locomo-
tion and predicts the direction of the face without re-
quiring a fixed position of the device.
In Multi-modal Mobile Sensing of Social Inte-
ractions (Matic et al., 2012) they used a set of met-
hods for the sensing of the interactions: the interper-
sonal distance, the relative position of the user, the
direction of the face and the verification of speech
activity. The interpersonal distance between the de-
vices is captured in RSSI, where one device works as
a Wi-Fi access point (Hot Spot) and another as a Wi-
Fi client. The relative position is calculated by the
position of the torso in relation to the coordinates of
the Earth, always considering the same position of the
mobile device. The speech activity is detected by an
accelerometer installed on the user’s chest. The de-
vice configured as a Wi-Fi access point is characteri-
zed as an intrusive process because the user generally
does not use his mobile device for this purpose. Like-
wise the accelerometer on the chest because is not a
commonly used device.
SCAN (Social Contex-Aware smartphone Notifi-
cation system) (Kim and Lee, 2017) detects the user’s
social context and blocks smartphone notifications so
as not to distract the user while he or she is inte-
racting. The system sets breakpoints to release no-
tifications according to the following criteria: silence
(when there is no conversation for 5 seconds or more),
movement (when a person in the group leaves the ta-
ble), user alone (when the person is alone waiting for
friends) and use (when the other person participating
in the interaction is using the smartphone). Social in-
teractions are known through identification of close
people and conversation. SCAN periodically searches
for BLE beacons to detect the presence of other pe-
ople and announce their own presence, the BLE bea-
Table 1: Comparative table of relation works and SocialCount.
Detection from
speech sound
Detection from
who is speaking
Approach of interaction detection
No No No
Interpersonal distance
(ID Bluetooth e Wi-Fi)
Interpersonal distance (RSSI Bluetooth),
user relative orientation and face direction
Multi-model Yes Yes No
Interpersonal distance (RSSI Bluetooth),
user relative orientation and
detection from speech sound
SCAN No Yes No
Interpersonal distance (BLE beacons) and
detection from speech sound
SocioGlass Yes No No Image detection with Google Glass
SocialCount No Yes Yes
Interpersonal distance (ID Bluetooth),
detection from speech sound and
detection from who is speaking
cons have been chosen for deployment because they
do not require pairing and connection actions, and
have a low power consumption. For the detection of
conversation was used the algorithm YIN (De Che-
e and Kawahara, 2002) that estimates the fun-
damental speech frequency and identifies the human
SocioGlass (Xu et al., 2016) to promote additi-
onal information about the people who the user is
interacting. There are 28 biographical information
items that are classified into 6 groups: work, perso-
nal, education, social, leisure and family. The system
uses Google Glass and an Android application that
communicate via Bluetooth. Interactions are detected
through facial recognition, Google Glass is responsi-
ble for providing the image of the individual who is
participating in the interaction, the application recei-
ves the image, performs the processing and searches
for a combination in the local database. When you do
the recognition, the information related to the person
in question is displayed on the Google Glass screen.
The authors also implemented a smartphone-only ver-
sion, where the face image is captured by the device’s
camera and the information is displayed on the mobile
To analyze the related works, we insert them into a
bus stop scenario. In this case, there are many people
waiting for buses, some people are talking, others are
quiet looking toward the cars. The Table 1 presents a
comparative board between related works and Social-
The works that only approach the interpersonal
distance to consider an interaction are submitted to
have a low accuracy, mainly in situations of the real
life. According to the scenario, many people are
physically close and do not interact with each other.
In this case several interactions would be considered
wrongly. The good thing about this methodology is
that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology are compatible
with most smartphones available in the market.
DARSIS obtained a good accuracy in verifying in-
terpersonal distance. In addition, they used the di-
rection of the face to identify the interactions, which
is a good approach considering that a person tends to
direct the face to the other person when communica-
ting. However, they do not consider the conversation.
Considering the scenario, this can easily lead to mis-
takes, where two people may be standing next to each
other and looking in opposite directions.
Multi-modal and SCAN consider distance and
conversation. The Multi-modal uses an intrusive ap-
proach to the verification of the conversation, which
damages the naturalness of the user’s daily actions.
SCAN uses the YIN algorithm for the same purpose,
which identifies the human voice without the need for
external resources to the smartphone. There may still
be errors in the scene, as people around the user may
be talking.
SocioGlass used images captured with Google
Glass. This can be considered an intrusive procedure,
since few users own the device and use it regularly.
The authors have made a version that works only on
the smartphone, but users need to focus the camera on
the person’s face, which detracts from the usability of
the application.
To solve the problems mentioned in the scenario,
SocialCount uses a set of approaches. Interpersonal
distance is implemented through Bluetooth, the de-
tection of the conversation by the YIN algorithm and
the detection from who is speaking. This last que-
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
stion is fundamental for the correct consideration of
interactions. In the next section the SocialCount met-
hodology is described in detail.
4 SocialCount
SocialCount is a mobile application developed for the
Android platform. Its main purpose is to detect the
user’s social interactions and provide data that descri-
bes the social context. The interactions considered by
the application are only face-to-face, that is, interacti-
ons mediated by a means of communication are not
For inference of social interactions, SocialCount
detects: human voice, who is speaking, location, and
nearby devices. Based on related work, the differen-
tial of SocialCount is the use of the recognition of
who is speaking for the inference of social interacti-
ons. During the conversation, the application checks
whether the speaker is the user or someone near him.
The recognition was developed with widely known
methodologies, and the focus of this work is not to
elaborate a new method.
Figure 1 shows how SocialCount works. The ap-
plication is responsible for recognizing human voice
in the environment, recording audio, locating nearby
people and identifying the current location. The ser-
ver recognizes who is speaking and stores the data in
the database.
The application remains listening for the presence
of human voice in the environment. When Social-
Count detects voice, it records about 8 seconds and
sends the audio to the server. The YIN (De Chev-
e and Kawahara, 2002) algorithm is used to iden-
tify human voice in the environment. The algorithm is
developed by the TarsosDSP (Six et al., 2014) library,
which performs real-time audio processing.
The server verifies that the user is participating
in the conversation through voice prints previously
stored in the database. Voice prints are a set of au-
dios that contain speech frequency. To record the au-
dios were elaborated phrases that contained the con-
sonant phonemes of the native language in several vo-
wel contexts.
The verification is developed with the Recognito
(Crickx, 2014), which is a library that performs text-
independent recognition of speakers in Java. The li-
brary generates an universal template with all sto-
red voice prints. Each audio input for checking
who is speaking Recognito computes the relative dis-
tance using the variables: identified voice print (VPI),
unknown voice print (VPU), and universal (UM) mo-
del. VPI represents the voice prints that have already
been identified, VPU is the audio input and UM is
the universal model that represents the average of all
stored voice prints. ”If you put them on a line, you
can calculate the distance between IVP/UVP and the
distance between UVP/UM. Based on those numbers,
you can tell how relatively close the unknown voice
print is to the identified one. The UM acts as a max
distance value” (Crickx, 2014).
SocialCount can classify an interaction in two
ways: participation and monitoring. In participation,
the server identifies who is speaking is the user, so he
is participating in the interaction. In monitoring, the
server identifies who is talking is not the user, it is so-
meone who was close to the user’s device. Therefore,
the user may not be participating in the interaction.
Data from interactions stored as monitoring are only
used to increase the accuracy of the inference of the
interactions stored as participation.
After find who is talking, the server sends a re-
sponse to the application. The application then sear-
ches for nearby devices. The Bluetooth ID of nearby
devices is used as additional information to increase
the inference accuracy of users who are participating
in the interaction. If the user chooses not to turn Blu-
etooth on to save battery, SocialCount continues to
function normally.
Finally, SocialCount detects the location of the in-
teraction and sends all the data to the server to store.
The stored data are used to generate social graphs. A
social graph can represent the interactions between
users of SocialCount at a particular location over a
period of time or the interactions performed by a par-
ticular user. The Figure 2 presents social graphs in
two different environments: a research lab and a re-
To classify the Type of Ties (ToT), we use the
equation proposed by Palaghias (2016) to calculate
the confidence of each social relation between a pair
of users and the average of interactions performed:
P(r) =
where Q(r) is the number of inferences of inte-
ractions that are related to social relation r and N is
the total number of social interactions inferences. In
order to adapt the classification according to the social
characteristics of each user, we calculated the average
number of interactions performed per node according
to the equation:
M(n) =
T · N
where T is the total number of nodes that have
interacted with the current node n. Then we classify
ToT as follows:
Figure 1: SocialCount flowchart.
Figure 2: Examples of social graphs: (a) Social graph generated in a research lab, (b) Social graph generated in a university
ToT =
P(r) = 0, ToT = Unknown
P(r) < M(n), ToT = Acquaintance
P(r) M(n), ToT = Friends
The social graph of the research laboratory pre-
sented in the Figure 2 is defined by:
Researchlab =< Private, Easy, Friends >.
It is private because it has 9 nodes, Easy because
it is possible to close triangles easily and Friends be-
cause most social relations have P(r) M(n). And
the graph of University restaurant is defined by:
Restaurant =< Private, Hard, Acquaintance >.
It is private because it has 14 nodes, Hard because
it is difficult to close triangles and Acquaintance be-
cause most social relations have P(r) < M(n).
The purpose of this section is to better address the be-
nefits of bringing social awareness to mobile devices.
We present a brief use case in which we describe how
the inference of social interactions can help in real life
events such as in combating the spread of infectious
Human contact is the most important factor in
the transmission of infectious diseases (Clayton and
Hills, 1993). Many diseases spread to human popula-
tions through contact between infectious individuals
(people carrying the disease) and susceptible indivi-
duals (people who do not yet have the disease, but can
get it) (Newman, 2002). These contacts generate net-
works called contact networks, which are networks of
interaction through which diseases spread and deter-
mine whether and when individuals become infected
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and thus who can serve as an early and accurate sur-
veillance sensor (Herrera et al., 2016).
Epidemiological models are based on the SIR mo-
del. A SIR model computes the theoretical number
of people infected with a contagious illness in a clo-
sed population over time. The name of this class of
models derives from the fact that they involve cou-
pled equations relating the number of susceptible pe-
ople S(t), number of people infected I(t), and number
of people who have recovered R(t) (Weisstein, 2017).
Based on this model, it is possible to determine if an
epidemic is increasing or decreasing.
S + I + R = N (5)
Traditionally, public health is monitored through
research and the aggregation of statistics obtained
from health care providers. These methods are expen-
sive, slow, and can be biased. An infected person is
only recognized after a doctor sends the necessary in-
formation to the appropriate health agency. Affected
people who do not seek treatment, or do not respond
to research, are virtually invisible to traditional met-
Social graphs can act as networks of contacts to
determine who are susceptible people (S) through the
people with whom a contaminated user interacted. Fi-
gure 3 presents the social graph of ”user-01” based on
the contexts of Figure 2.
Figure 3: Social graph of ”user-01”.
If user-01 is the only one infected, 6 people may
be susceptible to illness. The network is recursi-
vely extended for each infected user. In this way,
users can be quickly found, informed and kept awake.
Early identification of infected individuals is crucial
in the prevention and containment of outbreaks of de-
vastating diseases. The most effective way to fight
an epidemic in urban areas is to quickly confine in-
fected individuals to their homes. The agility of vac-
cination ranks second in effectiveness (Eubank et al.,
2004). Information about people’s social interactions
can significantly reduce latency and improve the over-
all effectiveness of public health monitoring.
This work proposed a new approach for the detection
of social interactions carried out in the daily life of
the user. The approach consists of joining previously
used methods such as: Bluetooth search to find pe-
ople close to the user, localization and conversation
identification. And new methods such as detection of
the user who is talking. The collected data are used
to generate social graphs that clearly demonstrate the
relationships among users of a group.
The application collected satisfactory data for the
development of social graphs capable of identifying
people susceptible to infectious diseases. Providing
the possibility for health professionals to intervene
with agility in the control of epidemics. As future
work, we intend to insert and adapt SocialCount in ot-
her areas, such as: sociology (identification of inclu-
sion and social exclusion), business (employee relati-
onship mapping), marketing (sales mapping by word-
of-mouth), etc.
The authors would like to thank CAPES for par-
tial funding of this research and the UFSM/FATEC
through project number 041250 - 9.07.0025 (100548).
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