A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online
Hiba Hajri, Yolaine Bourda and Fabrice Popineau
LRI, CentraleSupelec, bat 650 (PCRI), F-91405, France
Technology Enhanced Learning, Online Learning Environment, Personalization, Learner Profile, OER,
Recommender System, MOOC.
Recently, personalization in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has been researched extensively. With
the spreading of online learning environments (OLE) as MOOCs and LMSs, a large number of learners with
different characteristics and backgrounds can follow online courses. To support personalization, recommender
systems can be used to provide each learner with learning objects helping him to reach his learning objectives.
These recommendations are more specific to compute than usual recommendations (like consumer products).
Furthermore, if they are included in a course, they depend not only on the learner’s profile but also on the
content of the course, because they need to fit with the course format at any point. At the same time, there
is a growing number of open educational resources (OER) available to usefully enrich the content of online
courses. To facilitate their reuse some of these OERs are described with metadata schemas following Linked
Open Data principles (LOD). In this paper, we introduce a MOOC-based OER recommender system (MORS)
that can be plugged in an OLE to provide recommendations of OERs to learners based on their profiles, the
course profile and a process for calculating recommendations based on OERs metadata. This paper presents
our approach that has been implemented in a MOOC platform: Open edX. However the proposed approach
could be implemented in any OLE by using the same process to calculate recommendations, as long as the
learner and the course profiles can be extracted.
Personalization in the field of technology enhanced
learning (TEL) is a topic that received a lot of con-
cern by researchers. But, with the spreading of on-
line learning environments (OLE) as MOOCs and
LMSs, the issue of personalization becomes more
acute. In fact the same course can be followed by a
large number of learners, with different educational
levels, learning styles, preferences, etc. This makes
the provision for an efficient one-size-fits-all learning
content more difficult.
To support personalization in OLE, recommender
systems can be used in order to offer to each learner
learning objects that match with his needs and his
learning objectives. But these recommendations are
more specific to compute than usual recommenda-
tions (like consumer products) since they depend both
on the learner profile and the course profile. More pre-
cisely, learning objects to be recommended to each
learner have to be suitable to his profile while remain-
ing coherent with the course.
At the same time, the amount of Open Educational
Resources (OER) available on the web is permanently
growing. These OERs are considered as an efficient
way for providing education for all and can usefully
enrich the content of online courses. But the quality
and the availability of OERs descriptions (metadata)
are crucial to their reuse. In this context, linked Open
Data principles are more and more applied to describe
OERs in order to facilitate their discovery and their
In this paper, we introduce a MOOC-based OER
recommender system (MORS) that can be plugged
in an OLE to support learners. The proposed sys-
tem provides recommendations of OERs to learners
based on their profiles, the course profile and a pro-
cess for calculating recommendations based on OERs
metadata. This paper presents our approach that has
been implemented for Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOC) platforms. We choose MOOCs because (1)
their large number of learners with varied profiles
make them good candidates for personalization, and
(2) because targetting an open platform like Open edX
will allow us to widely disseminate our system and
to make it reusable. However the proposed approach
Hajri, H., Bourda, Y. and Popineau, F.
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0006697000990109
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 99-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
could be implemented in any OLE by using the same
process to calculate recommendations, as long as the
learner and the course profiles can be extracted.
This paper begins with related work. In section 3
we introduce the recommendation scenarios proposed
by our solution. Section 4 draws the architecture of
the proposed system. Section 5 presents how we im-
plemented our solution. The evaluation plan is pro-
posed in section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper and
presents future directions.
Even though Personalization in TEL is a research
topic with a long history, studies on MOOCs person-
alization have started since 2013 (Sunar et al., 2015).
In this context, different personalization approaches
have been adopted. One of the most popular tech-
niques relies on a recommender system.
Some approaches are dedicated to MOOCs in a
specific subject. For example, the approach proposed
by (Maran et al., 2015) is specific to health MOOCs
in the area of Motivational Interviewing. It recom-
mends to the learner the MOOC resources related to
concepts they only need to know, by analyzing learn-
ers contexts. However, this approach has been dedi-
cated to MOOCs only about a specific topic and can’t
be considered as a generic solution.
Some approaches are not dedicated to a spe-
cific subject but they generate their recommendations
based on internal resources. For example, (Agrawal
et al., 2015) targets learners who post a question in
a MOOC discussion which reflects a confusion and
recommends educational videos related to the con-
fusion subject. (Bansal, 2013) recommends addi-
tional learning activities to learners who show a lack
of knowledge in a particular subject.
But when internal resources fail to meet the ex-
pectations of the learner, it becomes interesting to
also recommend external resources. This is the case
in (Alario-Hoyos et al., 2014). In fact, it recom-
mends to the learner a set of MOOCs which mostly
match his learning objectives. Another approach (Pa-
quette et al., 2015) offers a scenario of activities to
each group of learners according to the gap between
their actual competencies and the target ones. This
scenario can perform a number of recommendations
of either internal or external educational resources,
captured from the web. However, on the one hand,
even if external resources are recommended, these ap-
proaches don’t consider MOOC specificities and the
recommended resources may be out of line with the
MOOC. Since these external resources will comple-
ment the MOOC initial learning path, it is important
to select resources that are in sync with this path.
These selected resources have to fit the MOOC by
respecting its specific characteristics. On the other
hand, the recommender system has to adapt his re-
sults dynamically according to the course’s point, the
evolution of the knowledge acquired by the learner
during the MOOC and the versatility of OER repos-
itories. Dynamic computation is needed because the
set of available OERs at the MOOC time is constantly
In our work, we propose a generic solution provid-
ing recommendations of OERs in a MOOC platform
when a lack of knowledge is detected for a learner.
These recommendations are computed dynamically
based on different learner characteristics and also on
MOOC specificities.
In this section, we describe how our system person-
alizes a MOOC for a learner. More precisely, we in-
troduce some realistic scenarios of recommendation
offered by MORS: where and when exactly the rec-
ommendation process is triggered for a learner during
the MOOC.
Let’s consider the MOOC as a set of sections (Fig-
ure 1). Each section offers pedagogical resources as
video, text, quiz, etc. We consider also that studying
the MOOC requires some prerequisites with a cer-
tain performance level defined by the MOOC’s cre-
ator who is the teacher. Each MOOC’s section pro-
vides some learning objectives with a certain perfor-
mance level defined by the teacher.
Figure 1: The MOOC organization.
In our solution, we decide to recommend OERs
to the learner at two different kind of stages of the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
MOOC: before starting the MOOC and after each
MOOC’s section.
Before Starting the MOOC. Once a learner is en-
rolled in a MOOC and decides to start its first section,
MORS verifies if the learner has the prerequisites of
the MOOC with the appropriate performance degrees.
If a lack of knowledge is detected in at least one
of the MOOC’s prerequisites, the recommendation
process is triggered and a set of OERs dealing with
the appropriate prerequisites are recommended to the
At the end of Each MOOC’s Section. As stated ear-
lier, each MOOC’s section has at least one learning
objective. This learning objective can also be a pre-
requisite for the following section. So it is important
to ensure that the learner has assimilated the section’s
content. That is why at the end of each section, a quiz
is presented to the learner where each question aims
to assess his assimilation level of at least one of the
section’s learning objective. Now if the learner gets
bad results in the quiz, MORS triggers the recommen-
dation process in order to recommend to him a set of
OERs dealing with the learning objectives where he
In this section we describe the architecture of our sys-
tem for recommending OERs in a MOOC (MORS).
MORS is composed of four major modules (Fig-
ure 2): MOOC modelling module, learner modelling
module, PreSearch module and results refinement
At first, the MOOC modelling module generates
the MOOC profile. When a learner logins to the
MOOC for the first time, the learner modelling mod-
ule generates the learner’s profile which will be up-
dated during the MOOC. When the system identifies
gaps in student mastery of a certain topic, the Pre-
Search module requests the external OERs descrip-
tions repositories in order to collect an initial set of
OERs descriptions dealing with the appropriate topic.
Once the system has this initial set, the refinement
module applies selection and ranking depending on
different criteria. These criteria have been selected to
ensure adaptation to the learner profile and coherence
with the MOOC.
4.1 MOOC Modeling Module
This module aims at generating the MOOC pro-
file. The MOOC profile contains information col-
lected from the teacher when he creates the MOOC.
These information relate to the domain and the knowl-
edge elements of the MOOC. We consider two types
of knowledge elements: learning objectives of each
MOOC week and prerequisites of the MOOC.
Notations. In this paper, we denote the number of
MOOC weeks by n
, the set of MOOC knowledge
elements as KE, the set of MOOC prerequisites as P,
the set of the learning objectives provided by the kth
week as LO
, where 1 k n
and the set of the
learning objectives provided by the entire MOOC as
LO. Then LO =
and KE = LO P.
The teacher defines the MOOC knowledge
elements together with their performance degrees.
In this work, we use the performance degrees as
introduced in (Imran et al., 2016) (1: beginner, 2:
intermediate and 3: expert) to which we add (0: no
Definition 1. (Performance Degree by Teacher)
Given a knowledge element ke from KE, the perfor-
mance degree of ke, set by the teacher, is defined by
the function LP
ke 7− l p
The prerequisites and the learning objectives of
the MOOC associated to their performance degrees
are modelled respectively by the vectors V
. We represent in (Figure 3) the evolution
of knowledge elements during the MOOC. As input,
we represent in V
the required performance de-
grees defined by the teacher for each prerequisite.
Then we represent the evolution of V
the MOOC. At first, V
is initialized to zero.
Thus, at the end of each week, V
is updated
with new values. These values correspond to perfor-
mance degrees expected to be acquired in learning ob-
jectives provided by the week.
The MOOC domain is deduced from the MOOC
description and represented by a variable called
4.2 Learner Modelling Module
This module is responsible for generating and updat-
ing the learner profile during the MOOC. The learner
profile contains his knowledge elements, his learning
style and other registration information. Concerning
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course
Figure 2: The architecture of MORS.
Figure 3: The evolution of the knowledge elements during the course.
knowledge elements, we consider only the prerequi-
sites and learning objectives of the MOOC. So the
learner has a performance degree for each MOOC
prerequisite and each MOOC learning objective.
Definition 2. (Performance Degree of Learner)
Given a knowledge element ke from KE, the learner
performance degree in ke is defined by the function
ke 7− l p
The learner performance degrees on MOOC pre-
requisites are determined by browsing the MOOC
platform database looking for knowledge elements
the learner has acquired previously on the same
MOOC platform. If no significant evidence is col-
lected this way because the learner is a new user
of the platform for example, then we ask the learner
a few questions about the prerequisites in order to
evaluate his performance degrees. Each MOOC week
ends with a quiz. The learner’s results on those quiz
are used to weekly compute the learner performance
degrees on MOOC learning objectives. The prerequi-
sites and the learning objectives of the MOOC associ-
ated to the learner performance degrees are modeled
respectively by the vectors V
and V
A quite similar modeling process is proposed in (Sa-
hebi et al., 2016). In (Figure 4) we represent the evo-
lution of the knowledge elements in the learner pro-
file during the MOOC. Before starting the MOOC, the
learner performance degrees in MOOC prerequisites
are stored in V
. During the MOOC and after
each week, V
is updated with the new learner
performance degrees acquired with the learning ob-
jectives provided in this week.
The learning style refers to the way a learner
receives and processes information (Felder et al.,
1988a). In the literature, many profiles are defined
to analyze learners learning styles like Kolb (Kolb,
2005) and Felder and Silverman (Felder et al., 1988b).
In our work, we use the frequently used, Index of
Learning Style (ILS) questionnaire (Soloman and
Felder, 1999). It was developed by Felder and
Soloman to identify learning styles based on Felder
and Silverman Learning style Model (Felder et al.,
1988b). The FSLSM classifies learning styles along
to four dimensions which are active/reflective, sens-
ing/intuition, visual/verbal and sequential/global. In
our work we also use the patterns introduced by (Fasi-
huddin et al., 2014) to identify the type of learning
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: The evolution of the knowledge elements in the profile of the learner during the course.
resources to be provided to the learner based on his
answers to the ILS questionnaire. For example, sens-
ing learners prefer to get more examples and exer-
cises (Fasihuddin et al., 2014). We model the learning
style by using the term S
4.3 PreSearch Module
As indicated in (Figure 4), the recommendation pro-
cess is triggered for a learner L at two different kind
of steps of the MOOC.
Before Starting the MOOC. Let LP
(p) the perfor-
mance degree of a learner L in p P, the recommen-
dation process is triggered if:
(p) = V
(p) < LP
(p) = V
During the MOOC. At the end of the kth week of the
MOOC, let a learner L who acquires LP
(lo) in lo
, the recommendation process is triggered when:
(lo) = V
(lo) < LP
(lo) = V
Where V
and V
considered are those up-
dated after the kth week.
The aim of this module is to select a set of candi-
date OERs dealing with the knowledge element for
which the recommendation process has been trig-
gered. In order to find these resources, the system
performs a keyword search in metadata stored in ex-
ternal accessible repositories of OERs metadata (Ha-
jri et al., 2015). The metadata used in this search is
”the description of the resource” which introduces the
subject and the global idea of the resource. The search
is conducted using two keywords: the knowledge ele-
ment and the domain of the MOOC. The combination
between the knowledge element and the MOOC’s do-
main comes from the fact that the same knowledge el-
ement may belong to many domains. For example the
notion of ”recursion” is used in a variety of disciplines
as ”computer science”, ”language”, etc. But, we do
not use just the exact form entered by the teacher to
express the knowledge element and the MOOC’s do-
main. In fact, as represented in (Figure 5), we intro-
duce a module of synonyms detection
based on DB-
structured data that has been extracted from
Wikipedia. Some possible synonyms of the knowl-
edge element and the MOOC domain are inferred us-
ing this module. And thus we select descriptions in-
cluding the knowledge element and the MOOC do-
main or at least one of their synonyms.
Figure 5: Detection of synonyms module.
In a formal way, let OER be the set of Open
educational resources, R OER, ke KE, Meta
is the set of the metadata of R where Meta
, Sy
the set of
the synonyms of the domain of the MOOC, D
is the set of the synonyms of the ke generated by
our module of synonyms detection.
(R is dealing with ke) If and only if
((ke Descript
) OR (i : Sy
[i] Descript
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course
) OR
( j : Sy
[ j] Descript
To select these resources, our Pre Search mod-
ule requests external repositories providing SPARQL
endpoints. In order to manage the diversity of meta-
data schemas employed by these repositories, we use
classes and properties as defined in the learning Ob-
ject ontology of mapping (LOOM) introduced in (Ha-
jri et al., 2015).
At the end of this PreSearch step, we have as
result a set E of n candidate resources where E =
4.4 Refinement Module
This refinement module aims to improve the re-
sults provided by the PreSearch module by taking
into account more characteristics of the learner and
the MOOC. This improvement consists in select-
ing resources that respect some characteristics of the
MOOC and the learner and sorting them from the
most adapted to the less adapted to the learner and the
MOOC profiles. To this end, we define different cri-
teria that reflect resources adaptation with the learner
and the MOOC profiles.
A set of selection and sorting operations will be
conducted based on these criteria. These operations
are performed in three steps.
Selection by constraints.
Selection by semantic similarity.
Sorting by requirements.
4.4.1 Selection by Constraints
The first step is selecting a subset of resources E’ from
the set E generated at the previous step. The sub-
set E’ contains resources respecting some constraints.
These constraints are mandatory criteria that must be
respected by recommended resources. In other words,
without respecting these constraints, it will be diffi-
cult for the learner to assimilate the recommended re-
source or it will impact the MOOC follow up. In this
context we define three constraints. The first one is:
”The language of the resource must be known by the
learner”(C1). The second constraint is: ”Resources
must not require prerequisites not assimilated by the
learner”(C2). The third constraint is: ”The resource
has to bring a performance level which is greater than
or equal to the the level defined in the MOOC” We
consider that the recommendation process is initiated
after the week m (m n
C1 Violation. Let R E, R doesn’t respect the con-
straint C1 if:
/ L)
Where L is the set of the languages known by
the learner and Lang
the metadata presenting the
language of the resource.
C2 Violation. Let R E, R doesn’t respect the
constraint C2 if:
ke Prereq
: (LP
(ke) = 0)
[i]) = 0)
Each resource R E is represented by a vector
arranging the performance degrees acquired in
each ke of the MOOC after following this resource.
Definition 3. (Resource Performance Degree)
The performance degree acquired by the learner
with regard to a specific knowledge element ke, from
KE, after following the resource R is defined by the
function LP
ke 7− l p
C3 Violation. As shown in (Figure 4), the recommen-
dation process is triggered when LP
(ke) > LP
So, Let R E, R doesn’t respect the constraint C3:
(ke) < LP
As the OERs metadata don’t specify the perfor-
mance degrees of OREs, we need to estimate them
from learners who have already used the resources.
For a new OER we use two performance degrees 0:
a resource doesn’t deal with the knowledge element
and 1: the resource deals with the knowledge ele-
ment. Once the OER has been studied by a learner, its
performance degree is computed using the learner’s
quiz results.
Definition 4. (A Knowledge Element Derived
from a Resource)
(ke is provided by R) If and only if (V
(ke) 6= 0) If
and only if
ke Descript(R) i : Syn
[i] Descript(R)
4.4.2 Selection by Semantic Similarity
Once resources respecting the defined constraints
have been identified, we select resources which are
close to the initial query (the query defined in the Pre-
Search module). For that purpose, we calculate the
similarity between selected resources and the initial
query terms (IQT ). The IQT are the terms used in
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the initial query: the knowledge element, the domain
of the MOOC and their synonyms generated by our
module of synonyms detection. We denote IQT as a
Where T
is one of the initial query terms and nt is
the total number of terms used in the initial query.
We start with using Term Frequency Inverse Doc-
ument Frequency (TF-IDF) (Chowdhury, 2010) to
identify the importance of IQT inside the selected re-
sources descriptions. Each selected resource R is rep-
resented by a vector V
= (V
Where V
is the TF-IDF value of the term T
in the
description of the resource R.
The IQT is also represented by a vector V
= (V
Where V
is the TF-IDF value of the term T
the descriptions of all selected resources.
Then a cosine measure is employed to compute
the similarity between each resource vector V
the initial query vector V
. As result each selected
resource R is characterized by one measure which is
his cosine measure, CosSim(R). The resource R with
higher value of CosSim(R), is the closest to the initial
At the end of this step, the result is the set E
resources ordered by their semantic similarity with
the IQT . We select the subset E
of the first n ones
to be the input of the next step. We take a limited
number of resources because the objective of our
recommendations is to help the learner to improve
his knowledge level in a certain knowledge element
by following at least one resource. For this reason
we don’t recommend a large number of OERs to
him. The number n is defined arbitrarily and in our
case study, n has been fixed to 5 but the teacher can
change its value. We define the relation of preference
Definition 5. (Preference Relation ) Given
two resources R
OER and R
means R
is at least as good as R
In this first step R
4.4.3 Sorting by Requirements
The final step involves sorting resources based on
requirements. The requirements are another set
of criteria that we define to reflect coherence with
the MOOC and learner characteristics. However
these requirements are not mandatory criteria like
the constraints of the first step. In other words,
recommended resources may not comply with all the
requirements but they are presented to the learner in
an order depending on how much they satisfy the
requirements. Let Req the set of requirements and
the total number of requirements.
Definition 6. (Score Function) For each req
where 1 i n
, we define the score function U
[0, 1]
7− a
assigns a score a
,between 0 and 1, to each candi-
date resource R
depending on how much it satisfies
the req
. The scores a
are calculated differently de-
pending on the requirements req
For each requirement, the resource score represents
its requirement satisfaction percent. Then we con-
sider each requirement as a fuzzy set and the score
of each resource as its membership degree to this set.
We represent each resource R
by a vector S
components are the values of its score for each re-
= (a
The ideal resource id has a vector S
whose com-
ponents are equal to 1. This means that the resource
meets all the requirements at 100%.
A weight value p
1, 2, 3 is assigned to each require-
ment in order to characterize its importance (1: less
important, 2: important and 3: very important).
Initially all requirements have the same importance
=3) but we give the teacher the possibility to
change weights values of requirements defined to re-
flect coherence with the MOOC. As an example, we
start with defining two requirements: ”Recommended
resources should respect the learning style of the
learner” (Req
) and ”Recommended resources should
have a ’typical Learning Time’ similar or bellow the
mean effort needed to assimilate a MOOC resource,
as defined by the teacher.” (Req
For Req
, we define the corresponding score function
as below:
(R) =
1 if Typ
0 else.
where Typ
is the type of the resource R E
is the set of resources types corresponding to the
learner L learning style.
Concerning Req
, we define the corresponding
score function U
as below:
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course
(R) =
1 if LT
W /R
(ε + ME
W /R
)/ε elseif LT
W /R
W /R
+ ε]
0 else LT
W /R
+ ε
where R E
, ME
W /R
(Mean Effort Week) corre-
sponds to the quotient of the week effort defined by
the teacher and the number of the week resources and
corresponds to the value of the metadata ’typical
Learning Time’ for R. The value ε is defined arbitrar-
ily and has been fixed to ME
in our case study.
To rank candidate resources, we use the Cheby-
shev distance to compute the distance between the
ideal resource and each resource to recommend. The
smaller the distance is the better the resource is. This
distance is defined as below:
= max
[i] V
where λ
is defined as below:
= p
[i]) Inf
where E
is a subset from E
of candidate resources
that not have a maximal satisfaction degree for any
In conclusion,
In order to implement our solution, we choose edX as
the MOOC platform. We opt for edX because:
It is an open platform which is widely used.
Its architecture is modular thanks to
XBlocks (Kolukuluri, 2014).
By chosing this platform, we can offer our solu-
tion to the vast community of OpenEdX users and
hope to replicate experiments about personaliza-
tion, then gather more data about its efficiency.
The XBlock is a component architecture devel-
oped in 2013 by edX, which allows developers to cre-
ate independent course components (xBlocks). These
components can be combined together to make an
online course (Kolukuluri, 2014). The advantage of
XBlocks is that they are deployable. The code that
you write can be deployed in any instance of the edX
Platform or other XBlock runtime application
. We
found also that there is a recent focus on using these
XBlocks to add personalization in MOOCs, for ex-
ample the work (Li and Mitros, 2015) where a rec-
ommender XBblock was created in order to recom-
mend resources for remediation in a MOOC. Once
developed, each XBlock can be installed and added
by the MOOC’s creator, in the appropriate unit of the
appropriate section of his MOOC
. In fact, Open edX
organized the courses in a hierarchy of sections, sub-
sections and units, where the unit is the smallest com-
ponent in the MOOC.
For these reasons, we use XBlocks to implement
our solution in edX. Three XBlocks have been
An XBlock to Calculate the Learner and the
MOOC Profiles. This XBlock is meant to be added
at the beginning of the MOOC’s first section. It
is responsible for collecting information about the
learner and the MOOC by filling in forms. It is also
the place where we ask questions to the learner in
order to detect his learning style (see (Figure 6)).
An XBlock to Compute Recommendation at
the Beginning of the MOOC. A second XBlock is
developed to be added at the beginning of the first
section, after the first XBlock. It is responsible for
assessing the knowledge level of the learner in the
MOOC’s prerequisites by asking him some questions
(an example for the prerequisite ”structure data”
(Figure 7)). Then if he doesn’t answer the questions
correctly, a set of OERs links are recommended to
him. These links are ranked by descending order
by satisfaction of the criteria defined at the previous
section (Figure 8).
An XBlock to Compute Recommendation af-
ter Each MOOC’s Section. A third XBlock is
developed to be added at the end of each section.
This XBlock computes recommendations of OERs to
the learner based on his answers to the quiz presented
at the end of the section. These OERs links are
presented to the learner sorted based on the criteria
we defined in the previous section.
In order to evaluate our solution we launched three ex-
periments. The purpose of the evaluation is to check
whether the recommended resources are adequate
with the criteria defined previously. In fact, the scal-
ability and the versatility of OERs repositories means
that OERs and their descriptions change dynamically
and then compromise confronting the proposed re-
sources with all the available OERs. Therefore, dur-
ing the evaluation process, we focus on checking the
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Interface to collect information about the learning preferences of the learner.
Figure 7: Interface for testing the assimilation of the pre-
requisites (example ”Data structure”).
adequacy of the proposed resources with the criteria
defined to suit the learner profile and the coherence
with the course.
Figure 8: Interface for recommended resources.
6.1 Experiment 1
The objective of the first experiment is to show how
much the resources selected by the initial query are
relevant and deal with the appropriate knowledge el-
ement. In this experiment several experts (profes-
sors from CentraleSupelec) are invited to evaluate a
set of resources selected using our initial query. We
present several sets of resources to the experts. Each
set of resources is collected for a specific knowl-
edge element. Experts’ evaluation consists on se-
lecting relevant resources from each set. The aim of
our system is to recommend a limited number of re-
sources suitable with the profiles of the learner and
the course in order to facilitate the exploitation of the
recommended resources by the learner. Therefore,
we are not interested in assessing whether our sys-
tem recommends all the ”good” resources. Our ob-
jective is to assess whether the retrieved resources are
”good” resources. For this reason, we define a per-
formance measure adapted to our objective which is
. Precision
represents the percentage of
relevant resources from the retrieved ones.
Relevant resources
Retrieved resources
This rate is computed firstly to evaluate the set
of resources resulting from the initial query and sec-
ondly to evaluate the subset of resources resulting
from the filtering based on cosine similarity. The ob-
jective is to show that this filtering improves the ade-
quacy of the recommended resources.
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course
6.2 Experiment 2
This second experiment aims at evaluating the ade-
quacy of recommended resources from the learner’s
point of view. The MOOC can be followed by any-
one from all over the world and with any profile. So
in order to collect a large number of users profiles
without having to wait until they subscribe and fol-
low a MOOC from the beginning to the end, we use
the website Foule Factory
. It is a site which offers
the possibility to ask the crowd to do some tasks as
answering to questions or finding data, etc. In the first
step we start with asking Foule Factoy users to an-
swer a few questions in order to build their profiles.
The first part of these questions is about their learn-
ing styles and their educational level. For the learn-
ing style, the user is invited to answer (ILS) ques-
tionnaire (Soloman and Felder, 1999). For the educa-
tional level we ask him about the highest level degree
he obtained. In the second part, the user is invited to
answer some questions taken from the different quiz
proposed in the MOOC in order to evaluate his knowl-
edge level in its learning objectives. More precisely,
for each learning objective, we ask him three ques-
tions. Then, for each learning objective, if one of the
questions is not answered correctly, we recommend to
the user a set of resources supposed to help him to im-
prove his knowledge level in this knowledge element.
The learner is invited to study at least one the rec-
ommended resources. Then we ask him these ques-
tions: (1) which resource did he study, (2) why did
he choose this resource and not the other ones and (3)
did the resources allow him to learn something new.
The user is also invited to answer for a second time to
the questions taken from the MOOC quiz to re-assess
his knowledge level.
Based on these results we are going to evaluate
whether the resources offered by our solution improve
the knowledge level of learner in a certain knowl-
edge element. We will also evaluate how much the
learner chose resources respecting his learning style
over other resources.
6.3 Experiment 3
This third experiment is about evaluating the order
in which the recommended resources appear to the
learner. In order to ensure this, on the one hand, the
experts are invited to allocate a score (in
for each relevant resource depending on some crite-
ria. These criteria are: (1) how much the resource
provides the level of knowledge as required, (2) how
much the learning duration needed to assimilate the
resource respects the effort duration mentioned in the
MOOC, (3) how much the resource deals with the ap-
propriate knowledge element and (4) how much the
granularity of the resources is in line with the MOOC
lessons. An average score is then calculated for each
resource. On the other hand, Foule Factory users are
invited also to give a score (in
) for each
relevant resource based on two criteria: (1) how much
this resource is easy to follow and (2) how much this
resource is pleasant to follow based on his learning
preferences. An average score is calculated for each
resource. In this experiment we use the measure DCG
to evaluate the order of the recommended resources in
the list proposed to learner:
(2B(i) 1/log
(1 + i))
Where B(i) is the product of the scores given by the
teacher and the learner for the resource i of the list.
The objective of this experiment is to compare the
order in which the resources recommended by our
system are presented and the order deduced from the
scores attributed by Foule Factory users and experts.
This experiment will also allow as to evaluate, on
the one hand, whether the recommended resources are
suitable to the learning style and the educational level
of the learner. On the other hand it will allow us to
evaluate whether they are suitable to the granularity,
the effort duration and the knowledge level fixed for
MOOC resources. In other words, we will evaluate
how much the resources recommended to a learner are
adapted both to his characteristics and to the MOOC’s
characteristics, as defined in their profiles.
This paper introduces a generic solution to provide
recommendations of OERs in an online course. The
MORS system described in this paper is especially
devoted to MOOCs. By integrating MORS in a
MOOC platform, MOOC and learner profiles are
computed by extracting relevant information obtained
from the platform. These profiles are also updated
dynamically during the course. When our system
detects a lack of knowledge in a certain topic, the
PreSearch module queries OERs endpoints to select
OERs dealing with the concerned topic. Then the
refinement module applies selection and ranking de-
pending on different criteria in order to offer to the
learner a set of ordered OERs that match with the
MOOC and the learner specificities as represented in
their profiles.
Our solution uses the OERS Metadata stored in
accessible repositories. So, the more these metadata
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
are available and filled in, the better the quality of rec-
ommended resources is. Nothing stands the use of our
system in other types of OLEs as long as the learner
and the MOOC profiles data can be extracted.
Our objective in the intermediate future is to carry out
the experiments as defined previously in this paper
in order to assess the adequacy of the recommended
resources with the learner and the MOOC profiles :
how much the resource we recommend to the learner
is adapted to his characteristics while respecting the
characteristics of the MOOC.
The results of these experiments will also allow us to
improve our system.
Then in the distant future we manage to assess our so-
lution in a more comprehensive way. More precisely
our objective is to integrate our recommender system
in an existing MOOC and to assess how it will be
working under real conditions. In this evaluation we
will be interested with the interactions between our
recommender system and learners with different pro-
files and how much the recommendations we offer to
learners support them during the MOOC. Another fu-
ture work is to use other characteristics of the learner
when computing recommendations to him. One of
these characteristics is the context of the learner that
can represent an important criteria to be taken into
consideration in the refinement module. In fact de-
pending on the nationality of the learner for example
several information can change as the teaching styles
or the educational levels.
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A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course