Predicting the Success of NFL Teams using Complex Network Analysis
Matheus de Oliveira Salim and Wladmir Cardoso Brand
Department of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Knowledge Discovery, Social Network Analysis, Success Prediction, Sport, Football, NFL.
The NFL (National Football League) is the most popular sports league in the United States and has the hig-
hest average attendance of any professional sports league in the world, moving billions of dollars annually
through licensing agreements, sponsorships, television deals, ticket and product sales. In addition, it moves a
billionaire betting market, which heavily consumes statistical data on games to produce forecasts. Moreover,
game statistics are also used to characterize players performance, dictating their salaries. Thus, the discovery
of implicit knowledge in the NFL statistics becomes a challenging problem. In this article, we model the beha-
vior of NFL players and teams using complex network analysis. In particular, we represent quarterbacks and
teams as nodes in a graph and labor relationships among them as edges to compute metrics from the graph,
using them to discover implicit properties of the NFL social network and predict team success. Experimental
results show that this social network is a scale-free and small-world network. Furthermore, node degree and
clustering coefficient can be effectively used to predict team success, outperforming the usual passer rating
The NFL (National Football League) was formed in
1920 and today is the most popular sports league in
the United States, having the highest average atten-
dance of any professional sports league in the world.
The NFL is also a successful franchise business, with
its 32 teams ranked among the top 50 most valua-
ble sports teams in the world, moving billions of dol-
lars annually through licensing agreements, sponsors-
hips, television deals, ticket and product sales (Ejio-
chi, 2014). After each NFL game, a large amount of
statistics are generated to describe the performance of
the players. These statistics are used to move a bet-
ting market estimated in $93 billion dollars of legal
and illegal gambling annually (Heitner, 2015). For
instance, Internet sites use NFL game statistics to aid
gamblers, giving them more reliable predictions on
the outcome of upcoming games.
NFL salary structures are notoriously complex,
with base pay, bonuses, and guarantees, and game
statistics are also regularly used to characterize the
performance of each player over time, dictating their
salaries and the duration of their contracts. For in-
stance, Elvis Dumervil, the outside linebacker of the
Baltimore Ravens in the 2014 season, triggered $3
million in base salary escalators and earned $1 mil-
lion in incentives during Week 12’s contest against
the New Orleans Saints by reaching the 12-sack mark.
His 2015, 2016 and 2017 base salaries of $4 million,
$4 million and $5 million each increased by $1 mil-
lion. However, hiring players based exclusively on
their game statistics and paying them the highest sa-
laries is not a guarantee of team success.
In fact, a recent study has provided clues that
large wage distortions is not a good strategy for team
success (Burke, 2012). Analyzing the offensive line
salary and performance, the author shows that the
more teams pay their linemen, the more sacks and
tackles for losses they tend to give up. By the con-
trary, a higher median salary indicates better perfor-
mance. This results suggests that game statistics alone
are not enough to effectively predict team success.
The adoption of models and metrics that capture col-
lective behavior of players appear promising to in-
crease prediction effectiveness. Therefore, the the-
ory of complex networks can be used to investigate
the collective behavior of social agents, including te-
ams and players in a sporting context. Particularly,
a network is a set of nodes and connections between
them, called edges. Complex networks are networks
with a large number of nodes and edges following re-
levant patterns, such as hubs, i.e., clusters with highly
connected nodes. While the analysis of simple net-
works can be done through visual inspection, the dis-
covery of relevant patterns in complex networks de-
Salim, M. and Brandão, W.
Predicting the Success of NFL Teams using Complex Network Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006697101350142
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2018), pages 135-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-298-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mands statistical methods.
In this article, we investigate the properties of the
NFL social network, a network with players and te-
ams as nodes and labor relationships among them as
edges. Additionally, we propose to predict the success
of teams by modeling the behavior of players and te-
ams in the NFL social network. Experiments show
that the number of quarterbacks with significant im-
pact in the NFL history and in their teams is negligi-
ble if we exclusively rely on game statistics, such as
passer rating. In addition, we show that the NFL so-
cial network is scale-free, i.e., a very small number
of quarterbacks present extraordinary performance,
while a large number of quarterbacks perform poorly.
Moreover, we show that the NFL social network fol-
lows a small-world behavior, where the distance bet-
ween any two nodes are very small. Particularly, the
key contributions of this article are:
We investigate the properties on the NFL social
network, showing that it can be characterized as a
scale-free and small-world network.
We propose a method to predict the success of
NFL teams based on the network properties and
We thoroughly evaluate the network metrics used
by our method by contrasting them with usual
passer rating statistic. We show that our metrics
outperform this quarterback performance statistic
to predict the success of NFL teams.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews the related literature on
complex networks. Section 3 presents related work.
Section 4 show that the usual passer rating statistic
plays a significant role in only a small fraction of the
NFL players. Section 5 presents the properties of the
NFL social network, including the method we pro-
pose to predict team success. Section 6 shows ex-
perimental results, attesting the effectiveness of our
method and metrics to predict team success, when
compared with passer rating. Finally, Section 7 pro-
vides a summary of the contributions and the conclu-
sions made throughout the other sections, presenting
directions for future research.
Complex networks are huge sets of interconnected
items with a structure that do not follow a regular pat-
tern. For instance, the Internet is a complex network
composed by millions of interconnected routers, fol-
lowing a pattern in which a small number of items are
extremely highly-connected, and the great majority
of items have very few connections (Faloutsos et al.,
1999). They usually are represented as graphs, with
items as nodes (or vertices), and the connections bet-
ween the nodes as edges (or links).
Particularly, a complex network models a real-
world problem with nodes and edges storing infor-
mation on the problem (Wasserman and Faust, 1994).
In multi-modal networks, the information are in the
nodes, while in multidimensional or multi-relational
networks, the information are in the edges. We can
also classify complex networks by their application
in real-world problems (Newman, 2010). Biologi-
cal networks represent biological systems, e.g., neu-
ral, protein, vascular and metabolic pathways net-
works. Information networks represent information
and knowledge systems where nodes are informa-
tion items, such as research articles, documents, and
Web pages. Citation networks and the Web are ex-
amples of information networks. Social networks re-
present relationships between people or groups, such
as friendships, family and professional relationships.
Usually, social networks present a small-world beha-
vior, where no one is far from anyone (Watts and Stro-
gatz, 1998). Technological networks represent man-
made systems, usually built for efficiently distribution
of resources, e.g., electrical grid, telephony, water dis-
tribution and the Internet (Newman, 2003).
Figures 1, 2, and 3, present three different kind of
complex networks. Particularly, they differ according
to how the connections between nodes are built (Costa
et al., 2007): randomly or non-randomly. Random
networks are built from a graph with n nodes, where e
edges are randomly drawn between the nodes (Erd
and R
enyi, 1959), so that all nodes have the same pro-
bability of receiving new connections. In random net-
works, the more connections one add to the graph, the
greater the chance of a cluster to occur.
Figure 1: Example of a random network.
Scale-free networks are built from a graph with
n nodes, where e edges are not randomly drawn bet-
ween the nodes (Albert and Barab
asi, 2002), so that
the more connections a node has, the greater the
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
chance of it receives new connections. In scale-free
networks, the more connections one add to the graph,
the greater the chance of a few nodes getting more
connected. As result, scale-free networks have a very
low degree of connectivity and present a behavior
known as the rich get richer.
Figure 2: Example of a scale-free network.
Small-world networks are built from a graph with
n nodes, where e edges are not randomly drawn be-
tween the nodes (Watts and Strogatz, 1998), so that
the closer a node is to another, the greater the chance
of they are connected. In small-world networks, the
average distance between two nodes do not exceed a
small number of nodes, as long as some random ed-
ges between clusters are established. Thus, a few ed-
ges between clusters are necessary to create a small-
world effect, transforming the hole network into a set
of huge clusters.
Figure 3: Example of a small-world network.
Recently, the theory of complex networks has been
used to address problems in the context of sports.
The interactions between NFL teams and coaches
were modeled as a complex network (Fast and Jen-
sen, 2006). The authors investigate the relationships
between coaches and mentors, characterizing the in-
fluence of champion coaches on their proteg
es. They
also exploit the network to understand how coaches
contribute to team’s success, proposing a model to
predict the success of teams in the NFL playoffs based
on the network topology.
Similarly, the interactions between NBA (Natio-
nal Basketball Association) teams and players were
modeled as a complex network (Vaz de Melo et al.,
2008). The authors model the labor relationships be-
tween NBA players and teams as a complex network
to investigate team’s behavior, proposing different ap-
proaches to predict team success using network me-
trics. The authors also contrast their proposed appro-
aches with box score statistics usually adopted by te-
ams to measure players performance, and show that
network metrics are more effective than box score sta-
tistics for team success prediction.
Additionally, the labor relationships between
NBA players and teams were also modeled as a com-
plex network but, differently from previous work,
no box score statistics are used to predict outcomes
and the network evolves over time (Vaz de Melo
et al., 2012). The knowledge acquired from the evol-
ving network is applied to build a prediction model,
which estimates how well a team will perform in sea-
sons. The use of temporal information to predict team
success was effective and the authors argued that the
proposed model could be applied to other sports.
Currently, the NFL has 32 teams equally divided be-
tween the AFC (American Football Conference) and
the NFC (National Football Conference). In the field,
the players are organized in offensive and defensive
lines, which perform different functions. The quar-
terback is the man in charge, calling signals in the
primary passer, performing passes, and occasionally
running the ball. Quarterbacks are the team’s grea-
test decision-makers with outstanding skills, and their
performance usually determines the success of the
team in a game.
The NFL teams characterize players performance
over time by using several game statistics, which
regularly dictate player’s salaries and the duration
of their contracts. In addition, game statistics are
also used to move a billionaire betting market. For
instance, pass attempts (ATT), passes completed
(COMP), passes intercepted (INT), passing touchdo-
wns (TD), and passing yards (YARDS) are important
game statistics used by teams to evaluate the quarter-
backs, and by gamblers to place bets on games. Par-
ticularly, the NFL officially suggests the passer rating
(PR) metric, to estimate the quarterback performance.
The metric is a combination of four factors computed
Predicting the Success of NFL Teams using Complex Network Analysis
based on the previous reported game statistics:
a =
× 5
b =
× 0.25
c =
× 20
d = 2.375
× 25
PR =
mm(a) + mm(b) + mm(c) + mm(d)
× 100 (1)
Equation 1 presents the formula for the passer ra-
ting metric, where mm(x) = max(0, min(x, 2.375)).
According to Equation 1, the minimum value of PR
is 0, when the quarterback complete up to 30% of the
passes, wins less than 3 yards per attempt, fails to tou-
chdowns and is intercepted at least 9.5% of the rolls.
Inversely, the maximum value is 158.3, when a quar-
terback completes at least 77.5% of the passes, wins
at least 12.5 yards per attempt, pass a touchdown on
at least 11.875% of the attempts and is not intercep-
ted. Figure 4 presents the AT T metric of the NFL
Figure 4: ATT metric of the quarterbacks.
From Figure 4, we observe that the distribution of
AT T follows a power law, i.e., a very small number
of quarterbacks present extraordinary performance,
while a large number of quarterbacks perform poorly.
This behavior suggests that the NFL can be represen-
ted as a scale-free network. Therefore, we believe that
it is possible to build effective models to predict team
success through the investigation of the network topo-
logy and properties. Additionally, Figure 5 presents
the PR metric of the NFL quarterbacks.
Figure 5: PR metric of the quarterbacks.
From Figure 5, we observe that PR values concen-
trate near the mean, increasing or decreasing signifi-
cantly when PR lies more than a few standard deviati-
ons away from the mean, which characterizes a Gaus-
sian distribution. Therefore, a very small number of
quarterbacks present extraordinary (or mediocre) per-
formance, while a large number of quarterbacks per-
form similarly to each other. We perform the previous
analysis on Figures 4 and 5 by collecting teams, sco-
res, and quarterbacks game statistics from the official
NFL site
. Table 1 summarizes the records we col-
Table 1: NFL dataset records.
Conferences 2 (AFC-NFC)
Seasons 16 (2000-2015)
Teams 32
Games 512
Quarterbacks 143
From Table 1, we observe that our dataset compri-
ses 2 NFL conferences, 16 seasons, 32 teams equally
divided in the conferences in each season, with each
team playing 16 games per season.
In this article, we model the labor relationship bet-
ween teams and players as a social network. Particu-
larly, each team and quarterback is represented as a
node, and a labor relation between a team and a quar-
terback is represented as an edge. In addition, two
quarterbacks have an edge connecting them if they
ever played on the same team. We collect labor re-
lationships from the official NFL site from 2000 to
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2015 between 32 teams and 143 quarterbacks. Fi-
gure 6 show the degrees of the quarterbacks and te-
Figure 6: Degree of quarterbacks and teams.
From Figure 6 we observe that most players and
teams have the degree between 4 and 6, i.e., the ma-
jority of players and teams are connected with up to 6
other players and teams. In addition, Figure 7 shows
the annually average degree of quarterbacks and te-
Figure 7: Average degree of quarterbacks and teams by
From Figure 7 we observe that the number of con-
nections between quarterbacks and teams have incre-
ased in the last years, which shows a potential growth
in NFL quarterback turnover, i.e., the rate of quarter-
backs replacement. Moreover, Figure 8 show the dis-
tribution of the clustering coefficients of NFL players
and teams.
Clustering coefficient measures the density of
connections closest to the nodes, and is commonly
used to estimate the connection likelihood between
nodes. From Figure 8 we observe that the values
of the NFL clustering coefficients significantly differs
from the Erdos-R
enyi (ER) network, showing that the
Figure 8: Clustering coefficient of quarterbacks and teams.
NFL social network is not a random network. In addi-
tion, we observe that the values of the NFL clustering
coefficients are greater than the clustering coefficients
of the ER network. Small-world networks are charac-
terized by having a clustering coefficient significantly
higher than its equivalent ER network (Watts and
Strogatz, 1998). Thus, we observe that the NFL so-
cial network follows a small-world behavior. Conse-
quently, information exchanged between players and
teams, such as game tactics and team attractiveness,
are quickly propagated between players, impacting
the teams’ turnover and performance. Figure 9 pre-
sents the NFL small-world network.
Figure 9: The NFL small-world network.
In this section we present two models to predict NFL
team success: i) the EM (efficiency model), based on
the passer rating statistic; ii) the DM (degree model),
based on the node degree metric. As described in
Section 1, the first model is used as baseline to eva-
luate the other model based on network metrics. To
Predicting the Success of NFL Teams using Complex Network Analysis
evaluate the models, we use the Pearson coefficient
to measure the correlation r between the performance
metric used by the model and the real team success,
i.e., the team’s final rank position in the regular sea-
r =
Considering the equation above, The Pearson
coefficient measure the correlation r between the per-
formance metric used by the model (x
) and the real
team success (y
), where r is a real value between 1
and 1, expressing the strength of the correlation be-
tween the two variables, with 1 expressing the most
positive correlation, 1 expressing the most negative
correlation, and 0 expressing no correlation. The sam-
ples were collected only by the top-6 teams in the
AFC and NFC regular seasons, which are the teams
that advanced to the next phase of the NFL champi-
6.1 Efficiency Model
The first prediction model is EM (Efficiency Mo-
del), which is based on game statistics, as described
in Section 4. Particularly, the quarterback PR me-
tric described in Equation 1 is used to measure team
success. We use the PR metric of one year as predic-
tor for the next year. For instance, we rank quarter-
backs by their performance in 2000 season, and we
predict the rank position of the teams in 2001 season
using their quarterbacks performance in the previous
year. Figure 10 presents the Pearson’s coefficient for
the correlation between PR and team success.
Figure 10: Pearson’s coefficient for the correlation between
PR and team success.
From Figure 10 we observe that there is no clear
pattern of correlation between passer rating and team
success. While in a season we observe a strong cor-
relation, in other seasons we observe a weak or no
correlation at all. For instance, in AFC 2009 sea-
son we observe a strong positive correlation, while
in AFC 2001 and 2014 seasons we observe a strong
negative correlation, and in AFC 2007 season we ob-
serve a negligible value of correlation. We observe
the same for the NFC, a strong positive correlation in
2003, 2008 and 2010 seasons, a negative correlation
in 2005 season and a negligible value of correlation in
2004, 2006 and 2007 seasons.
Although there is no clearly pattern of correlation
between passer rating and team success, in 68.75% of
AFC seasons we observe a positive correlation, with
Pearson’s coefficient varying from 0.31 to 0.94, and
in 56.25% of NFC seasons we also observe a positive
correlation, with Pearson’s coefficient varying from
0.08 to 0.94. Particularly, a strong positive correlation
pattern is more frequent in the AFC, where in 37.5%
of the seasons the Pearson’s coefficient was greater
than 0.71. For NFC, only in 18.75% of the seasons
the Pearson’s coefficient was greater than 0.71.
In addition, in seasons 2001, 2005, 2006, and
2011 we observe a difference in the polarity of the
correlation in the AFC and NFC Conferences, i.e.,
when in one Conference we observe a positive cor-
relation in the other we observe a negative correla-
tion. Moreover, only in season 2010 we observe a
strong and positive correlation in both AFC and NFC
Conferences, with Pearson’s coefficient of 0.77 and
0.82 respectively. In 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2012,
2013, and 2015 we also observe a positive correlation
in both AFC and NFC Conferences, but with a wide
range of values between them.
The AFC 2015 season is a good example on how
unfeasible can be passer rating metric to predict team
success. The Denver Broncos, took the first place in
the regular season, being the Superbowl champion.
However, their quarterback Peyton Manning, the best
quarterback in the NFL history, made one of his worst
performance throughout the championship, standing
only one position ahead of the worst quarterback with
a PR = 67.9 in that season.
6.2 Degree Model
The second prediction model is DM (Degree Model),
which is based on the degree distribution of the quar-
terbacks and teams, considering the NFL social net-
work described in Section 5. Particularly, in the mo-
del a team with a high degree is probably a team that
often traded quarterbacks or had quarterbacks who re-
tired. The intuition behind the model is that a team
that recently switches their quarterbacks is a team that
ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
performs badly in the next seasons.
We use a window of three years to build the social
network and extract the node degrees. For instance,
we rank teams by their degrees extracted from the
NFL social network of 2000, 2001 and 2002 seasons,
and we predict the ranking position of the teams in
2003 season using these degrees. Figure 11 presents
the Pearson’s coefficient for the correlation between
node degree and team success.
Figure 11: Pearson’s coefficient for the correlation between
node degree and team success.
From Figure 11 we observe that there is a clear
pattern of correlation between node degree and team
success in AFC. However, we do not observe the same
for NFC. In 92.85% of AFC seasons we observe a po-
sitive correlation, with Pearson’s coefficient of up to
0.88, and in a half of AFC seasons the Pearson’s coef-
ficient was greater than 0.54. But in 28.57% of AFC
seasons the value of the Pearson’s coefficient is al-
most zero, pointing to a negligible correlation. For
NFC, while in a season we observe a strong correla-
tion, in other seasons we observe a weak or no cor-
relation at all. For instance, in NFC 2008 season we
observe a strong positive correlation, while in NFC
2010 and 2012 seasons we observe a strong negative
correlation, and in NFC 2005 season we observe no
correlation at all.
In this article, we proposed a method that exploits
NFL social network properties and metrics to predict
the success of NFL teams. Particularly, we modeled
the labor relationships between NFL teams and play-
ers (quarterbacks) by representing them as nodes and
their relations as edges in a graph, and we used net-
work metrics extracted from the graph as a predictor
of team success. We thoroughly evaluated the net-
work metrics by contrasting them with usual game
statistics from NFL and the results of this evaluation
showed that node degree is a more effective predictor
than passer rating statistic. In addition, complex net-
work analysis showed that the NFL social network is
a scale-free and small-world network, where a large
number of quarterbacks perform poorly, while a very
small number of quarterbacks perform extraordina-
rily, and the distance between any two quarterbacks
in the network is very small.
For future work, we plan to investigate how the
NFL social network evolves over time to propose and
evaluate new network metrics as team success predic-
tors. We also plan to combine network metrics with
usual game statistics to improve the prediction effecti-
The authors are thankful for the support given by
CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development), Brazilian Ministry of
Science, Technology, Innovation and Communicati-
ons (MCTIC), FAPEMIG (Foundation for Research
and Scientific and Technological Development of Mi-
nas Gerais), PUC Minas (Pontifical Catholic Univer-
sity of Minas Gerais), and the MASWeb Project. Par-
ticularly, this work is supported by PUC Minas under
Grant No.: FIP 2016/11086-S2, FAPEMIG/PRONEX
under Grant APQ-01400-14, and MCTIC/CNPq un-
der Grant No.: 444156/2014-3.
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ICEIS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems