Comprehensive View on Architectural Requirements for
Maintenance Information Systems
Andreas Reidt
, Stefan Schuhbäck
and Helmut Krcmar
fortiss GmbH, Guerickestraße 25, Munich, Germany
Chair for Information Systems, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Maintenance Information System, Digitization, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet, Software Architecture,
Mobile Support System, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring, Requirement Engineering, Technical
Customer Service.
Abstract: Concepts of Industry 4.0 and digitization are leading to a much higher complexity of production facilities,
related processes, and activities such as maintenance. As a result, the demands made on the process of
maintenance and the maintenance workers involved are getting more demanding. To meet these requirements,
many information systems have been developed with different purposes and technologies. Yet the
development of these systems is occurring in isolation and the main challenges of the integration of these
maintenance solutions and their information with each other are not addressed. The resulting solutions and
their architectures lack a sustainable holistic viewpoint from the start. To solve these challenges and to give
developers a framework in which to develop information systems for maintenance, a holistic view of the
architectural and requirements is needed. Therefore, a framework for the general requirements of all
maintenance information systems has been developed in this paper. To achieve this, a literature review was
conducted where the requirements for a broad set of maintenance information systems were gathered and
compared with each other. Based on this information, general principles for the architectures of maintenance
information systems were derived.
Progressive digitization is not only leading to
completely new enterprises, but also poses major
challenges for traditional, established companies as
they are also subject to fundamental change (Horváth,
2017). Trends and technologies like IoT (Gubbi et al.,
2013), CPS (Lee, Bagheri and Kao, 2015), Industry
4.0 (Lasi et al., 2014), and respectively the Industrial
internet (Lin et al., 2015) are driving this change to
lead to major challenges, especially for
manufacturing companies.
On the one hand, the existing processes are
subject to a strong and purely technological change.
On the other, changes to the company's current
business models are not only made possible by
current technologies but they are also necessary, so
that companies must prepare for a disruptive change
(Reidt, Duchon and Krcmar, 2017). Producing
companies often turn into producing service
providers (Daeuble et al., 2015).
Linked to these changes are processes such as
maintenance for production plants, which struggle to
cope with this new resulting environment. This
introduces additional complexities such as changes to
the business models, more complex machinery
throughout the maintenance industry and higher
requirements for the maintenance workforce.
To compensate for these effects, a large variety of
information systems (ISs) exist within the industry to
support maintenance operations and tasks. Besides
such traditional systems as Computerized
Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
(Gabbar et al., 2003) that are becoming enhanced
with additional features, completely new support
systems with state-of-the-art technologies such as
mobile support systems (Fellmann et al., 2013), or
systems that use augmented reality (Zhu, Ong and
Nee, 2014) are being introduced to the industry.
The main issue with the current development is
that existing systems have been developed and are
being operated in an isolated manner, and that they
form isolated data islands (Galar, 2014). The
Reidt, A., Schuhbäck, S. and Krcmar, H.
Comprehensive View on Architectural Requirements for Maintenance Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006698602490257
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2018), pages 249-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-300-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
information exchange between systems is scarce and
if present often complicated or not completely
automated. This is reinforced because many of these
systems have a specific use case, which is
implemented in isolation from the Big Picture that
current maintenance operation needs. Moreover,
existing systems and requirements for holistic
maintenance systems are not known and their
development is costly. Furthermore, such a
development requires an interdisciplinary view,
which combines knowledge from various fields such
as computer science, maintenance, business and
industrial automation.
To approach these challenges an architectural
requirement framework is proposed in this paper that
emphasizes requirements for maintenance ISs. The
framework will show requirements within different
ISs and pin-point similar and holistic requirements
that must be considered in the development process
of software architectures for maintenance related IS.
Furthermore, relevant ISs in a production
environment and support systems for maintenance are
presented that can fulfil these requirements or their
integration are needed in order to extract relevant
Together, the systems and the holistic
requirements form the cornerstone for a framework
that can be the basis for the development of
sustainable and holistic software architectures for
maintenance ISs.
In the following chapter, the existing IS for
production which have a supporting role to
maintenance activities as well as dedicated IS with
the sole purposes to aid maintenance activities on all
levels are presented. Chapter 3 describes the used
method of identifying requirements of ISs and the
subsequent clustering. Lastly, a framework is
generated and the corresponding outcome is
discussed. Furthermore, research outlooks in the
context of creating additional reference architectures
for maintenance ISs are presented.
The classification of the most relevant ISs for
maintenance requires a definition of the framework
for the concept of maintenance. In this paper, the
concept of maintenance can be understood as the
“combination of all technical, administrative and
managerial actions during the life cycle of an item
intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which
it can perform the required function” (Deutsches
Institut für Normung, 2015).
Maintenance, however, comes in a variety of
types, concepts and strategies, which have been
developed over the last few decades. These influence
the selection and characteristics of maintenance
systems. Therefore, concepts, types and maintenance
strategies relevant to the information systems are
presented below. Subsequently, ISs are described,
from which information is needed in order to carry
out maintenance tasks. These systems form the core
of the IT architecture for most manufacturing
companies. Then, an overview of current systems that
are designed to support maintenance and their terms
in literature and practice is provided.
2.1 Maintenance Types, Concepts and
Apart from different maintenance measures, the
literature distinguishes maintenance strategies or
types and concepts. The two main strategies or types
according to Niu et al. (2010) are reactive and
preventive maintenance. Reactive maintenance
describes actions after a unit failure occurs whereas
preventive measures are taken beforehand to mitigate
failures. The preventive measures can be divided into
subcategories: periodical and condition based
Figure 1: Maintenance strategies based on Niu et al. (2010).
With periodical maintenance, tasks are planned
with fixed intervals, regardless of the current state of
the machine. The intervals can be time-driven or
based on other variables such as mileage.
The condition-based approach will schedule
maintenance measures based on the current condition
or on a predicted future condition calculated, based
on statistical models and data mining. This distinction
between predictive maintenance and condition
monitoring is essential in order to distinguish newer
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Overview of relevant systems for maintenance, divided into production systems and support systems.
ISs for maintenance. The entire representation of the
subdivision of maintenance strategies or types is
shown in Figure 1. Within manufacturing industry, all
approaches mentioned are used to some degree and
introduce specific requirements for supporting IS.
Reactive maintenance will require the IS to assist
with failure analysis and repair whereas preventive
maintenance requires planning and scheduling of
maintenance tasks, according to the current or future
state of the machine.
These concepts and types have a significant
impact on the required features of maintenance ISs
and the necessary information a maintenance worker
has to extract.
2.2 Production Systems
In industrial applications, maintenance information is
needed from a variety of ISs to efficiently perform
maintenance tasks. These ISs supply production and
maintenance with information and they are located at
different levels of the automation pyramid
(Bauernhansl, 2014). In the upper section of Figure 2,
a list of the identified most popular ISs relating to
maintenance tasks is presented.
Product Data Management (PDM) systems
manage the data used within the development process
and provide access to this data across every phase of
the product lifecycle. Connected with these kind of
systems are Document Management Systems
(DMSs) which are often used to manage physical
and/or digital heterogeneous documents within
companies. Both systems can be seen as parts of a
generic Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs)
enable the gathering and display of context-
dependent, explicit and implicit knowledge or
information of an organization (Maier, 2007).
Spare Part Management (SPM) systems contain
information on spare parts, including pictorial
representations, 3D models and information on bills
of materials (BOMs).
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
support all business processes while Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MESs) are tailored to technical
production processes.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
systems are closely connected to ERP systems with
the goal of increasing shareholder value by managing
customer data and steering business processes to good
customer relationships.
Advanced Planning Systems (APSs) are used to
manage material, personnel, tooling and production
plants across national borders. Many tasks within
APSs can be found in part in the systems described
above. The focus of APSs is mainly on the
mathematical optimization of these complex
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) directly
control the production process on the lower level of
the automation pyramid within a machine or group of
machines. The real-time data generated is used within
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
systems to directly manage the production process.
PLC and SCADA systems contain important
information for real-time condition monitoring.
2.3 Support Systems
In contrast to the ISs mentioned in the previous
section, the following ISs have been identified as
systems dedicated to supporting maintenance
activities directly rather than just serving as an
information source. The ISs are presented in the lower
section of Figure 2.
CMMSs are among the first systems used to
support maintenance tasks. CMMSs are used to
provide support mainly in maintenance planning and
controlling tasks.
Comprehensive View on Architectural Requirements for Maintenance Information Systems
Mobile Support Systems (MSSs) assist
maintenance workers on site in remote locations by
providing, for example, billing data or manufacturer
documents to a mobile device. MSSs are mainly used
as data aggregators or presentation devices and for
dispatching tasks to maintenance workers.
Condition Monitoring Systems (CMSs) have the
task of continuously monitoring individual machines
or complete systems. If the measured state has a large
deviation from the theoretical state, the CMS will
generate an appropriate message to inform (for
example) the operator.
E-Maintenance (E-MS) is a term that emerged in
the early 2000s (Iung et al., 2009), linked to the
increasing use of ICT in general and by the Internet
in particular (Li et al., 2005). The termE-MS
systems” is used to describe a variety of diverse
systems with modern technologies, ranging from
remote maintenance systems (Iung, 2003) to CMMS
with enhanced web technology (Hausladen and
Bechheim, 2004).
Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMSs) were
developed by (Lee et al., 2006) at the same time as
E-MS. (Ling Wang et al., 2006) defines the IMS core
paradigm of allowing error prediction by means of
sensor analysis and prediction of performance
degradation of a component. With this definition, the
IMS concept is strongly linked to predictive
maintenance and CMS.
The focus of Predictive Maintenance Systems
(PMSs) is similar to that of IMSs but with more
emphasis on error prediction and avoidance, based on
algorithms and data mining techniques. The term and
linked technology are somehow the trending topics
for maintenance IS due to the rise of data mining and
artificial intelligence. Another reason for this
popularity is the increase in big cloud providers who
offer services especially for predictive maintenance.
Decision Support Systems (DSSs) emphasize the
aspect of data analysis and presentation in order to
facilitate the analysis of the current situation by
means of modern algorithms, allowing decision
makers to make informed decisions.
2.4 Architectural Considerations when
Implementing New Maintenance
The systems presented here outline the challenges
that arise in the development of holistic ISs to support
maintenance. Information from a large number of
systems is required, which is why the architecture of
an IS has to deal primarily with data integration and
interfaces. Furthermore, the number of support
systems shows the many different facets in which
maintenance can be supported. However, the
distinction and inclusion of the relevant requirements,
which lead to the respective systems, is often very
difficult. The development of sustainable
architectures also requires knowledge of the
properties and requirements of the systems and thus
of the overlapping core.
So far, however, no papers are known to us that
relate these systems to one another and compare their
characteristics and requirements. Only overviews of
the requirements for MSSs can be found by
(Matijacic et al., 2013). For this reason, relevant
requirements are subsequently derived, based on
these systems.
A comprehensive perspective on maintenance ISs is
needed to evaluate whether a requirement can be
considered holistic. This holistic view has to
aggregate all the aforementioned systems to
distinguish special and common requirements and it
needs to identify the most important ones for future
maintenance ISs.
To establish this holistic view, requirements for
individual ISs are gathered in this paper via a
comprehensive literature review that will establish a
holistic and interdisciplinary view of maintenance
3.1 Literature Review Approach
The literature review was conducted in 2017 via a
comprehensive database search. The aim of the
literature review was not to show that the literature
search found every relevant article. Instead, the
articles found needed to demonstrate a broad basis of
the diverse systems as viewed from a variety of
research directions, in order to achieve an
interdisciplinary view on requirements. For this
reason, Google Scholar was used as a search
engine/database. Thus, not only could very special
and exact search terms be used, but also very far-
reaching ones.
Keywords were extracted by the above systems,
maintenance concepts, strategies, methods, and
technologies used. These keywords were combined
with the terms ‘system’, ‘requirement’ and/or
‘maintenance’ to form a search string that certainly
had a relation with these terms. If the system names
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
varied between German and English, additional
German search terms were employed. A combined
total of 43 search terms were used. Only articles from
2005 to the present were examined.
All the articles resulting for each search term were
investigated unless there were more than 80 results
per search term. In these cases, only the top 80 were
investigated because the relation to the search term
and the relevance decreased with each result.
The results were examined to determine whether
they contained requirements for ISs for maintenance
in general or for a specific IS. These requirements can
be explicit or implicit. In the case of explicit
requirements, these are named exactly. For example,
either by presenting requirements for a system or by
a literature overview of requirements for a system or
framework. Implicit requirements, on the other hand,
can be reliably derived from descriptions of systems
or frameworks. They are not mentioned directly, but
they can certainly be deduced from the functions or
descriptions in the articles.
The results of the respective search terms were
first classified according to the title, keywords, and
abstract only if they were considered relevant. During
this process, 405 relevant papers were identified. The
papers were then further examined and the entire
contents of the paper were analysed. In this step, the
requirements were also extracted. In total, 61 relevant
papers were investigated that dealt with requirements
for maintenance ISs or requirements could be
In order to avoid a situation where requirements
for a particular prototype, which was treated in
several of the papers found, were included multiple
times in the analysis, these requirements were
normalized. Papers dealing with the same specific
prototype therefore count as one publication and all
the extracted requirements from the individual
publications were summarized in this publication.
However, they only count once.
After removing these papers, a total of 56 articles
remained for inclusion in the requirements analysis
for a holistic maintenance IS. The results are
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Summarized results of literature search.
Search strings 43
esults 3115
Relevant results 405
ers use
Papers used without
3.2 Resulting Requirements
Several steps were taken to gather the requirements
from the papers:
Extracting the explicit and or implicit
requirements in original form
In the next step, not mentioned requirements that
are prerequisites by already extracted
requirements were added as if they belonged to
the article
Similar requirements were unified and
standardized. Afterwards, the requirements were
clustered into topics
In total, 135 different requirements were
identified in all the articles. In summary, the 135
requirements were identified 751 times in all articles.
These numbers show that requirements occur
multiple times across different publications in
relation to different systems and domains.
Table 2: Summarized results of literature search.
Condition Monitorin
Order Mana
ement 27
Error/Failure Histor
Overview of plants including specific plant
related information
Remote maintenance with a focus on remote
Information on measures and tooling history of
Knowledge management 21
Condition history of parts
lants 19
Spare parts management (storage location,
availability, costs)
Predictive maintenance 18
Provide maintenance plans/schedules for plants 16
Performance assessment and verification of the
Document management (storage, provision,
of documents
Communication and contact with other persons
e-mail, messa
es, tele
Optimization of maintenance with respect to
orders, inspections etc.
Component overview of plants 13
Presentation of the state of the plant on
Remote access (changing settings, controlling
Intelligent planning and scheduling of
Spare parts, material and possible tool lists per
Display of an overview of internal and external
erts for maintenance
Error message with detailed description 12
Comprehensive View on Architectural Requirements for Maintenance Information Systems
Table 2 summarizes all requirements found in the
literature that occur at least 12 times. As a result, the
requirements are seen in this article as top
requirements. The names of the requirements have
been partially truncated or aggregated.
We can see that the “Condition Monitoring”
requirement or the requirement block is stated in
more than half of all publications. Despite the fact
that only 13 publications dealt with condition
monitoring in detail, it can be said that condition
monitoring is important for a broad range of
maintenance ISs.
Order management and failure history are two
requirements that are also broadly represented in the
publications. An order management system, which
manages incoming orders and tasks while monitoring
ongoing ones, is essential for most ISs for
maintenance if they want to be productive. In many
cases, order management was performed by external
systems that were not specially stated.
Supervision and monitoring were other important
requirements. An overview of plants with information
on spare parts, functionality and location was a top
requirement. Linked to this, the ability to monitor the
plant via remote maintenance is an essential
requirement for many publications. Yet there is a
difference between remote maintenance with a focus
on monitoring and remote maintenance enabling
direct access to the plant. This requirement was also
a top requirement, but had only a value of 12.
Other important requirements with more than 17
occurrences were the provision of information on
measures, tools and the history in general of a plant,
the requirement for knowledge management
(especially for knowledge of how to repair certain
plants) and general knowledge for maintenance
personnel. Another important requirement was the
need to save and maintain access to the condition
history of the plant and machinery. These are
especially important for analysis and failure analysis.
Connected with this requirement is the requirement
for predictive maintenance, counted 18 times, which
in fact was in most cases separated from condition
monitoring as predictive maintenance is a forecast
and data mining techniques are used sometimes.
Spare part management was also a very important
issue, which should be handled via IS. This
requirement includes the integration of spare part
ordering and its connection to failures or orders, so
that maintenance personnel knows beforehand which
spare parts are needed for a job. Additionally, the
need to automatically mark used spare parts was
mentioned in this requirement.
These requirements, only 22 in all, have a total
count of 388 of 751 of all requirements and cover
almost ~52% of all mentions. Thus, one can say that
some of these requirements or parts of them are the
basis of nearly all the systems investigated.
Considering the impact these requirements can
have on the architectural consideration of a holistic
maintenance information system, the need arise to
integrate them into planning as early as possible. A
framework will be presented in the next section to do
this and to integrate the requirements not explicitly
The top requirements, like the rest of the 135
requirements, can be classified into specific
These categories, in addition to the top requirements,
are designed to facilitate architectural decisions on
new ISs for maintenance. The relevant requirements
are known and can be classified more easily through
the categories and the top requirements. Furthermore,
software architectures and experts can compare their
own requirements with those in the framework,
identify their own and recognize interactions. Besides
this, the architecture and the development of the
categories can assume an early form of
modularization. Interactions on a higher level can
also be investigated.
Figure 3: Clustered categories for requirements.
All the requirements were initially grouped into
diverse categories. This classification was refined
systematically through an iterative process. Finally,
Technical Customer
Remote Maintenance
Ordermanagement &
Service Management
Maintenance Planning
and Optimization
Plant Overview and
Spare Parts
Mobile System
Fault Management
CM and PM
External Services
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
the following categories were identified in which the
requirements for a maintenance IS can be assigned.
The categories are shown in Figure 3. They are
displayed, from the top left to the bottom right,
according to the sum of the mentions of the individual
requirements and the number of top requirements.
Grey blocks contain top requests, while white blocks
do not.
The individual categories are presented below
with reference to exemplary requirements:
(Historical) Evaluations: The category with the
highest number of mentions of requirements is
the (historical) evaluation. Four of the top
requirements are in this block that deals with
failure, order and condition histories, as well as
with the evaluation of performance connected
with these aspects.
Plant Overview and Information: This category
contains all requirements that provide
information about plants. This includes
requirements such as an overview of all plants
and their properties, as well as a component
overview for every plant. In addition, technical
documents, such as manuals, for example,
should be directly accessible.
Order Management & Information: Order
management for incoming orders and the
management of tasks is necessary in a broad
variety of systems. In this category,
requirements for order management and the
connected information about the order can be
found. Furthermore, the section includes
employee-oriented features, such as an
individual overview of own tasks and the
possibility to accept and reject tasks. It also
includes aspects such as connecting an order
with the required skills, and the ability to
prioritize orders. Considering architectural
implications, this category comprises a
managing core for most maintainer-oriented
systems because most information from other
categories have to be connected with the
corresponding order.
Maintenance Planning and Optimization: In
this category, features for optimization can
mostly be found. The optimization of the order
management or an intelligent disposition of the
workforce considering their locations, skills
and failure priorities are examples. In addition,
requirements for a risk classification or
integrated cost management are also assigned
to this category.
CM and PM: In this category, requirements that
deal with condition monitoring and predictive
maintenance can be found. On the one hand,
the most frequently mentioned requirement,
namely to determine the condition of a
machine, is present in this category, together
with further requirements for the visualization
of this state. On the other hand, there are
requirements in this category that are related to
the prediction of errors and the use of data-
mining techniques.
Knowledge Management: Requirements for
knowledge management can be found in this
category. The most frequently cited
requirement in this category is the knowledge
management as an aggregation. This
requirement is specialized in other
requirements, which mainly deal with the
storage, restoration and linking of knowledge
with the concrete task.
Spare parts management: This category of
requirements is all about the management of
spare parts. This includes the display of
required spare parts, their availability, costs
and storage location. Further requirements for
the (automatic) ordering, forecasting and links
to current orders are among other things
grouped in this category.
Remote Maintenance: The category of remote
maintenance covers primarily the read access
and thus contains remote maintenance as a top
requirement. In addition, the requirements
dealing with writing access and remote access
and control for plants are illustrated here. There
are also special requirements for the audio and
video transmission of the machine data.
Document management: The document
management category includes requirements
for managing documents, for the partially
automated documentation of completed orders,
and for fill-in assistants for specific forms and
Fault management: Failure management
includes requirements for the fault messages of
the systems and the system. Above all, a
detailed error message is required. Moreover, a
fault report directly sent to the device used by
the responsible person or error messages with
cause-effect relationships and the possibility to
prioritize errors and report them manually are
requirements in this category.
Employee Management: Requirements in this
category are used to manage and overview
employees in maintenance. This includes the
provision of an overview of the internal and
external competency providers with an
Comprehensive View on Architectural Requirements for Maintenance Information Systems
availability schedule, a potential system for
measuring working time, provision of skill
profiles or semi-automatic travel cost
Communication: Communication
requirements include the ability to
communicate with other employees and
competencies for example via e-mail, SMS, or
telephone. Additionally, message functionality,
Web 2.0 capabilities for commenting solutions
and feedback functions are generally
mentioned as requirements in this category.
Service Management: Maintenance
management includes only three requirements.
In particular, the provision of maintenance
plans for the systems and their components, the
possibility to manually define maintenance
limits and to compile maintenance
The next two categories were unique to some
special kind of systems and have no top requirement:
Technical Customer Service: In this section the
only requirement that is necessary for IS which
is used to manage a technical customer service
and the interaction with external customers. It
contains the customer management,
connections with a CRM, the display of
customer information for the maintenance
personnel on site and several interfaces for
reporting faults.
Mobile System: This category contains
requirements for MSS or IS that support mobile
devices. It is an optional block of requirements
that only contains specific mobile features such
as barcode scanning, offline mode, photo
features or a wireless diagnosis with a mobile
Recommendations/Guidance: The
recommendations/guidance block mainly
includes the feature to provide
recommendations for specific errors,
maintenance, or error diagnoses, and they are
automatically attached to the job/order.
The last two blocks consist of a few requirements
that deal with specific system administration
requirements and specific integrations of external
services. All of the requirements have a low value and
seem not very important for most authors. Yet the
functions seem to be necessary for the most
productive systems.
Contrary to the assumption that the many existing
systems for maintenance are very different, the result
of this article shows that maintenance systems have a
generic core. This should be considered in future
developments and the framework presented can
support this.
The framework consists of 18 categories, which
together contain 135 requirements. Of these 135
requirements, 22 requirements are defined as top
requirements covering 52% of all claims of
requirements. In addition to the requirements in the
framework, the most important potentially existing
systems for the maintenance activity were presented
in this article. A distinction was made between
systems from which data is primarily extracted and
systems that directly support maintenance.
By providing this information, the framework helps
to simplify the development and the selection of
maintenance ISs of various types.
Through the structured overview of a holistic
view on requirements for a maintenance IS impacts
and future developments can be better assessed.
Further, architecture requirements can be compared
and derived. Building on this knowledge of existing
ISs combined with the overview of requirements, the
selection and development of ISs for maintenance can
be facilitated by early interface considerations.
The framework offers an abstract basis for
designing the architecture and deriving architectural
components from the categories and examining
existing architectures for the extension with regard to
different requirements.
The various requirements and their
categorizations also reveal the problem of the
fragmentation of the individual services for
maintenance, since data must be obtained from a
variety of individual systems and services to form a
holistic entity.
In the future, a reference architecture for holistic
maintenance systems needs to be developed based on
these findings, which will not only enable the core of
a maintenance system to be displayed technically. It
should also enable various existing services and
systems to be combined in such a way that synergies
are created.
Thanks are due to the Bundesministerium für Bildung
und Forschung (BMBF) for financial support of this
ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
work within the project PRODISYS (FKZ
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