
accordance with the specified threat model. The pro-
posed mechanisms improves the violation detection
and can be used with an SLA solution that specifies
security guarantees (Luna et al., 2015).
Although our evaluation with CPNs demonstrate
the security of our proposal, it is interesting, as future
work, to deploy it in a cloud infrastructure in order
to evaluate its functioning in a real scenario and ana-
lyze performance aspects. After, it is possible to pro-
pose changes to improve the efficiency, without losing
the security. The proposed mechanisms can be adap-
ted to be combined with others access control mecha-
nisms (e.g., proxy re-encryption or Attribute-Based
Encryption). A robust solution should also include
mechanisms to address other security properties such
as availability and location. The broker, for example,
can manage the storage in multiple providers, impro-
ving the service availability.
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e Batista
de Carvalho was also supported by CAPES/FAPEPI
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