Villarejo (Kosower and Lopez-Villarejo, 2015). Their
approach needs human interactions to add annotations
which is not an easy task. Especially for large appli-
cations, containing millions of lines of code. Moreo-
ver, the generated workflow can be executed contrary
to the workflow produced by Zou and al (Zou et al.,
2004) which can be used as a documentation only. It
is worthy to note that due to the fact that the gene-
rated workflow has a hierarchical structure, it can be
used for documentation as well. It is up to the one
using it (e.g. developer, architect, etc.) to decide at
which level of details he wants to stop. In addition,
unlike the workflow produced by Zou and al (Zou
et al., 2004), data dependencies between tasks are ex-
plicitly expressed in our workflow. To the best of our
knowledge, only our approach recovers both data and
control flows from source code.
Note that, several works rely on workflows in or-
der to perform dynamic configuration to optimize re-
sources usage in the cloud, and thus to reduce exe-
cution costs (Zhu et al., 2016; Masdari et al., 2016;
Fakhfakh et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2009; Lin and Lu,
2011). In our future works, we intend either to use
these works to run the generated workflow or to pro-
pose a new approach inspired from them.
The main contribution of the work presented in this
paper is the refactoring of OO source code to gene-
rate a workflow. For this purpose, first a mapping mo-
del between OO programming concepts and workflow
concepts was defined. In order to identify the map-
ping, a three steps process was proposed. It is worthy
to note that the generated workflow can be used to de-
ploy code and data on paying platforms such as the
cloud and reducing execution costs. As a part of fu-
ture work, we plan to apply our approach on real and
complex case studies. In addition to this, we intend
to improve the generated workflow by enhancing the
granularity level of the identified tasks. In fact, some
of them are fin-grained. Finally, we plan to propose an
approach to run the generated workflow on the cloud
while reducing costs.
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ENASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering